What is ego death and how does one experience it without LSD?

what is ego death and how does one experience it without LSD?

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Ego death is a trap invented by buddhism which is really just a religion designed to appease the poor.

Please explain further I don't understand

Snort a shitton of ketamine

fuck off
there is no ego in reality so there is nothing to kill. it's just biproduct of evolution -ilusion of separated "self".

tldr: just enjoy life because nobody is getting alive out of this place.
memento mori - as people used to say

This or meditation. Severe depression and the depersonalization that comes with it makes it easier.

everyone I know who likes to talk about their ego death all have huge egos

meditation and trying to go deeper while meditating can sometimes work,

fucked up sleeping patterns, never sleeping, sleeping too long, getting scared while doing these things etcetc...

you jsut have to trigger some chemical burst in your brain, its easier to just do drugs like lsd or shrooms

I don't even know what it is, it sounds like you just stop caring about everything?

You should go to thailand and take the chance to meet buddhist monks. You'll find them to be vain childlike people, because that's what buddhism really is, a sort of adoption center for unwanted boys who are then repressed and as a result grow up into emotionally undeveloped people.

Unfortunately when I did shrooms I looked in the mirror and realized I truly hated myself.

Not sure how to experience it without LSD, but I can give you an idea of what I think was an ego death that occurred to me.

First time I ever took acid I took two tabs alone and I had no clue what to expect. Started feeling the electric feel that a lot of people describe and my body got really rigid. Started seeing shit and it freaked my out so I went to lay on my bed. The hallucinations were getting really fucking crazy at this point. My entire ceiling was covered in millions of breathing dots that moved perfectly inline with each other. As I said, I was freaking out so I closed my eyes and without realizing it I closed my eyes for probably 3 hours. It wasn't that I forgot who I was, but I no longer existed.
No matter how you explain a trip, you will sound crazy, so here it goes: When I closed my eyes, it was like I was at a train station, and when I got on the train my mind went somewhere else and I was still there. I literally began thinking I was different people. At one point I actually thought I was a widow living in squalor in 1940s Britain.

Eventually I opened my eyes again and I thought I had lost my mind, maybe I had schizophrenia or something else. It was really scary but I want to do it again.

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>You'll find them to be vain childlike people
Ah, you don't know anything, gotcha.


t. white american buddhist

When you've sat on a bus with a group of buddhist monks showing you how proud they are of their nice watch and then breaking into a fight over who gets to hold it you'll understand.

Quite the opposite. The NPC meme is that there are people who have no inner monologue. The irony is that you are what the meme is implying even if you have inner monologue. Meditation is good for shedding the inner monologue that is a prison that is keeping you out of completely enjoying the present moment, a prison that is keeping you out of flow and of becoming the present. Psychedelics such as psilocybin, mescaline LSD-25 or N,N-DMT push the inner monologue back into more primitive form, diffuse the ego and melt you into the environment to become the moment. These experiences allow you to enjoy present in its purest raw form with no judgement. It gives you the capacity to understand that "you" or "I" is just an illusion, a by-product of the chemical dance within your body and of the brittle societal pillars that should be broken down, and so allowing your inner monologue is to limit the body out of enjoyment.

However since psychedelics are a shortcut into the wisdom, they can also lead you on a false path and do the opposite: That is they can inflate your ego while you think you are doing the opposite. And as the ego is fed more, so the fear of living becomes a greater burden for it is the ego that is afraid of dying. I have experience with psilocybin and it's been the most important moment of my life, but I am not sure if it's for everyone. What is for everyone is a psychedelic experience induced by their hard work that doesn't necessarily come from psychedelics, but also not from having a child. An example would be a successful hunt of a wild game with a bow after years of training.

No way this happened. Seriously?

These entheogens are not for fun to get high and be fucked up and have a good time in the first place. Psilocybin showed you your true nature and what you needed to see and it's up to you to do something about it. If you decide to embark on another trip remember to not fight it and accept what you see. Trust the psilocybin.

bro you have some strange videos

not him just thought this video was on topic with the thread

It actually was a ton of fun. The first hour or 2 almost every single thing around me made me break out into laughter so much that there were tears running down my face constantly. I remember trying to write a phone number down and all I wrote was a 6. For some reason that 6 was the funniest 6 I've ever seen.
I did expect it to be more of a "woahh spiritual awakening bro, I'm so connected with nature" thing, but instead everything was really funny, nature was really pretty, but everything felt so conflicting. It was a good trip, I didn't get sick, nothing was scary, and I was mostly happy, but when I hear about a good trip I hear that people feel content and come to some peaceful or amazing revelation within their mindset or mood. Unfortunately I felt like I had no idea what I wanted or what I should do, how I feel about a lot of things. All I knew is that when I saw myself I felt so much loathing that it started to effect my mood.
Maybe I didn't take enough.

Yes because buddhist monks aren't guys who committed to the religion they're children adopted by temples and repressed by it.

>I did expect it to be more of a "woahh spiritual awakening bro, I'm so connected with nature" thing, but instead everything was really funny, nature was really pretty, but everything felt so conflicting.
It's all about your mindset and what you need

Or perhaps you took too much. Terence Mckenna says that you need to eat 5 dry grams of psilocybe cubensis in a silent darkness and anything else is just a waste. As much as I believe Terence was a visionary, he was wrong in this. I had about 2.5 grams of cubes just yesterday and I - by your words felt content and came to peaceful amazing revelation. Taking these entheogens can be fun and I had fun and childish joy as well but my point is that they are not to be taken to have fun even if you can attain it on the peak. I took a walk near the snowy forest and the eyes of consciousness was observing me silently as I was crying of joy.

You mistake Christianity with Buddhism. Christianity is for the poor. Buddhism is for everyone

eyes were observing me*
Also this was in the evening which I believe tends to strengthen the visuals. When I was inside during the comeup I just had fun but the moment I came outside and observed a tree I wanted to cry of the simple and yet complex beauty before me.