There are no real gentle femdoms. All the non gentle ones do it professionally and only want money while still getting fucked by alpha chads. Every single girl is actually submissive. No girls are dominate because they want to be.
There are no real gentle femdoms. All the non gentle ones do it professionally and only want money while still getting fucked by alpha chads. Every single girl is actually submissive. No girls are dominate because they want to be.
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well you don't need to rub it in, user
I hate how true this is.
Brag time
sometimes my gf bites me or smothers me but it's only to get me harder and more aroused so I snap and fuck her faster and that's because I told her to. She doesn't understand femdom
Women gain nothing from dominance outside of the bedroom and so they do not practice dominance in the bedroom. All women are biologically engineered to enjoy being pinned down and railed by a superior male, and male weakness disgusts them on a primal level. That's why there can never be such a thing as a genuine female domme. They will always either be using femdom as a source of easy money or they'll be engaging in it reluctantly in order to keep a socially/financially desirable man.
The only fetishes women actually have are rape, BDSM (subs) and choking.
Thats why you beat your wife or gf so she learns the hard way to dominate you.
I fucking hate women so much
They'll still do girl on top though, so it's okay
>I fucking hate women so much
we're getting closer and closer to never having to deal with them, user. Just hold on.
I have a fetish for gentle femdoming extremely pathetic fat ugly virgin males. I'm a girl.
This will never happen to you:
Does this count as gentle femdom?
why not facially attractive cute boys who are short/smol?
I love gentle femdom and not so gentle one.
As if to prove my point, here we see a "woman" pretending to be interested in something she isn't for attention and approval from men who she hasn't even met.
They're so fucking broken, bros.
I don't know, there are some crazy bitches out there.
>There are no real gentle femdoms
Not true.
Honestly it gives me a better power kick to dom someone three times my size. The psychology behind all of it does a lot for me too. There's a lot of social stigma shit going on too.
I don't care what a bunch of racist pedos think of me. Every once in a while there's a mtg dnd playing massive sperglord (or at least someone willing to larp as one) in these threads to play around with my sick perversion.
>Not true
>Posts a drawing
It's a documentary, user :').
This is exactly what I was thinking. Wish I could give you reddit gold for this comment.
Probably. It doesn't seem overly violent or mean spirited.
Take it to a discord you rape victim attention whore. While you're at it, take this pathetic orbiter with you too
Jow Forums is truly dead, huh?
You're making oversimplified assumptions.
While it's true, as a rule, that women prefer to be submissive both in sexual aspects than outside of the bedroom, there are plenty of women who enjoy being dominant in both aspects, or one, or the other.
Psychology and human behaviour is a lot more complicated than that, we're not just what we're biologically engineered to be. It plays a huge role, but it's not all of us.
Are you the same shroom-eating roastie that keeps posting her tits in the /gfd/ soc thread?
>Psychology and human behaviour is a lot more complicated than that
Sure, if you're a man. But women are just bundles of primal instincts without any significant higher rationality governing their impulses.
Can I eat your shit?
No, they aren't. There's no proof of that beside your memes.
You're a moron for thinking that.
it's opal. well-known literal whore who fucks homeless junkies and actual mentally disabled retards because she find it "empowering"
Yup that's me but I have a innie.
Not rly into that.
Men and women can have all sorts of different hormone levels... in the womb and as adults, which influence their physiology and behaviour. It's not just hormones which determine gendered behaviour either, but they're one variable, and you can see obvious "masculinising" or "femininising" effects when applied.
Roastie is a mindset.
>literal whore
Op here. This is what I meant. They only ever do it for money. There's not femdoms who do it because they like it.
You're all also implying that nurture has absolutely no impact on how a person is, which is incorrect.
My mom's mother died while giving birth, she was raised by her father with 4 brothers. She looks extremely feminine but acts basically like a man because she had no real female role in all her life.
I really don't care. I have no interest in humanising or empathising with women. As far as I'm concerned and as far as I've observed, they're all basically the same. I've yet to be proven wrong.
nice blog, nobody fucking cares go lie in the casket with her
>tfw not fat
its over robros
So you've never had a meaningful interaction with a woman and you never noticed women having significant differences between each other.
Really makes you think.
Does she exhibit occasional mounting behavior?
Yes, mostly with furniture. We have a bottle of water we spray her with.
>hurr you've never talked to women
Talked to plenty at length. I can count on one hand the number who had anything different or interesting to say.
ok this is well and truly based and redpiled
Such an epic gamer. Much brave.
Robots are so autistic, desperate and virginal that they're actually going to reply to this with sincerity and interest.
Says Mr. Chad.
>tfw no dom gf to wrestle me into submission
Why even live, bros?
Chadder than you, you pussy-begging fuckwit.
>Robots are so autistic, desperate and virginal that they're actually going to reply to this with sincerity and interest.
Maybe a few years ago but now they are just racist migrating from Jow Forums & Jow Forums. Terrible combo.
You're truly oppressed. Poor thing.
Don't you have a Discord whore to beg to be your e-gf?
Actually I'm the discord whore.
Now excuse me, I have to collect monies from my orbiters. Hard work, so don't report me to IRS, you know ;).
Girl here. OP stfu. You all KNOW that women MUST act like literal retarded children with IQs of 80 at best in order to get a male's attention. Every single male is intimidated by female intelligence. Of course we don't dom you. Why would we? With the success of books like 50 Shade's of Grey I think it should be pretty obvious that psychologically and philosophically we have you cornered into servicing us in all kinds of ways including doing the same thing that is the deepest desire to most of you: domination.
>t. girl (male)
stop larping faggot
Then why did males invent most things, roastie?
>dominating from the bottom
>women MUST act like literal retarded children with IQs of 80 at best in order to get a male's attention
This is so wrong.
Orbiters and betas deserve to be exploited and left to wallow in their own lack of pride. More power to you for being redpilled enough as a woman to capitalise on those weak, brainwashed faggots.
>Go for mentally deficient, ultra macho Chads
>Surprised when they're intimidated by any show of dominance or individualism from you.
Newsflash: normies hate and fear anything different by principle. If you want someone who appreciates your supposedly vast intellect and gripping personality, then aim for a guy who can't slip his dick into five different vaginas by spinning on the spot, you stupid whore.
Women were whispering in men's ears what to invent this entire time through out history. Things are only changing now because men are finally intelligent enough to even catch on to the fact that they are being hypnotized, brainwashed, and mind controlled on a massive level. Of course we would never take credit openly for these inventions because to do that would mean to face the fury of jealous competitive males. We just let our males get killed for us since war is the only thing truly invented by males.
>Women are idea guys!
o i am laffin
I agree women are superior.
Robots can't handle this shit they will just leave the thread and stop replying to these harsh truths.
while it's true that women have been manipulating men since the beginning of time, to think they were also responsible for every idea a man has ever had is just retarded roastie feminist wank.
Normally I would call you out, but I can't argue with trips.
It's harsh, but I guess women beat us.
Can we stop the game now, please? :(
s-s-s-s-s-samefag combo
>tfw too pathetic for normal women
>tfw not pathetic enough for girls with a fetish for pathetic men
Shut the fuck up and let me fantasize about my fetish becoming a reality
But you can look for photoshop traces, if you want to.
Or you just edited the html. It's super easy.
You need a gay trap who is vers and passes. As per usual, gay is the answer. Kill all women.
>get called a roast
>samefag bunch of posts
>sneakily edit html on the fly to make it look like real
>tfw brainmax
I'm not even the same person you were replying to. I'm just pointing out how easy it is to fake that screenshot. It's a 2 second edit.
my first relationship was with a 9y older onee-chan that was into it, so that's definitely not true
they exist, just like submissive males exist, they're just harder to find
So hard to come by that it doesn't matter.
It's like when famous celebrities talk about how they earned their success through hard work and dedication while conveniently forgetting the part where they were born naturally gifted and given a number of opportunities most people never experience for it.
Sure anyone could be a celebrity, but what's the likelihood of my becoming one?
none of your thoughts follow from the other, youre attempting to make a point but you're not saying anything.
what are you talking about?
everyone wants a gfd gf but only so many to go around.
Most men like being dominant. Most women like being submissive. The numbers work well for them. Fine.
A few men are submissive. A very few women are dominant. Still somehow too many men and too few women. I don't understand.
jesus christ man is that gay
Its sucks being alone as a sub male.
There are more reproductive aged men than women. Also the "vanilla" relationship still accepts sub women, where it tends rejects sub men, so the runoff sub women can still find something, even if it's not optimal.
Sub women are the vanilla relationship.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Thank you.
That is what I was saying, dummy.
I quite enjoy gfd but I'm more of a switch. I think it is boring being submissive or dominant all the time. Having that occasional switch of dynamic makes things a lot more fun when the roles are reversed.
tfw gf is really into gfd but I'm just strictly Dom and she won't stop trying to convince me to let her dom me
She's not really into gfd or she wouldn't be with a "strict Dom"
I don't think so, they're rare but not that rare, maybe one in a hundred, maybe one in a thousand, still means they exist though
nah it isn't about sex all the time you know lol
I just want a FEMDOM just as long as there's no pain involved.
I mean ideally it would be a caring mommy gf who made me serve her and would also tie me up and peg me and stuff but cook me food and clean still and let me lay in her lap.
She needs to be a weeb too so we can have weeb fun together and cosplay and stuff and she can slap my butt in public and take ownership of me please, thanks.
>sexual stuff with a woman
>jesus christ man is that gay
some people i will never understand...
it's at least very degenerate
Yeah that's part of the appeal.
>no originali fun allowed
Cant stand pornstars that look at the camera when it is not POV. Completely ruins it. All she cares about is the cameraman and the money
That's just professional porn in a nutshell tho
I've been watching only amateur for years for this very reason, at least then the persons are actually enjoying themselves
Sad gfd amateur porn is so rare
She's shit-testing you to see if you're man enough. Don't let her take control at any point, it seems you're doing a good job.
It's really hard to find non-trash fdom porn in general. 99% of it is edgy stereotypical trash.
>give me your money, silly boys
>you're a loser
>hold still while I beat the ever-loving-fuck out of your testicles
>suck this bull's dick before I fuck him
Why is light role reversal so fucking difficult to find? Why is non-lesbian lactation so hard to find? You'd think there would be a market. The only saving grace is japanese moon cartoons, and even then they usually chicken out at the last second
>oh she wasn't really dom, she just needed to be converted to a sub mid sex
but that's why amateur femdom is generally better, because it's rarely this extreme, even though most of the time they won't upload it as 'femdom' because of how extreme it usually is, so you have to search for hours to find the pearl
>muh 'strong woman was actually just waiting for the protagonist to pin her down and fuck her raw' meme
god I fucking hate this
and worst yet is that every single site put this shit into femdom category and/or doesn't have any 'table reversal' tag or whatever
fucking pisses me off
but thank god the good ones exist, if there's one thing japan did well it's that, and I have no idea what I'd do without those
Lovingly calls him a good boy:
>male weakness disgusts them on a primal level
This. Women are psychopaths. I learned this with my ex gf where if I show emotion out would offend her in some way abd she would call me a little bitch. Not an anecdote, experience with other women is the same. Mfw toxic masculinity is thanks to women rewarding it and punishing is opposite.
Yeah yeah heard a million times before. Women can't femdom abd they can't imagine a fetish without an attractive male. Only men have fetishes for things like milfs and ugly nerd girls and fatties. Your gender is basic af and all the complexity is with men.