What was robots first 99?
What was robots first 99?
Quest cape was first cape and attack was first 99 in 2007. I mean 11 years ago not 07scape
fletching.. what a useless skill
fletching is really comfy
cooking during a double exp weekend
not ashamed
Got strength on RS3 and cooking in 07. Complete brainlet skills to get 99 in
Strength on both the original rs, way back before evolution of shit and on osrs.
>if you play rs3 you might as well neck yourself at this point.
Got fishing to it in 07 a few days ago, never had a 99 growing up. Gonna go for cooking next.
I beat the video game, guys. Woo.
>if you play rs3 you might as well neck yourself at this point
Really wish this wasn't true with the amount of hours I've put into that garbage but it is what it is. My last hope is that Jagex' next game doesn't get cancelled or suck or is even released before I fucking die.
I won't be holding my breath though
You should be ashamed though
Osrs all the way
slayer and i had it keepsaked,satan
99 construction, made all planks myself. Wanted thieving next.
Wouldn't be surprised if Jagex eventually closes down RS3
also anyone want to buy my jp. rsn
its 200m though
stop advertising your shitty weeb rsn nobody wants it
I've been playing this game for more than a decade, but i got this 99 about a year ago
i shortly quit my main after that and now choose to live my life as a helmie
Smithing. Never had a 99 and I always liked smithing so I just decided to go for it. I never got a 99 on rs3 despite playing for 10 years, so I finally felt a huge sense of accomplishment when getting my first 99 this year. Ended up getting three other skills that high too.
Crafting cape is my favorite. Plus being able to teleport to the guild is a huge bonus.
>thinking they would shut down their biggest cash cow
uhhh I cooked 30,000 sharks a couple of months before EoC came out
Strength, was the 99 I wanted the most since I first started playing the game in ~06. Getting it was the last thing I did before I quit Runescape for good in 2011.
I don't think I ever got anything to 99, sadly. How pathetic.
I think I got magic to like 86 or something and that's it.
Also nice satanic trips.
I got a revolutionary first 99
firemaking at wintertodt in osrs
Im not sure what im doing next just like real life
fishing, magic, cooking, range, str
everything botted
i did firemaking and then i quit like a week after
Magic because it's the only one you can genuinely afk
the cape is so useful, and it was a satisfying 99 to get, I wasn't exactly loaded with cash so I had to fund it as I went on
I was too busy playing Battlefield 2 and Operation Flashpoint.
In rs3 it was magic in about 2010. Osrs was hunter
who /ironman/ here???
>skilling account
nothing because I never played this incel game
If I had to choose between regular sex and runescape I pick runescape 100% of the time.
what cc are you robutts in
ironman cc im a friendless nobody
we should start our own cc user
It's currently my main. Got 99 prayer and going for 99 ranged soon so it's not totally a skiller
got progress recently desu. I am not really going for 99s at this point I plan to max and want to minimize post-99 gains.
Strength is babby's first 99, going for the aesthetic untrimmed Attack cape is far better
Woodcutting, f2p, took months.
I've been afking fleshies for like a week now and I'm only 70 str, how do you guys get combat 99s so easily? Is members really that much faster?
just nmz lma0
>Is members really that much faster?
of course it is what kind of fucking question is that
>Is members really that much faster?
90k strength xp/hr in NMZ with full obsidian clicking once every 5 minutes to overload (and prayer pots)
or 160k+ if you're an autismo going full dharok's, piety, and actively play
sorry im kind of a noob :(
>4 million plus the money for 43 prayer
fuck I only have like full rune and 30k in the bank
fletching is based
first 99 was fishing. gay aids game, easier to just stare at the ceiling all day.
it's like 130k afking with piety dh
and BASED hyper
here's a life-saving tip, faggot
make 10-20 alts
do the christmas event on all of them
sell the crackers, party hats, etc.
profit millions
also just open several clients at the same time and multibox to make it go faster, sustaining a bond on a members account is an absolute joke, just do some barrows, herbs, lava dragons, or whatever else until you can do the really big dick money makers and earn a bond in less than an hour
making alts should be a bannable offence if they interact with one another. It used to be this way, but jagex caved in for the extra membership alts require.
not here
go away
the game is a joke anyway, zulrah killers are more than 50% bots, probably 75% now that the scales have gone down because the rev meta changed to niggers in rags hitting everyone with a blowpipe to secure kills, lots of skilling supplies come from bots or rwt'ing venezuelans and gayjex can't do anything about it
then why cant i beat zulrah???
it's hard in the beginning. just keep trying and try to learn the rotations, keep 5 switches (6 when switching to magic because staff+book as opposed to blowpipe), use an anti-venom+ so you don't need to worry about that shit, and bring a few karambwans to combo eat, ring of suffering if you can afford it helps immensely
when you get to the jad phase just pray magic and tank it until you know the rotations. and look up some guides to see good places to stand (evscape did a good guide on it, but his jade phase explanation triggers me, you have to switch BEFORE it attacks, right when it dips its head down so you're praying against its incoming attack before it even shoots it out).
zulrah is just a high learning curve but once you get some kc it becomes the easiest shit in the world
What's the gp/hr at zulrah? I heard it can be 2-3m but that sounds too good to be true
used to be upwards of 4m, probably lower now that scales have dipped
with 90 ranged, 94 magic and setup in pic related I was making 3m+ with roughly 24 kills an hour at ~180k/kill (4.3m/hr minus supplies, you use a bunch of scales yourself, on top of pots and food and I used zul-andra teles, some people advice against it because it cuts into profits but idgaf, it's fast)
I was also healing/banking at castle wars, and using veng runes. there's a lot of debate about what's the best strategy for zulrah. some people bring in 8 or 9 switches and I think it's dumb because the likelihood you lose a hit on one of the phases is too high and that's a bigger dps loss than more switches would make up for, but eh... find something you like and tell people who say void ranged is good to go kill themselves cause it's a 10% dps loss even compared to my ranged setup
not castle wars, clan wars
Hp. The untrimmed cape just looks so good.