Why is the american justice system so unfair?
Why is the american justice system so unfair?
All countries are dystopian shit holes where real justice doesn't exist. ''innocent until proven guilty'' is a filthy american lie. I've suffered their persecution first hand
It's probably one of the worst dystopian shit holes on the planet
I blame the jews, marxists (atheists) and judeo-christ cucks
murder is worse than rape
Women getting treated unfairly gives me such a massive erection
Because of corruption/bribery. You can get justice if you are/have a master lawyer, like in all those TV shows.
1: need a source on that
2: women get away with 95% of shit so don't pretend that "oh no the justice system is unfair to the whamanze" when we cater to their needs and just slap them on the wrist
3: most of these info graphs are disingenuous not taking into account of other factors or even straight up lying
4: America has one of the better systems in place and the least corrupt at least when it comes to civilians.
So who do you not blame ??
From what I remember she actively sought out and killed the man, not that she defended herself
It's not, female criminals fare much better in the legal system than male criminals, even for the same crime.
also [citation needed]
just be white bro
Who is more useful to society, the people who keep the money flowing or some basic 16 year old bitch who now has mental trauma?
Because America is a plutocracy. The justice system is based on how wealthy the defendant is. It's why as a juden banker, you can defraud people out of a few million bucks and get 6 months, but if you rob a bank for much less you get 10+ years.
why is america so obsessed with sex? rape is terrible for sure, but murder is worse than rape by a longshot.
I looked her case up, and apparently she prostituted herself, and afterwards killed the guy while he was sleeping. After that she stole a bunch of money and firearms from him. How tf is this self defense op? Get your facts straight. (Not to say the other cases aren't fucked up)
I cant tell if shes black or white
very much edgy senpai, im sure that you dindu nuffin :)
>just wanna own guns and preach your own interpretation of the bible
>ATF shoots up your compound
>FBI burns you and your followers to death
Fuck the FBI
Rich Chinese think they are above the law. Which they are in China. But they get a dose of reality once they are in countries with a rule of law. Throw the bitch in prison.
Brilliant question.
>Samantha Mears got away with rape
This. People who bitch usually don't have any facts or actual experience outside their immediate community
That woman is non-white, the american justice system is proven to give whites lighter sentences on crimes just as bad or even more harsh than ones by minorities especially black. Women in general get lighter sentences than men
>shoots someone delivering a search warrant
>triggered gen zer thinks he's the victim
Damn I wish no one ever taught you guys what 'victims' were
Literally cherry picking and you picked awfully, women don't get punished as hard as men, they especially don't get punished for pedophilia or sexual assault like men.
>evidence she planned, sought out and killed someone
>other cases didn't have the same amount of evidence
>a woman is finally convicted rightfully for her crime
>premiditated murder isn't self-defense as everyone one in law knows
>hurr durr dis is basically North Korea
>Women in general get lighter sentences than men
So are you trying to make a point or did you just argue against yourself?
fuck you for blaming atheists, it's defo the religious nutcases who rape people.
She's american, 100%.
>t: fascist
The point is if she was the same race but male her sentence would be higher. If she was a white male her sentence would be lower, if she was a white female she'd have the lowest sentence possible.
>that smug look on the first guys face
>torture a mentally ill child for being white : get probation
>Run over heather heyer (even though you shouldn't brake for protestors, see the attack on reginald denny): get 20 years to life
>old white/Jewish and or rich men getting away with rape
I don't understand why people keep comparing these two heinous crimes
anyone who argues for or against is a retard