>found perfect girl
>is really smart
>is as motivated to succeed as i am
>really likes my ambition/intellect
>has actual conversations of substance with me
>heavily redpilled
>has a cute ass name
>is the (((finance))) chair of her sorority
>in a non-meme major
>is a devout christian
>has solid parents that really like me
there's just one problem
>she's brown
what do I do robots?
Found perfect girl
anons pls help
Send her my way. I've got no prob dickin down shitskins
what kind of brown
half italian, half cuban
>in a sorority
Found the real problem.
Tub of glue and flour
gonna go out on a limb and assume you're a jeed?
You've either been conditioned to think less of minority girls as potential partners (this board and pol will do that to you) or she just isn't your type. Either way you better get your mind straight on it because if they have the slightest inclination that you are a closet racist you are fucked.
If you really like her. You would see past your insecurity of dating someone a different race. Take Robert De Niro for example. He married an African-American woman and raised chilren. Dispite inter-racial dating was considered taboo at the time.
>(this board and pol will do that to you)
No, actual africa did it to me. I grew up in zimbabwe.
>He married an African-American woman and raised chilren.
Not a good argument. Have you seen how ugly those kids are?
Well I cant comment on your personal experience, but race in western countries doesn't usually matter at least. Multiculturalism (like it or hate it) has allowed people of all backgrounds to blend in to society. Most people are judged by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin.
If you were a true robot you would date her. As a failed chad, go find some gonorrhea infested blonde at the wall Stacey to match skin tones with and stick your dick into. Maybe your girl will find a nice robot to keep warm
how brown are we talking
also is she cute
here's a real redpill
race-mixing only produces ugly kids when
Honestly not really that brown. italian and cuban
and v e r y cute
dont want to post a pic on this board for opsec
Fuck off, brittcuck. Go get stabbed on a train.
Are you the tall ass handsome ass complaining ass zimbabwean with the copypasta?
Man go for it you are chadd based on that description, at least get a fucc out of it
>half italian, half cuban
Dude that's not brown. That's barely beige.
Is she truly top tier? No. But she's definitely in the acceptable range.
A truly thought provoking argument you've displayed there.
lock that shit down nigga, you ain't going to find anything better.
if she's cute, go for it dude
or don't, stay unhappy
>with the copypasta?
I'd hardly call that a copypatsa, but sure
She is half italian half cuban? And you are white? She is redpilled yet talks to you and is retarded enough to think you consider her an equal. If only she knew you were on Jow Forums talking about her. She would probably become suicidal if she knew you considered her brown instead of off white or something. Since she is half Cuban she probably is mostly european. Either way stop talking to her and secure a future for white children.
Also what do you mean by redpilled?
Marry her. Why care about skin color if you're that compatible. If you're a Christian, then it shouldn't matter anyway. Are you not attracted to her or something? What about her attraction to you? If the attraction is mutual, then give it a chance. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. You don't want to end up 30+ years old and unmarried without kids.
>what do I do
Tap that ass
Impregnate her ASAP and be a good dad.
Make more mutt babies, op. We need more to end hate.
Keep it up the lip and I'll report you to the thought police for being an incel.
you should kill yourself because your insecurities and bigotry keep you from getting with a smart intillegent girl thats probably perfect for you faggot
On a scale of lightly brown to mixed to full black, what is she? Because if she is on the lower end of the scale then I would say go for it user
You should immideately ditch her for white atheist landwhale tumblrina fujiyoshi who has meme-tier degree and plans for suicide.
how many miles of cock has she taken?
OP, you're the worst type of robot. You have the chance to not be in this shitty situation many of us would kill to get, and such a minute detail as that is pushing you away. Fuck you. Fuck your stupid ass and just fucking go for it, panzy piece of shit. Who gives a fuck if she's brown, a genuine human connection is impossible to find
Didn't you post this on Jow Forums a few months back?
Dont give a single original fuck