>Need friends
>Used to have some nice discord buds
>Creepy guy ruins it
>Switch discords
>Looking for new server/friend group
Who can I be discord buddies with now? Wanna play vidya w/ buds.
Post discord server or username.
Need friends
Don't care about any of the gay shit you said but thanks for the wojak.
what did the creepy guy do?
just start playing some vidya with a lot of social interaction (no moba, battle royales, shooters)
I'd suggest some mmo where you gotta have some interaction with guilds and stuff, that's a good way to know internet people
He raped me when we hung out IRL.
also the fuck is that "not original comment"
oh dear.....are you ok?
I'm getting better. None of my friend believed me when i told them and i'm worried he's going to do it again to one of them.
i bet you were asking for it by the way you dressed.
fuckin slut
op im very sorry for my mean words i hope you know i love you
I'm not a woman or trap, i'm not even gay. I don't know why he did it.
I would honestly play some of those, but they don't interest me a lot. I was happy with my little niche RTS group, but now I have to branch out of that little genre because of no friends.
If only, the guy doxed me and shit. Then mailed me shit.
ad me frens
For the way you were dressing retard.
How do i dress so i don't get raped by another man again?
like john wayne you fucking faggot
Will reply tomorrow if you add me
Peaceful Islamist#8664
Who is John Wayne?
Added you. Now I play the wait game
Stop dressing like a woman, then they wouldn't get trapped, and you wouldn't get drugged.
some manly actor thats been long dead.
we need a story btw, how the fuck did you met up with someone you met in a discord and how things degenerated so quickly?
more details please?
he take you somewhere secluded and bend you over?
i offered to fuck him then changed my mind when he was done.hence,i was raped.
oh a male feminist
the Force is female,asshole.