/MBTI GENERAL/ Robot Edition

Hey guise, INTP here..

>INTJ: edgelord
>INFP: crybaby
>ISTP: the sociopath who likes working with his hands
>ENTP: will never shut the fuck up
>ENFP: the literal hippie who everybody likes
>INTP: the forever alone gifted burnout kid
>ISTJ: a more succesfull version of istp. Still introverted
>ISFJ: Stalker creep who also is an exceedingly overgenerous idiot
>ESTJ: the overcontrolling asshole leader
>ESTP: literal chad
>ENTJ: your future boss
>INFJ: the ultimate form of horse shoe theory. He's either hitler or an SJW
>ENFJ: literal normie feeler scum
>ESFJ: ?? Who cares
>ESFP: The fake attention seeking butch who has 100 acquaintances but no real friends and doesnt realize it

>The Test
>The Real Test (really long)
>Another reliable test(lets u skip questions)

Discord with over +800 people!!

>inb4 big5

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bumpetty bump. Origanoly ofc

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>INTP: the forever alone gifted burnout kid
Very true, When i was a kid and had a couple of friends they would refuse to play burnout as I'd always win.

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Jungian test for those who want to discuss cognitive functions

We haven't even reached the bump limit on the previous thread, but okay.

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Original commetario

>100% musical
literal Mozart here

>5% judging, 95% perception
>haven't finished a single song in 5 years, despite having hundreds of demos

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>ENTP: will never shut the fuck up
people just need to learn to be better listeners
everyone else sucks shit at talking anyway

weird that im so high in sensing. i dont have a lot of life experience or experience with things in general so i guessed on a lot of things so maybe that's why idk.

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The only INTP i know is just. Rude sociopathic and secretly gay.

t. Estp

Weird that my language is so low because it was always one of my favorite subjects.

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Reminder that robots are poorly developed individuals who do not represent their type. When you interact with an INTP, INTJ, or ENTP on Jow Forums, you're interacting with the unhealthiest version of that type.

>lets u skip questions

That's literally the opposite of reliable. It's the questions that we find hardest to answer that say the most about ourselves.

>INTP but get slightly below average on all the intelligence results
God damn it why can't I ever do anything right I just want to be smart I have nothing else in life

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huh, naturalist

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Its lets you skip questions so you can answer others in its place you fucking retard. You have to answer the same amount anyways

That doesn't change anything. I didn't say it was bad because you answer less questions, I said it was bad because you're avoiding difficult questions. Do you know how to read?

If you answer a difficult question incorrectly because you didnt understand it well then youre letting the test mistype you. If you dont understand something as simple as that then youre literally braindead

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If you skip a question to answer a simpler one instead of thinking critically, then you're not putting any thought into the answers you provide.

Are there developed INTx? I feel like both types are just doomed for robothood if they were unlucky enough to be born into the normie environment.

Ive never met one before

Hi Eric
I knew I was an idiot.
Just look at the balanced knowledge of people. Then see my greatest knowledge is only a 53.
Look how high everything is. Today I prove with certainty I am a brainlet.
>only one with a zero is me

I have a talent for being terrible.

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I got two different ones lmao

and ISTP

intp turned infp
idk what happened guys

You're not an idiot just because you didn't answer "strongly" to the set of questions the test gave you.

Of course there are. Why would you expect to find a developed anything on Jow Forums?

Developed INTx have well-rounded personalities. In real life, your narrow view of MBTI will likely lead you to confuse them with another type because they don't fit the stereotypes.

You logic'd yourself into having empathy and now it's going to make you feel like shit for half your life until you just grow apathetic and turn into an intp again.

are any of u intjs out there attracted to the mysteriousness of infjs?? Artist infj trying to seduce artist intj through mind fuckery lol

You sound more like an IxFP

I've never felt magnetized to any Fs but then again, none have pursued me. Maybe mind fuckery would do the trick.

You don't sound mysterious at all.

INTJ here who is only attracted to INFX types.
But >artist intj unless you think the autistic hoarding and regurgitation of knowledge is an art form, I doubt you'll find an artistic INTJs.

I guess an INTJ could be an artist if they focus on symbolically portraying meaning or something. But not in the general sense of being an artist, which is generally rooted in extraverted perceiving and Se in specific.

To be fair, some questions can be hard to understand depending on the quality of the test. I'm an INFJ, but whenever tests ask me if I rely on my five senses or intuition, I reply with my five senses. I'm not a psychic, I use my five senses like everyone else. If I need to drive somewhere but I don't know what it is, I don't go "Hmm my intuition will guide me there," I use a GPS.

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Reminder that Hifumi user and that one thoughtful untyped person who analyzed us are both very nice boys.

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I wish I was intp they are smart

Because Ni is a non conscious function, and to make matters worse, the dominant function is used so often its like breathing or walking, you're not consciously aware of it you just do it (until now i guess lol).

So you might think that your though process is normal, but its not. Ni doms afaik have a constant sense of "overarching awareness" of the world and themselves. That is to say they "thread" everything together into this larger holistic understanding, or vision if you will, of the world thats constantly active in their minds. This is highly unusual. Most people do not even understand how you could think that way. This is why to an Ni dom, other people can seem painfully unaware of the world, and this allows the Ni dom to manipulate people in ways others dont understand.

Of course you still use the five senses, even intellectuals like Kant for example emphasized that sensory information is the unavoidable basis for higher modes of cognition. But you dont primarly live by sensory information. Se doms for example live by sensory information, they are literally unaware of anything that is not in their environment at the time.

>be me
>somebody mentions their mbti
>literally beat them to the ground
lmao you are such pussies

What are IFNP bf/ INFP gf relationships like?

t. INFP male

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>be you
>sad sore loser
>fantasize about beating people up on the internet
Epic and Based

An emotional roller coaster of each partner trying to guess their partner's emotions, getting them wrong, and then emotionally reacting to the other partner not understanding them.

You could literally say this about any intuitive when comparing them to a sensor.

Cognitive functions aren't real.

Reminder that ISTPs are the last line of defense between humanity and evil

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ISTPs are literally henchmen. You're thinking of ESXJs.

No, im thinking of STPs. SJs are literally the archetype of henchmen.

I'm in love with an INFJ girl. She's always so intense and passionate in everything she says (sometimes unnecessarily so; one person described her as exuding 'stubborn passion'), she's very introspective with a deep inner world, yet when interacting with others she can lighten up and come across as sweet, playful, girly, and has a lot of natural moxie. She's so sexy. I could be with her every day and be happy forever.

>Cognitive functions aren't real.

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SJs are soldier ants while STPs are pic related.

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>INTP: the forever alone gifted burnout kid

Doomguy is the quintessential ISTP. Do you know who doomguy is? Do you think any other type but STP could have survived that? Think again bucko

STPs are the last line of defense between humanity and unrelenting evil

Is this what its like to have an ENTJ gf?


>ISTP projects himself on blank slate charcter.
Total ISTP move, but think again friend. Doomguy is at least EXFX.

Found the asshurt INTP lashing out at Se users because ESTP bullied him high school

Any ENTJs here?

Feeling unusually lonely, otherwise would be working. Probably not the type to post here.

>Se trying to guess the type of people online.
Shoo. Go actually do something you're good at.

Im already bullying you

>INFJ: He's either hitler or an SJW
What if I'm Stalin?

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Destroyer of both SJWs and polniggers, saviour of humanity

Which personality types are the most likely to be extreme procrastinators who stay in their room whole day, have no friends and don't get laid?

Why does that happen?

Because we don't see the logic in doing shit.

My test results used to be INTP a few years ago, but now I got INTJ.

Honestly, descriptions of both personalities resonate with me, except the INTJ part about being decisive and hard-working.

My mind wants to minimise all work, so when I'm about to do something, I think of all the outcomes in which the work will be in vain, or of ways in which the work could be avoided.

I never just jump into something and do it, like all functional humans and animals do.
I always have intense sessions of mental masturbation about everything.

So I'm an INFJ who destroys other INFJs?

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Sounds like INTP alright.

I got ISTP three times on that test but I'm actually quite lazy

Neat test here

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>I always have intense sessions of mental masturbation about everything.
Every NT does this.
The difference between J and P is that a J makes decisions more quickly. They run things though an internal filter rather than multiple filters.

Ni and Ti likes mental masturbation more than any other type. ENTPs and ENTJs typically dont enjoy it as much as INTx. Although ENTPs can look like they enjoy it, in reality they just want to look cool and dont care as much about the actual mental part

The difference between INT and ENT in this regard is that ENT are exhibitionists. Even better if they can get people to join the circle jerk with them.




95% Thinking
Fuck you

Fuck off

Le epic contrarian. Shut up and read bitch

I'm not reading anything somebody tells me to read.

Ok then stay retarded lol

Nice dead link webfooter.

That's sounds pretty ironic coming from you, based on .

What the fuck that is quite literally me

ISTP here. I'm a pussy and the bully is like me


Sorry about that, i copied the link off of google and i had to delete all the tracking garbage google adds to links.

>has no retort of himself
>has to parrot what someone else says
>still has the gall to talk about intelligence

Then it all comes down to if you're ISTP...

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What did he originalIy mean by this?

There's a much easier way to copy links from Google without making a fool of yourself.

He's saying he's a coward, but he still picks on people to compensate for his insecurities.

You're projecting. Nobody cares about posting a dead link on an anonymous imageboard lmao. Sorry you're so insecure something that insignificant can make you feel bad.

ENTP here

Is it normal that I want to kill people and frequently kill small rodents or am I just an edgelord

Humanity as an abstract concept truly is interesting.
But being part of it sucks, like if somebody was into dogs but they wouldn't really want to live their entire life as a dog.

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I was trying to help, you jackass.

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I love Jung but Big Five is clearly the chad of personality theories

>He's saying he's a coward, but he still picks on people to compensate for his insecurities.
Damn, thats the type of person i hate the most. Are most ISTPs like that? If so that kind of confirms to me im ESTP instead of ISTP. In people i generally like courage but mercy, seems like ISTP is the opposite.

Or im just an ISTP who is not a coward, but wouldnt that basically be ESTP? idk desu, i have the same bad people skills like ISTPs do but i cant get along with most i meet, its just that that alone is not enough for me to confirm because most ISTPs i see say they hate other ISTPs as well.

You know, you could just google "INTJ bf" and just post it yourself.

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What can you guys infer about me through these numbers?

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They complement eachother. Big Five looks at behaviour, Jungian Analytical Psychology looks at the cognition underlying behaviour.

What should I be taking away from this powerpoint with little context?

Not all ISTPs are assholes; only the ones suffering from low self-esteem.

>only the ones suffering from low self-esteem.
So they're all assholes?

... Yes. ISTPs tend to get cocky when they have high self-esteem.

obligatory postioli

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How come everyone bullies INTJs? I swear we're not as bad as you think.

>tfw you're an INFJ and just as autistic as INTJs but get away with it because nobody even knows you exist

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Where do you land on the graph compared to your MBTI type?

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Is ISTP just autism?