How easy is life as a white female?

How easy is life as a white female?

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0 difficulty slider tutorial mode easy

Why bother specifying white in the case of females? They all have it good, boohoo one has better access to white men.

being a black woman would fucking suck

>>Why bother specifying white in the case of females? They aII have it good, boohoo one has better access to white men.

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As someone that not a white female, you wouldn't even be able to comprehend how easy it is. White women literally have nothing to complain about, yet all they do is complain.

Nah, women in the Middle East, or black women have it pretty shitty. Hell, most women in Third World countries have it shitty as well.

Very easy if you're attractive, a bit easy if you're very ugly.

Pretty easy considering they are at least above average

easy af my man

>they all have it good
>muslim women
>some indian women
>unattractive black women
>having it good

All of them date up or bare minimum across you cucks.

Women in the american allied parts of the middle east have it great, basically hypergamy on steroids where they all go on expensive dates with someone with his dick in the oil money.

it depends if you have money, are mentally healthy, thin, higher than a 4 in looks, etc.

>relationships fix your life
user... i

Fuck off bitch, the worst slight a woman can suffer today is the ego bruise that they can't get chad

the kind of person who makes a claim like that is the kind of person whose only problem is tfw no gf and thinks other people are on the same level.
user, people have cancer. people can't pay their bills. people suffer from schizophrenia and other degenerative brain shit. go outside.

Tutorial mode.Maybe it's just where I live but white women can just do whatever retarded shit comes to thier mind.Even if they are boderline retarded they can make it
>Sister works at school
>One of the kid's mother is 29 and has three kids with differnet fathers
>Still got married and
>Despite saying how she only barely making it she says, doesn't to work

Easier than asian females for sure. They arent pressured by society to be successful and be loaded with money. Also, they have an easier time dating.
t. asian fembot

None of those have anything to do with gender you retarded whore. I bet that was somehow a smart reply in your "brain".

aren't you astute?

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>"""""date"""" a guy
>free food, rides and money in exchange for lying on your back for 15 min
>this doesn't improve the quality of life

Possibly the easiest difficulty setting there is.

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Maim yourself

>date a guy
>take on his laundry
>take on his dishes
>let him fuck you
>pay for all his groceries
>sleep in his busted ass bed because he thinks your mattress is too soft
yeah dating is really fun.
we don't live in a 50s "paradise" where women make $2/hr as a little secretary a couple days a week and the man works a full time job.

>>let him fuck you
What's the point of women again

a vagina isn't a ticket out of cancer. even an intellectually disabled individual like you must agree.

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>says the habitual Jow Forums poster

>actually doing what he says and not just being a lazy piece of shit until he tries to kick you out
Are you stupid and you think that's how it actually works or a femanon? If you're a femanon pls date me, I won't even ask you to do chores

i think it works that way because i am a femanon, but i can't date you, i am committed to a monogamous relationship
it's just not really like
fun like people think. it's a lot of work.

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