And his work?
Got any favourites of his works?
What do you think of this guy
A brainlet's Dostoyevsky
... That's like your opinion man and originally so
the only famous schizoid person
I wouldn't say that, what lead you to that conclusion?
theres this rly good book but i cant rmb it now. so i'll just drop some stuff from google
claimed that Kafka may have possessed a schizoid personality disorder.[92] His style, it is claimed, not only in "Die Verwandlung" ("The Metamorphosis"), but in various other writings, appears to show low to medium-level schizoid traits, which explain much of his work.[
The tremendous world I have in my head. But how to free myself and free them without ripping apart? And a thousand times rather tear in me they hold back or buried. For this I'm here, that's quite clear to me.[95]
Man cannot live without a permanent trust in something indestructible within himself, though both that indestructible something and his own trust in it may remain permanently concealed from him.[96]
Though Kafka never married, he held marriage and children in high esteem. He had several girlfriends.[97] He may have suffered from an eating disorder. Doctor Manfred M. Fichter of the Psychiatric Clinic, University of Munich, presented "evidence for the hypothesis that the writer Franz Kafka had suffered from an atypical anorexia nervosa",[98] and that Kafka was not just lonely and depressed but also "occasionally suicidal".[80] In his 1995 book Franz Kafka, the Jewish Patient, Sander Gilman investigated "why a Jew might have been considered 'hypochondriac' or 'homosexual' and how Kafka incorporates aspects of these ways of understanding the Jewish male into his own self-image and writing".[99] Kafka considered committing suicide at least once, in late 1912.[100]
.....One of the most characteristic traits of the people whom psychiatrists label schizoid is their inability to make close relationships with people without feeling threatened. The typical schizoid dilemma is a desperate need for love combined with an equally desperate fear of close involvement. Kafka was a writer who vividly portrayed this dilemma in extreme form, and who also used avoidance
Okay, but do you like any works of him though?
I like him but he's too kikey
I just read and finished The Trial. Should I read The Castle?
His novella "The Metamorphosis" is about a man who becomes a neet, and how his family betrays him. How can anyone on this board not relate to that? Kafka died of starvation, and even worked on a short story "A Hunger Artist" about a man that also died of starvation. Kafka seemed like a pretty cool dude at the end of the day, and his writings are pretty solid as well.
I agree. But didn't Kafka die of tuberculosis?
Personal favorite is Metamorphosis.
>But didn't Kafka die of tuberculosis?
From wikipedia, it seems we were both kinda right, starvation from tuberculosis. " The cause of death seemed to be starvation: the condition of Kafka's throat made eating too painful for him, and since parenteral nutrition had not yet been developed, there was no way to feed him".
what a tragic ending
I liked the documentary he did on Hillary Clinton.
His stories are a little too allegorical for me. I enjoy the dismal imagery, but I often wonder what this guy has really done to deserve the right to simply create a rich and vivid metaphor without really constructing an interesting narrative. The Metamorphosis was good in that respect but it came way after he'd already written a bunch of short stories with no real defined plot.
I am inclined to agree with this. His writing, or at least the translation of his writing in The Trial was good, but it really does feel aimless. I know a lot of people will say that's the point but the same premise is in much of his short stories too like you mentioned.
The Castle is a masterpiece and very sinister in tone even compared to The Trial. The ending of that book seemed good-natured in comparison to one of the endings in The Castle. I also hear he does some very creative things with the German language that are just missing with the English translation. I also thought his one Dickens-like story The Stoker was very moving
my favorite person ever . best work is the trial
he was a cool guy