What do you think happens after death?
This is my biggest fear. Not really knowing.
What do you think happens after death?
This is my biggest fear. Not really knowing.
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You'll never know until you head out
re-embodiment seems most widely accepted among pre-christian religions. then there is always the chance that you'll be sent to Abrahamic hell or paradise, though it's unlikely.
Then of course there is the notion of quantum immortality or looping lives through different timelines. Or nothing at all. We just don't know
Pretty much this:
you'll never die, dying is something that only happens to other people
You die every time you go to sleep essentially.
Probably nothing, I don't know. Anyone who says that they do know is a fucking liar.
>What do you think happens after death?
I don't give a
I think you probably become some kind of energy that lives on a different plane of existence but it still connected to earth in a sense. Because that is what we now know about the world is that we are just a bunch of atoms slamming against another and we as humans make meaning out of that chaos through language. So dying really only has a symbolic understanding through our human language. Because only our bodies truly knows where we come from and we cannot extract that information from it. We are truly a strange product of nature.
That's basically how our lives are, we don't know where we come from or where we are going. That's why I say enjoy the ride.
Stopped watching. NDEs are as bullshit as Bigfoot and alien sightings. Your brain conjures up a whole world everytime you go to sleep. An NDE is just that also, NDEs contradict each other.
Underrated and clever post.
Ah, yes. The brain conjures up complex worlds with creatures and other things that sometimes coincidentally match up to things that happen in whatever this 'real' world is. Totally explains it; those neurons sure are amazing.
>NDEs contradict each other
Now for me to get real: it's not the brain that creates it, but whatever we are fundamentally. This fundamental us then creates whatever we need to see in the NDE in order to experience what we have intended to experience this time around. My theory is that we are all just part of one thing that exists and this one thing is everything and it fragmented itself for the sake of experience and perspective.
True, NDE is no more profound or supernatural than a vivid dream. Any experience by a spirit still in body is not relevant to the inaccessible true dying
Quit trying to sound profound, faggot. It isn't working. I like the "we are all one", bullshit; but in the same way that I like a good book.
very clever. I dont care either
What happens to a fire after it goes out?
This thread makes me feel really fucking down. It makes me wanna actually live my life without worries and have a great time but then again... Im just too lonely
what if a extremely vivid dream/nde is what people used to call "profound or supernatural" though. what if that chemical cocktail is what people call heaven and or hell or afterlife. we know from psychedelics that these states arent bound by physical laws and can thus "go on forever". now psychedelics are basically substances we developed by chance, what do you think a specialized substance released by the brain in this most extreme of all situations could do ?
>psychedelics are basically substances we developed by chance
They weren't developed by humans at all. Only concentrated and synthesized in some cases.
>, what do you think a specialized substance released by the brain in this most extreme of all situations could do
it's possible the experience could go on for much longer for the person affected than in the general consensus of time. That said, it doesn't really equate to the after death experience. It's just chemical reactions within a living brain.
>just a dream
>we understand dreams
>dreams are created in the brain
>the brain creates vivid narratives and images
>not just still images, but moving images that we can sometimes interact with while being conscious (lucid dreaming)
>random pixels can create a recognizable image with reasonable odds
>just chemicals bro
the debate is pointless, because our self will be dead regardless of what happens
what if death is being immobilized in your dead body with conscious thoughts but no means of sight or interaction.. i fear being uncomfortable for eternity
indeed, just chemicals. the inner mind speaks in symbols and allegory to the dreaming observer. even interaction with these things is pre determined based upon an individual's experience.
there is a reason why schizophrenics in older parts of the world may hear voices which are playful or encouraging while in the west they are often threatening and dangerous
then demand cremation after death in a signed document
What I think is the most likely outcome is that you simply cease to exist. There's nust nothingness after death. A state where your conscience just doesn't exist anymore and you just don't experience anything at all, including the fact thar you're not experiencing anything.
It could be argued that reincarnation is sometimes factual on an atomic level. You die, you decompose, you're eaten by maggots and then you kind of go through the whole food chain until one of your atoms somehow is in a new human
I do hope there's no heaven/hell. That sounds lame as fuck
your senses would eventually dull or completely dissipate as you decayed, and youd probably go insane which would probably actually be a good thing. although i doubt thatd be the case, but if it is, just get your body cremated, theres no way your soul will get trapped in your body that way.
Its possible with reincarnation that, since ego ceases to exist after death, that we are just pieces of other past experiences determined mainly by genetics.
I dont get it. Someone explain so I can say ohhhh
The same thing that happened before you were born
This is everybody's worst fear.
People are generally shaped by the path they take from this imo.
Some fall into a depression, some strive to maximize their impact here and some take it as "do whatever since it won't matter anyway" kind of thing.
Most robots are the depressive ones I suppose.
>indeed, just chemicals.
yes. that is also the reason i had a dream when i was less than elementary school age where i was trapped in a house fire that i later realized was like some row house in chicago or other oder downtown area even though all i knew was suburbia at the time.
just like those dreams you had but don't remember when you wake up.
>can't remember it
>it didn't happen
the concept of heaven/hell is pretty humanistic if you think about it. eternal punishment for a finite crime. its not very rational, and what would a god even get out of that? its meaningless in the long haul. it just feels like a fear tactic to keep the bullied in check, by making sure they dont walk out of line and so that they also dont think to retaliate to the bullies because "theyll get whats coming to them." why do we even have so many revisions of bibles of various religions that always have their beliefs shifted to modern values? the old testament reflects the views of the past people, and the new reflects the views of our own. why do we trust humans with gods divine word? plagiarizing gods word should be the biggest sin of all, but if what all i said i true, its pointless not to abuse the word of god because it seems he may not do anything anyways since heaven and hell is a humanistic concept and may not even exist. even the idea of a wonderful paradise in the afterlife for doing good deeds sounds way too hopeful and ridiculous. you add onto the fact that there are so many other religions and gods that other people believe in, and you still adhere to yours because thats what you grew up with within your culture, and they believe in theres because thats what they grew up with. even the guidelines for getting into heaven are kind of iffy. some say you cant suicide and go to heaven, some say you can. there are some truly kind souls that commit suicide as their situations are painful and injust, and i cant see them going to hell. if god wanted us to worship and live through this pain and not throw away the life he gave us due to deterministic factors, he couldve gone about it in a much more efficient way, good or evil.
autistic ranting, sry, just getting my thoughts down. but its funny, i still have a fear that there may be a heaven and hell since i definitely do not want to suffer for eternity, it just goes to show what a great fear tactic it is.
Your consciousness might just move to another universe and you experience quantum immortality.
Well the whole process of fire is a kind of change. Change into smoke. Change in temperature. Change of chemicals. You could say the fire is gone and is not the same anymore but you could be justified saying the fire still exists as something else. The action of the fire is being carried out by a new medium so if you prescribe the fire as the action of fire-into then like I said, it is now just smoking.
You could also take a platonic route and say that while the fire goes out in one place, in another it is going up. The essence of fire never truly dies because it his not confined to one instance of its being. It would be a strong leap to relate this to a person and you would almost necessarily have to believe in a sort of soul to rationalize this as saying that a person could die but his essence can be continued by another person who embodies it.
Then if you are wholly metaphysically reluctant then you could say there is nothing more to the fire than a specific action, place and time, that no fire is truly like it and that when it is over the fire will forever be gone. Its traces are not parts of a fire but an entirely new object. Everything is not connected but constantly changing into a new object that has never existed before and will never exist again.
>implying we will die
sounds horrifying, the ride never ends
And that nothing became something once, which means it might happen again.
AI/Transhumanism is Saturnian enslavement and pure evil.
That should be fire-ing
Everything that fire turns into is tangible, everything that you turn into will be tangible. As a fire leaves ash and smoke you will leave deeds and a corpse, but you were no different, just a more complex chemical reaction.
How do we purge Jow Forums of retarded christniggers?
If you're NPC, your life stops there.
If you're non-NPC robot, you keep reincarnating eternally.
If you're non-NPC Chad/Stacy, you'll merge with god.
If you're non-NPC normie, you'll reincarnate to a life slightly better than the last one.
In correlation to the pre-christian notion, many philosophers believe that it's probably lights out, nothingness for eternity.
>Quit trying to sound profound, faggot
he was just trying to explain why NDEs contradict each other.
apparently you're part of the greater consciousness that needs to grow up.
>many philosophers
>apparently you're part of the greater consciousness that needs to grow up.
Nah, he just wants a raw human experience this time. Thanks for having my back though.
>Starts off with "Ah, yes."
>picture of an old, smart looking guy with glasses
>not trying to sound profound
Sure thing, user.
>>picture of an old, smart looking guy with glasses
That was the dude from the video and that "ah, yes...etc" was me trying to sound retarded as I was mocking that opinion.
Welp. That's what I get for skimming. Never mind then.
I am not watching a one hour video of some guy speaking about this bullshit. My time still has a little value. Sum up your point in a few posts, or be forever ignored.
Well in that way then everything we touch shares our essence and with that idea brought up it is fair to say that everything shares essence because we come from the same source. Yet there is emergent essence because we can tell the difference between objects. One of these emerging qualities could be the prime quality that decides personhood and could be lost in the transition between forms.
In short: if we leave a trace then there is a trace that has left us. If we can tell the difference between objects that means that objects can gain new or lose qualities(unless perhaps the initial object had all qualities). If qualities can be gained or lost then the thing that makes us have consciousness can be lost.
Socrates, Plato, Cicero, and for a more recent example Paul Edwards. There's also a community of neuroscientist that hold this belief, the only group really going against this belief are Biocentrist, but I guess we all find out eventually.
Socrates and Plato were both believers in re-embodiment. Their beliefs were partly influenced by the mysteries of Asiatic philosophy brought over in those days to the Mediterranean
If you are not willing to spend an hour educating yourself on the topic, then you obviously have not done so earlier either, and hence your view on the issue is deeply uninformed.
The tl;dw is that all the evidence after 40+ years of research points to the fact that this is a genuine separation of consciousness and the brain. The "omg materialism must be true so NDEs must be hallucinations"-mindset is demonstrably not compatible with the actual data.
Plato leaned more towards the open interpretation of death, but Socrates felt as though it was either nothingness or likelihood of an astral plane. A lot of their fascination revolved around oblivion in death, despite their beliefs.
I only have a limited amount of time on this earth, and if I wasted it watching stupid shit that people tell me to, I'd be watching cult shit religion shit, and pseudo science, overwhelmingly.
Comfortable, kinda sparkly, quiet, peaceful darkness.
sounds like you're going to be here for a while
I always watch those videos in 2x time...
Anyway, I think one major point to take away is that nobody knows how consciousness works. Just because you can observe regions in the brain that are active doesn't mean that the thoughts are created by the brain itself. It's just as plausible that the brain could be picking up signals that then get picked up by the brain. Bohr or someone thought consciousness could be fundamental. It's not like it's all woowoos spreading these ideas.
He's fine. I feel like half of the videos from IANDS now are people shilling their book. The video linked in this thread was a decent one, but it didn't have any solid data/facts/anecdotes -- it was more of an overview .. and that's okay,
Unrelated question.
How many times did you have to listen to that before it sounded like music to you
The neurons that cause your consciousness go on endlessly as they become one with the universe once more. All you will see is eternal darkness, not "nothingness" darkness. And you'll be "awake" the entire time. Death isn't the escape my friends, life is.
>quantum immortality or looping lives through different timelines.
That is a very terrifying idea to me. That once you die, your memory is erased and you start this treadmill of life again, never knowing just how much have been through it already.
You basically just go on a huge trip, seeing and feeling things that are hard to comprehend. Then you are born again and start over. It's different for everyone but either way these two things will happen. Also in a literal and completely non-metaphorical way you are everything that has ever been and will be.
Once you understand it's the only thing that makes sense. No I don't do drugs.
Absolutely nothing. You don't think, you just stop existing. A void which you can't even feel.