What is the deal with these so called "proud nordic" men who just circlejerk about romans and spartans, trying to emulate them and take credit for their culture and advancements? They're the we wuz kangz of snowniggers. They have no real history other than vikiniggers so they have to claim the culture of superior Romans and Greeks,
What is the deal with these so called "proud nordic" men who just circlejerk about romans and spartans...
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>They're the we wuz kangz of snowniggers
You answered your own question
Additionally, why does literally fucking everything everything have to relate back to nationalism with this guy? youtube.com
TheGoldenOne is a fucking moron. Hearing 1 minute of him talking is enough to realize how stupid he is.
A chad like him can't be a moron. He's just appealing to his viewer base.
I also enjoy my viking ancestry.
he's a roidmaxed incel. he is legitimately autistic and has a deformed face, without lifting + roids he would be rotting in his house playing runescape
>make civilization
>lasts for a thousand years
>"ogga Bogga where the Roman women at?"
Why do snow niggers ruin everything?
They are a bunch of fucking retards that don't kniw history and think europe was always one culture.
It was always at war with itself too.
Why would 5ft tall Arabs describe their gods as having blond hair?
"viking ancestry" KEK
Half of europe was part of the roman empire so it shouldn't be a suprise that parts of their culture are found in it
cope. they got conquered by the romans and continued acting like niggers, never actually contributing to civilization.
>make civilization that lasts for a thousand years
>through all that time never figures out how to create an industrial revolution
Meds really are subhuman
So are you Mediterranean?
White supremacy is a joke but nordic worship is the biggest joke of them all
You already answered it, it's just another WE WUZ variant. People with nothing to brag about outside of muh ancestors and/or muh race are pathetic
This board really needs country flags
How is that cope? It is just factual and most of them, especially the elite, integrated the roman culture quite easily.
it's cope because you're equating integration into the civilization to responsibility for creating the civilization.
Who do you come from again?
Integration was a huge part of roman culture, they became citizens of the roman empire and helped to expand and secure it so how can you say they didn't do their part in establishing the roman civilization?
Vikings were advanced shipbuilders, navigators, metalworkers, and had advanced concepts of laws and currency.
Their innovations in sailing and navigation still greatly effect us today. They were able to succesfully navigate when others could not. Even how they made their weapons is hard to replicate now.
They were pioneers of international trade and exploration.
Why get salty over someone liking their ancestral culture? Or is it because a neo-Nazi made fun of yours?
>Even how they made their weapons is hard to replicate now
This line is complete bullshit.
Uh, guys, I think he's just a Jow Forumsizen having fun dressing up and Jojo posing. Stop reading into things so much.
Folded steel is hard to make
Are you joking or being serious?
I'm being serious, are you?
>Anno Domini MMXVIII
>Not being a Medaboo
Would give my left nut to be Italian.
G*rmanics should unironically be gassed.
those are byzantine garbs
Chichen Itza wasn't built by Aztecs it was built by the Maya.
>read this post through blue eyes and run a hand through my blonde hair
literally the only smart person ITT
Byzantines are Romans tho
Who cares? We're all people. The human race.
I can be proud of white dude's inventions and much as they can be proud black's contributions to rock n roll and whatever else they like about our culture
i can't quite tell whats wrong with this guy's face. He has a big jaw, good hairline, blonde, blue eyes, by all accounts he should be good looking... he's ugly as fuck. something about his face just isn't right but I don't know what exactly
they called themselves romans but they spoke greek instead of latin
there's always been nordic-''ish'' looking people in the Mediterranean. Some sources say there was more in older times
they're romans as in the subhuman white niggers that everyone hated all over europe before they had actual niggers
>Being this mad.
You sound like a women complaining about a Victoria secret modal saying ehh, she isnt hot and I bet she is a bitch
>A chad like him can't be a moron
What sort of logic is that?
Yeah and the Eastern Roman Empire had been doing that since forever, Latin never really took off as a spoken language in the Hellenized parts of the Empire. It's just after the west fell the use of Greek eventually superseded Latin as the primary official language. "Roman" was always more of a legal identity and through different stages of Roman history had varying degrees of connection to the Roman state, Hellenism, Christianity and Latin culture. With none of these features all being present in "Romanness" at any one time but all at some point or another being a defining part of it. Being "Roman" to the Byzantines really meant being Christian and being in legal continuity with the Roman state. The Ottomans would continue this and use "Roman" to refer to their Eastern Christian population, mainly in the Balkans. In fact up to the end of WW1 there were Greeks living in the Aegean islands that continued to call themselves Romans.
There's also the fact that even though the Byzantines were centred around, and dominated by, Greece it included very many peoples including Italians and the Romance speakers of the Balkans. Latin culture was never really fully absent from the Byzantine Empire, even by the time it was limited to pretty much just the city of Constantinople that city had a massive Italian and Frankish population from the 4th Crusade.
If Greeks are subhuman white niggers then G*rms are giga-niggers.
Your intelligence is determined by women's approval of you
... are you even european?
romans = gypsies
byzantine = romania
But 99% of his viewerbase is american incels with an identity crisis, and he only seems to hang out with other roidheads.
Romania=God's country.
Not to mention the only people I've ever met to defend or say they like gypsies come from Northern European countries.
He's literally a Nazi homophobe that's too insecure about his worth and masculinity.
That is literally the most retarded thing I've read today.
vikings conquered much of northern Europe,
Vikings got their asses kicked by the Irish.
That's disgraceful.
very good post, but the question remains, would you consider them true romans?
the seljuk turks called themselves romans too, creating the sultanate of rum (rome) and mehmet II also saw his empire as a continuation of the roman empire.
We can replicate it just fine though.
Those were made from imported steel, and are replicable just fine today.
It's we wuz kangs except it's actually true
medetarians was big in the acient time but when rome fall medeterian part fell until the 1600s and then the meds have been not much. While other groups of white has lead the evoultion of technology the suit is a tribute there is no need for division. Why cant we both respect eachother for our achivments.
>Why cant we both respect eachother for our achivments.
The thing I don't get is why it's always germanics and grecco-italics that are at each other, and you never hear much from the celts, slavs, and ugrics.
The Seljuk Sultanate of Rum were decisively not Romans, unless we're to accept that the HRE is also Roman. The Seljuks were ultra Persiaboos and borrowed far more of their legal system and culture from the Persians than from any Roman society.
>and mehmet II also saw his empire as a continuation of the roman empire.
I think the Ottoman claim to being a successor state to the ERE is a lot stronger given that Mehmet II ripped massive amounts of the Ottoman government straight from what the Byzantines had been doing and was recognized as such by the eastern church which the Ottomans would be in close collaboration with for basically their entire history. I think had the Ottomans continued evolve to resemble the existing Roman legal and political system and were Islam itself to become strongly Hellenized in the way Christianity was totally transformed from a sect of Judaism people today probably wouldn't think the Turkish claims to being a successor to the Romans were so silly. But I think the main problem is the Turks themselves never really took these claims seriously after the lifetime of Mehmet II while the Byzantine Greeks most definitely did throughout their entire history.
>but when rome fall medeterian part fell until the 1600s
1. The Roman empire didn't fall until 1453
2. During the middle-ages Italy was by far and away the most developed and urbanized part of Europe. France was probably the strongest European power for the entire period and when it was over Spain would become the world's first global power. The Mediterranean was not wanting for achievement since the fall of the Roman empire. It was only really after the Napoleonic wars and industrialization that Northern Europe started to become the indisputably dominant part.
>groups of white
There's no such thing as "white people", there are people with light skin but that's a completely arbitrary grouping. Finns are not the same people as Greeks and the Portuguese are not the same people as Russians, that is retarded. Belief in "race" is completely unscientific and undermines any actual look at real ethnic divisions in human populations.
you have no idea what you're talking about, they're aren't even nice to roma in sweden
Meds were once a shitload whiter before all the Islamic invasions, but yes the golden one is a retard. Nothing wrong with admiring another culture though. Hell you're on Jow Forums, this place is weeb central.
Don't call them "Roma" you cuckold, call them gypsies.
>Meds were once a shitload whiter before all the Islamic invasions
No, we weren't.
>Meds were once a shitload whiter before all the Islamic invasions
Citation needed.
Made civilization around the same time coal was discovered. Hurr industrialization. Snowniggers everyone.
this is a weird post, it's obviously from a redditor trying to troll, but he doesn't seem to know what he's saying and just going for whatever gets the most reactions
All that shit from ship building to sailing to currency to trading was invented by Phoenicians. Keep dreaming snownigger
The snowniggies invented that shit independently though.
Sure not Nordic level white, but nowhere near as mutt looking as they are now. Blonde and red hair weren't uncommon.
Blonde hair and red hair still aren't uncommon throughout the Mediterranean. There are literally millions of blonde Turks.
Europeans are ugly af and middle easterners are lighter toned than european meds. South euros look nicer thanks to magrebi genes otherwise most Italians were inbred and had weak features. Ancient greeks were basically the Mexicans of their time. Asscreed odyssey got that part right at least.
Europe was a dark continent of cave dwellers and cannibals. All civilization down to the root originated in the middle east. It's no coincidence all of human civilization developed around the same time following several hundred years of nothing. There's a reason people with no contact to the middle east like American Indians and Aborigines remained hunter gatherers up till the 19th century
Several hundred thousand years*
At least up to Neolithic man
>Blonde and red hair weren't uncommon
They still aren't. I don't think you've ever been anywhere near southern Europe.
Doesnt matter what their history looks like, look at them today. There is only one nigger race among present day pale skins. I think we all know who they are.
>I think we all know who they are.
The eternal pikey
fucking disgusting. total slags
the n*rd fears the celt