How much in order is your life? Are you able to menage some basics aspects of life like in pic related...

How much in order is your life? Are you able to menage some basics aspects of life like in pic related? Add if something is missing:

>romantic Relationship:
>Life Experience:

Attached: Life Aspects.png (668x726, 20K)

>>A/S/L: 26/M/Germany
>>Friends: none/ never had any
>>romantic Relationship: none/ never had any
>>Health: abysmal, many somatic and some psychologigal illnesses
>>Fittness: bad, weak
>>Overweight/Obesity: overweight, strech mark lvl
>>Education: B.Sc. working on M.Sc.
>>Life Experience: none
>>Income: social wellfare
>>Car: borrowed from mother
>>House/Flat: renting flat
>>Hobbies: none

>22 m US
>four friends including my brother, a few other acquaintances
>skinny fat and eat like shit
>have a bachelors degree and am in grad school
>live on student loans/scholarship/gifts
>mid 2000s sedan I left at my parents house
>apartment in nice area of city
>hobbies include shitposting masturbating and marijuana

This is a very depressing image.

What's your field of study? Did you begin studying with 19?

Why do you think this image is depressing?
Is it an acurate representation of meaningfull aspects of life or wrong in your opinion?

Law. I went to college right out of high school.

work friends: don't work
interest friends: gradually lost all of them
romantic friends: what the fuck is a romantic friend
body health: sedentary lifestyle, fat
psychological health: ok
muscle fitness: none
fat fitness: fat
school education: got a high school diploma equivalent
life experience: none
job income: none
car/bike: none
house: mom's
hobby activities: play f2p video games
hobby equipment: low end laptop

I have a bachelor of science in biology and work on a master of science in molecular life science. But I had to put my master studies on hold duo to health problems. I wish you success.

>fat fitness: fat
>fat fitness
at least you're working out your fat

how old are you?

Im sure youll get back on the horse once you deal with your health issues. Good luck

>a couple good friends and a few acquaintances
>none ever
>good besides chronic depression, narcolepsy, and low weight
>I don't exercise
>literally anorexic
>in college
>$12k/yr from part-time work
>my mom's BMW 5-series
>I live at home
>who even knows

Burger, that is all you will know.
I wasnt really that close with most people, but I was no shut in either.
Pretty good for the most part. Trying to get Jow Forums though with bodyweight exercises/workouts and running, problem is I burn through that shit fast.
I am working on improving, aside from sit ups and push ups I am doing this program called C25K to git gud at running.
Far from it.
Graduated high school.
>life experience
Not much as of yet, still a youngfag.
lol, whatever doing Swagbucks surveys brings in.
Have a permit and access to a vehicle, that is about it. Wish I get to drive more.
Potentially moving soon, house is old and rickety in some spots but I suppose it is better than a cardboard box in the street or something.
Various things.
Odds are I am going to be joining the Navy as well, hope that follows through.

what are you paying respect for?

>A/S/L: 25 M Switzerland
>Friends: 2 friends I feel close to 6-10 I'm more distant with
>Romantic Relationship: Never had any relationship ;_;
>Health: No health problems
>Fittness: I do do some sport, so I'm not a total wreck
>Overweight/Obesity: Chubby. I went down to 72kg from 84kg, but am now, 4 months later, I've gained back 4kg.
>Education: Graduating in 2 months with a Master in robotics engineering
>Life Experience: Nothing much, I'm from a pretty bourgeois family and lived a comfy student life. Lived alone for a while during an internship abroad.
>Income: 0.- CHF. Will hopefully change soon once I'm hired somewhere
>Car: Nope. Mommy let me borrow hers though.
>House/Flat: Living at Mommy's. Very comfy
>Hobbies: I like climbing, Magic the gathering, role-playing games.

I feel like I'm about to move from one part of my life to another but feel utterly lost and kind of sad. It was nice overall and idk if it'll keep being this way or if things will just go back to being shitty like in high school. Also I'd like a gf but this gets less and less likely as I age and don't meet any women in my social circles.

origamiorigami whats in the poketoliolion its original content

Attached: Reality.png (641x861, 29K)

What are you doing on Jow Forums?
I remember the time when the only people on /b/ were utterly freaks in one or another way.

guess what about the ride

Attached: the ride never ends.png (768x1024, 1.6M)

>>A/S/L: 27mcanada
>>Friends: haven't seen in a long time
>>romantic Relationship: never
>>Health: some chronic illness
>>Fittness: no
>>Overweight/Obesity: no
>>Education: bachelors of science
>>Life Experience: don't know what these means or how it's different from the other questions
>>Income: ~$125k
>>Car: 2004 car
>>House/Flat: saving for a downpayment
>>Hobbies: no

what field of study have you accomplished?

I was much worse before but things got gradually better during university.

I ended up where I'm here where my main robot leftover is my virginity. Somehow I still like to come back here due to a mix of sense of belonging and feeling that I've yet to finally escape my past shell, probably reinforced by how much people tend to tell me that I'm weird.

30 m us
A good bunch, though some are drifting away as we get older
>romantic Relationship:
Married, no kids yet
Pretty okay
I'm 155 pounds at 5'10
Medical school
>Life Experience:
Not much desu
250k a year
2003 honda accord with 180k miles
Just bought a house
Shitposting, cooking, teaching

>>romantic Relationship:
>Married, no kids yet
why are you on this hellsite

18, male (duh), Washington
A couple friends, some more acquaintances I talk to on occasion
>romantic Relationship:
absolutely nothing, but that's pretty much par for the course at age 18, right?
healthy, don't get sick often
Used to go on walks for hours, trying to start again. Still pretty fit.
21.8 BMI, but still the fattest in my starving ethiopian family
12 grade, applying to college right now. Looking to get into CS
>Life Experience:
Not much. Very sheltered.
Too autistic to get a job, so none. I have a couple interesting stories about failing job interviews.
No license, but I'm going to take the test soon
live with mummy and dad
semi-competitive melee, reading, studying japanese, going for walks, a little bit of anime on the side. I haven't read in a while, though, because school, college applications, laziness, and this website are eating up my time.

1 i think
>>romantic Relationship:
never had
fucked in the head and never exercise
never exercise
surprisingly im average weight
in college
>>Life Experience:
depends if i bother to work
audi a4 2005
dorm room
none (i guessing masturbating and fucking around on the internet doesn't count)

you are welcome cis/nsa/fbi/whatever 3 letter agency

>5 friends who i've been friends with since elementary, never made any others
>reasonably fit, good genetics
>never been overweight
>in uni taking engineering
>never really did anything
>i don't work
>anime and Jow Forums, sometimes video games but they always end up making me depressed

forgot to put that i've never beenin a romantic relationship

19, Male, USA
About 10-14
Girlfriend in HS, In Casual Relationship Now
Very Healthy But Have Autism
Above Average
Healthy BMI, 6'0-6'1
In College For Business
Uhhh... yes
Scholarship and Deliver Food
2004 Volvo, 2013 Mazda 3, Motorcycle
Dorm and Parents' House
Video Games, Smoking with Friends, Going Into Town With Friends, Chilling

get away from this side asap
it's for your own good

>A/S/L: 23 m US
>Friends: Several close friends, lots of acquaintances
>Romantic Relationship: single
>Health: Pretty meh
>Fittness: weak
>Overweight/Obesity: Skinny af, i'm your typical skeleton lord
>Education: Working towards my BA
>Life Experience: nothing practical
>Income: Minimum wage
>Car: 1999 Volvo
>House/Flat: Live at home
>Hobbies: Vidya, writing, music, shitposting

Attached: IMG_4093.jpg (412x400, 58K)

>How much in order is your life? Are you able to menage some basics aspects of life like in pic related? Add if something is missing:
22 male Ireland
A few not as many or as close as I would like but I'm trying I talk to someone at least once a day in uni I don't try and isolate myself any more
>>romantic Relationship:
Yup got a cutie animator gf who I got into femdom
It's okay need to stop smoking
I stopped going gym like 2 weeks ago after a bad dead lift need to get back into it but so many essays and exams recently
Nope never. Was a bit too skinny last two years but gym changed that
Have a level 7 post secondary/high school diploma getting my uni bachelors this year
>>Life Experience:
Yah what
None. Need a job. Get maybe 100 euro a week. So 400 a month.
Yup fiat panda and a bmx
Parents in the countryside it sucks
Making techno
Making speakers
President of the uni chess club

I'm doing okay lads

I like to think its going ok but if youre going to break it all down like this then it suddenly seems a lot worse
being OP is a lot of responsibility user.

what're those?
I'm not a total loner - I at least sit with people in lectures. Though, theres only even 1 user I talk to online of late so, in a sense, while I've more surface relationships I've fewer close ones.
>romantic Relationship:
I had one. Had being the operative word
Good. 6'0. Slim, probably too slim but clothes hide it.
pendulums around. For a while I'll get back into the habit of working out and then I'll drop it entirely for a month or two and be back at square one. Only really calisthenics; im not some gym fag.
Recently dropped back down to the tightest belt buckle, which is a shame. I had put on a fair bit of muscle. My body is completely lean - I'm terrible at eating.
Maths degree, 3rd year
12k and then my rent. I also get my loan but thats not exactly income.
Cant drive, fucking hate it. Wish we had good enough public transport that you could just use that.
I do have my own flat. Its nice and comfy, even if its utterly austere. I like it being empty though.
Tried to get some meme hobbies this year but the exposure to people is so abrasive. I've ordered a drysuit now though so I'm going to have to damn well use it. Also tried to get into climbing but its suck a trek to the centre and Im not allowed to do it alone and, well, that means I'd need a friend.
Lost interest in vidya but I've renewed interest in reading which I'd call an upgrade. I like to wander around and read in cafes like a pretentious faggot but if I go home I just end up wanking.
Learning japanese, though its become less of a hobby and more of an obligation. I still enjoy it but I cant keep ontop of anki to save my life. Still, Im easily the best in the class at uni but thats not saying very much.

I've been here since age 15 or 16