How many of you fags live with this never ending torture?
I do and I was coping just fine until you reminded me just now.
Almost forgot about it till I saw this thread
I take respiridone and it causes that to happen sometimes.
i'm sorry fellow anons, how do you cope with it? mine was not so bad for 8 years, recently it got much louder
Box fan on 24 hours a day. I almost always have headphones on with music going which is distracting.
There's supposed to be some vitamins that help, like high doses of some b vitamin. I never tried it for any length of time.
>Bzziiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii
Anybody know this feel?
I took a bunch of fenbendazole and it stopped. I wouldn't recommend it though because I probably damaged my liver.
ive had it since i fell asleep with headphones on too loud about 7 years ago. i don't notice it or care too much about it usually.
I am afraid of making it worse by listening to music for too long, i already can't sleep without earbuds, and even a large fan can't mask it very good, it just prevents me from going insane. Mine is pretty loud user, i think it's about 40db, at least 35db, if this shit keeps getting worse, i think am gonna kill myself pretty soon. my only hope is for a treatment in the following 5 years or so
mine is exactly like that, 24/7, since 2009 i think. Louder than the tv at a medium volume
I've had it since I was 10-11. Got it because I thought I was a hard cunt by not plugging my ears for machinegun fire at a military demo. The ringing has been intense ever since.
I've had it for a really long time, but it's really quiet. I'm not sure how I got it, but when I was a little kid, I would hear it all the time when I was trying to sleep at night. thought it was the sound of electricity flowing through the wires of the house at the time. Sometimes I wish I didn't have tinnitus, so I could truly enjoy silence, but I guess I can't, so I shouldn't dwell on it.
How do you cope with it? and how loud is it?
I do, not often tho
Place the palms of your hands over your ears with fingers resting gently on the back of your head. Your middle fingers should point toward one another just above the base of your skull. Place your index fingers on top of you middle fingers and snap them (the index fingers) onto the skull making a loud, drumming noise. Repeat 40-50 times.
Took me about 2 years to adjust and stop being too sad about it, a large amount of exercise aids sleep.
It's audibility is hard to quantify, enough to not be masked by reasonable sound levels. A lawnmower can mask it, as can loud music. A petty estimate in decibels would be 36+-3.
What kind of exercise and aids sleep? Glad to know you're not too sad about it anymore
i doesn't work, not even for a second :/
It's almost background noise most of the time and I'm almost constantly consuming some kind of music, podcast, show, etc to drown it out or doing something that'll make noise so my focus shifts to that but if I try I can focus on it. Occasionally it'll hit this insanely high note that I can't ignore, like just the other day I woke up and my ear was instantly ringing and it didn't subside for a couple hours.
This isn't what you asked but I have nowhere else to share these feels.
>taking a low dose ace inhibitor
>been coughing non-stop for months
Just kill me senpai
Used to have it after nerve damage in brain rendered me deaf and off-balance, went away after a couple of years, just b youreself, bro.
mine seems lower pitched than most
imagine the sound of an old CRT turning on and off but on a constant loop, that's what i've been hearing all my life
Got it by living in a 100sqft room with an entire bag of rotting potatoes for several weeks. The mold exposure caused hay fever and had large pressure build up in inner ear. Had stabbing pains, fluid, feeling of pressure in ears, and was off balance and had constant watering eyes and sniffles. All the symptoms except thr tinnitus went away when I threw away the potatoes, which had by that point essentially liquified.
I'm surprised that did it for you. I used to go to concerts all the time in high school and fuck up my ears, and feel sick the next day because I couldn't hear and my equilibrium was fucked up. Luckily, I do not have tinnitus today.
I have learned to tune it out, but it is deafeningly loud tv-like static if I focus in on it.
100% got it from being a dipshit when I was a kid and not being smart about earphone volume. I can go days without noticing it then I notice it and then don't hear it again after about 20-30min. It's manageable and I haven't made it worse by occasionally listening to headphones like when I got to the gym or take a nap on my lunch break.
I do believe we'll get a resolution in the next 15-30 years. I'm just gonna try not to fuck mine up more in the interim.....
that's probably the most unique way of getting it...
Forgot to add that I believe a big big part of it is psychological. When it first happend it drove me mad for 4 months then my brain either adapted or tuned it out. For those who have it and lost hearing it must be worse becuase the background noise can't drown it out.
I see you everywhere user and it's trippy. When're you gonna come out as a transgirl to r9k?
I've had it for as long as I can remember along with visual snow.
I genuinely have no idea what complete silence sounds like or what complete darkness looks like.
I got mine the same way.
After I started lowering the volume and keeping it low it started to go away but it definitely let's me know it's still there sometimes.
If you're reading this and scared about developing Tinnitus start paying attention to loud volume levels. Music will often trick you because if it feels good to listen to it must be good for you right? In a sense yeah but pay attention to how loud it is, if it as loud as a chainsaw then turn it the fuck down. Same for people who work in areas where they're exposed to constant loud noises. Wear ear protection please. If dubs we find a cure this year.
I've had it since birth. Just sitting in a car in the garage as a kid, wondering why silence sounds like that. And nobody I asked had an answer. No tricks work to stop it. I can flex the volume with my jaw.
>. If dubs we find a cure this year.
i've had it since december 16 2010
i wanted to suicide at first but i've learnt to live with it and it rarely ever bothers me anymore except for rare bouts where it will suddenly kick into overdrive out of nowhere and then slowly die down again after a few seconds
Is it a bad omen user? Isn't 333 the number of the devil's son? May we never find a cure???
positively and beyond based
>put your hands over your ears with the fingers pointing towards your neck
>put the pointer fingers over your middle fingers and flick them repeatedly onto the back of your neck while keeping your ears completely covered (you should only be able to hear the pounding)
>keep doing this rhythmically for a minute at a time
>the ringing will be temporarily gone when you uncover your ears
Stop complaining i hear my heartbeat inside of my ears and head along with the most intense tinnitus ever from ptsd. You guys dont know shit
This thread has just made me realize I have this. Fucking god damn it. I just thought that silence was genuinely loud all these years. Not loud as like a busy room or a event, but just a loud humming with a high constant ring in the middle of it. Mine it almost sounds like the ringing is turning on and off super fast so it sounds like lots of little crickets or something. My dad has tinnitus to, but I never realized it was what I was hearing. It's not too bad honestly, I think mine is bearable because it sounds like millions of super fast chirping crickets so its comforting. But it sucks that I even have it.
>tinnitus from PTSD
You have PTSD and tinnitus you retard, if you treated your PTSD your tinnitus would remain
Unless you're shellshocked, you just happen to have fucked hearing from gunfire assumedly
Also don't reply to everyone
I think i was born with it? i always thought as a kid everyone heard a slight ringing noise when it is very quiet in a room. since i dont remember not having it I am able to not let it affect me at all and sometimes find the high tone of my therapeutic that is until someone brings it up and i start hearing it more.
kek fucking kill yourself
the thread
Not me, since I can mostly live without having other people having to listen to my crybaby noises ;)
>ever having silence in your life
I'm jealous actually. I've not heard the quiet noise since... forever ago. It's never silent.
I've had tinnitus for years and didn't know what it was, so I'm actually used to it. I think I might've even been born with it. Didn't know it was an "illness" until last year, but I've lived just fine.