Do you have recurring nightmares?

Do you have recurring nightmares?
What are they like?

Attached: tfw having a nightmare.webm (368x640, 1.11M)

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No, I don't and I can never remember my dreams.

I get a lot of dreams involving spiders. Not really scary, just weird

Jesus fucking christ, just put him out of his misery...

I just have really boring dreams

Just kill the man at that point. You'd be doing him a favor. Also, yes. There is this setting that I've returned to a dozen times but they weren't the same dream. It was like some weird twilight bizarro version of our world


Attached: fieri YEAH magik.gif (243x175, 1.56M)

can someone describe to a pussy what is going on in that image? im curious but wont click it

Yes. I dream about the girl I had a long distance relationship with a few times a month. The relationship ended about 4 years ago and I never met her, yet these dreams are the most happy moments in my life and all I do in those dreams is being near her. I just want to see her once irl. These dreams feel like my very soul reaching out to her and when I wake up I feel like absolute garbage and almost cry. Does that count as nightmare?

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i know the bare bones of it but always forget details a few hours after waking up. im a game contestant in something like that arnold movie, the running man, and i save this girl who ive dreamt about and fallen in love with maybe 10 times in my life. i cant remember her face but every time i see her i get hit with such a sense of familiarity, longing, comfort, and nostalgia. usually the dream ends with someone close to me (parents, brother, friends) losing limbs because of a mistake i made i think

Man with half his face hanging off has no mouth and must scream.

Some dude without the front of his skull rolls his head a bit then tries to sit up, but he either blacks out or dies.

I remember my high school biology teacher told me about how a corpse can sometimes move, breath, or even sit up because of some biology reason that I can't remember. Is that what is happening to that guy in the video? Or is he still alive?

Yea but its not very scary.
It's just a view from above a huge huuuge bed, like hundreds of meters each way with me in the middle waving my arms around like im making a snow angel.
I think its my conscience telling me im lonely

Im taking that webm thx.
When I was younger I had a frequent nightmare, were I was an detective (I watched alot of detective collin) and was solving a crime or atleast I think so.and in the end it turned out that all my friends / family is dead. I think I went into a room and saw all the corpes. I still have the image in my head and can prob paint it if I was artistic. And I also woke up when I saw my dog skinned hanging on the fan while blood is everywhere. This was prob my worst one I had a few but I really have to thing if I want to remember then. I wish I could dream them again tho. After that dream I was also fucking scared of pic related. Even had times where I thought I saw him in a window (not dreaming)

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I often wake up with hallucinations of spiders. I can see and feel them crawling over me and my bed.
I am not particularly afraid of spiders but it is very uncomfortable when this happens.

>that webm
why does the weirdest shit always happen in chinkland

Alway get dreams if beeing attacked by a large group of people. Sometimes their zombies, other times they're the crossed, cultist and still others times just normal people who want to kill me (or my cat once) for some reason. Sometimes I defeat them other times I don't. Guess it's one of my primal fears.

Can't milk insurance money if they die. Better to keep them for 87 days until, due to their broken DNA, they disintegrate into goo.

Attached: Hisashi-Ouchi-Tokaimura-Nuclear-Accident-4.jpg (750x443, 71K)

I keep getting dreams where I am either on my deathbed or in a coffin and my life is over and I get full of regret because my life went by so fast and I did nothing. Then I wake up and do the same I do every day.

Me too user, especially their webs. No matter the setting of my dreams I'll always encounter large spider webs and It'll feel like I'm covered in their webs as they crawl on me. It's not frightening but it feels extremely uncomfortable.

Guy got off easy, can you imagine 8 months of THIS? This guy was deliberately kept alive for months after being receiving a deadly dose of radiation Just so the japs could record the effects of radiation.

Attached: hisashi ouchi.jpg (1024x661, 96K)

>Do you have recurring nightmares?
>What are they like?
It is called waking up everyday.
Life is a fucking nightmare.

His last words were "mother, please kill me"

They're usually about random people who I see in college vanishing like in the Thanos snap.
That Infinity War movie actually got me hard.

A lot of the time it's about my car getting trashed in some way.
Either someone crashes into it while it was parked or it just rolling by itself onto the street and bumping into something.

i've seen worse, this one is not that bad

jesus you can see all this teeth hanging on the left

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>It is called waking up everyday.
Life is a fucking nightmare.
why does this read like an emo post from 2011

I have several reoccurring nightmares that I have every time I attempt to sleep. Literally every single time since I was a little kid.

-A common one is where I get in a hand to hand fight with a bunch of bad guys. Usually some kind of demonic mob of some kind. Like evil scarecrows, or generic super villains.
-Sometimes I have nightmares about getting chased down, and ripped to pieces by amorphous ghoul dogs
-I have a lot of dreams about being suspended in an empty void, and either being pulled apart, squished into a ball, or slowly disintegrated by some kind of unseen force
-Recently a lot of my nightmares revolve around my ex, either seeing her with someone else, or dreaming she's back with me, then waking up sad when I realize it's just a dream

Even in my sleep I cannot escape my suffering.

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looks fake, link an article about it or btfo

My life is so unfa-

yeah shit like that unironically makes me realise how easy i have it, even if my life is pretty shit

It's not quite a nightmare, but it's really fucking strange.
Every single month i have just one of them, and it looks like a story:
>suddenly i wake up in the woods, with a bunch of people sleeping in the ground around me
>there's a road nearby but no cars ever passes by
>there's a big guy in the center of the woods, which reminds a buda statue, he's alive but he never talks
>i just walk around and talk to people
EVERY SINGLE MONTH i have the same dream, the only things that changes is the people i talk to.

I used to have some for the better part of a year, maybe two years, but they stopped a few months ago.

My nightmares are usually very still dreams where I'm just sort of standing around but there's an intense feeling of dread.

Looks pretty real to me. Accidents are very common in China, something like this is not newsworthy.

>seven years changing culture
Go to bed child.

Not him btw.

>if something bad happens to someone then you feel better

Sadistic mind you have. It makes you feel worse if you realize that he didn't deserve it. Your implication that this makes life fair is beyond retarded.

Wouldn't blood spill out everywhere? Lots of blood is circulated through the head. Looks like some promotion for some cheap ass horror movie

Good bait but you're strawmaning just a little too hard.

Ive seen similar injuries from ISIS fighters who got fucked up in shoot outs and bombings.

This could absolutely be real.

High population high communism

>Lots of blood is circulated through the head.
Most of it goes to your brain, though. This is a face injury mostly.

When was the last time you saw a goth girl?

Dying alone and nobody knows or cares. It'll probably be that way for me when I get old.

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Like, 5 days ago maybe?
I guess it's different when you only leave your room to get food, and take a shit.

I've had dreams for a second time years later

holy shit, just kill him

Sociopaths like you would be the same sociopath doing shit like , you're not fooling anyone.

I think the reason people like that are not just put out of their misery is because nobody wants to be legally responsible for their death. It's kind of fucked up that people are made to suffer like this because some doctor is afraid of getting sued.

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In China you get sued for helping someone dying in general. They charge you for the health expenses.

>>help help the lathe has my tie
>>sorry wang I like this jo--

Pro tip, don't laze in on such a random post. There's too many obvious sociopaths on this board for you to pick out me. 2/10.

It's more of a misguided sense of compassion than fear of litigation.

I'll let you know when I wake up

probably failed suicide by shotgun
you've got to aim for the brain not under chin and straight up

You should re-read the definition of strawman,.

>This guy was deliberately kept alive for months after being receiving a deadly dose of radiation Just so the japs could record the effects of radiation.
Did you know that America nuked Japan to study the effects of radiation on humans as well?
America even set up hospitals afterwards, which people thought was to help them, but all they did was note down what symptons radiation poisoning was having.

Nah we vaporized two civilian cities to BTFO them as revenge for surprise attackingthe pearl harbor base.
Setting up fake hospitals to research the radiation was just a side benefit.
There was also a fake syphillis treatment program for blacks where they got placebo pills and were secretly infected with syphilis just so the effects could be studied:

Typical ad homonym. Next!

The cutoff meme is always automatically wrong and perpetuated by retards apparently.

How that for an ad homonym. You deserve it for ignoring the fact that it makes you feel worse if a compassionate human being. Just because someone else suffers more than you doesn't mean that you should feel better. That's blatant sadistic logic, dumb ass. You deserve to be insulted because your very character is at question. Ad homonym doesn't apply, retard. This topic is all to do with your very nature.

Actual straw manning is when someone says fedora, or says you only think something due to a neckbeard, or something else non-relevant. Saying robots are all autists and manchildren is straw manning what they believe in. But I didn't strawaman you by pointing out your sadistic nature. You just are inherently sadistic.

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cringe at this reverse strawman bait

Also, it was never bait. Just because you do not agree with something doesn't make it bait.

Nor reverse bait. It's a retort.

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I had a dream two nights ago, that I turned into a Joji lookalike and the cops were chasing me because I was driving at night.

Typical brainlet-wojak-posting retard. No more (You')s for (Oui)

I dont think that is Ouchi. He didnt, to my knowledge, have a foot amputated.

>I had no argument and deflected after posting cuttoff meme bait XD

They aren't brainlet wojaks so much as secret snapshots of your childhood.

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Now this.
This is a sad individual.

any bad dream beats reality I am living during my waking hours

i had this dream all through out my teenage years where i would be in the back seat of a car with a few other people, and the person driving the car would always drive us off a bridge or cliff.then i would wake up right before we hit the ground.