If you do not live in a large city you will always
be irrelevent. It's really that simple.
If you do not live in a large city you will always
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>tfw fIyover state cuck
You NEED a college degree. Also learn to dress well.
Living in a large city is the ULTIMATE financial cuck. Cities are liberal shitholes with taxes through the roof to support the lazy niggers and their 100 kids. My salary nearly doubled when I moved to my city but after taxes I only make like 10k more. To add insult to injury, housing costs literally 4 times as much here and I am at a net loss from moving here. Fuck cities.
>Cities are liberal shitholes
Stopped reading there. Knew the post wasn't even worth spending time on.
Donald Trump won't even make it to 2021. He'll be in prison by then.
Can you even prove me wrong or are you too busy cleaning up after your bleeding heart?
It's called the free market. People want to live in the city, and land is limited, so price of housing goes up. It's really that simple.
If you make $30k a year then you should have no problem affording a $1000 apartment.
the free market is facism
>you can get by in a big city on 30K/year
Confirmed never actually lived in a big city, or lives with parents so doesn't have to pay rent and bills
I don't even live in the fucking city. I live in a bad part of town and the rent is still fucking murder. I pay 2000 a month for a small place and the landlord won't even install blinds for me. I doubt you even live close to a city.
You can expect maybe $1800 a month at $30k after taxes and savings. That leaves you $800 a month for other expenses.
>I pay 2000 a month for a small place and the landlord won't even install blinds for me.
800 - 250 (utilities) - 400 (car insurance) - 100 (phone, internet, etc.) = 50 A MONTH. Good luck living in complete misery off of shitty cheap food and having no entertainment budget. Don't get me started if you have student loans.
>250 (utilities)
Over 3 months. So really $85 a month.
>400 (car insurance)
How the fuck are you paying $400 a month in insurance? Did you finance a new car and get full coverage insurance? There's your problem. It has nothing to do with your housing and everything to do with your money management. I'm terrible at managing my money, but even I know you should only spend what you have.
Sell the car, pay off the loan, get a used car for a few thousand dollars, and get liability insurance. You'll have $300 more in your pocket every month.
I live in a large city and am currently moving to the countryside.
"Relevancy" is the last of my concerns.
I want to become strong, confident, dependable, happy and free, not popular.
>$30k a year
go be stupid somewhere else. or better yet, go try to live off that in los angeles. i heard skid row has some nice plots of land
see $30k for a single person is easy as long as you're not trying to live in downtown Manhattan or something.
I have the minimum legal insurance in my state, but I do pay for 3 people. Because of this, it costs me about 8,000 a year. Also my car is paid off and the other two are being paid for by their owners. I scaled down a bit for just a single person's budget but maybe 250 is more accurate.
Your posts reek of "NEET who has no idea what living on his own is actually like."
OP said "big cities" so he's the one who has to convince us living on 30K is possible in places like NYC.
>Your posts reek of "NEET who has no idea what living on his own is actually like."
So are you going to expand on that, or are you just name calling?
If you can't live off $30k as a single person you're a financial mess. And I'm the guy who spends $300 a month on weed. I don't understand how you can fuck this up so badly.
Being relevant is overrated.
admit it, you live with mommy and lack basic understanding of finances
What don't I know? Why not teach me if you know. Or do you just want to be right, and not correct?
tell mommy ill be over later tonight to fuck her user
>Living in a large city
>Instead of living right outside of it
The rent in the city is like $2,000 a month while where I live it's like $600. I don't even live that far, it's a 30 minute train ride to get anywhere in the city and it only costs $2.
Large cities are pretty great though.
>Always read online how there's no board game or card game stores in tons of areas
>If they do have any it's just one or two shitty ones with small communities that play one, maybe two games
>Where I live there's 20 game shops within an hour drive from me that all have a massive variety of games
Feels good man.
But you have so many minorities in giant cities
Getting a shitty apartment in an ultra-dense environment is the very definition of irrelevancy. If you can excel above that and be able to afford filet mignon every night and quaff liquor with the big business magnates, then living in a big city or not is not going to matter.
OK, I will expand on that. You underestimate the bills people have to pay. Here's how far that $800 stretches, and I will even use best case scenarios and low estimates to help you out.
>car + health insurance ($100 each so that's $200)
>groceries ($30/week equals $120, we're at $320)
>utilities, internet, phone ($60/each brings us to $500)
>gas ($60 all month, $560)
>clothing and other household expenses like cleaning materials etc ($40 for the month, $600)
That's already 3/4 of your post-rent income and again we are assuming best case scenario: no car payment, no car problems, no student loans, no medical problems, no eating out, no entertainment, no big purchases, living off peanut butter and Ramen, living in a shithole apartment/area. I guess it's possible if you're the luckiest fucker in the world and never have any unplanned problems and unexpected expenses pop up, but if you were that lucky you wouldn't be making 30K.
>tldr living on your own is fucking hard and the budget beliefs you posted can only work if you highroll every event in your life, which just doesn't happen, but your belief that bad things don't happen plus posting anime pictures is what gave away that you are a NEET who has never actually tried living on his own before
Imagine getting told that you're irrelevant over by the Internet by someone like pic related.
Literally just move
This is not true at all. I have a condo on 6th and Penn and it is 2100 a month.