Why arent you smoking CBD?
It turns you from doomed to bloomer in 30 minutes or less.
Your mom smokes it. Why not you?
Why arent you smoking CBD?
It turns you from doomed to bloomer in 30 minutes or less.
Your mom smokes it. Why not you?
Where is the part where bloomer wojak takes a 23andme test and finds out he is 2 percent black
>doesn't smoke, drug free
Spbp. OP btfo
CBD is not a drug
i heard it's useless if it's not from the weed plant CBD, and even then it needs a little bit of THC so it's illegal
Fuck off brain dead boi
Oh nice snake oil has come back in style
>falling for the cbd meme when good drugs like pot, shrooms, & lsd exist
only zoomers smoke cbd and you are the worst form of cancer in the stoner community nobody like you.
I'm not a middle-aged housewife blindly following whatever the latest trend is to feel like it's possible to stop the aging process and therefore prevent my husband from cheating on me.
hey man dont talk about your mom like that
you need a little thc with it for cbd to work
cbd is pot you absolute retard
If your goal is to get high. If your goal is to relax and have no anxiety CBD works.
Sounds good! what dose would you recommend for social anxiety, and will my body get used to the effects?
I asked my friend going to schhol for weed if cbds were actually good for u. He just said "stop being a fucking narc"
Jesus christ none of you brainlets have a single fucking clue what you're talking about.
>not injecting CBD
Blast open your third eye and experience infinite euphoria, faggot
Stop being a fucking narc
Who the fuck does that dude
Thats autistic
t. the original nigger
Any anons in Georgia buy this shit online? I'm scared of getting arrested if I try
Thinking about growing some high cbd hemp since it will be made legal when the 2018 farm bill passes assuming there isn't too much red tape. Will still grow pumpkins though.
Pic related
My mom got cheated on so fucking hard. My dad started a new family in the Phillipines.
because i just smoke weed like a normal person
I have a THC deficiency :(