>chaotic might be popular, successful, attractive, better than you, rich, rejected you
>his pride will be his downfall, he will eventually stop interacting completely and never go outside again, he will likely go insane and kill himself young or commit a mass shooting
Chaotic might be popular, successful, attractive, better than you, rich, rejected you
Other urls found in this thread:
the chaotic butthurt cope thread
And you can always decide to one day stop being one of the small handful of people who give a shit about this guy and none of it will have ever mattered.
The majority on here cares about him though
chaotic a good
that's every chaotic thread
He's not going to kill himself so don't spend your life holding your breath for something that will end your bitterness. Still not a newfag out of ten.
He has more friends and orbiters than he ever has, he's not going to be killing himself anytime soon, fagoe.
I want to be chaotic's bf and laugh at the degens and newfags with him
he doesn't care anymore user
>that's every chaotic thread
Reminder that Chaotic is a fat LARPing NEET, a literal who and also a giant faggot
And who the fuck would be paying me to call a literal who a faggot, you mentally ill namefagging tranny?
He's none of these things actually newfag
chaotic is hot and i want him to fuck me!!
Anyone have a pic of chaotic? Always hear about how cute he is but i've never seen proof.
Have you ever met him in real life? How can you know he's not ripping you off?
>literal who
You faggots can make dozens of threads and post 300 times on them, most of this board still doesn't fucking care about this namefag
>giant faggot
See point one
>Have you ever met him in real life? How can you know he's not ripping you off?
Other people have
stop being newfags everybody loves chaotic
I don't give a fuck, people lie.
you seem obsessed with chaotic desu
Again, I don't give a fuck how many threads you beta orbiters do, chaotic is a literal who and you don't belong. I was there when the chaotic threads blew up and as every mentally sound user I didn't care about namefag#98472084.
>all this trannies mad because I insulted their cult leader
dumb orbitposters [in disguise]
learn your place envy ridden newfag
>faggots costantly making threads with 300 "tfw no namefag bf" in them
>I'm obsessed because I called them faggots like two times in total
Get mental help.
So who is this chaotic?
fpbp, fortune teller
we all know you frequent chaotic threads and sperg out in jealousy and cocklust
Ah, but who has the cuter tummy?
>Ah, but who has the cuter tummy?
There were no pics posted of him in those threads? It was just a bunch of fags talking about how cute he is and ignoring or bullying people asking for pics?
>being around in chaotic era makes you an oldfag
The absolute state of this board in anno domini MMXVIII
>not knowing chaotic in january 2019
owowho's this thou
I know he's a namefag and that faggots orbit him as I was there for his threads. Are you gonna refute what I'm saying or are you just gonna keep spewing out automated responses?
> desuarchive.org
there's no argument
you don't know who he is or what he's known for or where he came from or who came before him
you just wanna leech off his success
>when you mutt
i don't understand these threads at all. what does he look like?
>caring about some random autistic avatarfag on a Mongolian throat singing forum
I don't get it is it just one person samefagging to make it look like everyone likes him?
>I want to leech off his success
>on an anonymous board
Don't project your normalfaggotry on me, namefag
he.. he is too powerful
>when you haven't been on Jow Forums long enough to lose all hope and you're still getting jealous over the current popular namefag
Stop giving sociopathic anime posters attention
Well shit, I've been found out. My secret aim was to flood the board with "tfw no George Lincoln Rockwell poster bf" all along.
Get a load of this faggot.
The entire culture of modern Jow Forums is built on obsessing over people who are better than you and have things that you don't
Literally who is this faggot? He looks like I could beat the shit out of him in 5 seconds.
shutup turd chaotic is chad
Based and checkpilled orbiter BTFOing internet tough guys
>still seething
Nobody cares about this fag kek
You're right that's why he has dozens of orbiters and hundreds of fans and threads about him every day and newfags constantly obsessed and jealous over him
>anime poster
I took Taekwondo classes and I hit the gym 4 times a week. He would stand no chance.
>anime posting website
>bragging about beating someone up you've never met who might be able to flatten you
Yikes from me
Not defending roasties, but these are rookie numbers compared to usual Jow Forums waifus.
>hundreds of fans
People asking literally who is he aren't fans.
>threads about him every day
They're not posted every day and most have no replies except you histerical faggots seething at people asking about this literal who.
Again, don't bring your namefagging drama to my board. Keep that shit in dicksword or whatever your favorite cuckshed is.
We've had years of non stop orbiting and saltposting about this guy can we stop now.
Like for real, orbiters get him to make a discord server and just stay there, salty newfags just lurk more.
Name a single r9k roastie more popular than Chaotic, pro tip you can't.
chaotic needs to come back and purge all this new cancer on the board
He left because there was too much cancer and realized he or no one else could stop it.
Thanks discord and jew media.
Chaotic is me aka Kek aka A-C aka +++ aka The Demiurge aka Christ
>the meth addict isn't more popular than chaotic
Come on, we're getting delusional here. This board was obsessed with her for years and years.
There are no threads about her anymore, she has 100 subs on YouTube and averages 3-5 comments per video. Ciara is a literal who compared to Chaotic, newfag lmao.
erika brooke eliza marky
>it's another literal who namefag thread made by the one guy on this board who still cares about him and calls anyone who isn't a pathetic orbiting cuck like him a newfag
remember when namefags and tripfags weren't treated like celebrities? Those were the days
>more popular than chaotic
Stop samefagging you seething jealous newslime and go search for the poster count.
>he will eventually stop interacting completely and never go outside again
so he turns into gunjy.
That faggot orbits trannies and is a failed normalfag who uses servers.
id say you guys are relatively small time compared to all the orbitors that follow the names listed dont try to pretend that gays are anything but a minority on this board.
further more it isnt supposed to be a competition you pathetic faggot.
Yep, the exact same one guy with the exact same response every time. God you're as pathetic as you are delusional to think anyone gives a fuck about this absolute nobody
Fuck you, he'll come back one day.
literally who?? I don't know who these new shitcord kiddies are, I only know chaotic from cebruz because I'm not a newfag.
Ultimate OOF. I remember when even the newfags liked this guy. Once he left and orbiters started posting for him things went downhill.
>obsesses over namefags
>not a newfag
work on your trolls newfaggot
unless you're unironically trying to defend shitcord
LOL i bet you post in every thread about chaotic going tsundere mode over his orbiters
stop lusting over his e-cock
He will make his own thread in a month or 2 with his trip on and get 100 more orbits with his sociopath pseudo-charm.
He claims to hate orbiters/newfags but he clearly doesn't shame them enough.
Oh yeah discords great, keeps most of the cucks that orbit random attention whores off the site, most, but not all unfortunately.
no it doesn't
r9k has evolved into discord culture and serverfags come here all the time to circlejerk and pretend to be relevant
I guess this thread is proof enough of that huh?
I assume a lot of chaotic's orbiters are discordfags despite him not being one, which is pretty fucking weird because oldfags have all left this place.
*Ahem* Fuck chaotic, he suck major big peepee and he's a dummy head. I am a proud member of Dante gang for life, he's the best
No offense but
Most discord users are harmless and do generic shit talking,
I say not to demonize them unless they have done something deeply incriminating
Now this thread is a real Chaotic thread.
Dante killed himself for Chaotic and you should too! I mean what kind of a useless freak orbits a dead person..
he's is for he is not he was
>what kind of a useless freak orbits a dead person
kathy poster
liking dante but not chaotic
i bet you eat your cereal without milk
stop it chaotic's trying to be a nice person now
"I want Chaotic to turn me gay and only feed me his cum until I die, throat fucking my mouth everyday and cumming down my throat, sometimes just on my tongue so I can slosh it around with my blood after I cut myself for him."
- Dante 2018
That's hot no wonder Chaotic liked him
pic related is how i imagine chaotic's body to be
Begone shill I only fuck women
Evaporate into hell you worthless faggot
Spoiler alert Dante was a worthless piece of shit that Chaotic discarded
Stop it, user.. I haven't orbited Chaotic in 5 months.. This is addict bait
chaotic has become the one to be baited and it's adorable. he says he's trying to change but he still loves it when I talk about him domming me and sending him pics of my bloodied wrist.
Wow based
ooo same numbers
not you
You only mass chain replied to further use me to push your faggot agenda on this board. Evaporate into hell
Dante killed himself because he was unable to steal my A-C clout like this despot here
wow you're somehow smarter than 90% of the people in this thread, nice bait detection
tfw no chaotic bf with dante f in 2019
The shills tried stealing my sigils to encrypt their mass faggotry including all the nigger con artists
danteposters should be shot