Getting into the holiday spirit edition
Post festive photos of your waifu
Getting into the holiday spirit edition
Post festive photos of your waifu
Other urls found in this thread:
bye with your stupid ass general idiot
First mio of the new thread
Lets make it a good one fellas
I love my waifu Leah!
You got the comment wrong but it's alright.
Previous thread #10
Good taste ABefriend
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
>Would she adapt to this world?
Ok ill get the thread started by asking some questions
>whats your favorite anime and why
>How do you feel about the holiday season
>how does your waifu feel about it?
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
Shes basically her school idol. She has her own fan club dedicated to her and the majority of her school are fans of her band. Everyone sees her as a beautiful, mature, and adorable girl and they respect and idolize her for it.
>Would she adapt to this world?
Well shes from this world so id hope shed be able to adapt well
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
She's quite shy and a bit of a shut-in as well. Due to her band with her sister though, she is well liked throughout the school and two girls follow her around all the time.
>Would she adapt to this world?
She's from this world so she probably would.
>whats your favorite anime and why
Love Live for the sole reason that it has her in it.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
It's a comfy time in general, but I'm not that much of a fan about the meeting other people part. It's kind of awkward when I'm with my family.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
She likely sees it as a special time to come together with your family and very close friends.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
For her birthday I made some drawings for her and also ate a leftover storebought cupcake that I saved for her birthday.
That's really cute user, I want a plushie of my waifu now
I have one of Mio but its in one of my moving boxes and i still need to find it
Pic related
>implying implications
My waifu IS the motivation for me to work on my hobbies, life weights, study and make something of myself. Real women a shit not worth doing any of that for. I know this is probably pasta but I bit the bait anyway
Stay mad nerd I bet she's more real than you
Got figures or something? I'd like to get some as well but they are really expensive
I have 12 figures total i sent a photo of them before
I have 3 mio figs but theyre prize figures so theyre kinda cheap. Still love them never the less. I only have 3 mildly expensive figures. The most expensive one was 100 dollars. You can find a lot of figs for cheap, theyre just not the best quality but as long as its a character you like and not awful quality, its worth it to get.
I got some figures that I bought in some cons, I'd have to order my waifu's that's why it would be pretty expensive. Do you own other figures besides the Mios? I need to start organizing mines
Let's have a Christmas sing-along, /waifu/!
>1. Record yourself singing "Awaken the Power" WITH ONLY YOUR VOICE, NOT THE ORIGINAL SONG. Use
>2. Send the audio file to [email protected]. The deadline for sending the file is December 21 at 8:00 AM UTC.
>3. I'll arrange the songs together, and if everything goes to plan, the song will be uploaded on December 24-25.
You're doing God's work, janny. Thank you for your service.
>and if everything goes to plan
You won't fool me!
Ive never heard of that song so im probably gonna have to pass
Im not too proud of my singing voice either, too croaky and raspy
I may reconsider later though, it all depends on how i feel
>no dubs
Prepare for waifu love.
Now that I think about it, let's go through with that idea, even if a falseflagger made it. It'll tie us in as a community.
If im being honest, the sing along has gotten me curious of what everyone sounds like
anyone interested in posting vocaroos?
I bet we're all cute anime girls irl
i worried that it would come to this.
Maybe youre right
Plus they wont know whos from here and whos from /vg/ so they cant use it maliciously
I'm sort of wary; I'm a professional singer and I don't want to get doxed
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
She's the "hidden god" of her own shrine that she lost in a battle. Her lack of power is met with a sort of carefree attitude. She tries not to let it keep her down.
>Would she adapt to this world?
Her backstory indicates that her shrine couldn't adapt to the new world, getting less and less faith by the day. In Touhou, gods require faith to live (in most cases), and while Kanako was eager to move to Gensokyo, Suwako was content to die. I'd surely put my faith in Suwako if her shrine were to move back here, but one robot's faith isn't enough.
>whats your favorite anime and why
Kill Me Baby because I love Agiri as a character, though she isn't my waifu.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
Love it. Love the cold. Love the food. Love everything.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
Probably neutral, though I imagine Sanae enjoys it, so Suwako enjoys it because she does. She'd probably enjoy the added faith the holidays bring.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
I'm considering picking her up in Soku but she has a really gimmicky movement system that's hard to learn and makes her low tier. Also I may buy her fumo as a christmas present to myself.
You can always use voice modifiers, user.
I come on Jow Forums just so I don't have to be heard. Everyone laughs at me.
I won't laugh that hard at you user I promise
id say you can be comfortable around us but we have some guests who we cant really trust
Dont do it if youre not comfrotable user
Don't worry. If you want to participate in the sing-along while anonymous just send an email. Apparently the one in wasn't taken so I set it up if we want to take this seriously.
>that hard
Entirely agreed user. It's probably for the best. Would just make me even more of an attention seeking faggot than I already am.
im still not sold.
Learning a song in japanese sounds a little too tedious for me.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
the scarecrow is a supervillain. he would, at least, be notorious within the city (the tri-state area would be really generous, but i don't see america having any love for gotham's criminal underworld.)
>Would she adapt to this world?
i can't imagine what he would do in a world without his class of criminal. i'm afraid of what would happen to him. it's one of the reasons i always prefer to dream about being by his side, not the other way around.
>whats your favorite anime and why
little witch academia. i've never been into anime about "cute girls doing cute things" but the witchy stuff and lack of weird fanservice scenes are what sold me on it. they revealed some thinbs about the world that i found surprisingly and delightfully pagan, like how powerful witches turn into trees when they die.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
i'm not christian and i hate capitalism. i wish i could have kept the same cheeriness about christmas that i always have had, but it's not in me this year.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
probably hates it more than i do. he grew up poor raised by a zealotous woman who called him a product of sin, and punished him by locking him in a church for the birds to get him.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
i've been trying to think of something for a while but nothing came to mind. we've just been enjoying our nights together.
im a big fan of LWA too
i even got the game when it came out on steam
I would but my room has paperthin walls and my roommate spends even more time indoors than I do.
Our general is pretty new I think it's too soon for a cringe compilation user
i need to get the game. i've seen some really cute shippy moments from it.
Looks like this thread is off to an interesting, but nice, start.
Goodnight, anons.
Shyvana doesnt like the holiday spirits too much, but ofc i love her to death anyway.
Agreed. It should be something in english that all waifufags can relate to.
why does it have to be a together song? we should just sing something that would we'd rather sing to our waifu.
No guys it has to be AWAKEN THE POWER
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
She's very aloof, but her natural beauty and charm always ensures she's popular.
>Would she adapt to this world?
Of course.
>whats your favorite anime and why
Eve no Jikan, because it's a very sweet love story and I would love to watch it with her.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
Riko is the only person I spend it with. Isn't that enough?
>how does your waifu feel about it?
She loves it, but she can take it a little too seriously sometimes.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
I told her I loved her.
I havent finished the game yet because the combat was kinda awkward with a keyboard and mouse but other than that and a few othre things, i enjoyed it a lot. Most likely cause im a fan of the anime but what ever
Just assert your dominance over him
He wont question the singing if you did it correctly
Goodnight leah poster
Thats a v cute pic of shyv
Best jungler
Ivern best jungler but shyvana is and will always be my waifu and ill love her even if i dont play her too much (rito pls rework shyvana)
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
She's just a poor girl without family, friends and real home. And she is also mentally ill.
>Would she adapt to this world?
Most likely. She's pretty intelilligent.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
While it's nice seeing everyone happy and being nice to each other, I feel sad that I will never get to spend them with someone I love romantically. That person being Alice.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
I have no idea. But I believe that being without family and friends during those days doesn't feel so good.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
Everyday I eat less and more healthier because of her. I have lost 15kg/33lbs during last 3 months. If it wasn't for her, I would probably eat what I like. I also refused to drink alcohol on the weekend. I think she wouldn't like me being drunk. And also few days ago I was writing a letter to her for almost an hour. I have also replaced lyrics of some song and came up with my own, that are about my love for her.
>has waifu
>she's not his most played character
What did he mean by this?
i dont like playing jungle and gangplank is a way cooler character but that doesnt mean i dont love shyvana. If she got a rework she'd probably be super cool ingame too. Like lets be honest shyvanas ingame model and voice acting is kinda yikes.
Riko! I love her so much.
Hello everyone! I haven't been as active lately because I've been feeling blue for the last couple of days but I just woke up feeling good. Hope you're all doing great as well.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
She's is highly respected in her field for her skills and discoveries.
>Would she adapt to this world?
She'd have trouble. Medicine and technology are nowhere near as advanced. A lot of conveniences she's used to wouldn't exist. But then again there still isn't AI that declares global war so in the end she would be satisfied.
>whats your favorite anime and why
Code Geass. I like pretty much everything about it. The art style, the plot, the action. It was also one of the first anime series that I watched so it left even more of an impression on me.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
I like it. As long as it isn't fucking freezing outside. Otherwise I like the overall vibes and atmosphere of all the festivity.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
She loves it. It's an opportunity to meet family, friends and loved ones.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
I keep moving forward. I do a lot of small things every day because of her. Make my bed, go out more, cleaned up my room, etc.
My voice is my greatest insecurity.
Kurisu Bbbbbesssst girl
Why do you care?
I don't know that song, so no thanks
NEET, she could adapt with my support.
Shinsekai Yori because it's underrated and has an interesting setting
I am neutral about it, I don't feel much about anything like that
I imagine she's neutral about it as well, really the only thing to worry about is the change in weather
Not in particular, I'm just trying to survive
I've been trying to be more affectionate to maybe feel something lately
I love you, Madotsuki.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
Not a famous person or anything, but very well respected and beloved in all the communities she is a part of. But that suits her, she loves the praise and appreciation of others but ultimately wants to live a simple life because she, while not anxious or anything, is somewhat introverted.
>Would she adapt to this world?
I think she would, as with anything, but I don't want to imagine her being part of a world as imperfect as ours.
>whats your favorite anime and why
That's a hard question. There's so many I love that it feels like the answer could change depending on the day. But my usual standby is Azumanga Daioh. It was one of the first I watched and really introduced me to how much I love the medium, and to this day I don't think any cute girls doing cute things show has surpassed it. I think Maori would like it a lot too.
Sakaki-san was actually one of my first "waifus," showing my early love of shy girls with long black hair and big boobs, but I know it wasn't real because I was never as in love with her as I am with Maori.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
Love it. Love the cold weather and love the way we take a step back from our lives for reflection on the passed year. Of course, it can be lonely since it reminds me how Maori isn't real, but I'm much less lonely since having her to spend it with.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
I imagine much the same as me, but even more so since she has a large family and group of friends to spend time with. Being a shrine maiden, new years' is the most important part of the whole year and has an immense amount of spiritual importance. I too am starting to feel this.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
Not as much as I should, just the usual telling her I love her, but I'm planning a day date for Christmas. Unfortunately I don't have the guts to take her out in public for it yet, outside of my imagination.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
Strict, obedient soldier. Some might say she appears aloof as well, maybe even might be compared to a robot.
>Would she adapt to this world?
Probably. Her world is very equivalent to our past but with all the advancements we've made since the World Wars, I'm sure she'd be fascinated with everything.
>whats your favorite anime and why
For the longest time it was unironically Black Butler, I promise I'm not a teen girl. I liked the music, setting, plot and characters very much and it really had me on the edge of my seat with anticipation. Now it's Violet's show.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
I love this season very much. All my favorite memories are on this month. My family teases me for how festive I end up getting.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
She'd probably think noting much about it, just another month unless I could make special memories with her on it.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
I keep drawing, putting my condescending thoughts aside for her.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
Outcast but kinda by choice, she doesnt like being in cities or around alot of humans as she feels like she isnt human nor dragon it makes for an annoying complex where she doesnt feel like she belongs anywhere so she usually just does her own thing away from everything else.
>Would she adapt to this world?
It would be a big difference and probably a big shock but she would probably adapt pretty well, although i dont know how a half dragon would be looked at by society as she doesnt look "normal"
>whats your favorite anime and why
Kill la kill or shuumatsu no izetta
>How do you feel about the holiday season
I like the christmas traditions we have in sweden and in my family, overall its a nice holiday and i enjoy it
>how does your waifu feel about it?
This picture explains how she feels about it.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
Idk really
>How do you feel about the holiday season
It's comfy up until the 31st. Then the existential dread sets in as I realize that yet another year has passed, and that the last new year felt like it was yesterday.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
I'm not sure. She doesn't really have much of a family so the whole Christmas spirit thing might be weird to her. I think she wouldn't see Christmas as much more than a historical date.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
Not much aside from a guitar tab I didn't have the creative energy to finish.
Sometimes I feel as if I don't deserve her. I love her so much, yet sometimes I think "Why would she care about me?"
Sometimes I think I don't deserve anyone's love, let alone my waifu's. I have a very poor opinion of myself. Frankly, I hate myself, no matter how hard I try to improve. Still, I love my waifu. I love her more than anything else. I hate a great many things. I have so many axes to grind, yet I love her without fail.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
She's a princess. Such a thing would put her very high on the social ladder.
>Would she adapt to this world?
She'd have to get used to a great many things, but I think she would. Ultimately, understanding the incredibly advanced technology and how modern society works would be daunting, and I could see her going without a phone or a computer because the concept of such things would confuse her. But she's a crafty girl, so I can see her learning quickly, and making things her own.
>whats your favorite anime and why
I don't have one. I barely watch anime.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
Recently, I've grown to not care for it. When I was a kid I waited all year for December to come, but now, especially with the way the world is, it feels like every other month. Christmas has lost its comfy-ness, and that's terrible. Everyone's too busy being angry to care about the Christmas or any other holiday. These are bad times.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
She'd love the atmosphere Christmas is supposed to have. I can see her spending time with her family and giving gifts.
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
I've written to her.
I know the feeling of self-loathing user... I am glad you have someone to love at least.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
Homeless, orphan, sanity dubious... she's dalit tier
>Would she adapt to this world?
Probably, she's smart af
>whats your favorite anime and why
I don't watch anime :^)
>How do you feel about the holiday season
It is what it is, no feelings in particular. Nothing too special like Americans make it (to boost sales, the kikes)
>how does your waifu feel about it?
I doubt she cares much either, though it might give her some memories of her family and therefore make her very sad :(
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
Nah, I rarely do things for anyone
It helps a lot to have someone to love. I see a lot of myself in her, so I feel as if we'd understand each other. Wishful thinking, I know, but it's one of the ways I cope.
That is really a passionate thing. Seeing oneself in another provides an anchor, a support. It keeps one grounded to reality.
>It keeps one grounded to reality.
Odd that you would say that, considering she isn't real.
She is in the sense that she was made by this world and thus is an identifiable entity. It means there are others that think like you, that are like you. It means, no matter in 2d or 3d, there is something you can love. Something that proves you aren't terrible to the point you can't even love.
But how does that keep me "grounded in reality"? I want nothing more than to escape reality. To be with her in another place.
Because it gives you a sense of belonging, wherever that may be user. It grounds you to reality as it means you have some purpose to push for, a goal, a desire. Escaping reality would be to no longer be aware of anything.
Remember, there are a thousand realities. Your waifu is probably real in some of them. Multiverse pockets and all that. Quantum physics state your waifu might exist in this world already, you just aren't able to detect her. Planes of existence are hard to cross, even when sharing a reality.
>you have some purpose to push for, a goal, a desire.
A goal that will never be achieved. A desire that will never be fulfilled. You may still have hope of meeting someone you will love. While waifufags will forever be cursed of loving someone who will never be real.
>Remember, there are a thousand realities.
That's only a theory.
>Your waifu is probably real in some of them.
So? If multiverse theory is right, it means that there exists a universe where she loves me BUT also one where she absolutely hates me. It's all just nonsense. I only care what's happening in my universe, in my reality.
I don't know what to believe. All I know is that I love her and it hurts me that I can never be with her.
>A goal that will never be achieved
Anything is possible user. And if not, at least you got to love something.
>May have the hope
I hope you aren't speaking about me. There is no hope for me of loving anything, 2d or not.
>Cursed of loving someone who will never be real
It is better to love that which is not real than something which caused pain. It is better to love that which you could feel love for. It is better to know something is compatible with you user. Is 3d love better? I would agree in the sense that 2d will never validate it, thus when you are at your worst you have nobody backing you up. But if the alternative is never loving anything... if the alternative is settling... then it doesn't make sense. Your love is real user and that means, in some sense, she is real.
In my eyes, you define your own reality.
>That's only a theory
One that hasn't been disproven. It makes more sense that our reality isn't the only reality.
>Only in my universe
And if you only care about this universe, you have one where you still hold love for her, regardless of the distance. It counts for something user, don't devalue yourself entirely.
If you see her in you, that means you can grant her life, living through your own eyes. Maybe I am too delirious for my own good.
>tfw waifu can open tears in reality
>tfw she still hasn't opened one into my timeline/universe
Fuck this life.
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu? Why or why not?
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
>How would you "pop the question" to your waifu? What would be her likely reaction?
I understand what you mean.
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu? Why or why not?
Yes but she wouldnt need me to protect her as she is really strong.
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
Some stupid pun or joke.
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
Being embarrassed over wearing anything too feminine like a dress or something like that, she prefers simple clothing.
>How would you "pop the question" to your waifu? What would be her likely reaction?
No idea how id "pop the question" but her reaction would probably be surprised, confused and taken back not knowing how to react to it all while blushing. But there is no way to know for sure what it would be.
>imblying anyone loves forever
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu? Why or why not?
Yes, it comes naturally. Especially towards the such frail creature as Alice. She learned to fight in her imagination, especially good with a weapon. Doesn't change the fact that she's emaciated and weak
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
I don't really know... The occurrences where she even smirks, let alone smiles, can be counted on one hand, and they're always when she delivers some one-liner as a comeback to an epic shittalk by the enemy, or when she pushes a bastard in front of a train
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
She rocks back and forth sometimes, it looks pretty cute
>How would you "pop the question" to your waifu? What would be her likely reaction?
Hidden messages and shit.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
Wanderer, but respected by the towns and villages she has defended.
>Would she adapt to this world?
All the tecnology and differences might be too much for her, at least at first. Like what Shivfriend said in I'm not sure how the world would react to seeing a 3ft tall cat-like person.
>whats your favorite anime and why?
JoJo, pretty much cause I enjoy the action scenes, the insane powers and how great the animation has gotten in Parts 4 and 5.
>How do you feel about the holiday season
I love the cold weather and seeing my family members again after a long time.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
I imagine that the cold doesn't help when she goes searching for the Hero
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
I have been trying to find new ways of drawing her. I have had some success so far.
Little Witch Academy is great.
What's your opinion on the Enchanted Parade movie?
I doubt I have good enough equipment to do it. Sorry.
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu? Why or why not?
Definitely. On some places I already am protective. She's my waifu, why wouldn't I protect her smile?
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
Probably a well thought out joke. Maybe saying something ironic would also make her laugh.
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
She acts very tsundere a lot of the time, and its really cute when she does it.
>How would you "pop the question" to your waifu? What would be her likely reaction?
I'd probably do it on a special day like Christmas or her birthday, and when we are on a date or something. I would tell her how glad I am to be with her and then ask the question.
>What kind of social status does your waifu have?
She's a princess and the daughter of her village chief so she's pretty high
>Would she adapt to this world?
It would be hard at first because of how different our eras are, but she'd fit well on a rural area
>whats your favorite anime and why
Higurashi because of the vn, I really love the mistery aura and atmosphere along with the way the story is written, same way with the characters and situations. If anime only then it would be Angel Beats, I love how really emotional in general regarding the characters' stories and the love stories even if they didn't have much focus. I loved both the anime and ln
>How do you feel about the holiday season
It's a nice excuse to see our family, even if I hate the hot weather since it's summer here.
>how does your waifu feel about it?
Pretty sure she'd like it as well, even if she seems to enjoy calm moments
>Have you done anything recently for your waifu?
I've been organizing her pic folder by outfits, nothing more besides that. I'd love to get a plushie or figure someday
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu? Why or why not?
Of course I would, she's someone I really love and treasure. It would really annoy me to see people tormenting her.
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
A simple and honest "I love you" would be enough to make her smile
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
The way she shows her love to the person she loves, like going though a lot of trouble on valentine to make him a chocolate made by her own to be more special. That kind of things are really lovely
>How would you "pop the question" to your waifu? What would be her likely reaction?
She's pretty good at detecting when people is lying or hiding something, so I'd just ask her right away. She's get pretty emotional about it.
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu? Why or why not?
Of course I would protective of her. She is everything to me. Seeing something bad happen to her would absolutely crush me.
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
Telling her a cheesy or innocent joke or showing her something cute.
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
Her laugh. Her laugh is something I can listen to for the rest of my life and probably not get tired of. That and her goofy and yet absolutely adorable dance.
>How would you "pop the question" to your waifu? What would be her likely reaction?
I've though about this a lot. I'd plan the whole night out. First I'd take her somewhere really fancy out for a romantic dinner. Then I'd take her for a stroll in the most beautiful part of town I know of and take her to the perfect spot. Then I'd take her hands in mine as I express my passionate love for her, how she means the world to me and how I want her to be by my side for the rest of my life and then of course pop the question. She'd probably get really emotional and even be brought to tears
Also, you shouldn't think so low of yourself Meridanon. The fact that you acknowledge your flaws is a sign that you are already better than you make yourself out to be, methinks. It is important for one to be critical of themselves while still being fair. In a more objective point of view a waifu's love can be seen as an analogy for self-worth and self-evaluation. Just as we shouldn't have unrealistic goals for ourselves we shouldn't expect our waifus to seek our perfection. We should still strive for this ideal as we will receive satisfaction and comfort in knowing we are trying to be the best we can for them and "earning" their love in a way. Emphasis on trying as it is the first step and a sign that you have taken initiative and thus fighting for that goal and therefore fully deserving it as long as you don't give up on it. I hope what I'm saying makes sense.
>I hope what I'm saying makes sense.
Don't worry, MercyAnon. It did. I accept my waifu for who she is, flaws and all. She's even willing to go out of her way to fix her mistakes if they hurt someone she loves. I just want to be a person she'd like. The truth is, I'm not entirely sure. No one is sure, I think. And that's what need to remember. I shouldn't try to fit some "mold" of what I think she'd like, but I should work towards being the best person I can be. For her.
Foggy night tonight boys
anyways, i don't know how can someone even hate themselves. To me that occurs only when super fuckup, and lasts no less than a few hours. I merely recognize that I have flaws that have to be worked on, but due to the fact that I don't give a fuck about anything, it rarely happens
>Anything is possible user.
Are you serious? Do you seriously believe that there is a way for me to be with my love? I know there isn't. I have accepted that long ago. Only suffering and tears await me.
>I hope you aren't speaking about me.
I'm speaking about you
>There is no hope for me of loving anything
Yes, there is. How many people have you met in person throughout your life? With how many you had a meaningful discussion? 10? 100? 1000? Or maybe 1000000? Still not enough for saying that there is no hope. There are fucking 7 billions of us here. Don't pretend like you even know half of them.
>It is better to love that which is not real than something which caused pain.
Oh man. You are so fucking wrong on this one. If only you knew how I suffer because of Alice. You seriously believe that I don't feel any pain becuase of her? That I'm happy that I'll NEVER be with her? That it's good for me to see others saying disgusting, sexual things about her? While I can't do anything because she will NEVER EVER be mine because she just isn't real. She gave me much more bad than good.
>It is better to know something is compatible with you user.
I have no idea if I'm compatible with her. How can I even know that? I have never even spend 1 minute with the true Alice.
>Is 3d love better?
Yes it definitely is. And there are numerous examples of people loving each other even when they are old.
I don't know about others, but to me your vision of waifuism as some sort of blessing is entirely wrong. Every fucking day I have to wear a mask. To pretend that I'm someone else. That my heart is made out of stone and I don't love anyone. I have to hide such strong, romantic emotions deep inside of me and pretend that I'm normal. Sometimes I let this energy go out through poems or music. But for what fucking purpose? She will never even know about my existence. She will never know about my love for her. And yet, I don't want anyone else.
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu? Why or why not?
It depends. She can handle a lot on her own, but violence isn't her forte.
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
She loves compliments on her art and little jokes. It sounds boring, but it really isn't.
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
>How would you "pop the question" to your waifu? What would be her likely reaction?
I'd just ask her. I'm sure she'd say yes.
I hate myself constantly but i have my reasons, stopped going to school in 8th grade for no explainable reason and now ive basically fucked my life over, mom was an alcoholic and died 2 years ago, visited her only once in the hospital before she passed and a bunch of other shit so people can hate themselves constantly but ig they have to be real fuckups like me or worse for it idk.
Sakaki was my favorite from azumanga daioh too. I guess you can say i have a thing for tall, quiet, mature, black haired girls
Would they even celebrate christmas in columbia? Im kinda on the fence about this one...
Shes busy listening to the rolling stones user dont you remember from the game?
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu? Why or why not?
Fiercely protective of your waifu in what way?
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
Bad puns most likely or doing nice things for her in general. Shed appreciate the effort and the fact that im doing it for her would make her become bashful pretty easily id imagine.
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
Becoming overly excited and replacing her mature and calm demeanor with a hyper and childish nature. Its so cute to see her do this mixed with the way her face lights up when she gets like this.
>Seriously believe
user, you are speaking to an autist who believes in the possibility of anything existing. Saying with any sort of clarity that something is impossible is just not for me. I will admit a small chance, but... I guess I still got hope somehow, no matter how silly it even seems to me.
>Speaking about you
Well, you are wrong user. I am unable to connect with other human beings. I have isolated myself. I have ridiculously high standards. I will never leave my parent's basement. I don't even have any basis in the modern era, what people these days talk about is pretty much alien to me as I am stuck in the past.
>Meaningful discussion
Actually, 0. I will admit I seem to draw people in. But nobody genuinely wants anything to do with me. Nobody ever has. I have never had a "friend" tolerate me for more than a couple months, especially with it not turning out to be an act for them to use me to get me to buy something for them or just out of pity of me being so unlikable. I feel it extremely unlikely there is anyone else out there even like me, nevertheless someone who can understand and like me, for I hate myself and that means someone like me would dislike me.
>Disgusting sexual things
It is really upsetting to see how easily someone can take advantage. How they can draw crude artwork... and somehow make it nearly as valid as that you desire. It is a weakness and normies love to stab your weaknesses. I am sorry you suffer user. When I meant pain however, I meant pain because of her herself, through betrayal and her character being a lie to you. The world may hurt you, you may never be with her, but at least her personality can remain consistent. Society is just constant betrayal.
Part 1 of 2.
>Would you be fiercely protective of your waifu?
Obviously I would. She looks so fragile. I think I would even be too obsessive because I would be afraid of her leaving me.
>Why or why not?
Because I'm a man and that's what a man should do. Protect his loved ones.
>What would be the easiest way to make your waifu smile or laugh?
Probably some dark humour.
>What's the cutest thing your waifu does?
>How would you "pop the question" to your waifu?
I would like to confess her my love and that I want to be with her for the rest of my life under some romantic crcumstances. Maybe a sunset in the mountains or something like that.
>What would be her likely reaction?
I don't know but I believe she would just smile and tell me to go away.
Have you never seen a happy old couple? Or even a mother that is very old that still loves his son? Of course it's possible to love someone forever. That's what real love is. The honeymoon phase always comes to an end but it doesn't mean you will stop caring for that person as soon as it's over.
I can't bear to look at myself in the mirror. Years of emotional manipulation and bullying have left me feeling hollow. I hate the sound of my voice. I can barely stand talking about myself. I don't like thinking about myself, because it just leads to me hating myself even more. I can't remember the last time I felt good about myself for being myself. Improvement is needed, but I don't know if I'll ever truly love myself the way my waifu does.
If you don't like yourself, who do you want to be?
mikhaila peterson
who do you want to be?
>How can I know that
...How can you love someone that would HATE you? That you know feels nothing but animosity for all you stand for? I figure you know based on detailed studies, on comparing herself to you, on knowing her preferences and knowing you can meet them. How can one have obsessions, knowing they are wrong? Knowing you would just hurt her? Knowing there is no possibility of ever connecting on any wavelength?
You understand her user, deeply and with a lot of involvement. Meanwhile, I am an autist who cannot hope to ever understand anybody. You can get a waifu. I don't deserve love as it doesn't matter that I try, it matters that I fail repeatedly to the point where my opinions are a joke. To the point where you can see why many feel I don't even deserve a right to an opinion.
Until I can understand somebody else, I am a monster, one undeserving and also incapable of love. If you don't know compatibility, how can you say you fully understand? Of course, you are not me. If you were, I would say to not consider Alice a waifu until I can understand her every motion and know us to be perfect soulmates. But I would not expect such a heavy thing on someone else. You probably understand her. You aren't me.
>Definitely is
I will agree, 3d is better, but you cannot dictate where your love goes.
I said it was to the acceptance of being hated or an annoyance. It is better than fearing you are some psychopath who can't even feel emotions like love. At least you know you are human.
>Every day I have to wear a mask
It would be easier in my shoes there. Nobody around me cares. If they don't care about the scars, they wouldn't care about my love. Of course, I also am highly avoidant and don't like real life social interaction.
>Poems or music
Unironically what I do. In my case, it just is a further sign of how terrible of a person I am, for I still create knowing my stuff is atrociously mundane and that I can never understand things.
There's this vision of an ideal version of myself I have in my head. Someone I can be proud of being. I don't know if I'll ever get there, but I suppose I can try.
>Would they even celebrate christmas in columbia?
Isn't Colombia Catholic? They'd probably celebrate it.
Dead. It is what I deserve and would stop people from being annoyed from me. If not for my family breaking down in tears from my last attempt, I would do it... I just can't harm people.
It feels egotistical to ever offer the slightest bit of praise. I have proof I don't deserve it. I took tests online to prove my intelligence which proved me pretty much on par with the mentally retarded. I have the testaments of hundreds, stored so I can look back at them and remember how terrible of a human being I am.
Everyone talks about self-improvement. Only problem is when you don't even know what you want.
Not him but I think you are looking at this from the wrong perspective.
The reason I tend to connect waifuism to religion is because to me both are related to the soul and the metaphysical. Just because she doesn't physically exist in the real world doesn't mean you don't have a bond with her, and you clearly do. It's not that I don't expect you to not be angry at the fact she isn't real and that you didn't wish it were otherwise. I just want you to understand that she has way more impact on you, the world around you and the perception of this world. She's more real than you make her out to be. Does Alice's wonderland not have value just because it isn't real? Does that make it any less intriguing or meaningful to Alice? The fact that you do feel pain shows she's more real than potential physical woman you haven't met. I'm not telling to delude yourself. Quite the opposite in fact. You should try to see the potential in both of you. Yourself as a way to express through her and she as a way to be expressed through you. You mere idea of Alice serves as a medium between you and the world around you and the other way around.
Comparing 3D and 2D love is like comparing apples and oranges. They both have their pros and cons and differ greatly to stand a direct comparison. A similarity both share though is that they envoke positive and negative emotions. Many people can talk all day about how their love for a woman has ruined their lives. However it never is so black and white. Life has it's low and high points. The low points will teach us many great lessons and make us better man than we were before them and in a way are means to an end - the high points. Acknowledging despair is essential to conquering it but one should never wallow in it.
>Every day I have to wear a mask. To pretend that I'm someone else. That my heart is made out of stone and I don't love anyone. I have to hide such strong, romantic emotions deep inside of me
I know exactly how you feel.