He wants to give everyone 1000 dollars a month in NEETbux. Is he /ourguy/?
He wants to give everyone 1000 dollars a month in NEETbux. Is he /ourguy/?
Where the hell is that $1000 supposed to come from?
they can just print more money lol idiot
it comes from future generations.
>not supporting the best candidate
I'm disappointed, user.
Taxes. Easy.
There's a class of people so rich that you could tax them 10% and it would be enough to put all the poor on UBI.
Now those rich people leave the country and take their jobs with them
get comfy boys, NEETdom is saved
Humanity is a foreign concept to chinese so I won't be voting for him.
You get $1,200,000 in a 100 year lifetime. Since your life is now subsidized, you basically save $1000 per month. You can invest this saving in index funds and it will accumulate interest. Then the government takes that estate when you die. Infinite money exploit.
Unironically, well memed, user.
And all their factories and shit, right?
Tax on automation if I remember correctly.
now who are you going to tax?
World government now!
Keep the stuff they left behind and pawn it. They can leave, but they can't take everything with them. Let them run and seize what they leave behind.
The police get paid five times that then retire half pay in ten years. Where's that come from?
If you take it from the rich then they'd not pass the law to begin with brainlet. Plus the rich are so rich, they hoard so much, that the economy breaks if you suddenly take the money back due to no one going to work. If you give money to workers less is produced. You don't understand economics. Stealing form the rich when they'd be stealing from themselves to begin with by making such laws is just nutty.
They can't. Land is money and people are money. Their money is their slaves on their land and ten percent lost though unrealistic to ever happen doesn't actually effect them. It does effect the poor to the point where the slaves get paid too much and never come back to work, that's what actually happens.
That's actually a pretty interesting solution. The problem is, the ultra-rich that own everything could just take their automated factories overseas, and refuse to automate work that must take place.
I believe he said he wanted to tax the corporations that benefit the most from automation, not just the ones that have factories in the states. Meaning that if a corporation wanted access to the American market, they would have to pay taxes if they benefitted heavily from automation.
It comes from taxes. Problem is, the number of people in the United states is less than five times the number if police officers. Even if we stopped giving then their pension, I doubt we could afford to pay everyone in the USA for just existing. Besides, if universal income were implemented, hardly anyone would work. I know sure as hell that I'd just NEET for the rest of my life if I could get away with it.
If work isn't being automated, then there's no reason pay out this stipend. The purpose of the tax is to ease the transition to full automation, so wagies don't get fucked over and lose their livelihoods because of it.
Sounds like that will just lead to the collapse even sooner.
So in a way, yes he is.
Oh. That's clever. The points I made in still stand, though. Maybe it would make sense to give the cash to people who have lost their jobs to automation, and only so that they can be educated to do new jobs.
Normalnigger taxes.
I like this. I could focus a lot more time on college rather than working while in college. Very nice.
The police, at least in the USA, and the military, get far too much funding.
You take it from them you do indeed.
Send the rich to prison for being too rich you could add that to fix it. There should be a ceiling break up monopolies.
Based and savedpilled. Good maymay user
>punish people for being too successful
I could understand having an upper limit to wealth if you're making it in a way that doesn't benefit society, but punishing people for making too much money will just make then leave the US.
Pick one
I get what you're saying, but with the inevitability of near full automation this is something that has to happen sooner or later. It also isn't as big of a burden as you might think, it's just a matter of whether bombing the fuck out of sand niggers and lining the pockets of the ultra rich or providing wealth to the poor is a bigger priority.
>having too much money is success
It's mental illness and megalomania. Just prosecute them for harming the economy. We'd be better off without such asinine behavior.
>He wants to give everyone 1000 dollars a month in NEETbux. Is he /ourguy/?
I already get $1800/month
Then use the money to raise worker pay but insist they still work. Reduce peoples hours but still give them the same pay. That way, you create more jobs to cover the extra hours. People are kept busy and productive.
I know there has to be an upper class and lower class. There has to be masters and slaves. Any attempt to break that won't work.
At a certain point having too much money just destroys the country.
Campaign contributions and just hiding it away and letting (((them))) make money off of investing it.
Seriously, who the fuck gets more comfort living off of 500 million dollars rather than 100 million? Absolutely ridiculous.
Gib me sum money, richboi.
Right. (((They))) literally destroy the economy by hiding money away.
>hardly anyone would work
Not true. 12000 for most people isn't a desirable amount of income. However, I think people would start working less, and have more flexible work schedules, which is desirable. The 40 hour work week needs to dissolve, it is simply a matter of deciding if we'll all become extremely impoverished in the process or not.
So why not just give the money to those who have been affected by automation? The government can just starting giving cash to more people when the effects spread out more. Then, they can use the cash to be trained in jobs that won't be automated.
I don't think that's constitutional. Whether it's a good idea or not, it won't happen.
>insist they still work
Lad, they'll save money and then leave the same way people assume a rich man would.
>there has to be a master and slave
Not really. The world is not black and white. It's more like a chess match. If you to something something will push back. If you want the poor happy, the poor are also criminals. The bar you adjust is cops power, you give it to the poor and let it burn a bit. If you're poor you want this.
After 100 million dollars the money should be used for a better purpose. My idea is forcing it to be donated to a real charity, rather than it being given to the government.
u can amend the constitution u know lol
The standard of living stays the same for many decades despite production rates going up and up. Yes they harm us, it's just not obvious until you look up production rates vs the payout historically. As soon as 70 happened the pay stopped rising, and that's when unironically the US payed israel for no reason weapons too.
You have a point, but the problem is that there's nothing any of us can do about that. The rich control everything.
I somewhat agree with you, but I don't really have anything to say. Just giving you a (you) because I don't want you to think I'm ignoring your point when it was made pretty well.
Nigga if i get 1000 dollars a month free, then im going full time into making my indie games.
We still have guns.
>not constitutional
All men are created equal until nepotism fucks you up the ass.
It is constitutional.
Yeah, but the military could curbstomp any civilian uprising before you could say "well-regulated millitia".
Correction: the people in power can amend the constitution. And they're not doing it any time soon.
Isn't this going to cause inflation out the fucking ass?
I feel like that's just unnecessary. The American government pisses away trillions of dollars like it's nothing. With the tax on automation, the 3 trillion dollars or whatever it would cost for this program isn't that much when you consider the 6 trillion spent on the Iraq war, or the 2+ trillion dollars that would be saved by implementing universal health care or the multi trillion dollar give aways to the rich that seem to happen pretty often.
That is exactly what Yang wants for you. Work hard for your dreams, chase your goals relentlessly, but have the safety net of not dying if you fail. If Yang succeeds, people like us who would've never had the opportunity to become an entrepreneurs can now become one. I hope one day I buy your game, user
The people in charge will never let this happen, society would sooner fail and millions will die first. The only thing we have to look forward to is a small decline where life gets hard and harder, enjoy faggots
Tell that to the Afghanis.
>multi trillion dollar give aways to the rich
Meant multi billion dollar*
Honestly, I agree. We are likely to get fucked. But we have nothing to lose, might as well fight like hell
>Government has a 300,000,000 dollar /month drain on it
>Companies have to pay their workers less
>Gain more power
>More people fuck as it becomes manageable to have dependants
>50 years later overpopulation has reached critical levels
>Only way to make money is to put self hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to go to college/keep record squeaky enough to land internships that give enough experience to edge above competition, or give up and subsist on dwindled government benefit that gets smaller with every dollar above livability you make flipping 5oy patties at amazondonaldsspriteappleexxonviacom
Truly the Jews candidate
You missed the part where he wants poor people to pay for it. This faggot is a con job just like all libertarians.
Too bad he wants to do the opposite and tax the poor, not the rich.
>having your country be occupied by a foreign power and used as an opium farm for the CIA = success
Normalcattle worker drones. You think the rich are going to give up their wealth? No no no wagie, you work for the NEET now.
Based response, user. The government can pay for this in their sleep.
You remember wrong. He wants a value-added tax, which is extremely regressive and surgically targets the poor rather than the rich.
That just means anarchy you know. This thread is blatantly about socialism. Anarchy cannot have welfare.
>Just giving you a (you) because I don't want you to think I'm ignoring your point when it was made pretty well.
You are a sweetheart, user
Actually, NEETS will be taxed the most.
Source? Genuinely curious. Have not read much on Yang
Shut the fuck up, you brain-dead zombie. Capitalism is just theft from the workers. Capitalist don't make shit, they just inherit wealth.
>tax someone that has no job so they can help those that have no job
The tax will be on consumer goods, you fucking moron. So yes, you WILL be paying taxes without a job. That's his plan, and it is straight out of the libertarian playbook.
See above.
>He wants to give everyone 1000 dollars a month in NEETbux
I can only imagine how badly this would increase inflation.
Actually, it's a cynical capitalist ploy masquerading as benevolence and progress. It's an idea the libertarians have had in the works for about a decade and a half now. They know they can't prop up capitalism forever, but they still need a way to hurt the majority, while keeping dynastic wealth inherited and the rich in power forever, because they're fucking deranged. It's also why he's running as a Democrat. To more effectively mask the stench of bullshit.
>Lad, they'll save money and then leave the same way people assume a rich man would.
So you need to pay them barely enough to live so they work for you for their entire life because they have no choice?
It really is about master and slave.
They all want to do this, forgetting the poor don't have enough to tax. It's feudalism all over again. You keep raising the levies on the farmers until they don't even have enough food left to feed themselves. Then they start getting desperate and violence breaks out.
>labor theory of value in 2018
Yikes dude, read a book sometime
Feudalism never ended, we've just been calling it a series of different things for decades now.
>being a capitalist and retaining your head in 2020
It's out of the libertarian playbook if it is used as a replacement for all welfare. That is not what Yang is doing. He is also decidedly leftist on issues like healthcare, how to combat climate change, how to deal with the student loan crisis, etc.
The VAT is bad enough. Pure capitalist propaganda bullshit.
Let me guess, he's against medicare-for-all, he's against just canceling all student debt, and he thinks Elon Musk and green capitalism will fix global warming? How close am I?
I have no money at all so I cannot be paying for something if he gives me a thousand even if the thousand is worth five times less it'd still be worth it for me. I have no bux. NEET does not mean bux in the USA.
You can't get blood from a corpse.
No no one needs to save money hardly to begin with. Socialism pays for things like car repairs, health, etc. We need role models but not filthy rich kikes. A chain of command does not mean they need more money than you.
So you wipe your ass with your hand, is what you're saying?
Look, you seem like you know way more about this than me. I actually want to find the truth here, but bear with me, I am not intelligent. Could you give me some sources on why a VAT tax is destructive for the poor? The way I see it framed is a tax that'll hold the rich accountable. It seems it is a standard tax in progressive countries
Yeah it's simple. How much of a fuck do you think rich people care about paying for deodorant and toilet paper? Now consider how much poor people care about it. That's it that's all you need to know. A tax that would hold the rich accountable would be inheritance tax.
He is for Medicare for all. That is one of his main policy points.
The presidency is tightly controlled by the political elite. UBI will never be a thing. A part of me wants it, but we live on a planet with 7.5 billion shitskins that want to conquer wombs and put our people into slave labor. UBI would give groups of malevolent people too much power to buy bullets and whatnot.
I never use toilet paper actually.
Water is free. They hardly want to even give people EBT in the US anymore also, in case you were not aware. A thousand worth two hundred would be an upgrade for that reason, even if I do get one-eighty in my nigger food card. All it does is make me fat. They don't give me much of anything. I leech for hygiene off of my parents. That'd stop with ten USD per month on hygiene products, or 50 if the products price rise too far. Why care? I would be content with two hundred USD in a van baking bread in a homemade toaster oven.
Reminder that the USA has NEVER been invaded.
NO ONE has ever tried to invade us due to being on the opposite of the world where the powers are.
You don't need that much power to force South America to fuck off. Perhaps a wall is all you'd need.
Even if UBI does become a thing, they'll just find a way to fuck over the poor with it, exactly like this cocksucker wants to. Yang's chink ass is here to test the waters of the plans the capitalist feudalist pieces of shit need to adapt to in order to retain their power. Every attempt must be stamped out. They must be overthrown and it has to be within the decade or this world has no future.
Where the fuck do you live the water is free? Not everyone has their parents paying for everything.
Oh Christ, I missed your neo-Nazi bullshit. The only people that want to make you slaves are mostly White. They're called the rich. And they're succeeding swimmingly.
Lad you're spoiled and retarded. Water fountains and sinks are a thing.
So now you're arguing that people should just be homeless and drink out of bathroom sinks at Kmart? But it's all good as long as UBI is present. Well one thing's for sure, you certainly seem to grasp what the libertarians are selling.
NEETs should. I'm saying that NEEts should and it'd be all okay.
Look up that word remedial user.
Okay, I looked it up and it said "Low IQ white boy born to rich parents who has no talents, no realistic understanding of the world and no future beyond inherited wealth". What's that mean?
Well...The British invaded in the war of 1812 but I get what you're saying.
Miracle YANG!
We give billions upon billions of taxes to Israel every year this is definitely possible lol
Thank you, user. That is easily top ten nicest things anyone's said to me. It made me feel really nice. Keep being nice to people user.
Have fun convincing boomers to vote to stop giving money to (((God's chosen people))) and starting giving it to """""lazy millennials who need to develop a firm handshake"""""
Take the money away from the kikes and give it to the Neets.
We also need state appointed gfs for incels.
Back then that was a British civil war dumb ass. We were not a country.
Even if we were that is ancient history despite that technicality of not being the USA yet.
Libertarian is basically what the USA started off as when it had no government at all. They don't tread on me images is libertarianism symbols from way back when meant to rally against the tyranny of things like taxation.