How the fuck is sex a physiological need? How is it even a need at all?
You can live a long, healthy life without sticking your fucking beef whistle into anything.
How the fuck is sex a physiological need? How is it even a need at all?
You can live a long, healthy life without sticking your fucking beef whistle into anything.
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Tell that to all the incels over here. You cannot live a good life without sex.
>How the fuck is sex a physiological need?
It isn't. This is just more evidence of the intense and repulsive oversexualization that's happened to the West over the past century.
the idea of sex being a "need" is a repugnant theory.
pretty sure maslow has been discredited long ago
It's low on the hierarchy because it's something you always think about and scheme towards if you don't have it. This board is full of sex deprived people. And when you have it you think of the higher goals because you're never satisfied. (I personally feel the hierarchy never ends unless you die)
Lazlow or Slazo or who ever the fuck made this shit was high on something.
>sexual intimacy is level 3
>sex is level 1
Holy fucking shit that is a fucking contradiction.
genetics. I know it's scary for your christcucks but you evolved to crave it.
idk, I can't imagine a person as happy without esteem. If anything I think it's more complicated than just getting it, do you really think the cuck is a happy person?
Maybe someone's trying to lie to you, or trick you. Or both, even. Your brain's telling you that something's not quite right, anyway. What do you think?
You're a stupid normalfaggot. Just because you're a lowly animal who craves physical pleasure doesn't mean the rest of us are. I hate sexual pleasure.
Reminder that this list is not an accurate scientific representation of anything. It's just an attempt to organize human needs which was met with very conflicting results when trying to verify its accuracy. Robots just cling to this because they feel it validates their victimization.
this isn't reddit
true robot gentlemen are volcel gang
you can have a 1000x deeper, warmer and better relationship with a waifu than a roastie
meanwhile sublime robots can disregard sexual 'needs' yet normies get utterly hooked
meeting a desire doesn't necessarily end it
best possible defense for this shit would be that maybe he was lumping it in there based on animal observations
simply craving something does not mean you fucking require it to survive you absolute brain damaged spastic
you can live a completely healthy and full life without ever having any physical contact
Why are people acting like this thing suggests you need sex to survive? Do you actually disagree that you need all of these to be a complete and healthy individual?
It's not so much that it's a psychological need but that humans (along with every other species) are hard-wired to want to breed as much as possible to keep their species going, and it's also why sex itself is so pleasurable.
>you need to stick your cock into something repeatedly to be a complete and healthy individual
you are so fucking retarded i don't even know where to begin. seriously get the FUCK off this FUCKING BOARD, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>true robot gentlemen are volcel gang
Bullshit. We were always >tfwnogf gang, at least after a year or so of the "muh classy /b/" phase passed r9k
t. was here before r9k 1.0 got deleted by moot.
people who don't have any sexual or romantic experiences by a certain age end up defective
>you can live a completely healthy and full life without ever having any physical contact
You can live, but it wont be happy or fulfilled
Love and belonging, not necessarily sex itself.
I guess if you're a low IQ ape of a human being.
>but it won't be happy or fulfilled
you are hardcore fucking projecting, my god
Reproduction is survival in the long term. We can individually try to deny that, but our base instincts are adapted to it.
You are literally fucking retarded.
>How the fuck is sex a physiological need? How is it even a need at all?
Idk, ask normans.
Humans are sexual beings retard. You can also live a shitty, empty husk of a life without your eyes, your hearing, your limbs, the ability to move anything below your neck, etc. Just because people can adapt to wretched, undesireable conditions does not mean those conditions are not wretched and undesireable.
Smarter than you fggot
Literally not
t. 30yo depressed khv
Yeah, I need to work on getting a social circle instead of having one friend. As I'm getting older I'm starting to feel like I can't live my whole life on the computer after I come home from work every day. But if I learned to make friends become social in group settings, that's all I need. Everything else is a bonus that may or may not happen, but in any case it rests on my ability to do the former thing first.
>comparing some whore going without sex as the same thing to a life without one of your basic SENSES
you are the bottom of the barrel of humanity, if you can even be considered a human being, you are the most primitive, vile, lowest creature, you are a pathetic and ridiculous excuse of a person, you should not be allowed to live or interact with others
ITT: Almost all retards posting
The point of sex being a physiological need is, without it, there wouldn't be humans. We wouldn't exist. What you're thinking of, sex for your own pleasure and self-satisfaction, is found as "sexual intimacy" in the love/belonging part of the chart.
Also, Maslow and humanist psychology are shit.
Imagine being such a pathetic cretin that you need sexual activity to function as a happy person.
>you need to mash caloric substance in your mouth to stay alive
Oh yeah sure, how many times did you masturbate this week
>Tfw don't even wanna have sex 90% of the time, just when I'm horny.
>Tfw probably wouldn't even go through with it then.
You are all baboons.
No virgin ever advanced the humanities because romance is an essential part of being a whole person.
Don't tell her about Tesla
>The group of people who require sex in order to function are also the ones who work in an environment entirely dedicated to their feelings.
Gee, really makes you think.
It obviously means sexual relief.
Tesla advanced science which is cold and sterile and divorced from humanity.
>Humanity is about having feelings
Lmao, woman detected.
Alright, sure. Science is shit. Sell whatever you're posting here with, get off the internet, stay somewhere warm and infected instead of cold and sterile.
the fact that this board exists is proof enough
Cope harder, only chad can ever advance art
if you define need as, 'need to survive as a individual,' it's not a need. it's only a need for the survival of the species. though an individual can actually pass on their genes and increase their fitness without having sex. but it is a primitive desire. if it's not as strong as the desire for food, then it is nearly as strong. it does fit in that category if we change the wording from need, to instinctual desire or something. i'm guessing someone involved in the social "sciences" made this pyramid.
I just want to be desired by a woman for once, have her eyes light up at the sight of me. Sex would be nice too. A girlfriend would solve all my mental problems. I'm a handholdless, kissless virgin and functioning normally in social settings is getting harder with each passing year.
All the faggots saying sex isn't important are either normie sex-havers or coping virgin IncelTears neckbeards.
And one more thing: if sex and relationships aren't important, then why do women love talking about them? I've noticed it's one of their favorite topics.