Woman hate thread.
Send me your best memes/comics/articles/stories hating on women.
Woman hate thread.
Send me your best memes/comics/articles/stories hating on women.
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Female extermination camps when?
go back
shut the fuck up. r/incels rebuilt the fucking robots. It wasn on reddit but it was better than anything here with you cucks and femposting.
You're a few years too late, Jow Forums loves women now.
vdf ass
But op is the perfect woman
If she had those things, she'd be a man
I want her to be weak, a little dumb, soft, and feminine.
kill yourself broken english redditor
Why do you think we're some kind of villains, rather than fixing your own problems? You're only making it worse for yourselves.
Only solution to women is artifical woomb and genocide after that.
Maybe ocasionally they could be used for chemical and drug experiments
so mgtows are pedos, makes sense
anything wrong being attracted to purity and innocence?
Sure take your worn out sloppy second cum dripping pussy any time you like friend,
>artificial wombs
Why? Let's commit omnicide.
women can't be pure or innocent. not even when they're young.
foids of all ages are soulless demons.
So you want to make a deduction from anecdotal evidence?
This woman might even have valid reasons for leaving. They have kids so money makes sense.
If the only RL woman you know is your whore of a mother I can understand where incels are comming from.
t. real incel but not meme incel
sorry but we are woke and onto you roasties. Everyday more and more young men get red pilled on women. Pretty soon they will be red pilled before they even leave high school. The ride is coming to an end finally. Hope you like equality because its only a matter of time before you have to start signing up for the draft just like men.
Enjoy it and savor it.
>we are not your personal ATM
>we are not your protectors
>we are not your entertainers
You are just type of faggot white knight cuck who promotes women behaving like this when you should punish selfish behaviour.
Guy got millions in compensation which is a lot of money and she divorced him to get this money and you mention that money could somehow be issue.
Yea even if things get rough sometimes in life I wouldn't promote just ditching people.
And this is exactly what you encourage women to ditch anyone for what ever reason there is, this is why men have to double down on being assholes and hate women even more.
Hope you get cucked and killed for roastie because muh reasons
What comforts me about your pic is that, upon further investigation, I found out the woman who beat the fuck outta that kid was denied any custody of the child due to the physical abuse. She wasn't given any jail time unfortunately but at least she's not allowed to see the little one.
I can feel it lads the end is coming for them.
just shows how far women can go and comit crime on sole fucking basis that they are "cute" woman,
I swear to god these judges must be also biggest cucks of them all, power hungry betas.
How is it possible to do injuries to toddler and not get jail time baffels me, even if I slapped grown up and didn't do much harm people would get harm.
But guess having leaking hole and putting on cute face is enough to spare you.
I don't promote. I simply don't care about gutter journalism. If it's legal it's ok, if not she will be punished.
I just reasoned that incel culture will not solve my problems. There will never be enough incels to matter and their believe isn't founded on scientific proof anyway.
Better beeing called names e.g. cuck than believing in pussy bringing santa clause.