Ask a 25 year old cartpusher for Walmart anything.
Ask a 25 year old cartpusher for Walmart anything
why do you still work at walmart at age 25?
What do you do for a livin?
Your mum, faggot
how do you make enough to live? What type of place do you live in with 7.50$ an hour and how long do you work every day to make enough?
based fellow walmart cartpusher. I like the job because i'm on my phone 75% of the time and i don't have to talk to managers ever.
cartpushers dont make that much you sheltered nigga.
because Walmart gave me a chance to work for them when I was 22, theyve given me good hours to earn a paycheck, but Im afraid to find another job I wont be good at
minimum wage is 7.50 is it not?
Since you're a cartpusher have you ever dared to become a cartpuller or is that asking too much?
Who's dick did you have to suck to get a job there?
Though seriously, you're a faggot for doing buggy pushing when only the males are forced to do it. Faggot enabler.
does that not get boring though?
Federal minimum wage is $7.25 but many states have set there own higher wage.
not really i just play osrs mobile and browse Jow Forums. it's the exact same thing i do at home.
What user? Cartpushers make 11 an hr at least here in California, I get 30 hrs or so and I still live with my dad
We seriously got lucky landing this job user, people might think were retarted but hey
I push carts by hand user I dont use the machine
Nobodies, I just applied online and they called me the next day
Ye, where I live it's 10.25 in the state, and 11.25 in the city.
The minimum wage only applies to people. Legally, those with down syndrome can be argued to not be "people" as they have a different chromosomal structure. As if anyone really wants to go up against Wal-Mart's legal team in defense of retarded cart pushers.
I am in the same position as you but I work at a local grocery store. All in all you seem to have the harder bit working for a faceless corporation.
>We seriously got lucky landing this job user, people might think were retarted but hey
yea all of my coworkers treat my really nicely because every single cartpusher here has some sort of disability
>user finally realizes why he's a virgin
Upvote +1 oregonilly
OP here I read this and I keked cant lie.
Well yes, I need to apply for other jobs though, im afraid i wont have what it takes elsewhere or who knows
>apply for the job and get called back meme
That is a very believable bait user.
no they treat me nicely because i'm gay and i live in a progressive state
eyy fellow scaper. I mean, that is all I do at home too, but when I did retail and that for ten years I was so fucking bored I almost an hero'd.
>being gay is enough of a disability to become a walmart cartpusher
how do you deal with the arthritis?
The store I work at has one cart guy. He's literally mentally retarded lol.
you don't need a disability to become a walmart cartpusher, i wasn't even interviewed they just hired me. i just think people with disabilities are attracted to the job.
If you get your ice for your coolers from a machine, take a good look inside of it because ours was filled horribly with black mold and no one ever bothered to clean it while they blissfully still sucked that shit down.
I don't get you user?
What do you usually do for your lunch nigga? Ever since I started working there all I do is go to my car and eat there, I don't make friends with workers I just push carts.
Harsh truth man
I couldn't get a Target cart-pusher job.
there's a subway in our walmart so i eat there everyday. i also sit in there for breaks instead of the breakroom since it's less depressing.
>don't get you
The reason there are NEETs is because we're not motivated enough to beg for work that we don't even want to do. No one just goes and chooses a job anymore. Out of hundreds of applications you will get maybe one call back, and still not get the job after that single interview, and that's with an education that would allow for applying to less competitive jobs due to not being entry level like your job is. Your job is harder to obtain than mcdonalds, of which micdonalds is harder to get into than Harvard statistically.
that's probably a good thing. target expects a lot more from their cartpushers than walmart does.
Hey I work at Walmart too, 29 years young going no where in life and working apparel. I spend a lot of my day shitposting and fake looking like I'm working
iirc walmart has a company $11/hr minimum wage now.
how do you get away with not working constantly?
do i just work a shit shitty store where they dog people to work faster constantly and panic if you stop working for even a couple minutes?
I wouldnt concider myself mentally retarted, Ive just had trouble socializing for a long time now.
Oh shit they do that with you guys too? We get our ice from a freezer
Pretty sure you have to cashier at Target too, cashiering is a big no no for me
Apply for the jobs that suck user and arent hard,try your hardest if you get hired and people will give you the hours, only reason why Im still here is because A) Have gotten pretty good hours B) im afraid to go into a different ball game.
I work at Kroger, do not become a (((courtesy clerk)))
On paper it sounds like all you do is bag groceries and push carts, but they also have you do ALL of the janitorial work, including but not limited to cleaning the bathrooms, pulling the trash, cleaning freezer mold, attempting to sweep a carpet because the vacuum is always fucking broken, and generally picking up after the dregs of society because my store was in the middle of the duplex projects, trailer city and drifter highway. Luckily though I just stock shelves at night now, it's been interesting to see how quickly the grape soda and other black marketed food.
What's the best shot you guys ever find on the parking lot though? I've found a full pack of newport's, morphine from our pharmacy, 20$ bill, too many phones to count, and a mortgage lawyers nametag.
Also, I generally give everything back to the lost and found :^)
Don't they have the system where you level up based on the amount of time you work there? You could make a lot of money if you stay loyal to them.
It's just super noticable when you're not pushing carts compared to me where as long as I keep shit off the floor and fold a few tables between shitposting then I'm fine.
I worked produce at Kroger. Regularly wanted to commit suicide.
>apply for jobs that suck user and you will magically get one just because le applied
Something to be said about nepotism and the fact that different areas have different demands.
Lie on your resume, and give them you're mom or dad's phone number as the company contact. They won't hire anyone with no experience, or a big hole in their work history. I always get pissed and walk out, and this method has worked for me easily 4 times.
>to get an honest job you must lie
Fuck off. I'm not going to faggot enable so the slippery slope makes things even worse.
>what? you never volunteered? You must work for free XD
>what you did not indentured servant long enough XDDDD
No thank you.
If I lie and they need to train me then I'm just wasting time also. You should logically not have to lie. Fuck off with the competition bullshit. There will be a loser after we all lie on the resume still anyway.
>Fuck off. I'm not going to faggot enable so the slippery slope makes things even worse.
Everyone does it. That's how it works now, whether you like it or not.
>If I lie and they need to train me then I'm just wasting time also.
How is that wasting time? You'll be gaining skills whilst getting paid.
>You should logically not have to lie.
This is all very logical. You lie to make people believe that you're more qualified than you really are, so that they give you money. What's illogical about that?
>Fuck off with the competition bullshit.
It is a competition. That's how it is.
>There will be a loser after we all lie on the resume still anyway.
Yeah, but you stand no chance at all if you don't lie. It's a guarantee that you'll be the loser if you don't lie. Don't be stupid, user.