Do you want kids?
If so, how many?
Do you think you'll ever have kids?
Do you want kids?
>Do you want kids?
I do desu! For about ten years of my adult life I fell for that "le childfree xddd" meme, and didn't want to have kids for retarded meme reasons. Now I'm 27 and worrying that it's too late to find a woman who wants to have a respectable white Christian family.
>If so, how many?
I'd like at least three! But my parents wanted three kids as well, then after my little brother was born decided it was too much work and stopped at two.
>Do you think you'll ever have kids?
I hope so, I really do, but since I'm old and scarred and bretty trad sex outside marriage is a sin desu it's looking kind of grim most days. I'm also fairly lower-income, not poverty-level but would probably need my waif to work as well to support a family, which isn't my ideal. Le sadface xd.
That's interesting. Why'd you fall for the "childfree meme"? Personally I've always wanted kids. I really hope you find someone though.
I'm blessed with a perfect virgin girlfriend that would make for an awesome wife and mother. I realize how lucky I am.
nah, prolly murder my kids or at the very least mentally break them and keep them in their place
highly unlikely
>Why'd you fall for the "childfree meme"
I was dating a girl and talking about kids with her. She died a few years into that relationship and it sent me into a depressive self-hating spiral.
Only recently, with the help of friends and coming to know the Christ as well as a healthy dose of redpill memes I've started coming around and realizing that children and healthy families are good.
I didn't like the fact that I was forced into existence, I'm not going to force a being into this flesh.
>Do you want kids?
>If so, how many?
2 or 3 would be nice.
>Do you think you'll ever have kids?
>Do you want kids?
I'd rather kill myself than reproduce. I have no desire to waste my one and only life by foisting existence onto another being. Life is miserable and creating more of it is an incredibly selfish act; you're literally playing God. All that besides, my genes are garbage and I'm far too selfish to have a child. I doubt if I'll ever find a woman who will accept me, much less one who feels the same way, so it's a moot point.
Care to explain why?
I'm sorry dude. I really hope you find a nice girl and start a happy family.
Isn't life the most valuable gift you could give?
Why do you think you'll never have kids?
I doubted finding a woman that would accept me as well, but there's hope. You'll find someone.
>Care to explain why?
it wouldnt sit right with me to bring someone else into the world especially with me as the father
>Isn't life the most valuable gift you could give?
Some people may feel that way but I certainly don't. To me, life is a horrible prison sentence where you're trapped in meat and forced to feel things, be good or bad. Someone could go their whole life without suffering but the fact they have the potential to suffer is horrible enough.
>Why do you think you'll never have kids?
I'm a 28 year old virgin.
You can be a great dad, user. You could start being a better person today.
Don't you feel the obligation to make up for your life? Grant someone the gift of life, and the gift of happiness?
My dad was 46. You'll be fine.
>You can be a great dad, user. You could start being a better person today.
if i could start i would have a long time ago, plenty of other people are giving the gift of life who actually want to do it and are financially able to
I don't feel obligated to do anything. Granting some a "gift" is completely unwarranted, they would have a chance to happiness but also a chance to suffer and I'm not a gambling man. If I had the means I would make everybody sterile to stop this horrible cycle known as humanity.
I want to make 10 kids with a virgin grill who lives children
So yeah busy making money, so there would be at least a chance of that happening
>My dad was 46. You'll be fine.
We don't live in that time any more.
I try to be realistic about my situation, false hope has already caused me enough pain.
I want as many as I can afford.
Hopefully 3+ boys 2+ girls.
Maybe one day with my most recent grill
I realize the first sentence contradicts the last. Disregard everything I've said, I just don't want any fucking kids.
>Hopefully 3+ boys 2+ girls
I just watched a video where a family in northern Michigan was mentioned, 7 daughters and 1 son.
I don't really know how I'd feel about the genders of my children, as much as I believe all parents should love regardless I still know that my love for my children will manifest itself differently depending on their gender.
>as many as I can afford
In a first-world country the government basically bribes you to make kids, if you can "afford" one kid you can "afford" five. The lifestyle change will be one that, to one of those "###childfree xddd" cunts, will sound horrible but will bring you joy beyond all treasures.
Well I have to make a boy and I think nature will give me the rng luck.
If I gave girls that's fine
And sorry pal but I am not going to let the goverment pay for my kids with tax gibs.
>Do you want kids?
If I wasn't a mental train wreck, I probably would
>If so, how many?
Enough so that my family won't have to depend on two sole sons to pass on the family name and ensure our history won't be forgotten
>Do you think you'll ever have kids?
No. Hopefully my brother will, I've been trying to help him not be like me, but it might be too late.
>I am not going to let the goverment pay for my kids
If you file taxes, the gov't pays. I'm not talking about gibs, but filing as the head of a household or with X amount of dependents gets you more money than filing as a foreveralone shitposter in Mummy's basement.
Even philosophically, it's not gibs because it's an economic exchange; the nation needs its citizens to raise families so it pays money in exchange for these services. It's not like being an autistic sexual deviant and getting free money from the gov't for being an autistic sexual deviant.
I'd rather follow the wolf's plan. Pay the women to create families.
I'm an antinatalist and I would like to adopt two kids if I became someone who's worth being a parent and if I had a spouse with the same beliefs and ability to raise children.
Procreation is fucked up and I would remain childless if I couldn't adopt, I would still help people out, however.
>Do you want kids?
>If so, how many?
>Do you think you'll ever have kids?
Eventually I'll end up having an arranged marriage. So yes.
>Do you want kids?
>If so, how many?
3 or more
>Do you think you'll ever have kids?
My oneitis says she doesn't want kids, but women are volatile. I just have to ask her out...
>Now I'm 27
Why do boomers browse this website? Fuck off, dude
>Do you want kids?
>If so, how many?
2, and need to be one boy and one girl
>Do you think you'll ever have kids?
Nah, im pretty sure i'll die alone
I want 5 or 6. Need me a breeding wife right now
3 to 5 kids
unfortunately, f*minist poopaganda is taking hold of my 2nd world shithole too
don't know where i'm going to find a traditional wife to basically become a baby cow and forfeit her stronk yndypyndynt wymyn career
I don't want kids. I'm a selfish cunt and would rather have the money to myself.
Would that it were possible, I'd want to settle down with a fembot to a comfy homestead, and pump out 10 kids at least.
>3 max, maybe more if my husband makes enough money to support more than that
>yeah lol
Wtf user, you're a 27 year old man. Get Jow Forums, clean yourself up, get self sufficient and go to church. Men peak in desirability at like 35 (so long as they aren't beta neckbeards). When you get to a point you're comfortable with yourself, look for a younger woman and ignore 30 y/o roasties. You can still make it.