This is why incels exist. Don't deny the cold hard truth

This is why incels exist. Don't deny the cold hard truth

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we had this thread already and the argument already has been had multiple times. im not going to get sucked into it again my point is proven and everyone knows it

''prefer'' means ''require'' and that's not even questionable.

Just look at it


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>not metric system

Why even bother with such retardation ?

You know how to speak English but you don't know how to read our measurement units?

god i want to facefuck this and every other melted wax-faced candle bitch

Obviously. Women are being prejudiced we all know it. The point is, do something about it.

>tfw 5'9''
kill me actually why why why

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Man-faced women are the most self-entitled cunts for some reason. That bitch is a 5/10 with make up on.

This will be the fourth time we've made this thread, we've become exceedingly efficient at it

1 foot = 12 inches = 30,48 cm
Of course I don't know how to read it.
How is imperial system even a thing ?

i think height isn't all that important. face and frame (width, shoulder:hip ratio, proportions) are much more important. a guy with a recessed chin and wide female hips is going to get rejected by women regardless of how tall he is

lol no doubt. are you the girl? i didnt get to respond to the last post you replied to me because I went out last night

Yeah that's me. How was the party? I watched some anime and slept for 3 hours

thats a bad stat they prefer and 5 10 is the average and they wont notice a 5 8 in shoes and if the 5 8 is standing tall with right posture. There are some better black pills this was weak

pretty lit, seeing friends that I haven't seen for a few weeks because of studies and such. My friend's parent's throw a Hanukkah party every year with a LOT of people of all different ages and backgrounds, a lot of fun drugs and music, great food, it's always fun. but then when we wanted to go out to bars, me and my friend's girl couldn't get into the bars because we dont have the proper ID's (we have city, not state, IDs which dont work) so that sucked, and then a guy made a comment about my height when i was walking home to impress a girl and tit worked because she laughed. which made me really sad. but i didn't have a hangover so that's great (i dont normally get hangovers even when i get really drunk)
what anime have you been watching?

This is how you look like when you argue that women should be equally attracted to short men and tall men.

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t. Betacuck manlet that got baited by a fat larp

based and redpilled post, for real, no bullshit talk, i sincerely believe this

so youre not the girl?

Not really. It's more like "we should have black people featured as well because they make up a lot of people in society too"
then you're an idiot

Evolution favors the tall. Enjoy living in my shadow manlets.

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I'm not that user I'm just telling you that you got baited by a fat larp tickling his greasy nipples

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nah dude ive argued with her multiple times over weeks

fuck off

Reminds me of George Orwell.

t. tall virginal male

Most robots are above 5'9 and still don't get laid. This is just stupid

desu im not going anything tonight ill throw down the argument again i still remain undefeated in this little debate of heights and hearts

Why is it okay to discriminate against fat people and they don't deserve love too?

fat people deserve love too. when did I say otherwise?
my point is, there is no comparison between short male and fat female in terms of dating. the comparison can never be between a lifestyle choice that effects the body, vs an innate trait that youre born with and that doesn't effect a relationship or lifestyle. that's what Im critiquing, saying "short men are hurt by the male taller norm" isn't comparable to demanding artistic representation of fat people, although both are valid.
Fat bodies are more comparable to something like a lot of tattoos. It's a lifestyle choice that has a physical effect on the body and changes how you look.
Of course, all of these things can be socialized to be seen as more or less attractive under different cultural lenses.

>the comparison can never be between a lifestyle choice that effects the body
Oh wow, that's a big prejudice. A lot of people are fat because they have mental issues like binge eating disorder, or depression, or physical ones like hormonal issues, PCOS, etc.
Don't judge people's personality by their physical traits.

>tfw 6'3 and 26 khv.
height is a meme.

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>Don't judge people's personality by their physical traits.

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I dont judge their personality, I judge their lifestyle.
there isn't a single person who is fat, who doesn't overeat. This is not an opinion. Again, it's more similar to something like tattoos. A lot of guys like fat girls. a lot of girls like guys with tattoos. that's fine and good and shouldn't end. i never said otherwise.

>A lot of people are fat because they have mental issues like binge eating disorder, or depression
this. i gained 80 lbs because of eating depression away.

>I dont judge their personality, I judge their lifestyle.
You do. You're judging their personality, implying they're lazy and have poor self control.

>A lot of guys like fat girls.
A lot of girls are okay or like short guys.

Manlets have it better than us baldlets

What's wrong with that though? That's a preference that is entirely valid. Why the fuck would you have a preference for short men? If you aren't at least 6'0 you're a failure as a man.

Women like a guy taller than them or they feel ugly and insecure that they're not small and delicate enough, which is what most guys claim they want.
So really, this is just you reaping what you've sown.

Why 6'0 and not 6'1?

>That's a preference that is entirely valid.
it's a prejudice and it's not valid
>If you aren't at least 6'0 you're a failure as a man
see, this is not a preference, this is hatred and prejudice and it isn't valid

You need a cutoff somewhere. Being 6'0 puts you in that category that is considered tall and symmetric. Once you break the 5'X'' barrier you're set. It's a nice round number and is considered tall or a good height all around the world.

Why is it wrong to like a taller person? That's completely just a preference. Why would you want to willingly settle for less? If you don't like short people then you don't, it's that simple.

My brother is 6'5" yet he dates a girl that is 5'0".

Clearly, size is just a bully tactic. Most people are sensible when they aren't on camera.

>You do. You're judging their personality, implying they're lazy and have poor self control.
depression, binge eating disorder, pcos, do not have links to being fat in a place like Japan or other countries. It's only in America and the anglosphere for some reason. very suspicious...
>A lot of girls are okay or like short guys.
i never denied that either

>Why is it wrong to like a taller person? That's completely just a preference. Why would you want to willingly settle for less? If you don't like short people then you don't, it's that simple.
because short people aren't worse than tall ones, a preference that says this is actually a prejudice and it isnt just nor valid.
if you dont like short people, you're a bad person and we have have the right to make your life more difficult than if you get over your prejudice, like we do to a racist, for example.

A baldlet is a man with full head of hair. A hairlet is a bald man

But attraction is based just as much on physical attributes as it is personality traits. Height is a physical attribute, it's something you notice right away, it effects how others treat you, it effects hugging, sex positions etc. This isn't about not liking short people, this is about not being attracted to them or not liking them as a sexual partner or relationship material. There is nothing wrong with not wanting a relationship or sex with someone who is short. If you want to talk about racism it's the same as not wanting to date a black or asian or white person, there's nothing wrong with that at all. If you like black chicks then date black chicks, if you don't you don't have to date black chicks.

>binge eating disorder doesn't make you fat
>a disorder that makes you overeat doesn't make you fat if you're in Asia

>i never denied that either
Then fat women and short men are discriminated in the same way.

you see, I disagree with all of this.
you ARE racist if you don't like black women. You are heightist if you don't like short men.
the male taller norm is not innate, it is a socialized response that is not univsersal - women are not innately only attracted to tall men. Women are trained to feel uncomfortable being bigger than a man, and there are cultures where women do not care.
>it effects how others treat you
exactly, and that's morally wrong. Treating a person differently because of their height, or race, is morally wrong.
>it effects hugging, sex positions etc
but not in an innately better or worse way, it's just different. you can like both.
>There is nothing wrong with not wanting a relationship or sex with someone who is short.
yes there is, it is a socialized prejudice and it's immoral, and perpetuates beauty standards that hurt a lot of people. it doesn't have the right to exist and youre not entitled to it.
you LITERALLY said "if you're not 6 foot you're a failure as a man". You're not a good person, you are practicing and preaching hatred and bigotry, and people like you will not have easy lives very soon.

>Then fat women and short men are discriminated in the same way.
the male taller norm is far more pervasive than women being judged for being overweight.

So how do you determine physical attraction. You're pretty much saying you would anyone no matter what they looked like just because it's ignorant not too? What if they are covered in tattoos? What about hair color? Maybe they have giant feet? Can you actually see yourself spending 60 years with someone who has traits you don't like? What about even just a year dating someone who isn't "your type".

>you LITERALLY said "if you're not 6 foot you're a failure as a man". You're not a good person, you are practicing and preaching hatred and bigotry, and people like you will not have easy lives very soon.
I mean how false is that? Tall men are more successful, make more money, are treated with more respect, receive promotions at higher rates. It's also a genetic advantage to be taller and it's natural when finding a mate to psychologically want a genetically superior partner.

Incels all have personality disorders, hence why their worldview is so distorted. Which further alienates them and makes them worse

Not true. Fat people face various problems in various areas of their life, like dating, employement, education, social life. In some areas, they do at higher rates than short people.

>So how do you determine physical attraction. You're pretty much saying you would anyone no matter what they looked like just because it's ignorant not too? What if they are covered in tattoos? What about hair color? Maybe they have giant feet? Can you actually see yourself spending 60 years with someone who has traits you don't like? What about even just a year dating someone who isn't "your type".
you dont understand the male taller norm and what I'm talking about. When almost all women dislike short men, and it's proven that it's a socailized sexuality, that means there is widespread discrimination against a group of people because of how their born.
>I mean how false is that? Tall men are more successful, make more money, are treated with more respect, receive promotions at higher rates. It's also a genetic advantage to be taller and it's natural when finding a mate to psychologically want a genetically superior partner.
okay you're a troll or a moron. just know people like you are not going to be tolerated for much longer. Short men are treated with less respect, make less money etc. because of socialized prejudice, just like racism. There is no genetic advantage to height, and in hunter gatherer societies short men are better hunters thn tall ones, and women don't have a preference for height. It's socialized to be better, like white skin is socialized to be better.
if you really are a woman, learn to like short men just as much as tall ones, or people will start to treat you like we do racists and such. your life will not be easy at all.
although you're probably a troll.

fat women dont have anywhere near similar rates of suicide etc. as short men.

You just sound like an angry manlet. Being short is nothing like racism lol

I won't deny that height is really the predominant factor for female attraction. A short or average dude is just never gonna command the kind of immediate respect and attention that a tall guy does upon entering a room. Tall guys get a halo effect shorter ones never will, and they can get away with being skinny, overweight, or goofy-looking or straight-up ugly in a way that other guys can't. A smaller guy will just never attain that degree of immediacy in their attractiveness, there's a gap to be overcome that exists for average and short guys that doesn't exist for them, and being tall is innately hot to girls. Height is easily the first filter they apply to dudes, and they really do consider average heights to be short. Jow Forums is right about all of this and it's true in my experience.
But height isn't "why incels exist." An average or short dude will never be Chad, but he does "get lucky" sometimes or get laid in a relationship. Incels are on another level of undesirability that can't even be conveyed properly. Incels are the dudes who don't even get lucky. Incels are those dudes who don't even get the scraps. Incels are the dudes they won't even settle for. Incels start off with a bad first impression and actually become less fuckable when girls get to know them. Incels live in an era when sex acts once considered deviant can be given as small favors to friends, earn you awards at a film festival, are an expected part of dating and relationships, and generally aren't seen as a big deal, and girls STILL recoil in primal horror at the thought of being penetrated by one. Incels don't get pity sex. Even a turboslut who is consciously determined to get creampied by every dude in her friend group, the kind who will actually fuck you just for the sake of fucking all of them, will make an exception and purposefully skip over an incel.
I'm convinced there's something more to it than height. Something pheromonal or even cosmic in nature.

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They have a much higher suicide rate than healthy women, around 30% more.

How is being short nothing like racism when you just said short men aren't real men? What are the differences between racism and heightism? Even people suffering from racism like black will say heightism is real.
People are getting fed up with people like you. You are being prejudiced and don't have the right to be.

Short people aren't being thrown into labor camps or forced to work for no pay in slavery picking cotton in a field. There isn't a mass grave of short people. It's just people don't like you, who gives a shit. Maybe don't be short lol

People have every right to be discriminatory. You're never gonna abolish the halo effect, and truly socialized breeding rights would be counter to nature. There is simply no negotiating attraction.

People discriminating against and not liking a group of people because of how they're born is social prejudice. You literally just confirming it with your post. It's why shirt guys kill themselves more
No, it's not up to me to not be short, it's up to you to not think differently about people because of things like height, or race.
Or we will treat you like we do any other racist prejudiced person. There is no difference
But you're just a troll so w.e.

I'm the girl you argued with last night.
I just thought - I had a relationship with a short guy. I had sex with him for several years, we had a nice relationship, I was very happy with him, I found him pretty cute.
I still think taller guys are much hotter, and I find my current boyfriend a thousand times more attractive. Get-wet-while-looking-at-him kind of stuff. Not only because he's 6'3", but that helps.
Your idea is that if you shame women into having sex with short guys, they'll learn to love them and be equally as attracted to them as they are to tall dudes.
I had a relationship with a short guy out of my own desire. For years. I still find taller guys much hotter.


>People have every right to be discriminatory
They absolutely do not and it is not in the social contract.
Heightism is being added to the "prejudiced behavior" list along with racism etc.

lol so much denial. Dude being short is nothing close to being a black slave or a jewish holocaust survivor

I don't know how you can insist that judging someone for a physical trait while deciding if he's physically attractive is a prejudice.

To fat chicks that think they have bad genetics

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There's just an immediate bonus tall guys get. It's a gap to be overcome for short guys, but it doesn't make short guys universally unfuckable. OP's premise is too simplistic.

i never said it was. I said it's still prejudice and discrimination, not the same in scope, but still prejudice and discrimination, and you're still being a bad person for saying short men are not real men. and you will still be judged for it.

Because you still grew up in a society with the male taller norm and eurocentric beauty standards, duh. you've still been blasted your whole life with the male taller norm, and all the media, and told "tall dark and handsome" your whole life.

oh btw im not the op, he makes this thread then i see it and come in and argue in it
i also dont believe that short men are automatically incels or anything, but the male taller nrom still must die.

He was implying, yesterday, that if you fucked a short guy for a while you'd magically get over your preference because short guys are truly awesome.
I have a preference for very tall guys, but can still find nearly anything fuckable in terms of height unless someone is significantly smaller than me (I'm 5'6", I wouldn't go under 5'4" especially if the guy was very skinny).
I don't like short guys more after fucking one for years, the only guy who really gets me going physically is my boyfriend, who is tall as shit. My ex was cute, I definitely didn't hate having sex with him, but I was never really aroused by the way he looked.

But I should have gotten over it by the fact that I had a pleasant experience (both relationship and sex wise) with a short guy.
I didn't. I don't hate them, but all other things equal I'd much rather fuck a tall guy. And probably not even all other things equal, to be honest.

And why are they allowed to make those points, but we aren't? At the very least, it's throwing their rhetoric back in their faces.

Oh, I get it. It makes me blackpilled as fuck, but I get it. Short guys don't evoke an immediate kind of weak-at-the-knees-instantly-wet effect from girls, and there's simply no negotiating that.
I don't buy it when people claim it's not a moral judgement (see: halo effect), but even that you can't really blame anybody for.

>He was implying, yesterday, that if you fucked a short guy for a while you'd magically get over your preference because short guys are truly awesome.
no, i said you'd have to train yourself. which it seems you did because you do like short guys. why you don't like them as much as tall guys, could still be due to the male taller norm being pervasive. idk
>I didn't. I don't hate them, but all other things equal I'd much rather fuck a tall guy. And probably not even all other things equal, to be honest.
so you haven't trained yourself out of it completely then. but height being so big a factor that not even all other things equal is pretty f'd up btw

>A lot of girls are okay or like short guys

The amount of men who like fat women is disproportionately larger than the amount of women you reference here.
Hell, the amount of women who are okay with or like fat guys is astronomically smaller than the amount of men who like fat women.

because there is no difference between a preference and a prejudice.
being socialized to prefer tall men (i.e. to not like short ones) is prejudice. there is no difference there.

There is a clear fucking difference between saying you don't like short men, and saying that men under 6'0 are "failures" of being a man. Which you said.

>being unhealthy which you can change is the same as being discriminated against for your height which you can't change

What better way to train myself than literally having a happy relationship with a short guy? And I still don't like them as much.
I always thought short guys could be alright. I never had to "train" myself to get into them. I never liked really small ones, but 5'5" and above is alright.

>height being so big a factor that not even all other things equal is pretty f'd up btw
Can't help it. Height is one of the biggest 4-5 things for me physically speaking.
You can have all other things that I like but if you lack those, heh.

I'm 6'3 and still single. Explain.

I mean, it doesn't make me feel like that. My sister (who is also much prettier than me, like 8/10) basically always dated dudes from 5'4" to 5'9". All really hot dudes, too.

>I don't buy it when people claim it's not a moral judgement
I mean, when you find someone attractive you tend to think they're the best human being alive to legitimize wanting to suck their cock. And when someone is really "off" you tend to think less of them. But it's not the case for a 5'8" guy or something.
It might be the case for a 5'2" guy who gets taught of as a child.

>What better way to train myself than literally having a happy relationship with a short guy? And I still don't like them as much.
well if it was imprinted in you for a very long time throughout your life that makes sense. or, more likely, you didn't train yourself as thoroughly s possible. idk ive been looking up things about getting new fetishes and such today because this is the final piece of the puzzle as you've been exploiting in our arguments last night and right now lol
>You can have all other things that I like but if you lack those, heh.
what are the others? also what was the anime youre watching?

>but height being so big a factor that not even all other things equal is pretty f'd up btw
What, you'd rather she lie? This is the honest truth with women. Welcome to the blackpill, motherfucker.
There is no substitute for immediate and visceral attraction, and height is pretty much prime. You can't guilt or shame somebody into gushing over you. They'd rather fuck a tall schlub over a short hero, and in truth they'll probably think he's a hero anyway, all other things equal or not, thanks to the halo effect.
Yes, socializing breeding to some degree is necessary in order to make the most of less-attractive men's labor. No, women's giney tingles probably shouldn't be the first or even the tenth consideration in who gets to reproduce. Yeah, it's fucked-up and amoral, no, it's not fair, and yeah, it's perfectly justified for you to feel outraged.
But what the fuck are you gonna do? Lesgislate socialized sex? Kill all the Chads? Guilt your way around primal attraction? Enforced monogamy? Why not stoning?
Welcome to reality, asshole.

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roastie here. height is not the most important factor. while I would never date a guy below 6'1, I also wouldn't date a guy just because he was 6'1. being tall won't make you desirable if you weren't already. you need other traits, such as being white, being predominantly European, being fit, ect.

No. Thanks for the (you) faggot

>or, more likely, you didn't train yourself as thoroughly s possible.
Having a happy relationship and some okay sex with someone for most of my life isn't thoroughly as possible?

>what are the others?
1. pale skin (like, sicklishly pale, not just "being white" - leukaemia looking)
2. brown hair
3. brown eyes
4. asymmetrical face features like crooked noses, asymmetrical eyes/mouth, broken jaw
Also glasses. Glasses are really cute.

>what was the anime youre watching?
I wasn't watching anime, they were making fun of you.

only in a society with the male taller norm. it's not universal user, so it can be eliminated. I don't disagree with what you're saying, but you arent looking at the overall picture.
bad bait desu senpai but here's your (you)

Honestly, the world would be better off if we killed everyone over 6'

Because women are literally social hierarchy enforcers for male genetics. They want the biggest caveman so it can fend off the other cavemen. It is pure existential terror to short males that they are sexually and socially handicapped from birth and there is literally no way to fix it. Manlets watching tall men wade through women is the unfairness of nature given form. There is no equivalent to this unfairness, fat people can become skinny, the old were once young, the poor can become rich but you are stuck in your inferior shell for your one and only existence.

How the actual fuck do I cope with being 5'10"
I am desperately trying to cling on to anything to distract myself, as if I get anymore whinier I'll start pushing people away
But it's literally eating me alive, knowing I am living girl repellent because of my height

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Dude, you're average. What are you coping with? Women will like you. They'll think you're very tall and very cute. Get off Jow Forums and over yourself.

There's plenty.
Disabled people. Black women and asian men are less attractive. Or guys with red head. Or just, really, ugly people.
It sucks to be at disadvantage at the dating market, but it's not the end of the world. It also doesn't mean you can't find love.

>Having a happy relationship and some okay sex with someone for most of my life isn't thoroughly as possible?
No, not necessarily.
>those traits
I have white skin that's very pale, but black hair and blue eyes, and my face is very handsome not asymmetrical but no crooked nose or glasses :/ oh well.
>I wasn't watching anime, they were making fun of you.

>It is pure existential terror to short males that they are sexually and socially handicapped from birth and there is literally no way to fix it. Manlets watching tall men wade through women is the unfairness of nature given form. There is no equivalent to this unfairness, fat people can become skinny, the old were once young, the poor can become rich but you are stuck in your inferior shell for your one and only existence.

I'm saving this quote, thank you.

but all those things, short men, black women, asian men, red heads, aren't the same as just "ugly" people because they are SOCIALIZED to be lower on the hierarchy. it's not just ugliness and while it reflects the market, the market is biased.

I predict unintended and unforseen consequences. Not even saying it can't be done. Civilizations have actually applied the kill-the-Chads solution before and it works.
I'd just be worried about genetic damage. Things like height, symmetry, health, attractiveness, and intelligence tend to cluster. They aren't distributed fairly or evenly. A guy with one advantage is likely to have several. You kill all the dudes with pretty faces or tall genes, there's a good chance you eliminate a bunch of intellect and immunity to disease from the gene pool. Nature made things hot for reasons.

I'm gonna be real pedantic here and say you just admitted height is prime. If you're applying a 6'1" filter, then in terms of logic and just operatively, height is being taken into account first, whether it's the sole factor or not.
Not even judging or trying to be a dick. You just literally made it out to be the first step in an operation.