who are your favourite discord users?
zarr is a slut who tries to hide it
elvar looks like the adoring fan
picard is a pedo
michael looks like a mexican goblino
cvnka is void of personality so has to create fake mystery around themselves
micheal is great to talk to
>Discord niggers
>shitting up Jow Forums
Has there ever been a better duo?
sleepy is my favorite. a more beautiful angel there wasn't.
>Have dozens of pics of cute girls I keep in a folder for motivation
>Would save these but know she's somehow a worthless whore if she has anything to do with this board or is on discord and isn't even close to someone I'd wanna work hard towards one day getting
Also stop being so fucking salty that eGirl didn't want your peepee nigga, nearly all women are degenerate whores. Maybe 1/5000 are worth actually having.
whats wrong with zarr, what did she do?
she seems p autistic and innocent to me?
I have never used Discord. I am not even sure what it is.
Mine are:
And last but not least
somewhat sad i am too scared to socialise. maybe people would be nice
wanna join a call with my friend and i we are talking about jojo
wanna join a call with my friend and i we are talking ab
yeah, join us dude
we are always open to new friends (also i like your suicide boy image)
sorry lads it's 6am here and i really cant talk
give us your discord anyway lol we can chat another time mars
you can get my discord from him later :D
we can make so many fun memories together
Kek, I remember being in a server democracy server where people could be voted as president, the first thing that the newly elected president did was ban her
Please kill yourself, stupid tranny nigger. Just die
based and sanspilled
i dont like r9k celebs
cvnka is a god LITERALLY A GOD
and i am her faithful acolyte so is>49893245
can someone posts zarrs discord?
imagine actually caring about r9k pseudo celebrities
imagine being a faggot like you
no, i can't imagine being a faggot actually. I don't use discord.
i'd honestly rather be a faggot than some cunt who worships retarded r9k posters. too bad you're both.
Heh this user got your number there.
Salt, you little shit bird
not my fault cvnka is incredible
I definitely say Opfernacht but I havent seen him in a while got kicked from his servers for some reason
Dormin is an unironic chad,
he's also the bridge between robothood and normieville, the perfect limbo,
I wish more people could be like him
are we supposed to remember the name of every failed normie who uses discord lol?
who the fuck are these people lmao
i deserve his seed in lewd places. what's his discord tag?
my favorite user is myself
good for you
thank you you're also my favorite user :)
where do these r9k celebs come from??? what are the servers??
a guy called Comfy
How do I get over being obsessed with a guy I've only talked to on Discord (I'm a straight man)
Just thought he was cool and now I get jealous whenever I see him being better friends with other people
He was added to a server frequent and I had to leave after a few days of autistically tracking his messages and seeing all the people making him cool artwork and who have known him for months or years longer than I have
I think this happens whenever I engage in serious DMs with someone which is why I generally avoid it
my faforite discord is riddler and code and ckojima and glass and and aero and uh glass and also um wish and okay some more
Nero is p cool
mines probably icecream or evlar
my favorite is JellySwirls#6969 !!!!