ITT: Everyone in Jow Forums lives in this apartment block in a dystopian future
What happening today in the r9k block
Also whoever is the fuck head in floor 88, stop blasting Horst Est Weisel, it has been 14 days already jesus christ
ITT: Everyone in Jow Forums lives in this apartment block in a dystopian future
What happening today in the r9k block
Also whoever is the fuck head in floor 88, stop blasting Horst Est Weisel, it has been 14 days already jesus christ
>the same image over and over
Never heard of Horst Est weisel also.
user, get of the computer I want to play cool math games.
im going to drink alone in my apt nobody come knocking im not going to answer
Fuck you. you suck at fire girl and water boy
Me Judge Dredd, you the drug addicts.
if anyone comes into my apt while im furiously masturbating, im gonna stab them
>entire building is leveled and everyone dies
Thank god. End thread, nobody else post.
Whatever, Run 2 is the best game in existence.
Yeah I won't lie that and parking simulator. The skater from Run 2 is good if you know how to control it
I fucking hate this apartment. there is constantly noise. I hear things falling glass rolling toilets flushing but never ever see the neighbours.
>*Fat neet screaming the intro to Bohemian Rhapsody falls down the central area down hundreds of floors passes by anons window*
>found some glowing mushrooms growing out of a bird carcass
>eat it to see what would happen
>taste like salty armpit so not too bad
>its also oily and gets warm
>use this to jerk off
>7/10 nutt had better
>penis is still hard and slightly green
>hear door open
>its neighbor girl shocked by my dick
>cover myself and tell her sorry
>she comes over and tells me its ok
>she looks me in the eyes and says
>"how did this shit happen"
>"I dont know I found some mushrooms and..."
>"How did this happen"
>"I just said I found some mushrooms..."
>"how did this happen"
>im on the floor covered in my juices
>My neighbor mark is standing over me
>slaps me in the face one more time before pulling me up
>explain what I did
>calls me a retard and if I have a death wish I should fight the hall bandits instead of killing myself in my room
>neighbor leaves and takes
>hear loud motorcycle noises and a loud scream
>unlock door
>neighbor is dead
>take his shirt and boots
>barricade door
>sleep on my pile of news paper
*pisses out the window from floor 72*
god help the few fembots that live in this place. they literally never stop getting raped
>still uses internet porn to get off
I know you're posting on the 185th floor where the sissy hangs out in the bathroom you fucking faggot swallow your pride already and start using him like the rest of us.
I would think the tower has it's own self contained internet, no laws here
Wow, guys, it's really cool that we were all brought here in this government-mandated project. I don't normally get out much but now that we're all here in one concentrated area without much incentive to get a safe distance away I've been having a great time getting to meet other people just like me knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles!
Hey, what are those black jets doing flying so low over us?
Nobody go to the sub basements, I think there are mutants and giant spiders down there
nah that's just the undies tea guy and the bodily-fluid-kiddie-pool guy and all the other shitposters like them.
Can someone point me to the horsecock futa floor? Thanks.
floor -59 35 room
they mean you no harm lest you provoke one of them
Okay but you see the problem is YEET
so who wants to hunt down all the homos
Well considering law is probably loosely regulated in this dystopian society I would make my way room finding the sociopathtic discord ring leaders killing them off quietly first. After that I would go person to person finding people who were too crazy or mean and killing them off. The idea would be to slowly make the building better over time full of people I like. If I was found out and people tried to kill me and succeeded I would accept that.
If there was still rule of law I would just isolate myself in my room.
>"Guys come outside we now have warm showers in the middle"
Target: person who replied to my post calling me a little crybaby bitch
Don't necessarily have to be strong, quantity over quality can overpower
>Be on floor 9056
>Be neet living off of a whole closet full of canned tuna for years
>Dont know how long i sleep and when i wake up because i dont have clocks, since they stress me out
>Went for my tuna breakfast
>mfw no cans left
>don`t remember where i bought them and how i got my neetbux
Heard a Jow Forums wannabe up on the 4081st floor bit the dust when the overloaded supply in his exposed rig exploded. Might fuck around and take over his room. At the very least I gotta get above the 50th floor, the trash is piled up so high in the center of the building that you can't even see out of the windows anymore below that point.
Sorry the Horst Wessel Lied is gonna go on 24/7 until 4/20 then we blaze it.
>try to get in shape
>remember there are millions of stairs in this complex no joke
>tell myself "tomorrow, I run"
>wake up at 6 a.m. sharp
>get dressed and ready
>a few minutes in, high-altitude respirator system is getting a bit heavy on my back but I'm hanging in there
>suddenly feel a sharp pain in my back
>first suspect a heart attack but turn around to find that I've been stabbed
>they continue to beat me and I feel the sensation of a baton being shoved up my asshole before everything goes dark
>wake up later, sun is setting
>they took my shoes, hoodie, and wallet (whatever it had nothing in it)
>something smells godawful
>notice there is a message sprawled across my chest in feces
>"cardio kills T you cuck"
>never been out since except to collect my government tendies
Tbh. I think we would make the best buildingmates ever.
Silent, all day inside, no parties whatsoever.
The landlord would be pretty happy
I dont even want to know the story behind this one..
>tfw some user gets us all a month in the isocubes for downloading loli hentai
idk about you but my apt is basically just a slightly more furnished version of an isocube
that's a lot of shit to write that message user
>tfw not creative enough to contribute to this thread
I am the reason trap and bait threads continue to rise but these die
>Wake up at 2:30 am due to anons blasting loli hentai
God damn it can't you people just use headphones or earbuds
Okay who the fuck invited Jow Forums over again?
There's fucking anti-semitic propaganda all over the floors and some guy down the hall has been screaming "NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER" nonstop for the past 2 days which is really pissing me off not to mention it fucking reeks of onion now fuck.
Fuck off bluepilled normie piece of shit
They'll get used to it don't worry.
Go away kira.
we need to establish a peacekeeping group to prevent things like this from happening.
You do realize you're supposed to REFRIGERATE milk, right? I mean love of god I can smell it from here!
Aside occasionally random screams, moans, and gunshots from suicide would break the silence
>Live in the lower floors
>You can't see out of the windows because they have been completely blocked by piss, shit, and the corpses of those who jumped to their deaths
>Multiple sections have been walled off due to flooding
>Try to escape to the higher floors one time
>All was going well until I heard literal hundreds of froglike screams and booming footsteps
>They chanted "POO POO PEE PEE"
>Get the fuck back into my relatively safe room
>Now planning to break into and loot one of the flooded sections
>Aiming to get a decent weapon so I can survive the Feral NEETs
I hate you all. Use the goddamn toilets you filthy fuckers, you turned my life into a living hell. I'm the only one here who can even be called human anymore.
Alright lads I've cashed out my memecoins to build a fleet of delivery drones. Perfect for ramen, tendies, smokes, and dildo deliveries for anyone quarantined or too lazy to leave their room
used to really love the pit back when it was empty
it was comfy outside during those 2 hours when the sun was peeking through the top with the added benefit of not being in public having to deal with mongrels until all of (You) showed up and started treating it like your own personal disposal.
for a second i thought it said fat neet screaming to the intro of bohemian rhapsody
Secondary target: man who is spreading messages of corruption and resistance
Yeah that's what it says
public service announcement-
stop trying to commit suicide by jumping into the pit. everyone who's tried so far has had their fall broken by the fluids and soft garbage
t. sub-400 who's tired of hearing them scream 24/7
fuck im stupid as fuck skja;lf;lkjlkjdsfjfadslkjfadslj;ajfa;ljfds;kjdsf;kj
Hey, I've acquired some strange artifacts on my travels of the block.
I'm willing to trade some for other weird things, cryptocurrencies, or a new, sealed onahole.
>hungry as fuck
>the air outside the apartment to toxic for scavenging right now
>have to decide between the pit or the quarry
>the pit is just a death wish because that's where "it" is and the quarry is just the hideout for the hall bandits
>choose quarry and grab my trusty scalping knife and pouch
>head out and lock my room
>arrive at the quarry and no one is here
>wait a while and start to see little critters left and right
>rush at them and start swinging
>get a pouch full critters and some plump rat meat
>tie up my pouch and get ready to leave but hear motorcycles
>scared shitless because they arrived sooner than expected and its all 14 of them and the captain
>try to hide but am already noticed
>surrounded by bandits
>pull out scalping knife
>stand my ground as they creep forward
>one guy runs towards and I get his shoulder and he falls
>another guy runs forward and I get his face
>finally captain gets off his bike and walks towards me
>time it and I swing and he grabs my hand
>"You got some balls kid. I'll give you a choice, either join us or die"
>I have no choice
>decide to join
>everyone revs their bikes in celebration
>leader tells me to meet up at the pit in 5 days for the initiation and if I chicken out I die
>get a forced ride home and a vest
>look down into the pit
>I see "its" eyes
>prepare myself for that day
Fucking bandits I just want some critter meat.
My blanket keeps itching and it's giving me rashes.
Can someone help me out? Maybe get me a new one? I would perhaps be willing to do not-so-legal favours in return.
does someone who lives near the top of the waste pool wanna do me a favor?
I lent my physical copy of M&B to a buddy who up and jumped a couple days ago. Pretty sure he still has it on him because when I went through his place it wasn't there and I know he didn't trade it because he only likes prescription Gargalax and this wouldn't be enough on its own.
Pretty sure he had a pack of smokes in his pocket and I'll even throw in a couple galactic credits for your trouble.
i just want you to know that i read all of your long greentexts even if they don't get a lot of (You)'s
thanks for posting anons
>Kick in my neighbors door (flimsy and rotten because nobody maintains this place anymore)
>He had hung himself a long time ago, there's nothing but bones left at this point
>He was a faggot anyways
>Steal some packages of ramen and bottles of water
>The tap water is beyond undrinkable at this point
>Find a hammer that he used to assemble a cheap sex doll
>Smash the barricade to a flooded section relatively far from my place
>The bodily fluids are only waist high so it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be
>The floor is lava
>The section is mostly deserted
>Everyone has committed suicide due to having their PC's ruined by the fluids
>There was a guy hanging by his balls in the hallway, he tried to claw my face off
>Wack him in the foot with the hammer
>He curls up into the fetal position and cries
>Rest of the journey wasn't very eventful
>Eventually find the mauled corpse of some guy with a katana collection
>Exactly what I was looking for, but who mauled him
>Hear splashing in the fluids
>Climb on the ceiling by planting my legs on the walls
>The Shit Monster is a manlet so he can't reach me
>Reach the entrance to my section
>Have to get down from the ceiling
>Start to climb through
>The Shit Monster grabs my fucking ankle and starts to pull me in
>Stab at it with pure Nippon steel
>Forged by the androids that have replaced the Japanese after they went extinct
>It lets go after it takes my New Balance shoe and eats it.
Is there any secret passages that will allow me to get around the Feral NEETs? I really don't want to deal with them.
>Fat italian guy in a tank top: "Jojo sucks balls!"
Because it's the ideal Jow Forums apartment.
Also, who's hyped for the Christmas party on floor 136 next week?
youre going to that party?
(geez, what a normie)
>robots fill up the pit with all their physical and bodily refuse
>bottom of the building rots, collapses in on itself
>building topples over, leveling other buildings in the process
>disgusting, fermented shit garbage that was literally festering and marinading 24/7 for god knows how long pours out into the world, covering a quarter mile radius
>normies are pissed off
>our collective faces when
On the 8905 floor
>Here sobbing next door
>go investigate
>knock knock are you ok in there?
>"oh yes sorry i didn't mean to disturb"
>wtf thats not who was sobbing
>kick door down
>reveal boogie2988 with a small frail trap half in his mouth
>he lunges for me and i barely move out of the way of his door
>Go back in my room lock door
Im just waiting at this point i can here his greasy breathing on the other side of the door if you see this boogie please dont eat me
>look through the glory hole in my door
>thick finger pokes my eye
>call him sausage fingers
>hear excited gasp
>look again with other eye
>watch him chow down on his fingers
>Hey you look like a marshmallow
>See his small erect cock burst weird purple mucus
>starts to devour himself
>tearing and ripping any part he can grab
>pool of blood forming underneath him
>look him in the eye as he bites his left breast off
>Go into shock
>Wake up 3 hours later too look outside
>see mess of lumps of meat and mt dew
>guess he needed something to wash himself down with
I did it lads i saved us from the great boogie threat. The great famine of the floor 8905 is no more. All i ask in return is for someone to play halo 3 with me
>dumb normie uses elevator
>unnamed dweller user from 40285th floor pries open the elevator door, ropes himself with the cable
>surprise surprise, the elevator breaks down with brainlet still inside
>panics, needs entire crew of emergency responders to take 3 days zeroing in their location, getting all the way up there, and getting them out
>still dies before they can be rescued because some anons got wind of the situation and spent those 3 days shitting in the elevator shafts so they could choke from the lack of ventilation
it's 25xx and you trogs still haven't learned not to use the bullet elevators
>normal day in the apartments
>that one FBI agent pretending he isn't an FBI agent going around asking everyone if they want some pizza and winking
>the only 3 fembots in the entire place can be heard screaming from their rooms
>probably more guys begging them for hugs
>hear the bell ring through the building at 6pm
>6pm on a sunday
>it's tendie time
>fuck yea
>every robot who earned over 10 GBP throughout the week gets 5 tendies, just like mummy used to make
>this is the time of the week that suffers the most casualties
>sunday always has the most deaths, usually stabbings
>the hallway bandits (who are never good enough boys to earn enough GBP) stabbing the robots that got tendies and stealing them
>tendie takers deserve negative GBP
>do i want to risk dying for tendies
>decide if i'm gonna die it's gonna be at my own hands, next time stacy rejects me
>stay in room
>hear bloodshed outside
>back to watching hentai
Today's the day
>I didn't want to join at first but now I do
>head towards the pit
>the bikers are there standing by a some cavern
>captain:"glad you showed up user, now here is the test."
>captain:"you need to stand in front of the cavern entrance and scream "its loose, its loose, there is no use"
>nod and walk ahead
>they run and hide behind some boulders
>stand at the entrance scared
>captain: come on user you got this, do this and i'll make you a general.
>clear my throat
>"i-its loose"
> glow
>pic related and hangs down from the ceiling of the cave
>its roar smells like squid and almost knocks me on my ass
>stand my grown and yell it again
>its starting to shake in fear
>I yell it more confidently
>its looks like its about to die
>captain: HEY user! You know whats loose?
>turn back
>"Wait What?"
>captain:"THE JUICE!"
>a flood of thick white liquid knocks me down and floats me away
>the cock thing shrivels up and goes back in the cave
>the hall bandits are dying with laughter
>hall bandit:"you sure know how to please OJ user hahahahaha"
>captain: "Well you passed with flying colors and jizz, but we don't need a guy who makes people spill their "sacks" and not their sacks, with all do respect
>captain:"See you around fagit"
>they leave
>walk home like I just came from a bukkake scene
>get to room
>outside there's a bucket of crushed maggots that looks likes semen at first glance
>get out of clothes and cry myself to sleep
>whenever they see me they call me general cumlord
fuck those guys.
Good job user, you just killed one of the trap mafia most prominent pimps.
I'd get some protection if you can, I've heard the furry mercenaries from floor 149 can resist the spells of the trap assassins
>The smell
This is probably going to be the worst part of it all. Besides that, anyone wanna watch the Hateful Eight with me?
What ever happened to the endless tower project? I was really hoping it would take off
>notice posted throughout the complex that a reward of 100 cryptos and 1 free day of unsupervised internet browsing is being offered to anyone who will flush out the water tank on the roof and get the water in clean, usable condition again
I'm keeping a lot of shit up there because I thought no one would ever go near it and I don't want it getting reported or stolen. I doubt the other high-floor dwellers will care because the reward is small fry for them (plus they never drank the water here even when it was potable), but I dunno man.
The only reason I'm still alive and living up here is because of all the operations I got going on in the lower floors and now that I've seen what the sky looks like I'm not about to lose it all.
>3 a.m.
>sleeping in bed until i'm awoken with
>voice: I swear you do this shit every FUCKING night! just fap and go to sleep
>voice:Finally, THANK YOU!
>go back to sleep
You eventually get used to it. You only really realize when someone new gets thrown in here and the look of bewilderment on their face when it hits them is absolutely priceless.
I'm up for it if we can play a board game after, everybody that used to play with me either went feral or drowned in the last great flood
>The time has finally come
>Kiss my computer goodbye
>It's time I left this place
>There's nothing but death here
>Ascend to the floor full of Feral NEETs
>Strangely quiet
>Crouch down and stealth like in my vidya
>Find a piss bottle laying around, keep it so I can turn it into a grenade
>Accidentally step on a really old cumrag
>It crunches like a potato chip
>Deafening reee's nearly blow out my eardrums
>A door slams open and a Feral NEET that resembles Jabba the hut starts slinging feces at me
>Swing my katana at him
>It bounces off his blubber
>How the fuck
>He picks me up and throws me at a window
>It cracks, leaking god knows what onto my clothes
>The Feral NEETs are crowding around me now
>No... Not like this
>There was once another user who tried to make the journey
>He was found floating around in the fluids outside with his cock stuffed in his mouth and his anus gaping
>Somebody dropped their tendies here
>Grab them, twist open the piss bottle with my mouth and threaten to pour the piss on the tendies
>They stop in their tracks
>Back away
>They stare at me menacingly
>Make it to the next floor
>Drop the tendies and piss bottle
>The floors after that are quiet
>Everyone is either dead, or evacuated
>The silence is occasionally broken by the scream of someone who has met a horrible fate on one of the upper floors
>The food and beverages are nearly looted clean by the Feral NEETs
>Remove my soiled clothes and turn a sheet I found in an empty apartment into a poncho
I think I'm going to make it, but I recall a rumor I heard about a floor not far from here that has been taken over by trannies who kidnap people and forcefully feminize them.
Thanks! Wanna play risk? If not I can just set up chess!
>Bureau of Justice Enforcement raided my floor for pizza again
dunno if I'll buy another door this time
whenever I install a new one it gets kicked down 2 weeks later
Might as well play Risk, whatever kills the most time
Do you have a copy with all of the pieces? Mine has a bunch of bite marks all over the board from when my old roommate tried to eat it.
>Nothing eventful happens for a while
>Just silence, complete ghost towns
>There was only one thing of note that happened in these dead floors
>While scavenging through apartments for any food that has been left behind my leg nearly got taken off by a bear trap that was left by somebodies waifu shrine
>The journey through these floors took me several days
>Don't know or care about what floor I'm even on
>But the sea of decay is still blocking the windows
>So I'm still on one of the lower floors
>One day the silence is broken by chatter
>My food supplies are getting pretty low by now, and I've grabbed everything worth taking on my way here
> Only way is forward
>Ascend to the next floor, keeping my katana hidden, but with a hand on it ready to draw
>Upon reaching the next floor I see guns pointed at my face
>I raise my arms in surrender
>Honestly, considering what horrors lie below me I'm surprised they didn't just shot me right there
>Wait a minute
>They're slightly manfaced but they look feminine
>After a brief interrogation they decided I was worth keeping alive
>Sane people are too precious on the floors beneath the sea of decay to just execute like that apparently
>Offered a room to stay in
>They were surprisingly hospitable
>I walk in on the designated chef of the place cooking a meal
>"""She""" was mixing crushed up powder into it
>After seeing me """She""" pulled out a pistol and held me at gunpoint
>"""She""" whipped out her cock and started jerking it right there
>Fuck that gay shit
>Call upon my knowledge of
Iaijutsu from watching anime and cut the tranny down right there
>Grab the pistol
>Trannies start running into the kitchen after hearing the commotion
>Pop pop pop
>Gun them down while humming pumped up kicks
>Loot some ammo from their bodies
>Grab some food that is still packaged, so I know they haven't mixed weird shit in it
>Hear some voices coming from one of their computers
>A discord chat group
The rest of them know.
There needs to be an association for investigating the abuse of power. It's getting out of hand.
>Live on 4281st floor.
>Obsessed with creating R visualizations of building economic trends
>Coming to realize that we're doomed
>Too many NEETs being exiled here from the outside world
>Robot spoilage rate of allotted resources creeping higher and higher
>Too much garbage, too many vermin, too much food thrown away in rage when it requires actual effort to cook
>A Malthusian crisis will hit us, and soon
>The math makes it inevitable - unless
>Ask my poster of Pinochet for advice
>"It's simple, really," an ethereal voice replies
>Wasn't expecting English, but OK
>"Some of the NEETs must...disappear."
>That makes sense. But which ones?
>Pinochet will not answer, he's leaving it up to me
>If it's my decision who dies, I choose - the traps
As long as you don't want to be blue, your previous roomate ate all my blue pieces, it's all good. For now, all I need if your Netflix account.
>Comb through image archives
>I must summon the bangposters, but how?
>Ah, there it is - my rare Pepe
>Post it to building board
>Tell everyone that Moot has returned, and commands that traps be collected so that they can be sent to a special building, built just for them, on /lgbt/ street
>The collection must begin now, Moot commands it
>Based bangposters appear, in their scores and hundreds
>Weapons long hidden from the jannies are pulled out from under beds and dorm fridges
>One of those Elon Musk flamethrowers
>One guy's got a fucking trident
>"What's your weapon, boss?" one of them asks me
>"My weapon, newfag?" I shake my head. "My weapon is autism."
>go to take a piss
>butt otter gets me
little rascal
>Start ascending higher
>Things are getting a bit more eventful
>I now have to keep an eye out for tranny ambushes, for they are now out for my blood
>Have to occasionally fend off some strange animals, I don't know what the fuck they are or where they even came from
>On the bright side I find some pockets of civilization
>They are wary and untrusting of outsiders at best, gangs of hallway bandits at worst
>Doujinshi is pretty much the new currency of these floors
> I trade some for food and ammo for my pistol
>After shopping in one of these stores I hear gunshots sounding out in the hallway
>Peeking outside, I see a gunfight between two opposing gangs of hallway bandits, using the lynched corpses of some normalfags who unwittingly wandered into the tower as cover
>They were all wearing T-shirts, each gang having a different graphic of an e-whore on them
>Orbiter wars
>I ask the shopkeep if this happens regularly
>He answers yes, and that everyone is tired of it
>Feeling a little bold from the way I fought through waves of trannies (a good majority of them forgot to load their guns or disable the safety before going after me but I didn't mention that)
>He decides to assemble a militia to take care of these orbiters
>Offered me some primo doujins to participate
>Big tiddie anime girls, the good shit
>The day of reckoning
>We're armed with whatever we can grab, knives, piss bottle grenades, some even have actual guns
>We break into the lair of one of the orbiter factions
>They're all dead from self inflicted gunshot wounds
>A quick search through their computers reveals that they found out that their e-whore fucked a black guy
>Take the hentai payment and leave.
I'm sorry my hentai is so loud anons on Floor 52
>>Gun them down while humming pumped up kicks
>Walked out of the building out of curiosity
>After sneaking out into the waste I saw an empty hellscape devoid of humanity
>Fog obscured the distance
>I approached a large shadow
>Thought it was a building
>As I approached, I heard the sound of breathing. Based on the loudness, it had to belong to a monstrous beast
>I knew death was inevitable as I approached close enough to see the glow of its uncanny and red eyes
>In shock I froze. Unclear rather I was accepting my fate or hoping this to be a dream
>Its breathing turned from faint sound to hot air as it bent over me
>It opened its mouth wide and made a hungry noise
>It calls me a faggot
>Once this happens I fell on my ass, knowing the deed was done
>The beast wondered away from me, seeming disinterested in eating me as it stammered away
>I may be alive to tell this tale, but that was still rude.
>I hit F5
>Machine learning program executes
>3D Hologram of building appears
>"I've been tracking them for a long time. Their drama and their faggotry leaves traces everywhere," I explain
>Entire building suddenly shifts into black and white
>There's no color in our world now, at all - except
>Little blinking red lights in hologram reveal location of every trap
>"Secure each one of them, and bring them to the roof. Helicopters will be waiting to give them their rides away from us," I explain
>Bangposters cheer, flood into the stair wells
>Hall Bandits briefly appear, attracted by the commotion
>AK fire scatters them, leaves pieces of two of them on one wall
>Pesky bandits
>We reach the first red dot
>"Go fuck yourselves!" it screams. "This is a building for original content!"
>Bangposters slash it into shreds, toss it through the window to make the long drop to the trash heap below
>gunshots from suicide
Lmao gottem
Whoever you are watching CP and loli porn, you need to stop!! I'm fucking sick of the feds screening and running down the halls and the sounds of doors being kicked down!! Fucking fags