>wake up >stare at walls or my computer screen all day surfing the net for 8-14 hours a day to pass the time >eat >go out once in a while in the wee hours of the afternoon or evening after spending most of my time doing nothing at home to see childhood friend or sweetheart of 13 years so I don't implode mentally >go back home >cry in my sleep
I've been like this for two years already. I don't know if I can last one more. I'll probably kms or become a monk if this continues.
I at least work out in the mornings 4-5 times a week. Then spend the rest of the day at home.
Colton King
I sleep through most of the daytime and wake up and stay up throughout the night playing vidya and surfing internet. I only go out to the convenience store to buy shit.
Christian Gomez
How many years have you been doing this? Done this for around two years and it's already eating up at my sanity.
Andrew Campbell
>wake up at 7:12 am >go back to sleep >wake up at 8:54 am >go back to sleep >wake up at 11:31 >go back to sleep >wake up at 2:03 >get out of bed >already dressed because i sleep with clothes on >get on computer >stare at people i want to fuck's steam profiles >get off computer >go back to sleep
I dont really have a specific routine, but generally I am bound to do some running and push ups. Not that I am some sort of fitness god, because I am not, but I still like to stay healthy regardless.
Michael Price
i just wish i could sleep more
Oliver Gonzalez
just turn off the lights and lay in bed for a while and try not to just think about random shit while ignoring your surroundings
Jayden Walker
this doesnt work if you already slept 15 hours
Juan Williams
even if you cant actually fall asleep laying in bed is better than going outside
Thomas Scott
Doesn't work if you oversleep. Your body just wants you to wake up and stare at walls if you refuse to get out of bed.
Wyatt Jones
any femNEET want to leech off of me and live in my apartment?
no chores or payment required, just be my e-gf for a while and then move in with me.
wake up browse boards listen to music eat lunch pet cat get pissed at cat for biting me browse boards pet cat think about playing a game play a game for 15 minutes lay down watch a Korean drama masturbate before sleep sleep
>wake up, chug coffee, positive feelings while I watch youtube and browse Jow Forums for an hour or two, thinking about what games I wanna play >don't actually play anything for more than an hour unless a friend wants to play something AND I can brush off the guilt and shame of being a useless leech in order to actually let myself have fun >probably just spend the rest of the day on Jow Forums and trying to find something decent to watch on fmovies >masturbate once or twice because why not
>that picture Me every day.
Leo Murphy
Why don't you losers just force yourself out? Eventually you'll be fine.
Luis Long
Going out sucks
Bentley Hall
I have to go to the store tomorrow and buy toothpaste and some meal stuff. I am nervous, I feel I would rather be dead than struggle any longer.. not related to that^ but just in general. It all sucks.
I don't have friends. My relationship with people around have soured and I don't want to be seen as the loser loner who walks by himself so I decided to stay put in my own home, only going out when necessary. Yes, I'm already a loser NEET but at least people won't see me in the confines of my home and I won't be the talk of the town when one of them sees me. I'd like to escape but don't know where to start. I feel trapped and hopeless.
Landon Edwards
why does the cat bite?
Ryder Evans
she's a kitten, i imagine her teeth hurt coming in and she just likes to play like that, she also loves attention to the point of crying if i try to shit with the door closed, and biting gets her that even if she also gets bopped.
Easton Walker
>Wake up >Take thyroid pills, shower? and wait 30 mins to eat >browse youtube and Jow Forums for a few hours >Play video games with varying degrees of commitment and enthusiasm >Wallow in self pity and worry about the state of my life and my lack of a future >Make the thoughts go away by indulging in the internet or bothering people online about my problems >Brush my teeth and go to sleep