ITT: Low IQ behaviours

ITT: Low IQ behaviours

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why is cleaning stuff out of your ears low IQ?

i cant stand deaflets

Starting trash threads.

I don't understand the idea of stabbing your eardrum with a piece of plastic either, leaving shitton of cotton inside, making it even dirtier.

the issue is that you're doing it wrong

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Thinking entertainment is deep and meaningful.

>Thinking entertainment is deep and meaningful.
Depends on the piece of entertainment.

Wax serves a purpose like preventing dirt, bacteria and insects getting in your ear and doesn't need to be "cleaned" regularly unless it's causing discomfort or hearing loss.
An upgrade but here is the true superior solution. If you're a filthy hedonist who needs to make your ear canal cum then feeling this shit literally crackling and dissolving the wax as it slides deeper and deeper is like some kind of deep prostate massage tier shit.
It's time to move on from capeshit and anime.

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Found the low-IQ people.

Being an incel

What is "deep and meaningful"? It can only describe created objects or interpretations of objects (including the universe, if you think the universe was the product of an intelligent mind). Fiction or non-fiction, entertainment or exposition. What, in your mind, qualifies?

>wax doenst need to be cleaned
>proceeds to tell me to use ear drops to clean my ears

>>Found the low-IQ people.
What? The Republic could be considered a form of entertainment for the right person, are Plato and Socrates not deep and meaningful?

he never said that you need to clean your ears routinely retard, just that in cases of blockage you should use ear drops to remove it because they dont push it further into your ear

if this is what happens to you when you simply clean out your ears your ears must be disproportionate or you must be a retarded sperg who doesn't know how to clean his ears properly

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Complex science, mathematics, well-dtructef arguments with evidence presented.

Not "I read this book about society man and it took 400 pages to make a statement that could be summarised into a few sentences.

Not him but digging cotton buds into your ear canal is generally seen as heavily retarded by doctors regardless. There's no right way to do something fucking stupid.

>People who think logic and reason make them redpilled and superior

It's a million times more red pilled to just believe whatever bullshit you feel like that day and attack anyone mercilessly if they disagree

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Cringe. Probably not even a real STEMfag.

High IQ.

also you're just a snob and you don't understand art or meaning.

Go back to watching cartoons

Go back to refusing to read Dostoevsky because it's not a textbook (that you wouldn't read anyway).

True pseud.

Any form of hypocrisy.
Calling someone out for a behaviour or emotion that you participate in yourself, believing others should act or think a certain way despite not doing those things yourself.
There's nothing I loathe more than hypocrisy.

I hate this thead and I hate Q-tips

I stuck one in my ear to try and clean out earwax buildup and it gave me an ear infection, then I got fired from my job

Q-tips are cursed and are the work of the devil


>stick q tip in ear
>go in a bit too far
>can't hear properly out of my ear now, feels like its got water in it
>doesn't fix itself for like a week

I always have my mom telling me to clean my ears though because I get heaps of wax in them, fucking normies and their social agenda

>muh ebin so intelligent books
You people rely on subjective systems because you simple can't compete in systems where your ability can be objectively measured, where you actually have to create something, where there is any evidence that you are better or worse than someone else.

You're a pseud. You're an idiot. You have no value beyond people being fooled into thinking you have value. You're just as valuable as someone who shits in a wall and calls it artistic genius.

>this post
Calm down.

But you probably repulse anyone who comes close to you when they see your yellow wax coated ears.

You don't need to clean your ear canal, just taking a wet cloth and wiping the bits around it every day is fine. Your ears shouldn't be coated in wax unless you have an infection or serious problem, probably from sticking things in your ears.

Umm sweetie, there's no empirical reason that empirical methods are superior in themselves. You have to argue that based on rationalist arguments with untestable assumptions about reality.

The problem is that you assume that things that can be beneficial to a person with meaning(physical things like science, construction, mathematics) and things that give a person meaning(art, family/friends, literature) can't coexist and even overlap. There doesn't need to be a pissing contest between what can be objectively measured and what cannot.

Because you push this shit further in and eventually you'll have to go to a doctor to clean your ears. A physician once told me that it's enough to scoop the entrance with your pinky.

>You're just as valuable as someone who shits in a wall

How is "complex science" deep and meaningful? Science literally has no meaning or purpose outside of that ascribed to it by people. In that way, it is no different than art, literature, or entertainment.

emotions (at least anger, hate)
not using reason and logic

Giving a shit about being big brained in the first place.

irrational value judgement that reason is superior to unreason based on emotional prejudices and moral fictions

Giving a shit about pleasuring a woman

this user is right. I had blockage once and I went to the doctors to get it removed. They used some sort of water pressure gun. The feeling when this huge brick of ear wax came out of my ear was like cumming

Impeccable retort friendo

>Giving a shit about pleasuring a woman
Micropenis detected

posting on imageboards

How do you objectively measure whether one mathematical proof or one research paper is more or less impressive than the next? This still ultimately comes down to judgments made by peers in the same field of study, which may be less swayed by emotion and personal taste than a judgment of who wrote the best song but is still not the same thing as being objective

You are really pathetic and immature.

Walking in the center of hallways.

low iq retards cant argue against his point so they retort to ad hominem

just off yourselves

I actually went back to his post to argue the points, replied to it twice.

Make the bed. It's as NPC as it gets.

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nice pepe faggot I'll steal it now your pepe is mine you cuck retard reeeeeeeeeeeeee

I don't give a shit if it works or not, I just like the feeling of it.

Not really, it's a small accomplishment and it helps prime your brain for sleeping. It's also nicer then sleeping in an unmade bed.

If you're a normie then it looks presentable and welcoming too.

t. low-IQ NPC

>Give legitimate reasons for making your bed
>hurr NPC
Bad meme, bad post, bad poster.

Making threads where you dick measure about IQ

only chads make their beds because chad rhymes with bed

Posting in this is a low IQ behavior

>Chad rhymes with bed
user no

wait a minute...


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Get the fuck outta here you normieshit.

>chewing with mouth open
>talking loudly in public
>having kids when you work min wage
>smoking weed

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I don't even make my bed but there's solid reason to do so.

Going to church and believing in God

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That's definitely "annoying piece of shit who is destroying society" behavior, at the least.

>muh greek filosofurs

Fucking brainlet poser

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you probably irritated your ear drum


>be me
>always have ear infections as a kid
>the doctors operate on me twice
>they install "ear tubes" inside my ears
>apparently they were needed to drain wax out of my ears
>a few years later doctor is checking my ears
>go home
>parents realize something is really wrong because im fat as fuck and didn't touch my burger king
>mommy lays next to me in her bed
>says it will be okay
>it was okay.
>mommy didn't lie

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You gotta start with the Greeks, my small brained NPC.

>can't tell my lefts and rights (have to do the hand thing every time)
>regularly forget what I'm saying in the middle of a sentence
>get upset by loud noises and cover my ears like a child in public
>chew my coffee stirrer into splinters
>frequently have trouble with jacket zipper
>don't know how to blow my nose

>t. absolute brainlet
Bet you've never finished a single book in your entire life (Skyrim books don't count)

>>can't tell my lefts and rights (have to do the hand thing every time)
I had to do this until I was 13, maybe even longer, I don't fucking know why, I figured some Calculus concepts out on the first try but that took me years as a kid.

skyrim books are better than greek shit they eat a lot of gyros so it smells

>t. has never read The Lusty Argonian Maid

Fully agree with those. Here's some more
>having too many kids (it's always low iq fat women doing this)
>buying luxury shit like new iphones while on minimum wage
>spending 10 pound on some faggy starbucks drink
>obsessing over everything you eat been gluten free
>not knowing how to queue properly and in a single file
>smoking (it's always low iq retards on low or min wage who have this expensive habit)
>wearing joggers when not jogging (I'm referring to chavs)
>been a chav
I'm a britfag so amerifags might not understand these, but this behaviour it legit ruining my country. Can amerifats relate to these?

yeah sticking shit in your ears promotes wax production. I did that shit as a child until i had to have them syringed. left them the fuck alone since and haven't had an issue since. who the fuck makes so much wax that it becomes that noticable.

>Complex science, mathematics, well-dtructef arguments with evidence presented
>entertaining presentations of
Someone who truly loves science should find it amusing. Hence entertainment. Just because its purposeful doesnt proclude it from being entertainment.

Everything on that list except being a chav was invented in America you limey cuck. Fuck off back to /britfeel/ with your >hurr can americans relate

Goddamn retard.

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he more likely just lodged wax in far enough that it impaired his canal. thats what that feels like

here come the fucking product shills, kill yourselves you penny earning slaves.

based. i'm op i still count on my fingers.

no starbucks drink costs a tenner. granted it is pretty overpriced, but why do you care how other people spend money they can afford. same with your first point, i bet you're the cunt who thinks poor people shouldn't ever have anything nice at all. watching documentaries like "well they cant be that poor, the have a flatscreen tv"

total wank

>They can't be poor if they have a flatscreen TV
That's true though. If they have luxury items they aren't poor, they just have an expensive lifestyle. Actual poor people are skelly because they can't afford to eat 3 meals a day and have no materialistic possessions of value

no it isnt. certain things are just given as basic these days. People can buy things in times they are better off in, or they can save, or they can get them on credit. Tvs arent even a luxury item these days. are they supposed to just sit in their homes doing nothing? doesn't mean they don't struggle. fuck there's always a kid in africa thats poorer.

yours is an actual low IQ opinion

I'm pretty sure smoking wasn't invented by amerilards

the first commercial cigarettes definitely were invented by americans.
America has the slavery/tobacco history the UK doesnt

>a plant indigenous to the Americas

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This opinion is correct. Not because of any particular reasons. It is correct by the virtue of me believing it.

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