If women hate weak men why do you see them all the time dating guys on welfare with no money...

If women hate weak men why do you see them all the time dating guys on welfare with no money, guys who still live with their mother, guys who don't even know how to cook a meal or change a diaper, guys who refuse to grow up, etc?

I see women all the time dating men who have anxiety and have their mental health fucked up from past drug abuse and alcoholism. Some of these guys have regular breakdowns and can't even get out of bed until 3pm. They can barely dress themselves and eat mcdonalds every day.

Women date these man child type of guys all time. You see them with them more than you do with some hard working lumberjack guy who gets up and puts in a hard days work and makes his own meals and never complains about anything because he's a "big strong man who gets shit done".

Women aren't with the hard working masculine lumberjacks and gym guys, they are with the strung out scruffy looking dude who can't even change a lightbulb.

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y-you mean there's hope for me?

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Weak men are easy to take advantage of. Said women are just as worthless as the "men" they date. They're just more cunning. You'll just as easily fall into their punji sticks of lust if you aren't careful.

is this a creative writing thread

but what advantage are they taking from them? stealing their meds?

Either the dude has a "bad boy" streak that no women can resist, or she's manipulating him for whatever eeevil reason.

You just have to be good looking and most girls will date you. But we are at a point where lumberjacks are useless and some twink with 10k insta followers is seen as more attractive

>them all the time dating guys on welfare with no money, guys who still live with their mother
I have never in all my life seen this. What magic land do you live in were women date neets?

>guys on welfare
My mother has dated 2 guys who were on welfare after divorcing my father.

I know a neet black guy who has 3 kids by 2 diff white women. I know at least 5 neet white guys off the top of my head who all have relationships with women and kids with them too. These guys do nothing but lay around on the sofa all day eating and playing video games or fucking around on social media. Their meager income from welfare provides just enough for weed and shitty food. The women work but the guys never do. Or maybe the guy will have a couple of odd jobs over a few year period here and there then he's back to lounging around all day again. Tons of guys like this where i'm at.

Fucking Westerners.How can you be so damn cucked?I would have killed that bitch for dating poor Chads.Imagine having to meet another man who has the exact same privilege that your father had and he is fucking poor too.Pathetic

Many women have a 'i can fix this damaged Chad or asshole' delusion. They usually end up verbally abused or beaten which as subhuman creatures they enjoy and only stick around longer

it often seems to be a thing where they want a project, someone they can fix never seems to turn out well tho

>why do you see them all the time dating guys on welfare with no money
>guys who still live with their mother, guys who don't even know how to cook a meal or change a diaper, guys who refuse to grow up, etc?

most people on welfare dont care about anyone but themselves, thats why they even refuse to work, because why have a job when you can take advantage of others, of welfare system, thats egotistical and also alpha behaviour

men who live with their parents and play video games all day long are the opposite, they may or may not care about anything but they have no will power to take advantage of others (their parents just pity them and basically give charity by letting them stay), they have no will power to realize their goals irl (thats if they have any goals), they are afraid of people and submit to authority and are the opposite of alpha chads

>most people on welfare dont care about anyone but themselves, thats why they even refuse to work, because why have a job when you can take advantage of others, of welfare system,
You ever heard of projecting?

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Despite what most of you guys think, women fuck literally anything not just chad

I have never seen this on contrary my sister even divorced her husband because he was a alcoholic who couldn't find a job after getting fired.

Also if that was true why don't I have a gf?
I'm not even using drugs.

you ever heard of living in council block where all your neighbours are wellfare niggers who can get away with anything because they know how to play the system

>ywn start crying in the middle of the street because a cutie is hugging you and passing her fingers through your hair

It all depends on how attractive you are. Attractive people can make pretty much any shitty personality trait or lifestyle seem palatable; it's a completely different set of rules for them.

thats gay as fuck senpai

I just want some goddamn pussy to pierce my thickening shield of numbness.

I was 16 too, once
then I got laid

Because they find them good looking. There are plenty of men out there with stable jobs and money who cannot get laid because they are ugly.

I lived with an absolute scum of the earth burnout kid who dated a 10/10 model. Model girl was pretty fucked up herself and we had to call the ambulance every other month because she made suicide threats. Scum of the earth merely know which emotional buttons to push to keep her invested. Make a woman feel special and emotionally invested and she'll stick around forever. It's not easy but it is simple.

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Lmao women don't give a shit about weak men.
Women want the handsome guy.
If he's broke or a loser it doesn't matter.
Genes above all.
Women like to try and fix only diamonds in the rough.
Ain't no girl dating fat ugly neet loser my nibba.
The bad boy must be also good looking else the roastie won't even register it.
That's the only time a woman is willing to put effort to better a man and take it for themselves, because he looks good.
Find me a woman willing to support a ugly loser and I'll shut up for eternity. Must be no blood relations between the 2.
Come on faggot, prove it.

I know a guy who fits OP's post very well. He's an alcoholic drug addict, lives with his family, on probation, can't drive, been to jail, no job, etc.

But he is extremely handsome, probably could consider him a 9/10 or so. Random girls will message him on facebook and want to hang out with him, it's how he met his current gf. I don't see how his gf gains anything from this, or is taking advantage of him.

Ugly loser who in his mid 30s has never worked once, always broke and has mental health and alcohol problems

Still has loyal girlfriend by his side willing to do anything for him

Say something, faggot

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because they have big jaws and other indicators of optimal craniofacial development, obviously

>you see them all the time dating guys on welfare with no money
lol where?

i literally met one last night when I went out to a party.
they were both 22 and married already. the guy was 5'5" and the girl was cute. his goal was LITERALLY to play video games while she worked as a nurse and supported him. when I told her I don't play video games because they're a waste of time, she literally went "oh :/ " and put on like a grossed out face, and yest she did admit that I was very handsome but that "she is biased and thinks her husband is more handsome" even though it was very clear to everyone sitting in the circle that I was the most handsome male in the area. she also admitted it but still chose her husband neet dude over me.
idk whats happening anymore in the world.

This so hard
I hung around with these women all the time in college. They want nothing more than to show off how "humble" and "alternative" they are, so they drag heroin addicted sadboys around with them to house shows and parties like prissy little dogs.
Either that or they want to date someone who's pathetic and they can exert control over, cheat on etc with zero recourse. I seen it happen, these hoes are manipulative and vain and should be treated like children

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That guy is far from ugly, you have never met a true ugly balding dicklet fat neet.
The worst genetic dead end all died alone, i know 2 of them, the only women they have been with are prostitutes and gold diggers.
What kind of bullshit is this?
You just proved me right, she's with him because he's handsome, just because you might be more handsome it doesn't mean she's throwing her stability for you, i know that memes here say a woman will always act on branch swinging but it ain't as widespread as the meme states.
Again, she thinks his husband is handsome and can guarantee she wouldn't have married him if he wasn't.
Anyway, just because these rare women exist, it won't mean that the 99% of other losers will ever make it.
Hell even some good guys with a stable job never get the love they need because they ugly.
I know a few.
In my country, it is estimated that 50% of non virgins pay prostitutes once a week even if they are married or in a relationship (money).
I know nobody who is legitimately ugly with a dead end job and still have a loving gf supporting them nor i have ever heard about these legendary events from people around me, and i know a lot cause is autistically observe and gather info because yes.

These aren't rich weak men.

Most are mentally ill and have no self-esteem

t. NEET dating a stripper who is a huge slut and I put up with it because she pays for everything and I'm also mentally ill with no self-esteem

It's the effect of obesity. Obesity lowers testosterone levels in men and raises them in women. Most women today are fat and that affects their preferences.
>Women aren't with the hard working masculine lumberjacks and gym guys,
Women who aren't fat usually want that type though

Bruh, the truth you speak is ridiculous. I too see these faggots all the time where I work at. Running front desk for a welfare motel is soul crushing.

Same here except she's not a stripper. I'm neet dating a girl but she's fucked mentally more than me and has all types of problems and the reason i put up with it because she doesn't expect me to do shit and pays for eveything. I'm a loser dating a loser basically

Women date in accordance with their feelings at any moment in time, which are always in flux.

My friend is married with 2 kids and his wife cheated on him with an unemployed loser recently. Marriage is over and he's getting taken to the cleaners by the courts.

My ex dated me when I was a weak loser (oh wait, I still am). She was a fucking mess with low self-esteem at the time. Once women get their own shit together and get a bit older, they will almost always move on to a more responsible guy.