Who /ready/ here? Pic related
Who /ready/ here? Pic related
it depends
any kind of war? no. Bugging out? Yes
I'm not ready i still need some prep time. I grew up without any male influence so i still need to teach myself how to survive. First step is learning how to start a fire. Give me like 6 months then i will be ready to ditch society.
No because I like non white people as well as if not better on average than white
ready for what? rahowa? yeah white brother go and fuck em up.
well so do i but i'm still hype for the inevitable societal collapse.
Asian bot here, why do you whites want to be replaced? Don't you want to live with your own people?
Me even though I am a non white. I hate the direction where the west going. I wanna see the destruction and rebirth of a non degenerate society even if it means sacrificing myself in the process.
See you on the battlefield kulak
Same here. Society has gone to shit, and if our sacrifice is necessary for the greater good of this world, then that is what must be done
self hating whites are the worst enemies of the people and a scourge to society. of course they wish to see themselves replaced. it reflects their own madness
Im redy, fren
I'm not /ready/ because it's impossible to get a weapon in my shit country and I don't care, I'm going out there with a fucking pocket knife
your prophets said it themselves
?Hegel remarks somewhere[*] that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
Would pay to watch the neo reds and neo nazis fight in an open field. Being both good useful idiots to the globalist hierarchy, albeit marginal.
Many of us never really have lived like that but the integrated society we've always known is comfier than backwards Midwest areas where white supremacy is so common it's taken for granted.
Da comrade, let the enemy make the first move and then we'll crush them when they crawl out from their holes. The revolutionary who wins is the one who waits until the moment is ripe.
I'll be standing there with you.
I'm honestly not sure why more robots aren't communists. Maybe NEETS are generally so reactionary because they don't produce any labor to be exploited, and are themselves parasitic.
heh my plans are finalized
Goebbels looks like such a shifty rat kike.
And when a mass movement that represents the vast majority of the population's class interests erupts, then what? It's happened before, with some examples persisting to this day. How does working towards socialism, which is directly opposed to capitalism, support the "globalist hierarchy" when capitalism is the way that those in power came to and held their power?
Goebbels stayed true to the Fuhrer to the end and died with him and National Socialism. He was a true believer and had all of his children killed so they would not fall into the hands of the reds.
People in the NatSoc party/military were far from being normalfags, on both sides of the spectrun. You had robots like Goebbels and turbo-Chads like Rommel BTFOing everyone.
Based, see you lads in the barricades
Goring was best waifu though. Hitler overreacted to him asking for control.
A populist worker's movement isn't possible in the 21st century globalist sphere unless it was coordinated among multiple fronts. Otherwise it would be destroyed mercilessly by the state whether local or international.
Cringe and commiepilled, imagine falling for the oldest meme ideology in the book.
i'm a Puerto Rican girl who only likes white guys. what happens to me when poltards rise up?
Helicopter rides are too merciful for communist scum! In an original context of course.
I've seen the pol meetup pictures, none of you are even white lol
Goring was a pompous clown who did more harm than good. He made many mistakes in his leadership of the Luftwaffe. Hitler should have used more competent leaders instead of old party comrades during wartime. Oh well.
Epic xD kill commies like in da movie guis! Disgusting. Go and watch emotional Hitler speech video #352745 faggot.
It happens that you go back to living with your kind and stop forcing yourself to live in a society built by whites for whites.
Probably nothing since Jow Forums isn't white, you might make a good party member's wife since women flip flop to whoever has power anyway.
Goring was a chad although admittedly he was a bit of a retard who should have focused on the RAF more.
Lol butthurt commie go die
Those dumb enough to doxx themselves by going there are nonwhite, yeah. Also
>america isn't rangebanned
What did you expect?
>helicopter meme
>he thinks the Hungarian revolution was anti communist
Okay poltards really are retarded.
Meh i don't care if they are commies. Commies who kill other commies and then get killed by other commies are based imo. Stalin was awesome considering how many retarded commie leaders he offed.
>your own people
Robots have no people. The idea of race or community is absolutely meaningless to me because I've never been welcomed into either, my mother is the only person who has actually loved me in my entire life and even then I'm not sure if that love will last much longer. I look like them but we're so different on the inside. Why should I care about people who've never cared about me?
I was born in America though idiot. Why don't you fuck off back to Europe then by that same logic?
Goering became set in his belief that an "enemy plane will never fly over the Reich" and his lax air defenses. Once the eastern front began to collapse he sought experimental jet weaponry over convention despite industry being bombed daily.
Please don't say your Puerto Rican, real Puerto Ricans despise crackers and dark skin niggers. You're parents would Lynch you for dating a cumskin.
>I could almost refute your point, but instead I'll call you names
Ok, /leftypol/ niggers really are retarded.
>implying most non-whites who browse this board aren't self-hating, cumskin boot lickers
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of
revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis XDDDDDD :DD
is there any point to posting this purely anecdotal bottom of the barrel bullshit? do you get a hardon or
>that pic
>that post
Yikes! Get off Jow Forums kiddy. Go outside(if you have any friends) tommorow you have school.
Hey take your own advice and "follow your leader" by killing yourself
What was there to refute?
Epic copy pasta :DDDDDDD
I'm European and I couldn't care less about Weimerica. That being said, Europeans have the right to live in America because they built the society that allows all the other races to live there in the first place. If you want whites out of America, the very same benefits that caused your ancestors to immigrate to the US might vanish.
>inb4 muh slaves
States aren't made out of cotton.
yeah. he totally didn't get taken out by Stalin. keep believing that
Nope, I have told pol fags though. Since most of them take the "blackpill"(god I cringed just writing that) and become depressed. They actually believe their own lies. Lel
Even if that's true that makes me like Stalin even more. Based Stalin killing that dumb commie piece of shit.
Lenin died knowing the soviet union was about to be taken over by based Stalin. He died knowing everything he worked for was about to be destroyed. That is peak comedy.
>based Stalin killing that dumb commie piece of shit
wow lad, we're getting into questionable territory here
Hitler did nothing wrong, he just believed too much in providence and lost sight of reality. All while his nation was being bombed and looted and raped by the eastern hoards.
This war between the east and west was a core tenant of NatSoc and the SS. Total war doctrine and no capitulation only got the best of Germans killed. How far distanced from the old days Hitler must have felt as Germania was being destroyed. The stress gave him a nervous shaking which never left
>stalin about to destroy everthing HAHAHAHAH
*Turns Russia from a backward country to the biggest industrial superpower the world has ever seen in just 20 years*
Danm Stalin, wtf bro?
Hitler encouraged the extermination of millions of innocent people. Hitler betrayed his own generals. Hitler was a degenerate drug-addict alcoholic. Hitler was a delusional cultural-romantic in an ivory tower. Hitler was a pathetic loser.
Please crawl out of your hole before it's too late.
He did that by killing each and every single commie who dared defy him and then by persecuting the Jews. He was a commie in name only and that's why his cowardly usurpers had to wait for death to take him before they denounced him.
I'm ready to follow the next hitler
Half of your statements are post-war jewish slander, and I say that not as a believer in national socialism.
Sure. I'm sure you can empirically support those claims.
Are you down for a formal debate?
>he was commie only in name
>see! He killed a couple of trots and jooos he's/ourguy/
Your confusing your hate for pol with your hate for incels my rampaging control freak friend
>a couple
He killed a shit ton
There is no debate to be had with a JIFD agent. You clowns don't operate on logic or reason. Go and murder some more Palestinians you bastards
He was just a communist who hated other forms of communism that was being promoted by different communists. Read a book, you waste of carbon.
What kind of "WE WUZ STALINISM N SHIET" is this?
Nah, Incels are just alienated youth that need to be saved.
Read his stuff. He was staunchly against anti semitism, for it divided the working class
Ah. Yet another titan of reason. Are you completely unwilling of rational discussion?
>half of your statements are post-war jewish slander
It's literaly in Mein Kampf though. Are you implying the work was doctored?
Actions speak louder than words. If Stalin did the exact same shit but under a fascist flag you would be demonizing him you brainlets.
here I will be sucked into your jew vortex
Mein Kampf was written 20 years before the height of ww2 what does it mean to your slanderous statements of Hitler being a drug addicted alcoholic etc.
I'm ready to fuck up some Jow Forums pussies
Stop encouraging idiots.
Nope, read his works and the things he did in the Soviet Union.
Because his political and cultural ambitions directly outline the consequences that followed. Are you daft?
On drugs, Norman Ohlers book references to several third reich documents and their views on drugs, as well as Hitlers own consumption.
It's irrefutable. I can't comprehend how you're still like this. When are you going to realize your whole political view it's pure crackpot?
If you wish I could set up a discord so we could debate these things directly. Are you interested?
Why are blacks such fucking animals
You haven't proven anything relevant at all to tentatively prove that anything you are arguing for actually occurred. It's sad that you losers get paid to do this and yet have so little understanding of history or facts.
Also fuck Zionism, fuck Israel, and fuck your illegitimate terrorist state.
Why are Jow Forums cucks so fucking weak?
Why do Nazis use Iranian symbols? That looks like the symbol of Zoroastrianism and the sun is a deity in that religion.
lol. they were clearly in a fight. he beat his ass. if it was the white guy beating his ass you wouldn't have said shit faggot
Its in their nature. They cant talk so they act violently just like primates
Jow Forums cucks are hypocritical, idiotic subhumans. What did you expect?
I agree though. I completely disagree with Israel's policies. I disagree with their colonization of Palestinian land. I disagree with their lobbies and interference in US politics. I disagree with Zionism.
The fact still stands though. Hitler is responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people, same as Stalin and Mao. Saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" is nothing more than edgefaggotry. He clearly did, and it's indisputable. Historians all over the globe agree. If you claim that all these, thousands of historians are under jewish control, you are clearly delusional and need to re-evaluate your worldview.
Nothing less. Keep fighting the good fight user.
>(((Historians all over the globe)))
Yes, I'll be spreading the word of Adam Lanza.
Fucking amazing what a chad. I am watching this an iam scared and feel bad for theis weak virgin white pig.
indian here.
we will fight with the jews.
As an radio operator in dubai?
Great argument. Is that all you've got?
Is there any proof this guy is actually a racist?
if it is needed.
imagine a world where poltards win
What version of Mein Kampf did you read?
The Mein Kampf contains heavy criticism of the Jews but no hint of genocide. In fact, Hitler supported Jewish emigration out of Germany for many years.
>Hitler betrayed his own generals
Not in the Mein Kampf, but what are you referring to, specifically?
>degenerate drug-addict alcoholic
No proof at all for this except for supposed witnesses. So yeah, it can be categorized as post-war slander.
>delusional cultural-romantic
Enjoy your society based on shekels, then. Hitler's ultimate aim was to genetically preserve and better his people through eugenetics.
Gommunism's aim was to kill the rich and create a "classless" society, where the individual is eliminated in favor of the lowest common denominator, the mass.
Hitler specifies in Mein Kampf that the reason behind eugenetics is to create naturally superior individuals that can get to the top and help society's advancement thanks to their genius.
It might be a romantic aim, but I prefer it to a society focused on distributing money in the right way.
No, but it's all I need.
Shhhh Hitler wanted to kill every non white
Let them believe this they need something
Pol tards will never "rise up." It's a fringe and niche internet movement filled to the brim with the edgy dregs of society.
>its okay to kill people for simply disagreeing with me
>wow what the fuck how can people defend themselves in a fight this is an outrage fucking animals niggers are subhuman
Eh, I'm the kind of person who would praise the mass murderer for his killing spree but also execute him publicly to discourage others. If you want to change things you have to give up your life to do it. No half measures, the blood price must be paid.
wtf.. why are the racists posts getting deleted...
It's call survival of the fetus. We're the laws of the strong who rules the land you fucking pink pig.
White faggot have grown way to soft and forgot their basis animal instinct.
No wonder why your race is going extinct.
>laws of the strong
>a population of genetic trash that is entirely dependent on gibs from their white masters
more like laws of the weak and a certain path to destruction lmao
>he's a janitor
>on an anime website
>he does it for free
>he needs to delete post that make him mad or he'll have a mental breakdown
>he thinks he's "fighting nazis"
>his che guevara shirt is dirty with the hot pockets he had for breakfast
>he complains to his "friends" about "frogs", they have no idea what he's talking about