Be jew

>Be jew
>Actively or passively hated/disliked by 90% of all western people, all races
>Even the regressive leftists who constantly push against racism will accept some form of anti-jew agenda
>Muslims automatically assume you're a hardcore zionist or some shit so they despise you openly
>Religious jews call you a fake jew because you're not willing to believe in a bunch of outdated cancer
>Israelis call you a traitor because you're critical towards zionism so you can't even turn to them
>Eastern/Spheradi jews will be racist to you as well
>People associate you with wealthy bankers and politicians but you're a poor lonely depressed student drowning in debt
>Literally cannot embrace any form of self-identify

Should jewbots just fucking kill themselves right now?

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>Should jewbots just fucking kill themselves right now?
Yes. Plant multiple bombs in Israel as well

Yes. Do it now you kike faggot.

no there's 1 billion people that support zionism and helped lot of jews during ww2.


Poos for Jews.

Your parents fault for chopping your penis

>Literally cannot embrace any form of self-identify
You can be a robot, if you want to.
That's all I have.

You're alright. Don't take the train tomorrow.

Bring Christ into your life. God loves you so much.

Yo Jewbot, can you read Hebrew? If so, what did the Talmud mean by this regarding us goyim?

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it means those who worship the stars can't be called men, the translation is pretty accurate, but it's not talmud, it's from the book of prphet ezikiel

I feel for you poor kikes. Rich kikes really did a number on you.

Also I'm sorry for using the k-word. Jow Forums's anti-semitism really rubbed off on me.

Look dude, YOU specifically as an individual, might not be a subversive parasite, but YOUR PEOPLE overall most definitely are. I would be the first to recognise that difference if it is genuinely so, and I have no reason to think that you're lying, but a handful of individual jews not acting like 'the jew' does not mean the general trend of jewery isn't real.

Why would you need to identify with some group or the other? Just be an wandering jew like all of the jews before israel.

Also nobody knows you're jew unless you tell them

I'm lucky in that I'm only 10% Jewish with a Jewish last name. Also, almost no one in my family is actually practicing. I can at least identify as white because I'm mostly French/English.

Nobody actually identifies as white

If you're that pathetic that you need pols acceptance even though everyone that posts there is truly the lowest of the low, you might as well end yourself. Another reason your women are marrying out at such high rates jewish men are so self-hating.

Of course we do Ruben, people like you just like to stir the pot by saying shit like that. For some reason whites are the only people not 'allowed' to identify as white. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

anti semitism is 95% meme hating. infant circumcision is the 5%.

Same here
>Born into Jewish family
>Get called a failure by my own parents, because I don't meet their expectations.
>My mom told me she only married my dad because her parents forced her
>Get a dead end job, at a federal agency.
>Get mocked by co workers daily.
>Never had a gf.

I don't understand why you guys can't say I'm one of you.

56%er Jow Forumstards such as yourself identify as white because they have nothing else going on in their lives, no accomplishments of any kind that they can own.

also many jews are White. those jews shouldnt be bothered by anti semitism, because 98% of the time those people arent White or less White than the jews they bash on.

Oh is this the general /judenfeel/ thread now? Great I got a good one for you goys

>tfw no big milkies khazar gf to wife and impregnate with my uncircumsized Chinese cock to breed a dynasty of super autists

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I like Jews. Usually smart, make great movies and comedy. Not typically racist. And Jewish women can be hot.

You have your quirks like every cultural ethnoreligion/race, but I have no problems with the Jewish people.

>no accomplishments of any kind that they can own
You don't know me, fella.
And I'll have you know I can cum in under 10 seconds!

Shit man I'm sorry I shouldn't have prejudged you like that.

I'm a ginger and I get the same treatment, got it through all of my school years, low key passive social exclusion in college that made me drop out because of lonely 4 hour breaks between lectures in the city with no money, even in work most people treat me like shit

Jew Ginger alliance when? We could rule the world

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That's bullshit. I work with plenty of Europeans and they ate all proud of their white ancestry. But they don't say shit like "I'm proud to be white". They are proud to be German, French, Spanish, Hungarian etc. The only people who are "proud to be white" are Neo-nazis. If you actually cared about your heritage you would know your roots and be proud of that.

It's okay, fella.
We all act on impulses sometimes.
Also, I cumed 20 seconds ago from the posting of this message.

Are you and your people responsible for the influx of anti-chinese shills this year? I do have some sympathy for your dilemma, but your people still control 90% of the media.

No I'm White and i can identify with my anglo belgo spanish heritage but not with my skin being white. Its just as stupid as black saying they proud to be black.