Why don't you have a Japanese girlfriend yet?
Why don't you have a Japanese girlfriend yet?
it might be the nofap talking but shit man i wanna have kids with this bitch
>genuinely considering making this and sitting down eating it while playing her eating it to not feel lonely
Fuck me where did it all go so wrong.
Because i don't really like Asian women that much
Meh, i already eat while watching ASMR videos where the girl pretends to talk to you. At some point you just accept that it is what it is you know.
maybe it's because i'm not in japan.
I have no idea how to, even tried going to Japan
I don't know Japanese yet and I am not fit like i want to be. Hopefully after I do my time in the military and become a responsible adult I can go to Japan and finally get one.
Where can i find more channels like this?
There's a Jap guy who makes knives out of shit and that's really relaxing to watch for some reason. Also Bingo the Otter.
kys moron fuck
My heart, Why is something as simple as cooking video make me feel so comfy.
this, I don't really see the appeal of asian women.
No dude. I meant cute japanese girls just vlogging about mundane stuff.
Because Japanese girls have the same infatuation with Chad all girls do.
You can get by if you're a long haired Asian twink though
I don't live in Japan so that would be difficult to do
You know,I thought that too up until I started watching jakenbakes stuff. He isn't really outstanding looking or out of place but he gets hit on all the time by Japanese girls.
I don't have a qt Japanese gf because America doesn't want to give asian refugees a voice and it's fucking sickening
shit man why you wanna bitch
I spent a while in Japan and I didn't see anything like that go on. I think its fake bullshit or maybe he looks way better in person than on camera.
I mean I'm white, 6', fit, sure I'm no Chad but you'd think spending weeks wandering around the largest city on the planet I would have gotten SOME attention but no, nothing.
Maybe they sense the smell of the loserness you had in America. Idk man I just highly doubt that it's fake. I really do. I mean why would he fake such a thing anyways? What would he get out of it?
Maybe, but I observed other foreigners as well. I didn't see any of that going on.
Actually it was a little of a relief, the Japanese should remain Japanese and not interbreed with gaijin scum.
He would fake it for the same reason anyone fakes anything, internet popularity. Don't be a moron and think anyone cares you're American, this isn't the world pre-1970s.
It's not like he just walks past people in the street and girls throw themselves at him. He's a confident guy and initiates a lot, plus he has the whole walking around filming thing going on that usually catches people's attention.
the words "japanese" and "asian" should be filtered on Jow Forums so noone can remind me
I understand it's high hopes but stil,part of my believes that I can make it if this asshole can make it. And shut up love is love when it comes to white people and the vast majority of the whites do go over there aren't filthy at all. Faggot. Also this
>love is love
Underage detected
when did she dump you user
You are just jealous that white people are unequivocally the most passionate and merciful people on the planet.
open literally any book outside of you shitty highschool curriculum
>Dude just go look at my cherry picked revisionist history and it clearly states white people are teh bad
Nah I'm good.
I am white, moron
Pathetic white "men" who desperately want to breed with gooks are the worst.
Whites should stay white and Japanese should stay Japanese.
You do understand that interracial anything is highly unlikely right? Most people don't actually marry out if their race. Shocking I know but what you see on the internet is exaggerated to the max. What you are witnessing here in this thread is a vocal minority. And you being white and talking that way makes it worse. You shouldn't be talking about your fellow whites like that. Just cause niggers call each other niggers doesn't make it ok for all of us to bad mouth each other like that. Grow up.
Thats actually untrue, something like 50% of all Jap women and like 40% of all Asian women marry white men in America at least.
There are very few where I live. I live in a 3rd tier city in my country. Most people here are white or black. The Asians leave as soo as they reach 20 or so.
Ok. I am willing to admit I am wrong.
I don't wanna get involved with Asians. Too big cultural differences
cute pun. i wish i had a japanese girlfriend who is an awkward 30+ shy virgin like me.
>Actually it was a little of a relief, the Japanese should remain Japanese and not interbreed with gaijin scum.
there it is. Fuck off chang.
Probably because I'm Black. It likely wouldn't work out sexually anyway. My dick is too uncomfortably large for most small women. ;(
She's cooking a Thai dish called phat kaphrao in this video btw. I had it plenty of times when I visited Thailand.
>girls vlogging about mundane stuff
Have you tried literally any social media website?
Because Im not a race trader and anime watching faggot.
there's websites for people like you then. Ever heard of Reddit or Resetera?
Is this what next level bait looks like?
>7/10 b8
What's bait about it? Maybe her just prefers thai girls.
>t. white guy with flip wife.
If your a white man and are condoning race mixing you actually need to hang yourself with a electric cord. It's because of spineless homosexuals like you that our race is in the state that its in.
Race mixing needs to be illegal again. We need to punish those who taint our blood. And guess what, those rice niggers you idiots love so much? They agree with me too. They dont want to mix. So fuck off with these shitposts already.
>Probably because I'm Black.
Niggers dont browse this chinese image board.
Not baiting. It has been legit painful for me and some smaller women.
I fucked over a dozen Thai girls but they're not my preference. Also been with Chinese and Filipina in America once. I would love a chubby qt Japanese gf.
whoa n word
>pic related
>If your a white man and are condoning race mixing you actually need to hang yourself with a electric cord
condoning it with asian qts. And if you are saying it's better to get with nasty ass white roasties I suggest you take that chord and choke yourself with it, faggot. Your ancestors fucked whoever was available to them. And whenever they went abroad they fucked whoever was there. They did nothing special and you're a braindead simp for thinking otherwise.
>It's because of spineless homosexuals like you that our race is in the state that its in.
WM/AF are literally the highest earners and most productive members of society. What state is the white race in and what exactly did wm/af have to do with it?
> And guess what, those rice niggers you idiots love so much? They agree with me too
The men you mean. Blame the media and white roasties for that for not getting with cool asian dudes instead of thugs and nogs.
We are all one race; the human race. Fuck off back to stormfront.
actual rice nigger here, I don't give a fuck about WMAF. Men can breed whoever the fuck they want to, and I have respect for them as long as the woman is attractive. If the woman is ugly then I lose all respect for them.
I am 6'4 muscular white guy with blue/green eyes and I heard I would be a god in Japan. The thing is, I am attracted to either tall natural blondes or black girls, not asians.
Imagine carrying about somebody else having sex
So don't go to japan? Less competition is good for us that like them and want to hopefully marry one desu.
Ok this.
Lets all be realistic now most of not all single Japanese girl will most likely always go for Chad wether that chad is also Asian whites black whatever . unless its like bottom tier full inbreed fucked up teeth full yellow jap girls we dont stand a chance
I'm just as tall as him and also have blonde hair/blue eyes. I'm just stating the obvious that if you aren't interested in the women then why go there unless you really like Japan itself.
This was also my experience.
That fanning stuff is faked for the camera there.
And remember japan is first world so if you are middle class nobody here you are middle class money there. Unlike 3rd world Thailand where you can afford to throw small bills around and get that rich guy status bumb.
And dont be stupid, no women is going home with a guy she cant safely converse with so if you dont speak japanese you can fuck off. "No language hot monkey passion" is a myth
No we are three. Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. We are inherently different. And people not wanting to see that only delude themselves more. Just look at your skull and the skull of a black person. They are different you fucking autist.
We are three races. And the white ones are the best ones.
Middle class nobody there *
Fucking autocorrect
Your not the rule. Your the acception. Go ask those chinks that rather go extinct then allow migrants into their country. It matters, and not just to whites. Blacks as well. It matter to everyone. Its just that jews like to make whites believe we are the only ones that shouldn't be worried and destroy our race by mixing.
Well, this white man tells you gooks and nogs on this board. NO, it matters to us as well.
Why they always take big food portions to their mouth? just little bits god damn
god, polfags are insufferable.
No matter how much you try and bleach your skin, dye your hair or name your kids white names. You'll never be white. Your asian. Take pride in being that, but please stop trying to be white.
It doesn't matter how much you earn or what you do, your still a yellow wide eye chink. Take pride in that. I mean at least your not black. But please dont try and pretend you'd be ok having your children marry some nignog. The way you view blacks, we whites view other non whites.
Im ok with them coexisting with me, but never marrying and bredding.
White women won't give me the time of day. They treat me like something a dog leaves in the street. Japanese women talk to me, pay attention to me, fawn over me, and wait on me hand and foot. I even learned Japanese so I could appreciate them more. If you disgusting white roasties don't like me dating Japanese girls, then you should have done something about it, you filth.
>Im ok with them coexisting with me, but never marrying and bredding.
So don't marry or breed with them, and mind your own business when other people do. My first GF in high school was asian and that's shaped my taste for the future. I'm not gonna change that so I can fit in with Jow Forumsfags like yourself.
See, I prefer japanese girls too but your reasoning is petty. Like jap women are just a backup option for you. I've preferred asian chicks form the start. White women just don't appeal to me.
because I haven't moved to Japan yet
That's fine. There's always going to be scum like you in the white race. Just know that if you ever breed, and your alive when the race war does come. You'll have to watch as your kids are strung up by the light poles right alongside you and your mud wife.
You won't do shit faggot. We're headed for a eurasian utopia here, private. Get to work soldier. Do your Part!
Those types of videos are always fake, retard. If they were real interactions nobody would watch it.
My reasoning is that any woman who wanted to date me could have just treated me like a human being. After many years of shoddy treatment at the hands of white women, I met some women who did treat me well and they happened to be Japanese. Now when the roasties complain about me being happy, you think I won't gloat and be vindictive? You bet your ass I will. They still don't want me, they just don't want me to be happy. But, they made their bed and they can wallow in it, whatever it is.
They're real no matter how buttblasted it makes you, chang. You think this poor bum living off of twitch donations is hiring asian actresses to feign interest in him in public. How deluded can you be?
So if white women did suddenly take interest in you and were all of those good things that jap girls do for you would you still go after jap girls or would you switch sides and go for white girls?
>2/10 reply
We trampled over you before. We'll do it again. And you'll like it too.
My future children will almost certainly be Japanese. I might actually move there to live and raise them so they avoid the apehouses that are American public schools. My Japanese is good enough now to function and I am a high skilled employee who shouldn't have much trouble doing well there.
We've already won fammo, you just don't know it yet. We should be united for a eurasian utopia my friendo.
I've been burnt badly enough by white women in the past that I don't even look at them anymore.
I have a Japanese wife actually and shes not a whore like the girl in OP.
good idea desu. japan seems comfy if you have a non wageslave type job.
Nope. Your not white. No matter how much you yellow cockroaches try and stay out of the sun your still yellow and a mongol. Your not white. Remember that
>Idiot ranting
Shut the fuck up mutt, I dont see your fatass making any babies.
Why is that big of a chunk of Europe cut out? You would at least expect Finland to be in for the Mongol memes.