Chat with a transgirl thread! xD

oh i need to write something. okay this is the thread where you get to chat with a real live transgirl who's up too late and bored and stuff!

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Other urls found in this thread:

whats your relationship with your father like? be honest.

feet? and asl i guess.

I'd fuck a tranny if I was drunk and coked up enough.

it's good. he accepts me, but is disappointed i never went to university.

can't post rl pics here.


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Nobody cares that you're transgender. Every transgender person I have met makes it out to be a personality trait when most of you are just lonely, mental and pretty boring.

No one cares you fucking degenerate fuck up brain dead faggot. You're nothing. You're nothing but a defective, you'll never be given praise or attention for anything positive. Your defect is literally all there is to you and that's terribly sad.

i'm lots of things besides trans.


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what if i wanted to get to know you? i dont bite.

idk i'm here if you wanna chat. brb though, shower.

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You're nothing. Look at these responses and pictures you're posting. This is some of the most bland, uninteresting shit I've ever seen.

"No." What kind of response is that? You have nothing to say.

My question is if you're transgender why do you identify as a "transgirl" instead of just calling yourself a girl?

say something blatantly wrong and i'll just let you know it's wrong. idk what you're expecting, insulting someone lol.

there are differences.

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you are not a female, youre a fag playing dress up. Hormones wont make you a pretty girl, you will turn into a freak with gyno.

Honestly just kys

if only we could chat in private.

You're doing a bad job proving me wrong, faggot. You're using a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.
Just end your worthless life, defective.

are you doing alright, in general? what kind of things have you done today?

Jow Forums used to be filled with trannies and normies, I guess we have a normie tranny here now. Please just go on Reddit for an AMA

>another faggot in a dress

stay away from the children pervert

I didn't read the title and was wondering why Mike shouldn't talk to the girl

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I had gyno when I was 14-17 and it fucked me up so bad mentally

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oh boy what a treat, a chance to talk to an autistic dude with chin length greasy hair and forehead acne

Dude snap out of it, not addressing your mental health has manifested into some kind of dysphoria. Youre not a girl, you will never look like one.

Youre making your family and even strangers uncomfortable with your presence and lack of connection to reality


i went to work, hung out with a friend for a bit, then went to a symphony orchestra (christmas music) with my family. doing sorta okay lol.

you think so? hmmm...

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>le quirky mentally ill Hon

Are you black? Do you not pass?

You are not a girl faggot stfu

i'm white and i mostly pass. only thing holding me back is the adam's apple, i think. gotta get that surgery!

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This is lie, everyone knows youre a dude instantly. You arent tricking anyone fag

That sounds fucking disgusting ughh

>and i mostly pass
I guarantee you that you do not "mostly" pass.

I can PROMISE you, from the bottom of my heart, that people see you and think "ugh, that creep is so disconnected from reality. Does HE think HE is fooling anyone? What's WRONG with HIM?"

ohh okay.

it is not ideal lol

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i don't give a fuck and i'm inclined to post something mean but my new medication makes me incapable of feeling anger so i'll just politely ask you to fuck off thanks in advance

What is your favourite anime and anime character?

What do your parents think about you? Are they proud or ashamed? Genuinely curious.

my parents are fairly liberal, and they're fine with me. my extended family though has largely disowned me, and i was told not to come to my grandmother's funeral. it made me pretty sad.

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Funerals are for people who can face reality.

Havent seen Fruits Basket mentioned in a while, good taste though desu.

kill yourself already you fucking scum

You're not a girl. You're a man who doesn't understand how reality works.

it's so good lol :)

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i want head from a hot tranny but i don't want to see the dick do you think any would be down for that?

Males like this should be executed out of the gene pool. The only thing that even comes close to being as bad as a deluded tranny is the sort of degenerate that enables them.

yes, probably. i've done that before.

no, sorry......

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They wouldn't if they understood they're talking to an ugly old guy. The internet hasn't actually changed that much over time now that I really think about it.

does posting these "so motivational" pictures make you feel more like a real girl. like is being stupid something you try to emulate when you put on your makeup and tuck your dick into your panties. because it's working.

I signed up and made an account with Okcupid. A picture of my face and everything. What's the point? Its going to end in disappointment and gut wrenching agony. Wish I was chad.

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oh yeah? are you passable and cute?

lol you sure are fixated on this tranny for someone who hates them so much. why do you even care? i used to dislike their existence (but not quite as hatefully as you) because they were disturbing my idealized world i wanted to live in where men were men and women were women, but now, i got blackpilled and just don't give a fuck

because i realized they're

by the way i am in no way defending this tranny by this post. i am not a white knight or beta cuck. i'm something else entirely that you have never seen before and have no concept of.

i'm what happens when Jow Forums evolves 3 standard deviations higher than what they are now. so far ahead they can't even see what it looks like or represents.

Kill yourself you mentally ill tranny, no one will ever love you and in the best case you'll just be fetishized by some gayfaggot.

the blackpill could be said to be 1 step beyond Jow Forums. well i'm 2 steps beyond that.

How did you decide on your new name?

Threads dead. Fuck you tranny.

yesss hon, you totally pass! :) the way you hunch your shoulders up because you think it makes them look less broad, and your croaky bad impression of a female voice... nobody suspects a thing hon!!

do trannies get fucked in the ass or are they doing the fucking? I wouldn't mind fucking a tranny in the ass as long as i don't have to return the favour.

describe yourself user. show us your profile

>teehee im a girl gib me attention xD
fuck off, hole

Do you get off on how much your very existence enrages them? I know I do

>be a faggot
>see people online talking about how disgusting faggots are
>fighting back tears

don't listen to those pathetic losers.

You are beautiful, and valid.

>see something that you claim is degenerate and detestable
>obsess over it and in doing so draw more attention to it

>p-please stop reminding me how much I hate myself
>I know why I should hate myself, I do hate myself
>it never stops
>I'm trapped in this body that I'm not happy with
>there's no way out
>continues sobbing

But there is a way out.

You know what to do.

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>i'm something else entirely that you have never seen before and have no concept of.

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Of course, Anonymous means surrender your heart to Jesus Christ.

Lets suppose between hormones, surgery, & movie magic you become indistinguishable from an attractive woman; on the outside.
Suppose you were to string an interested male along, for a time, and when your biological sex came up he tells you, matter-of-factly, without any emotion on his his face spare a slight incredulity
>I'm sorry user. I'm only interested in pursuing an actual woman that can bear my children.
Are you OK with the fact that the sorts of men that will be attracted and tolerant of you are, by their very nature, limited to the surface elements of your fraudulent feminized physique and, consequently, you will forever be expected to surrender sex at a whim?

Shitest thread ever SAGE

you arent a girl and wont ever be sorry boi

>by the way i am in no way defending this tranny by this post. i am not a white knight or beta cuck. i'm something else entirely that you have never seen before and have no concept of.

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what's a transgirl, even?
is it a man or is it a girl

Do you realize that making things centered around you in this way, as if you're some outsider, only intensifies your negative feelings or creates them?

What comic is this? Can I read it somewhere online?

My birthstone is mozzarella cheese ball. Nice.

I hope the surgery goes well. :)

I wish people like you could actually transition and not be stuck in limbo or have their brain cured of the illness that has befallen you.

>My birthstone is mozzarella cheese ball. Nice.
Based. Now stop being a fag apologist on an international sewing committee online gathering.

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What is this dog sushi?

is it gay to fap to traps every week

Is it ok to send this to a girl?