Why is there an epidemic of men who badly want to be feminized (including myself)?

Why is there an epidemic of men who badly want to be feminized (including myself)?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Hormone residues from insecticides female

>Why is there an epidemic of men who badly want to be feminized (including myself)?
unironically, jews

I just want to fuck sissy bussy

I feel like if I was raised in victorian era or something it wouldn't be like this.

Because you're a faggot, that needs to go back to his gay discord server.

I talk to individual people on discord, but I don't really use servers.

We take the path of least resistance in life, which today can mean taking it up the ass because woman won't choose you.

jewish trickery desu

Hormone residues from insecticides impacting the pre-natal environment, that's why it's more dominant in countries with a highly industrialized farming sector like the USA.
But Jow Forumstards won't realize that, because they are retarded, lol.

Homosexuality is a symptom of overpopulation.
Human population isn't supposed to keep expanding with capitalism.
Real men will continue to keep the population steady. Weak men will choose peacefully to opt out of the reproduction game via gay or be forced out with bullets like what Jow Forumsposters want.

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It's called onions, or you were molested as a child.

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chemicals in the water and plastic.
its true.

I don't understand this post, you sound like a poltard but hate poltards

I think it's really funny that you people who hate weakness approve of women

Jow Forums unironically turns a lot of people gay.
If's usually the case of being gradually exposed
this stuff and eventually feeling like you want it yourself.
I have about 3 friends from Jow Forums that would post and message people with straight porn and showed no signs of wanting the D. About
7 or 8 months later they came out flaming and saying how much they want cute boy dick and a daddy
Gradual exposure combined with a little flirting and nice words goes a long way to create "faggots" and "traps" here.
As an actual gay person who has been attracted to men all my life, I find it a huge turn off because they're not real gays.

cant get women so you want to be one

lmgtfy.com/?q=Hormone residues from insecticides female

this is a big one

I think he meant that you sound like a chemtrails type while hating on that type

>says the sissy retard begging men to fuck him in the ass

Fair enough.
But the hormonal effects of DDT are proven and other pesticides have a similar work mechanism. In vitro effects have been reported and it's plausible that they accumulate at the top of the food chain.
You can't make a study where you give pregnant women low doses of pesticides, it's like wanting to test the effectiveness of a parachute with a non-parachute group.
Finally the conteragan scandal showed that side-effects in pregnant women are difficult to assess.

It's nice to feel cute, wanted, desired. People are abandoning male gender roles because it's just the shitty end of the deal and it's finally becoming acceptable to do so.

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Yeah, I agree with that. God, I want to be a sissy so badly!

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because guys that look like girls are fucking hot

We're bored and there's no reason to be masculine

For me, it's an ultimate act of submission to surrender your whole self, including your gender and sexual identity.

I fantasize about someone coming to me and saying "this is who you are, this is who you love, this is who you fuck". It excites me in ways that ropes and chains and other purely physical bondage never has.

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White boys are finally settling in the food chain.

Ironically the jews help alleviate the problem by promoting an a-gendered society.

Forced feminization comes from a society that has created thousands of symbols related to femininity and spammed them everywhere (think dolls, makeup, chick flicks, clothing, gender roles, etc...) and simultaneously made them very taboo, inaccessible to every male on the planet. The result is you get males who sexualize their anxiety of falling or even partaking into femininity in the slightest. If we lived in a free and open society this fetish wouldn't exist.

the whole gender thing is pretty trendy right now, so a lot of people do it cause it's interesting.

Women don't "need" men nearly as much as they did in the past, so they go lust after Chad. This leaves a lot of young, very horny men alone with no girls...hence traps

I'm sure there's some chemical issues too in modern society. For instance, ever since I hit puberty, I've had a very strong desire to crossdress and be a girl. I'm sure lots of people see trap porn and think it's hot, but I didn't know trap porn existed at this time, so idk guess the water's making the frogs and me gay.

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psh this is so dumb I can't even, why are there so many racebaiters on the 4chzns