
>waiting for mail edition
whatre you up to drugbots?

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I am sober and I hate it

Watching TF2 streams. Sober.

being sober is cancer
titanfall or team fortress?

It's team fortress 2

rip i never really enjoyed team fortress. why are you anons sober?

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Just chugged some Robocough. I hate this fucking after taste. I try to drink some soda or tea but the shit after taste is still there. I can already tell I'm going to puke right before I peak like last time.

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Nicotine fuck me uuuup

nicotine is all i'm taking atm

dr pepper helped me with the aftertaste, better than other drinks. happy trips!
whatcha smokin?

That is what I'm drinking. I think I'll skip on getting Robocough and go for pills next time. Even if I have swallow like 40. At least they won't leave this nasty after taste.

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Ever experienced ego death? Share with us.

Things I've experienced during ego death:

>became a butterfly
>created like a God would

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Just got it yesterday

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>they don't use dip or snus

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that sucks, i didnt get any nausea so i count myself lucky. sick for days after accidentally ordering phenibut hcl tho
looks nice, have a bad habit of getting high and putting batteries in backwards and ruining stuff. what kinda juice do you use?

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Any tips for taking shrooms? First timing a full dose in a couple days

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The first time I tripped was nice I didn't puke or anything except I got surprised shits since I ate some super spicy food before 2nd time though made me puke 40mins in.
Hopefully this time everything goes smooth.

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I'm starting a meds this week for schizo, not sure yet what they're gonna give me. How will this effect my trips?

I do DMT and shrooms pretty regularly, and MDMA. I smoke weed sometimes but it makes me crazy paranoid. I've never tripped while on an anti-psychotic or mood stabilizer.

>for a short instant am just a pure awareness, seeing from 2 eyes that im at a desk and there are things on it
>everything is one
>i am part of it
>i am everything
>i am one
>everyone is a part of it
>everyone is one, i am everyone
>if only the other copies of me could understand this perspective...some of them have...but so many are still so clueless
>oh well
>hmm, wait, thats right, I am a person...right
>start remembering everything
>I have a name!
>I...I have no friends...
>started crying
>trip didn't turn bad though, just sad for a minute
>I have an adorable cat
>I have parents that love me, good feels
>its never too late for me to fix the bad things


Twice, first time on DMT, second on LSD.

Smoked a phat bowl of spice and immediately blasted off and saw the pure light of Buddha then had a seizure.

LSD was during a camping trip in the daytime. Wasn't tripping too hard but I did yoga naked in the sunlight and once I finished and lay under a tree I saw Buddha again. It was great.

didnt itch when i did it thankfully, i drank about two bottles and after like 45 i was in bed unable to keep my head still. was a good night
ayy been on antipsychs before, never used on them tho. bout to be put back on them. iirc its advised not to use serotonin altering substances on mood stabilizers and antipsychs. stuff like mdma will prolly be a no go.

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>>if only the other copies of me could understand this perspective...some of them have...but so many are still so clueless
>>oh well
>>hmm, wait, thats right, I am a person...right
>>start remembering everything
>>I have a name!
The feeling of being pieced back together again is a strange one.

>tfw psilocybe bohemica is strong as fuck and everywhere around me

Everytime I'm about to get down my head starts to crazy itch and that's a dead give away. I usually like to lay in bed in the dark. Shit makes me mad comfy and thoughts going everywhere and for a moment it makes life living not so bad

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That's okay, I always do too much MDMA anyway and hallucinate crazy shit. I like ass fucking while on it, I guess I have to find another way to loosen up.

Isn't there some simple extraction method using just a milk carton and some water?

Went to a movie theater high for the first time. Eyes weren't red or anything but I'm pretty sure I reeked of weed. Felt bad because I was sat right next to this old boomer that just wanted to watch a movie with his daughter. Although it's autistic, I think we bonded because we laughed at the same things at the same time that the rest of the audience didn't. That or he didn't acknowledge my existence at all.

Was pretty nice but I guess I smoked too early because my high dissipated around the first 1/3 of the movie and I just got kinda mellow and sleepy. Time went by so fast I couldn't believe the movie was so short.

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Anybody else a responsible drug user?
>tfw only drug use in the past year has been alcohol once, shrooms once and coffee/tea if you count caffeine

dxm made me the comfiest[/comfiest] human bean alive

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That's a meme, you'll vomit whether you eat or not. It just affects what comes out.

I only vomited on shrooms once and it was entirely my own fault. put the shrooms inside some taco bell and ate too much of it. Totally couldve been prevented.

The dude who created Robocough said you could drink milk to get the taste away instantly but Milk fucks me up so I can' drink that.

Robocough is the comfiest drug of choice desu

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In a sense, I guess. I just try to use them to make the good times better, if I use them to escape it either eventually devolves into a horrible trip or just feels like a waste. I've only gotten addicted to nicotine but quitting it was ezpz.

If there was a drug that I couldn't build tolerance too, was cheap, and didn't make me uncomfortable then I'd probably get addicted to it completely, but I get uncomfortable pretty easily.

Guess it is different from person to person then, like most psyches

Only take them medicinally. If you have a problem in your life, meditate on the problem and the solution will arise in your mind. If you want to hallucinate harder, sit still and look in one direction without moving your gaze. If you want to hallucinate less, walk around. View the closed eye visuals if you want, just so you know what they look like.

i dont think i could go in public high desu. watch movies def but not around people. people make me anxious enough as is lmao

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I went to a movie theater high with a co-worker once. I know the security guards smelled the weed on us since the one security guard on the bike put his finger on his nose. Also I was super embarrassed ordering my ticket since I said row G instead of D but row G didn't exist. So I'm sure they knew we were high as fuck

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Thanks for advice, and I've been wanting to try them for a while and doing it with a group of friends in nature. Planning on bringing oranges and does caffeine or nicotine have any different effects? And should I delay the throwing up as much as possible if I want to trip harder?

Last time I ego-death'ed, I realized buddha nature and melted into the brahman. Me, and a thousand other gods, became one; and I saw before me, lo and behold, the universe: There was peace.

It's not about the vomiting, it's about the potency. If you eat before or after ingesting shrooms, it diminishes the effects.

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>mfw most of my coworkers use something so we hang around and talk about it on the clock

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Oh shit it's starting to kick in. Alright guys i'll be back tomorrow and let you know how the trip went

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What's it like user? I heard it's like a disassociative effect

It was the opposite for me, mainly because it was a nightly showing. Even though I'm a guy I'm a pretty skinny one so I'm afraid of getting robbed,murdered, or raped, even moreso considering how traumatizing it'd be to have that happen while high. Seeing a bunch of silly non threatening, middle aged people from suburbia with their kids everywhere put me at ease though. Although I did get scared for a second that they were actually a cult that formed just to kill me in that theater, kek.

Security guards at the one I went to really did nothing kek, they just stood around looking at people. The guys at concessions I think could tell though, 1 white dude, an Asian dude, and a black guy. The black guy was trying to keep a smirk off his face and the other two just looked like angry wagies having to serve another dumb stoner. I spaced out and didn't realize the machine reading my card was beeping to remove it for a while too which didn't help matters

Happy trips japposter user!

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I try to be, but I'm bad at moderating myself with drugs such as weed.

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>tfw me and my coworkers would talk about weed on the line
>We could have gotten fire but everyone was chill
I went to work high only once since I didn't want to get fired for being stoned at work.

It is very disassociative and that is why it's comfy. Makes my depression and suicidal thoughts go away and make life not so bad.

>Security Guards
Well there is more to the story I told so i'll go into little detail now. My coworker and me parked right outside the movie theater to blaze but the security guards kept circlering are car like the jackasses they were. So what we did was just go across the street to a abandon shopping mall parking lot and blazed up there and then went back. Same dude who was circlering us didn't do anything except point the finger on his nose which I knew was did give away they could smell us.

See ya soon

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Is there a time during the trip I can eat, or would eating a small amount not diminish the effects after like 3 hours? And do you think a carbonated drink would diminish effects as well?

Thanks for talking to me friend, smoking with friends sounds comfy, I wish I had some but I guess I get even more robotish when I'm high. I hope you enjoy your trip

Anyone smoke gunpowder? It gets so so fucking high, we do that all the time. We get the gunpowder from illegal fire crackers like torpil

I've experienced ego death too many times now for it to be special anymore but I'll never forget my first time

What made you become like this?

Tell me about your first time.

I am about to do some blowcaine, where do i start anons?

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I saw Doctor Strange stoned with my bros, it was an amazing experience

Should I do 100ug of acid right now or wait an hour an smoke meth?

>tfw have amphetamine
>opiates and alcohol and benzos and weed and you name it
>but have amphetamine
I just want to get high but I genuinely am afraid of amphetamine. I never felt in danger of becoming addicted to something until I tried it. it's so much more tantalizing than cocaine. fuck.
why is one drug so pleasant and euphoric while also making you the most productive and alert you can possibly be? literally making you the perfect version of yourself? I just want to keep using more amphetamine. I wish I had some LSD or SOMETHING worth using that can compete with chad amphetamine.

anyone else know this feel?

I feel the same way about meth. Why does it have to be so good yet so bad for you?

I'm afraid of trip seizures, how bad was yours? Also have you had prior seizures?

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Dealer finally picked up and delivering straight to my house!1!1!1!

I assume they are virtually the same so yeah. it also doesn't help that I can literally get like 1000mg a month for like $5 with insurance.
I had a system before where every like 3-4 days I'd get fucked up on something, usually different.
now I'm like a month clean on everything except amphetamine. I have cut all other drugs out of my life in order to use more of it. I'm gonna have to cut it out completely or I will fiend for it to pick me up every morning.

Yeah I've been using meth recently as well. If I knew just how bad it was for my body I'd probably be motivated to get rid of it, but there seems to be mixed info and obviously I don't trust the generic info you get on google search results since that'll tell you that any drug is harmful, even acid.

I take NAC and ALCAR before smoking meth now so it helps me to feel better because I hope that the damage I'm doing is reduced. On that note, going to smoke some meth now

Anyone ever try lean? I don't like soda but I'm curious about it, never tried it myself.

lean is a bad meme created by american rappers, codeine is still good though preferrably taken orally in the form of pills

How is gabapentin compared to pregabalin? I enjoy the latter a lot


just give me drugs to forget the difficulty of university and difficulty of living

What's one drug you will never try anons?
mine is cocaine

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Anything with a needle.

Use drugs to help with uni


Cocaine is comparable to the high you get from mixing red bull with wodka. Different intensity, different time span, but you can get the idea from that.

Is it simply because it sounds like a shitty experience for you?

Thanks for the tip I might actually try this. My biggest concern with coke is the cardiotoxicity, the high just doesn't seem worth it.

i can't stop smoking tobacco. i know it's nothing compared to what you guys are doing but it's been a year and i usually smoke no filter, through a pipe, i can actively feel it fucking up my body, my lungs are wheezing, i feel significantly more retarded than i used to

You will even see the same symptoms as from coke: Agression, self-overestimation, so on. I'm not recommending alcohol at all, it's the shittiest drug of them all, but I find wodka + orange juice better than red bull taste-wise (subjective opinion).

Cocaine's really boring desu. Try some MDMA, it's better, but it has cardiotoxicity, too.

Cocaine's stretched baking powder and cat-vermicide, too (depending where and from whom you buy).

Your face will be bloated, too, cause of all high volumes of calories and the alcohol effect itself.

gonna be dropping acid in a few hours
anyone know if smoking an indica on the comeup might help alleviate the jittery panicky come up anxiety or will that just make things more terrifying? I smoke daily and have a high tolerance and I always enjoy smoking on the comedown but I don't seem to enjoy the early parts of the trip enough

>smoking an indica on the comeup might help alleviate the jittery panicky come up anxiety
I would not do this if I were you

BE CAREFUL WITH THE WEED I REPEAT BE CAREFUL (this is not a meme, every time i smoked weed on acid, it destroyed the trip and launched me into a nightmare scenario, i felt like i had a stroke, my brain destroyed itself, I FORGOT that i even tripped due to my brain blocking it out, so I ended up repeating that experience like 4 or 5 times. now that whole period of my life is a blur.)

It sounds terrifying to me, being in a k-hole, because psychedelics kinda messed me up and I don't wanna go back there

Planning to try out MDMA on new year's, currently researching it but it sounds like the cardiotoxicity (especially the immediate damage it can cause) is way higher for coke and MDMA is, like other amphetamines, more neurotoxic instead which I prefer. I totally agree with you on alcohol, I drink 1-3 beers sometimes as a lubricant in a social setting and occasionally by myself. It's okay in low doses but quickly becomes unpleasant, even 3 beers is usually too much for me. Will do the caffeine combination though.

Right now (or sometime later this morning/afternoon/evening) I have the option to pick up 10mg hydrocodone or 20mg adderall. OR I can become based and redpilled by purchasing BOTH. Lads, I think I'll call myself based and swallow that redpill long with some white and orange pills. Oh, I'm also going to stop by a marijuana shop and acquire some edibles.

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Also I'm not sure if you're experienced but I thought I could ask, would a light dose of MDMA be underwhelming? I'd rather be on the safe side

kind of what I expected
anyone have any tips for fighting anxiety on this part of the trip? I've tried the usual "I took acid on purpose and I want to trip and I'm gonna have a good time" self pep talk but after a while it just feels forced or something and doesn't really help

Depends if you're a stim or an opiate kind of guy. Not sure though because I've never tried opiates in pills. How does it compare to smoking heroin?

Not the guy youre asking but depends what you consider a low dose.
I think 140-160mg is pretty optimal dose, though some people consider it to be "low".

less than 100mg can be a bit underwhelming, though still quite noticeable

I want to watch 2+ hour long videos, please i beg of you i dont have what it takes what should i take, cannabis, entactogens, stimulants WHAT WILL FUCKING LET ME DO IT I JUST WANT TO ZONE OUT AND EXIST IN LONG VIDOES WHERE THEY TALK

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weed's good for that, but you might get distracted

admittedly I'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about exactly but personally getting super immersed and lost in some atmospheric TV show/game/movie is my favorite thing to do after smoking a bowl of good weed, it helps a lot

Stims, particularly meth will have you focusing for 2 hours easy

Just woke up
Bout to have my morning kratom and coffee
So stoked for meester poastmang tomorrow

thanks user ill try weed for it
mostly sam, jordan and bret stuff and jre im a brainlet so I avoid opinions but i like their vibes
might try prescrip stims if they dont make me too neurotic if I also dose psychs and weed

thank you anons

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watch this while high

>The fuck is Robocough?
It's the drug that 14 year olds do because they can't get any other drugs

>February 2015
>I'm 27 years old, without a penny to my name, no kids, kissless, touchless virgin
>I've been doing Spice for 3 years
>Today there is no money for drugs
>On Spice there's this walk you get because you feel no pain and feel super-human strength and energy - you kick your feet up like a horse
>Everyone I know is beating each other up, beating me up and destroying the house
>I'm at the end of my rope, in the sense that I feel like I associated myself with Terrence McKenna and he was wrong about 2012
>I have literally nothing if I give up spouting about the drug use of others
>Constantly pissed that all I have is Spice and no psychedellics
>I say 'Terrence McKenna was wrong,' and I can't tell if anyone heard me
>Rocked to my core with humility, my nervous system turned on and began to desperately search for a new game to play
>Everything starts feeling like my childhood again
>'Something is happening, oh god,'
>Suddenly I feel the same loss of my physical identity that I did in that hotel in New Jersey after reading Crowley
>I become what I'm looking at around the room
>Suddenly overjoyed at the direct perception of life after death
>My ego tears me away from this bliss
>Suddenly I can see something that is simultaneously Manna and Heaven at the same time
>As in, it feels like this white milk - like the mythic Soma - but within it appears to be an infinite number of universes
>Suddenly everything is made from this white milk
>My house feels like a boat on this ocean of milk
>Above me is infinite black
>Suddenly gravity is gone and I'm floating amidst a watercolor background
>In this place I begin to perceive biology in terms of atoms
>The atoms look and feel like balloons, and I can turn them into candles and back into balloons - as if both perceptions are real
>I explore my body, and it feels like this giant hotair parade float made of trillions of balloons

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I've spent all my money on weed, I need to ask my friends to pay me something to eat.

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Sorry jannies, didn't know that was off limits.
I'll go do my own research

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you might aswell get into peterson to make the transcient seem more real, you know

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Waiting for dealer to get his K batch but its taking an eternity. Gonna pick up some alprazolam and weedledee along with it, been sober for a few weeks so its gonna be a comfy winter.

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is 1p-lsd toxic? how different is it from lsd?

>But visually it looks like a red brick building shaped like me
>My stomach feels acidic and my body feels hot
>When I close my eyes (My eyes had been open before now) I see bright orange red probably because of blood pressure
>Suddenly I see myself with orange-red hair and eyes
>Suddenly realize that we have the technology to change the balloons (Genetic engineering, cosmetic surgery, etc)
>I can make myself into this red person
>The thought of doing so feels like a rite of passage that I desperately needed (I would later in 2018 bleech my hair to make it orange)
>I dare not modify my genome due to ignorance and a lack of tools, but I go exploring with gusto
>Suddenly my ancestors show up
>They tell me that I'm awesome, and that I *will* genetically modify myself into a redhead with ocular albinism
>They tell me that I'm a member of a glorious ginger race that evolved millions of years ago in Melanesia
>Out of Africa is a lie - they tell me that my ancestors came from Australia, and that prior to about 37,000 years ago this ginger race had an industrial civilization in New South Wales
>When my race colonized Africa around 37kya, we bred with local hominids and produced black people
>We loved these hybrids because they were our sons and daughters
>But when we brought them back home, we discovered only after generations of breeding with them that they were violent and spiteful
>The blacks destroyed our civilization in Australia, and Mungo man is a murder victim
>We fled to the Philippines, and from there we colonized China
>A group of blond mutant refugees (Y-haplogroup NO) invaded China after they were driven out by blacks, forcing the ginger race to flee to Siberia
>From there, my ancestors colonized central Asia and the Americas, and later the near east, the Caucacus, and eventually Europe
>A later group of Blasians invaded the Americas around 17,000 years ago, and when Europeans colonized America we were just taking our land back

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Does anyone know any edible recipes I can use with my vaped weed, can I just put it in a PB&J or some shit?

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