I've had seven boyfriends and I haven't had sex or even touched a penis once. I don't want to let it happen until I'm certain I found the one. I just got dumped because I wouldn't let him fuck me. Is what I'm doing wrong? Am I taking advantage of boys by doing this?
I've had seven boyfriends and I haven't had sex or even touched a penis once...
>I don't want to let it happen until I'm certain I found the one.
there is no "one" you dumb bitch, the universe is random and even if you did have a soulmate the statistical likelihood of him living anywhere you'd be able to find him and speaking your language would be hilariously low. All you're doing is blowing any opportunity your self-important ass might have had for happiness by setting pointless, arbitrary standards for any man stupid enough to see some kind of value in you.
Unless you want to die alone, start putting out and start settling for someone you can peacefully co-exist with.
I dont think that its you taking advantage if them, but I do think you should be a little more honest about your reasons behind it. Guys really only spend time with girls if there is a prospect of sex; which is the root of all dating desu. You should probably start making it clear from the start that you arent looking for a sexual relationship
this is based, it shows you're actually above most people
>I wouldn't let him
Women never phrase sex as though they're an active participant in an enjoyable experience. That fact right there is all the proof you need that sex for them is a transactional exchange.
you can do anything you want, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
If they're so obsessed with shagging that they'll dump you over it, then they're not worth your time.
So, what you're doing is justified.
>Is what I'm doing wrong?
Is following your morals wrong? Of course not.
>Am I taking advantage of boys by doing this?
Is not spreading your legs instantly as soon as a man pays attention to you taking advantage of them? Of course not.
Will you be my gf please?
I'm really lonely
>I wouldn't let him fuck me
What's it like dating little boys? Loser
Hahaha what a stupid fucking little bitch you are, all haughty and shit. HAHAHAHAHA
Hope you get raped my a pack of niggers, because you won't likely find an alpha white guy like me to make you bleed instead.
>Guys really only spend time with girls if there is a prospect of sex; which is the root of all dating desu.
No. He wanted you only to masturbate his dick in your pussy. If he loved you he would have understood.
Kek. Nice try Incel.
So I guess you guys are okay with it. Where do I find good boys then? I want to date because I feel like dating is one of the best ways to find the one. Also I like cuddling and spending time with someone special. I thought about joining a christian thing near campus but I'm worried I'll get a boy who wants to make Jesus really important when he's only kinda important to me. I guess I'm kind of a slut for dating but not for actually doing anything.
Sexuality is a huge part of a relationship for the vast majority of guys. Of course they will dump you if you won't let them have that. Doesn't mean what you are doing is *wrong*, but it does have consequences. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Find someone who shares your interests, whatever they are. You might be able to find something online.
>kind of a slut for dating
You can't be a slut if you're a virgin.
Jow Forums
Ignore this.
You'll find more of the same people you broke up with.
Do you have discord? Would you consider talking to me, or do you hate all robots?
I'm really lonely.
I want to date her, though.
>I've had seven boyfriends
>haven't had sex or even touched a penis once
12 year olds are not allowed on Jow Forums
Inb4 "you only want chad" but I don't do well with boys that aren't social. It seems unhealthy to me.
Excuse you I am a grown woman.
Will you please just try talking to me? You can just block me if it doesn't work. I'm really lonely and my heart hurts, because I trusted someone who was the opposite of you.
I understand if you don't want to talk, but I thought I'd try.
So what country do you happen to live in user?
If this is not casual LARP and your post is real, I would say that you're acting in a very modest way that is not expected in most girls nowadays. I admire it.
Regarding your previous bfs, you should understand that precisely the fact that you don't have sex with them because you're not sure they're the right ones is something that makes them feel uncomfortable or even rejected. Everyone of them wanted to be the right one.
Dating is part of the process for me though. I might find out that they are who I'm looking for it just takes some time.
>Dating is part of the process for me though. I might find out that they are who I'm looking for it just takes some time.
You make it impossible for them to find that out about you though, guys can't know if girls are the one for them unless they have sex with them first. If someone gets married without having sex first, it's a huge gamble whether or not they are actually sexually compatible. And if they aren't, they will either be miserable for the rest of their life, or get a divorce.
>Dating is part of the process for me though. I might find out that they are who I'm looking for it just takes some time.
Fair enough, but not all guys will conform to that kind of behaviour and most won't even expect you rejecting the sex part in the relationship.
Your morals make you somehow special in that matter, and that's precisely the reason why you won't find the right guy yet. You're looking for something too specific in a relationship, lady.
I am 29 yo and haven't even had a bf. I have touched penises but only because of my job.
And no, how could it be "taking advantage" of them? That's just your a decision just like leaving you is their decision.
Seems to be a pretty uncommon though nowadays but I think you should date extensively before bf/gfing anyone. I'm not having sex with anyone unless I think I will spend the rest of my life with them. As a male.
You are correct. Do not stay from the righteous path to appease sexually frustrated anons.
jhjh njbjhbhbjhb
That's fine actually. Hookup culture exemplifies sex and little else, it's pretty degenerate. May as well subvert it instead.
That said you're also a LARPing faggot and not an actual female so that may be useless to you.
> Is what I'm doing wrong? Am I taking advantage of boys by doing this?
no and no
what job do you have? can I be a customer/client?
>I have touched penises but only because of my job.
You can't write that and not specify what's your job in the same post. This should be an established rule.
There is more to a relationship than sex. Unless you're an incel, then that's all you'll think about.
I am a physician, and is not a sexy as you are probably thinking. Just some examination and foley catheters. But that was before, I am no longer a general practitioner.
Dang, that's a really respectable job, I'm surprised other things in your life aren't going your way.
((she)) hasn't even ever had sex, how would she know?
Not all women are her.
well that depends on a bazillion things you numbnut
how long are we talking here? a week? a month?
a year?
see, if I were to start dating a girl, and she'd tell me 'no sex for now' I'd say, sure, just cuddle with me
but a month later, and she still wouldn't tell me why?
and then a second one?
and on the third she'd say something like 'I still don't know if you're the one'?
yeah, good bye
and it's not even just about sex desu, it's about how much you're ready to put on the table for this relationship to work
sex isn't nearly as special as your chinese cartoons make it sound, it's not something absolutely sacred that must only be done for the sole purpose of procreation or whatever
it's just sex
so you're not really doing anything wrong, other than telling them upfront (or at least a week in) that you don't want no sex and not until you're 'ready' and that it can take years or however long it can take you to see the light
and at that point you can't expect much from many people
It's your decision, just be honest and open about it because most guys won't get into a relationship without sex
Virginity is not sacred or any of that shit, but it's your decision
I never said sex is everything in a relationship, I said it is a very important part of a relationship. If you don't think so you are the delusional one.
Not a woman, but I am a faggot; I tried casual fucking twice and I still feel fucking awful about it.
You're doing what you want to do -and that's good-, but you really need to be clear about it and you need to develop your speaking skills. Especially since if you're not practicing having sex (because being good at sex IS a skill), you will need a partner to be good at communication anyway if you want to have a happy sex life after meeting them (which requires you to be just as competent and clear in regards to communication).
I think for some of us, sex really isn't worth shit, or is even unpleasant, without love, and it's nice to know someone else feels the same - trust that feeling!
>Is what I'm doing wrong?
>Am I taking advantage of boys by doing this?
You're only taking advantage of them if you're taking advantage of them(yeah I know it doesn't seem to make sense). It depends on what you're doing and how you set up your standards and the expectations of a relationship and some one you're dating. You've dated 7 people, were any of them long term? Did you feel love for any of them? Did they all break up with you because you refused sex, are you actually open to letting the relationship progress or have they just been unwilling to commit as much as you require them to?
You said this:
>guys can't know if girls are the one for them unless they have sex with them first
People will change over time.
If they truly loved each other, they'll be more in tune and will change things up and improve themselves to please their partner.
Sex is a secondary thing that will get better if trust, loyalty and closeness is very strong. It is not as important as you think it is.
>getting pissy after only 3 months of no sex
>muh chaste relationship meme
fuck off
If you can't put out, you're not my woman
That's an incel tier mindset, lad.
If you can't stick around for longer than 3 months you need to fix yourself.
you're not going to win every arguments by calling anyone that disagrees with you an incel, you know
or win any, really
I'm sorry you're so scared of sex, but that's not my problem, nor is it anyone else's
or I guess it's also the problem of all those poor lads that were expecting a normal relationship from you
>Is what I'm doing wrong?
Only if you're not upfront about your intentions.
>Where do I find good boys then?
There is no place to find them. The best plan is to just interact with as many as you can. Start doing stuff in the real world like taking evening classes after work, ask guys that seem nice if they'd be interesting in studying with you in the library. Get to know them a bit better.
I don't think you've been arguing with the OP lol
doesn't change a thing
Sexual intimacy requires trust and a close bond. Some people take a lot of time to build trust and 3 months is absolutely nothing if that's your breaking point.
If you end up dumping because you urgently want to get your dick wet, you're no better to them than they are to you.
well I'm sorry my dude, but if it takes you three months, or even more, to trust me enough to spend the night with you, then you've got issues
and that's one hell of a redflag
and it's a question of values anyway, you value things completely differently than I value them, meaning we got nothing to do together in the first place
so you should've been upfront right at the start 'no sex for two years' and that way we wouldn't have wasted any time
>so you should've been upfront right at the start 'no sex for two years'
I can agree with you on that.
>I don't want to let it happen until I'm certain I found the one.
I want to believe that there are actually non LARPing girls still like this so i choose to believe this bait and no your not in the wrong
I'd be okay if a girl told me she wanted to wait for marriage until we had sex. You're not in the wrong.
Now that that's out of the way, please leave my board