I tried to replace this place with plebbit and it's the same bullshit. Same gross, hopeless suicidal people. Same shitty comments. Same hamfisted politics only the other side of the horseshoe.
Damnit. I need to find real friends.
I tried to replace this place with plebbit and it's the same bullshit. Same gross, hopeless suicidal people. Same shitty comments. Same hamfisted politics only the other side of the horseshoe.
Damnit. I need to find real friends.
i browse reddit a lot and a ton of redditors are really cruel, pedantic, partisan, miserable people. i'd rather be around Jow Forums users who are also miserable but in a different more relaxed way.
Even if you do, this place still offers a false sense of anonymity. You'll come back simply because you can say nigger without any major repercussions.
Why do they all have elf ears...?
Reddit pretends to be """"polite"""" but is passive aggressive. Here the aggression is at the surface, with politeness buried underneath.
google and the feds already know you're an alt-right pedophile incel weeaboo. it hardly matters that you're not user to them at this point.
Appreciate the filename bruv.
Eh, only way i see Jow Forums as more relaxed is there's no downvote feature to mull over and no real bans.
Hence anonymity. Most people on here are not going to be anyone major anyway, so we might as well lie to ourselves a bit.
my impression is that if i posted something controversial on reddit and they got my dox, they'd put in overtime to harass my family, get me fired, and make sure i could never work a respectable job again. if that happened on Jow Forums the only harassment i'd expect is ou of boredom, not sheer hate.
>trying real hard here to concentrate and study
>fuck my rhythm up by triggering the feels.
you are not helping me friend.
4channers would dox you if they actually could though. 100%.
But out of boredom, not because they hate you more than other people
tried spending some time on reddit to get away from Jow Forums for a while but i can't even post. I submit a reply or thread, and i can see it on my post history, but when I log out and check the page i posted it on it's not there. I have no idea how that site is supposed to work
I can't have your optimism, i think if Jow Forums had a post history function you'd easily attract the hatred from an autist you argued with too much, or if you didn't fit the conventional poster from here. This site basically attracts the rejects from other websites who already do this shit, so you can imagine how bad it would be from the hopeless weirdos who glorify mass shootings on here. The only thing that protects us is the nearly consequence free posting.
it's best to lurk for a while anyway. you can only really post things you know that subreddit will already agree with, or else you'll just get downvoted and ignored or banned. so by the time you've figured out what to post, the whole concept of posting is already tiresome. you can have some mild discussions within a subreddit's overton window though.
>i think if Jow Forums had a post history function
>says the guy that that thinks such and such!!
God I fucking hate that gay shit. How fucking shit is your site that people need to make throwaway accounts to fucking say how they feel?
elfic propaganda
fucking knife-eared cunts
Well you're saying that 4channers would dox you only out of boredom, and i'm saying that they'd do it out of vitriolic hatred just like the reddit fags if not worse.
>your site that people need to make throwaway accounts to fucking say how they feel
Yes it is pathetic
You got shadowbanned, it's their passive-aggressive way of dealing with people who they see as causing problems by making it so only you can see your own posts
That was my only post. Sorry for the confusion. I just had to post because it happened to me.
>Post about free housing for junkies and addicts on city's subreddit
>make post saying "sucks that I'm struggling and have to live in squalor for minimum wage, fuck junkies that intentionally fucked up their lives"
>fag comes out and says "arent you like 25 and still live at home"
I wouldnt have posted that in that sub so I know he snooped to get it. Not only that but he skimmed and was purposefully distorting the truth and my situation. Fuck redditors, jesus.
I recognize kierkegard in this thread. You're still a namefag and now a redditfag, so you should fuck off eternally.
I think this sums up the underlying reason I hate reddit (past the culture of the place and the retarded upvote system). If someone is being a faggot then I want to see them be called a faggot, not have some passive aggressive, low testosterone argument.