Do you ever think a woman will ever want to be alone around you in a romantic context?

Do you ever think a woman will ever want to be alone around you in a romantic context?

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I dont think a woman will want to be alone with me in any context

If I can hide the fact that I'm a fucking psycho long enough.
I'm only ugly on the inside

Who is this demon demon's normiegram

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Is this a dude? This is original

On the verge of suicide right now lads. I'm never going to experience the OP picture. I'm never going to have a girl be comfortable around me on my bed. I'm never going to have a girl love me. My job is so shitty and there will never be an out. My boss is shitty. I don't have a single friend. I'm ugly as fuck too.

Idk what to do anymore.

One of these days...

oreganolli polli olie

kekkles, same brother

No, I don't think that will ever happen.

It hurts knowing I'll never make somebody happy.

no it is no my dude

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What's the story here?
Are you the guy who took th pic in the OP

I'm the guy who took the picture in the OP.

She was calling me daddy and baby when I knew her for 4 days and swallowed. Said I couldn't be in a serious relationship with her and she broke down. I offered her help twice, but she went off on me and blocked me. Idk what it is with white women on tinder, but they're fucking nuts dude.

Not gay but that's a nice dick you got there user

How tf do I even match with these chicks on tinder??

Someone please fucking shoot me fuck

Someone pass the IG

>implying your sane
you're so far off, you can't even see how deranged you sound

I know you're baiting, but tell me why.

its a different story everytime you post. gtfo.

Most of my ex's have only wanted to be isolated with me for extremely long periods of time. It could get exhausting.

You think the broad wanted to fuck the interview? Dude is 1000x more beautiful than her bf

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I'm so demotivated in that aspect of my life that I am quite sure that no woman will want to be around me in any context.

Honestly yes but I don't know what I'd with myself