>been a good boy all my life
>behaved in school
>never smoked
>never drank
>never did drugs
>"user why can't you just be normal."
I guess I played this game wrong, eh?
Been a good boy all my life
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A little. I was the same way.
Go jaywalk OP you'll be normal
Who gives a fuck,find comradeship with those like you.
Being "normal" means being good looking and doing at least one "drug" (alcohol, weed, etc.)
Fucking same
>you can't do these things
>no, no, you were SUPPOSED TO DO the things you shouldn't do WTF user!
My autistic brain can't handle how complicated normie world is
jaywalking is legal where I live
>I guess I played this game wrong, eh?
There is no correct way to play the game if you aren't chad.
There is no wrong way to play the game if you are chad
>bean a normal introvert loser all my life
>became an alcoholic as soon as I hit legal drinking age
you're playing the game wrong op
i wanna suck her toes (originally)
The blackest of pills.
>be me
>At work
>known whore is bragging to others about how fucked up she got last night
>Ignore her and continue to work
>She looks at me
>"Do you drink, user?"
>"Why not?"
She straight up asked that question as if not drinking was the same as not wiping your ass
I smoke, do drugs, drink and am not fat yet I'm still single. Women like to be treated like shit.
How the rest if the conversation go
Nothing interesting. I just told her cuz I don't care to you, then I went back to work and she just shrug me off and continue talking to the others
>not listing the things you did wrong
There is no way of winning the game, is it?
>Same as OP
>"Wtf why so lame why not break sone social norms lol? (But only the social norms that we think is accepted by our own meta social norms"
>"Wtf you spent the weekend on your computer? Haha why cant you just be NORMAL"
Fucking normies need to die
You should have just said because of medication you take you can't drink alcohol
When I was fucking during high school I always assumed people like you were more mature than me and were destined to be more successful. As them and I grew older it became apparent they were just miserable losers
You can be a normie and not do any of that shit if you have good social skills. You're probably percieved as weird for other reasons.
Anyone who feels the need to brag about their supremacy to "losers" on fucking Jow Forums of all places are lower on the totem pole than they think they are.
you don't have to be like everyone else so you can be "normal". Be yourself, find people like yourself and be happy dude, no reason to stress about what others think you or about what they think you should be doing with your life.
This is the shit I can't stand. Decided to confine drinking to one night every couple weeks for fit reasons and half my friends act like I'm crazy
Even Chad will have a few problems (very small problems, but still) if he's a humorless, no-fun stick in the mud prig.
this is about military discipline but it also applies to a more general principle
People ask me the same question. My go to answer is
>because I don't
It would be hard to explain them that as a man I need to be always 100% and able to deal with any situation. Being under influence just makes one useless if something happens.
That is not what I meant faggot, I'm saying that you don't have to do those things to be considered "normal" and that you shouldn't care to what those people are saying, fucking text interpretation cunt.
>be bad all my life
>cautiously so
>not supervillain evil but concerned mostly with my own privacy and security, looking out for number one type stuff
>start having doubts about my amoral existence
>begin growing the need to please other people and be validated by them
>absolute hell on earth, mind is riddled with criticisms and judgment towards both myself and others
>ironically became both more of an asshole and more susceptible to other assholes
Everything is a meme. Never listen to anyone.
reading comprehension, feelsbad
Sometimes that is the case, especially if they suck up a lot and always take the initiative.
That feel when it's too late, you didn't take the train. There are no more trains, you gotta walk your ass off if you want to stay alive. Alone in the middle of the fields. Just an infinite railroad ahead of you in this desolate night. You feel tired, you rest on the rails, slowly drift off into sleep without even being aware, and in the end you rot away, in the middle of this nothingness.