You will never have a family

You will never have a family.

How does that make you feel?

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>You will never have a family.
It's probably for the better

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It's one of the main contributors to my alcoholism

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It sucks but at least I got my nieces and nephews

Pretty glad honestly

It sucks, but at least I won't make broken kids.

>Assuming I ever had a chance to have one to begin with.

Would most likely end in failure anyway.
I'd get divorced, have my kids taken away, be forced to pay thousands upon thousands in child support.

And are they proud of you?

Thank God

I'm fucking ugly with terrible genetics and riddled with issues due to my own parents divorce as a young child. I'd only be continuing the cycle if I somehow miraculously managed to breed.

"Man hands on misery to man"

Probably I will, my gf is planning on marrying me after we're done with uni and her preferred life is a family life with kids and a dog. Although I'm not fond of the idea of a dog necessarily.

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not him but mine is only like 5 and retorted to me while i was trying to be nice and talk to her "all you do is stay in your room and play your little games" a few months ago

I honestly have no idea. I try to be a good uncle.

Mine are 6 and they already know there is something wrong with me. I think my sister has told them already that I'm "sick" or something like that because I'm sure that they have already make questions about me to my sister.

Good, i am probably too retarded to take care of children and i dont want to bring a being into this miserable world much like my parents did to me.

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What do you you blame your parents for?

You also won't be find of a bull in your relationship but shit happens nigge

Yes, lets all feel bad because we are not mindlessly breeding human pets into the world that will cost us a fortune and who will grow up to be mentally ill degenerates

get a cat instead. dogs are extremely high maintenance and you will grow to resent it if you aren't 100% into them.

>uncle user why do you stay in your room all day?
>oh you must work a lot since you're on your computer all the time, our daddy does all his work on a computer too!
>we made you a picture, it's you on a computer since that's all you do

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I'm allergic to cats fren

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i was in a thrift store yesterday, bored waiting for someone. And, while i was in there wandering around i saw some stuff that is similar to what i have in my house. It really depressed me for the rest of the day. That all my stuff wither wind up in the garbage or a place like that.

I remember watching something on PBS, about guys who clean up foreclosed homes, or homes where people like us eventually die. And, them going through a house of some guy who was probably a robot, and flipping through his family albums and then pitching them in the dumpster.

It is what motivated me to take a leap outside of Neet/robot/incel world,

my genetics are shit, but AI and plastic surgery in 10 years will mean any kid i manage to have wont have to re live my hellish life.

Polite kids. My little cousin simply calls me a "freak"

Yeah I know those moments too.

>Uncle user, who are you going to marry?
>Uncle user, how many years do you have?

A combination of despair and relief.

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Kids are too honest for their own good.

My cousin said "My uncle says you're weird and can't believe you still live with your mommy. How old are you? Are you older than him?"

Her "daddy" is a multi millionaire Chad with 4 kids btw.

1) Why do you care so much about material things?
2) About the photos thing, before dying or when I know I'm going to die I will delete every photo that I know where I am.

>hey uncle user, you're almost as old as our dad is, how come you still live with nana and popops then?

thankfully I avoided even having to know my cousins due to everyone living in different parts of the country
but yeah, they very quickly realized that there was something "wrong" with me

When they say those things alone with you, mmm ok you feel sad but you just ignore them or make some joke, but when they say those things in front of other family members? Please kill me.

>You will never have a family.

FeelsGoodMan. More money for me. ^_^

why should i have to erase my existence,

i want 2 kids, at least, they will be my middle finger on the way out

my cousins were assholes when they were young:

the 2 female ones turned into stereotype roastie sluts, now in early 30's turning into cat lady meme

my super successful cousin who i was endlessly compared to, "user be more like Him!" just walked out on his wife and kids so he could live in he trendy down town with an 18 year old gf,

i dont have to hear anything out of these idiots anymore, and the successful ass now i just drop his name and my female relatives start growling LOL

And how are you going to make those 2 kids?

Really bad.
Also this.

by fucking my wife

Who is your wife's name?

nothing desu, a kid is a huge burden, no thanks

I have a daughter though

why are you even browsing this board, user?

think about it logically

the story of my life

This, I'm not deluding myself into thinking I have genes worth passing on. Breeders deserve death.

At this point, good.
All the drama and overly emotional bullshit that comes with it is insufferable.

Only in your unrealistic dreams, Arabic girls are still ok man.

I like it

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if that's find for you, that's find for me, Ahmed.

I'm half Spanish half Dutch but whatever.

My gf is German in nationality and her parents are doctors that fled from Saddam. We met in uni and she isn't religious but still holds religious values.

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Normal. I already know that like 10-20 years in future, when i will be really bad at it, i will just shoot out some happy smiling family. So why bother now?

>spend 18 years raising a daughter only for some other man to put his penis inside her
How does it feel to be a cuck?

I am fucking tired of arguing with people anyway,

I am so fucking wise and smart and intelligent and whatevr the fuck else,

I am literally jesus tier understanding of empathy and being good always at all fucking times, respect another you fucking dork

I would never be able to argue with a girl for even 1 day, fuck off

the evolutionary deadend is here and our smartest people knows this and tries to dumb down everyone in al ast resort to make them mmore animalistic so they keep breeding and living.

you either die a beast or you live long enough to fucking kill yourself

that year chart where it says
>you are now "that" uncle

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thanks for your backstory, user
it's epic
just name one of your kids Ahmed so that the meme can be completed
your gf will like it, it's a trad name I guess

since I am deranged stupid and neurotic, having a family would be a nightmare for me, I would probably fuck it up hard like everything else in life.
So I dont care that much. Family is for normies.

If it's a girl we already have a name, Layla. If we have a boy, it'll be a Spanish name like mine. Something like Santi or Santiago.

>tfw the girl name is mine and I want to have a son named Santiago so I can call him Diego

how in the

Weird. But Layla is a very nice name. Plus both our families will accept it in Spanish and Arabic

Ultimately it doewsnt matter. I lknow there are things beyond that. I wish to ascend.

If his name is Santiago you will call him Tiago or Yago, not Diego.
Diego is a different name. Just for you to know. Anyways you can call your son however you want.

Very sad. I want to, but I'll never be able.

what about the name of the dog?
name the dog Ahmed, maybe it's a sin in her culture but heck that doggo will be a walking meme

I have a daughter at least, even if she's all I have.

Thankful, because I barely take care of myself, let alone a family

Thank god for that. Id probably get arrested for domestic violence within the week so it's definitely for the best