Post your beautiful computer desktop.
Post your beautiful computer desktop
>world of goo
My nigga
here you go OP.My avg normie desktop.
why not just ask people for their favorite picture?
Android master race
I played the shit out of this game when i was 9yo
>not browsing Jow Forums on mobile
wew grandpa
Pretty normie stuff.
>english folder names
That's a pretty cool wallpaper desu
I'm a broke college student orgop
pedo or druggie?
that makes my eyes burn
I enjoy it's comfy feeling
4:3 desktop?! how?
surely you can get a 1080p second hand screen for less than $100
i see a porn folder with what appears to be an adult, so probably a druggie, plus hes from the Czech Republic so good access to cheap european drugs
here ya go OP plz no bully
based new vegas posters
fallout NV, Factorio, HoI IV, PoE, Cities Skylines
Great taste
>League background
>Destktop full of shitty game shortcuts instead of starting the games through steam.
>Epic Games Launcher
I bet you havent played half of those games you have in the desktop for more than months and still keep them there. Just clean that shit, and make the desktop more minimalistic.
>Hearts of iron 4
>Binding of isaac
Mah negro, despite having autist tier background.
It's a 5:4 mind you.
i dont like my background anymore
Meh just a bunch of pirated games I'm never going to play.
It's not even a porn folder. My main folder is not on my desktop for safety reasons.
>KSG, Iddles, PC
Fantano followers dont deserve sympathy.
At least i give you props, Parquet Courts lastest album was very good.
Downloaded the images for the sake of debate.
I am a pedophile unironically.
Haven't changed this in about 5 years. I miss rice threads, do they even still exist?
well then the best thing you can do is stick to 2d girls and if you ever catch yourself scheming to fuck a real kid just kill yourself. Its harsh but as long as you stick to superior 2d women you won't have to worry about anything.
You're right I should fucking torture myself in the most humiliating, painful, demented ways possible so when they find my body the news can laugh at how pathetic and stupid I am.
What makes you think he's weak-minded enough to need a stranger on Jow Forums to teach him like a child how to behave in society?
>imblyign I use a PC at all and have not devolved into a degenerate phoneposter
the snowflakes are animated
Because hes a pedophile friend
I never said torture, just don't let yourself rape a real kid.
What gets your cock hard determines how responsible you are as an adult?
I like dark backgrounds, especially nature themed ones.
Well, it is a pretty shitty background. Like a frame out of a timelapse from one of those "inspirational" speech videos where they have some black guy who plays sports yelling at you to chase your dreams. You are peak normalfag.
yes, if children get your cock hard you are not a responsible adult.
What studies have you done to come to this conclusion?
I have common sense user. Someone who wants to fuck a kid could not possibly be a responsible adult by definition. Weird how you seem so offended by this concept? Are you a pedophile?
>Are you a pedophile?
No doubt, he is. Who do they think they're fooling by getting so defensive?
>I have common sense user.
That's not an argument, user. You quite literally have no understanding whatsoever of the human mind.
>Someone who wants to fuck a kid could not possibly be a responsible adult by definition.
Feeling an attraction =/= Planning to act on an attraction
Having a thought =/= Doing something based on a thought
Thinking =/= Acting
Fantasy =/= Reality
>Weird how you seem so offended by this concept?
I'm merely annoyed by arrogance coupled with cluelessness.
>Are you a pedophile?
No. How would you define the word in your own words btw?
Stellaris Masterrace
>That's not an argument, user.
it is because by definition if you are a mature adult who has important duties, independent decision-making, and control over others you wont be a pedo.
>How would you define the word in your own words btw?
someone who wants to fuck kids, which by the way i still believe you do considering how absolutely assblasted each of your comments appear to be.
What wallpaper is that user?
>if you are a mature adult who has important duties, independent decision-making, and control over others it is impossible for you to get taboo erections that are independent from your will
>someone who wants to fuck kids
What do you mean precisely by "wants to"? Would enjoy it? Plans to do it?
>absolutely assblasted
*rolls eyes*
Finally a good wallpaper
You type like a 12 year old girl and i bet you want to fuck one
What did you wish to accomplish exactly with this childish reply?
mainly to get you a bit flustered.
It didn't work, sweetie.
did it not? Well you can't win them all
Me like English language ok?
Disgusting phoneposter reporting in
Here, take it. It's yours forever.
>One Piece
I would love that show if my loser ex-friends weren't such faggots about it. I enjoy it, but looking at something reminds me of them
My wife ruri is cute as a button.
>League of Legends
okay buddy
a fellow linux user i see
You have a beautiful wife.
thanks anone
the patrician robot's choice.
install gentoo immediately
>Dota 2
other side of the same coin BUDDY
Just think about the parts you really liked.
>Michael Hampton (I assume)
>The Aristrocats
Nice user
There you go, not that it's very interesting
Very gay but I like it
looks like shite desu
I don't take much care of my phone's homescreen
Hey you're the winfag from Jow Forums who starts all the desktop threads!
>not arch leenux and i3
>cant play most games
i still dont know why some people use linux
File too large (file: 6.49 MB, max: 2 MB).
Because developing on windows feels like stabbing rusty nails into your taint. It also takes about 3 seconds to reboot if I really want to play some AAA trash that bad.
>b-but muh games
stay quiet, manchild
I need a good start menu icon
had to switch to jpeg cuz otherwise id be too big
4 to 11 years. That's my guess based on your desktop.
i have gone off the deep end have no desire to hide my power level anymore.
Never understood the hate for phoneposters, redditors and women around here.
I like snake's smile
>invaders must die pic.
Do you listen to The Prodigy
here ya go. i like it very much.
its nice to see more people play PoE
i dont use my desktop for anything and usually have a lot of windows up so i never bother with a background