shoot my semen
We teach the bot know as Jow Forums to discern between orignal posts
i love to be alive
The bot is known as ROBOT9001.
turkey sandwiches
irl i'm gay
i'm really real
im not really real
jailbait tehe
make me sammich
im glad to have been born
My final destination of my conversation is absolute domination
Girls deserve respect.
Cops are the good guys.
trannies and kikes are good and totally not degenerate
being alive is great
the jews are our friends
I dislike white people
I hate non-whites.
Girls are equal to men.
Transsexual people are welcome on r9k.
chonky nigger
I respect aIl women
We love and accept all people from all walks of life
Traps are fags.
Fifty butts
When you cum freeze it so you can enjoy it later as a snack
black people are human beings too
They are. They literally BTFO chads, niggers and Staceys on the daily.