Femanon here

Femanon here :) AMA! Crush advice, life advice, I give it all.

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not bump,, fag

I have five questions:
>did you write the book of love
>do you have faith in god above (if the bible tells you so)
>do you believe in rock and roll
>can music save your mortal soul
and last but lot least,
>can you teach me how to dance real slow

Titts or gotfo

fuck off thot. bussy is better than that gaping hole you got between your legs that oozes blood and slime.

Are you the femanon that wanted to become a doctor but her mom didn't let her?

nope! :) i work in retail! teehee

Go and get a pap smear you slut.

what's the easiest way to commit suicide :DDD

I'll bite.

Explain why, in their late teens all the way up until their late 20's, women have an obvious tendency to flock to men who have nothing going for them?

I'm not even talking exclusively chads here. I'm talking the type who can barely pay rent, regularly consume drugs/alcohol to the point where it's a normal after-work routine, crash their cars, flirt with other women behind their back, ruin their line of credit with retarded impulse buys, and generally become burnout fuckups.

I see this on Instagram all the time, where a solid 8/10 will be living with a complete loser with no aspirations or drive.

Women seem utterly obsessed with these kinds of dudes. Anons can label this the alpha/beta dynamic all they want, but there's nothing alpha about "I'm the janitor at walmart and my girlfriend and I sleep on a dirty mattress while struggling to afford rent."

fuck off fag. pussy is better than that gaping hole you got in your ass that oozes shit and can't lubricate itself

how do i go to sleep earlier

Tits or g... meh who I'm kidding, it's a man



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go to the kitchen nig

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Why do I have crippling depression?

Can you be my very original gf?

Why do you think being a female entitles you to act like some fucking guru? You know you're a vapid whore with no interests beyond taking dick right?

What's the best way to request a meeting with a coworker/friend for "no reason"?

Well actually I have a reason: it's because I want to clear up a misunderstanding and fight we had last time we met, some of which has implications for my work, not just the friendship. On the other hand, I don't want to blindside her which will just upset her even more.
Right now all I have written is a 1 liner email asking to meet separately, with the line "maybe for lunch" thrown in. Given the fight we had is that still too friendly? Most of the advice columns on the internet for this sort of thing suggest you write in the email about how much the friendship means and other "excessively emotional" things (as she calls it) that would probably ensure my email never gets responded to, or worse. The last thing I want is to make things even worse over email without a chance to explain myself.

We want someone we can fix. Someone just fragile enough, who will be incredibly grateful making us feel more important

Should I go to gunsmithing school?

This thread was made by the CIA. Females do not exist on the internet.

Gf is waiting for me to say "I love you" (read in in a text with her best friend), I dont love her and want to break up tomorrow. There are too many problems in the relationship and I dont see a good future for both of us if we stay together.
How do I best tell her this?
She lives a 1 hour train ride away so I will probably have to tell her on the phone.
Dont want to tell her this right after she drives over to me or right before she goes back home, feeling like that would be a dick move.
Advice please

just tell her you dont love her and that it isnt working out you fucking pussy

Leave the board normie

Where exactly do you live? I might come visit you if you dare post details.

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I am a 20yo robot and she is my first real gf, lost v card to her at 20 too.
You are probably a 14yo edgy virgin that thinks he is a robot. I've been though shit, I've had hard times and I've worked for this. All that just so you can tell me to leave this board? Ye fuck you and your opinion, you dont even know what it is like to be a robot reddit fag.

right right right right

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>all these retards biting the obvious bait

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Fuck off. No one wants your "help".

You shemales really went all out trying to make wojak a grill.

How does it feel to take 3 hours out of your life to clean your wound you dickless tranny

Women are incapable of love and romance, their brains are not wired for it. You can't hurt her like she can hurt you, without even understanding what exactly she has done.

When she says that she loves and needs you, she isn't thinking what you think. The concepts of devotion, fighting for and dedicating her whole life to you aren't something she can conceptualize.
All those things exist only in your own mind and she doesn't mean any of them when she tells you how much she loves you.

Women have three main priorities: their kids, themselves and their provider, in this order. Provider means whatever she needs at the moment, it could be money, emotional support, hard dicking, a father for her kids or wanting to feel loved.
She will never put you above herself or her (future) kids. Her needs can change from one day to another, and if you aren't providing the new thing, you're out of her life as if nothing had happened.
When that occurs, she isn't left with a broken heart and won't be brooding for long. In fact she's quick to forget all you meant to her, and she's easily entertained by "new things", be it a man, friends or something banal like traveling and spending money meaninglessly.

She will never subject herself to true hardships and will never make significant sacrifices to remain with you. Her stability and comfort come first.

Young girls can exhibit strong attachment that may look like intense love, but it's all about themselves, their lack of self esteem, daddy issues, etc.
When they threaten to harm or kill themselves over you, it isn't because of love but because they failed to chain you, and self-pity comes easy at such a young age.

When chads pump and dump, they haven't thought of any of this, they understand it on a genetic level, to not attach themselves to women who can easily hurt them in return. Instead they graze until finding a suitable mother for their kids.
Romance and true love only exist on paper, and they're written by men.

May this poster burn in hell along with the OP of the stupidest thread of the year.

damn, man that's my mums favourite song

miss her.

Dear magic cunt, how do i kill these glow in the dark CIA niggers?

how to crush more cans in less time op?

I am turkish but that is my favourite song. Literally makes me wanna be an american.

not OP but female
With younger girls I think it's insecurity. If they date the lowest of the low then they can lie to themselves and keep up the facade of believing they're the most amazing thing that's ever happened to the earth and, on a smaller scale to reflect this, to whatever low-life they're dating. Also virtue signalling "Look I'm not shallow I'm fucking this absolute loser autist". It's all me me me, "look I'm so good and virtuous, not like those other shallow women who value themselves enough to have higher standards, I'm beautiful AND uncorrupted by capitalism"
Just another way for females to get validation, really.
Also, at least in the west, high status females generally don't care about the status or looks of their partner because they've been told all their lives that they're amazing, smart, beautiful and can do everything by themselves.

TL;DR It's the fact that they now fool themselves into thinking they don't need the support of a man combined with low-self-esteem and seeking validation.

Why does this depiction of a femanon look like it farts a lot?

Tits + sandwich. Pronto!!!

>easy access to drugs
>wide fan of emotions, the good, the bad, the ugly, women being devoid of any initiative to get these by themselves, flock to these people, cuz they are not boring and always have something going on for them
>some of these guys are good looking, give no shit about their social standing, they aren't low inhib, just no inhib at all, as free as they get
>virtue signaling
>status is like publicity, all publicity is good publicity, even bad one, this means good or bad status doesn't matter, women like attention, they'll leech plenty by being with the king of "losers".
>victim points, every girl has that crazy abusive ex, every girl likes to play victim, all of them
>women shit test men, these men give no shit, thus the stupid hoes orbit these guys because they are the only ones who don't put them on a pedestal, as alpha as it gets.
>they get dicked well, as these guys literally use women as fleshlights, getting their nuts off, everywhere, anytime, the way they want it, fulfilling their perverted fantasies without giving a shit if she likes it or not, that is why when they settle for betabux they give him starfish sex saying they don't do that anymore cuz muh abusive ex forced me to, even if these cheap ass hoes enjoyed every single moment of being used and abused
Ironic that the only way to get love from a woman, is not to love her, if you wanna be romantic, do so with your mom, buy her flowers and chocolate, she'll definitely appreciate lmao, grandma works too.
There's probably more stuff i could have snuck there but, i think i gave you a general idea.
So who wants a gf lol.
There are good girls, just not even enough of them as of today.

accidentally slept with my coworker
how do I make her stop texting me. thank

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nice samefagging there hahah
at least try and change your style of writing to come across as someone else wow

>43 posts
Dont fucking ignore me. Tell me why you thought OP was actually female. Say it with me now, "Hur durr I'm a giant fucking retard"

Should I commit suicide?
I have a very hard time developing feelings for people, romantic or platonic.
Even my own family has a "Meh" kind of meaning to me.

I see them as good/alright people, but not really like people I love.
If I can't feel love for my family, then how can I develop genuine and deep romantic feelings?

I've had sex, but it didn't mean much to me.

Is life worth it if I can't experience love? Be honest.

Depends, are you originally male or female?

What the fuck are you even talking about you original nigger

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22 year old male, bisexual.
I've been in relationships before, but I quickly lose interest.
I always feel like a jerk after ending it.

You are probably what the kids are calling "pansexual" which in this day and age I imagine is pure suffering. Just focus on friends. Not OP btw.

Yeah so you're "BPD" like women then. Stay away from people and focus on learning what it means to be human.

Have you ever considered cutting off your labia minora with a pair of scissors?
They look so dangly. Do they ping back like an elastic band when you stretch them out and let go?

im a MtF transgender, sould i kill myself cus i can never be a really woman ?

im being real

Only if you livestream it otherwise who cares?

t. seething normie

woldent live stream it no, mabye recorde it so some cop could uplode it to lilveleak or some shit.

geuss i`ll stay a failure of a human being as ive always been

>getting this many responses on low tier bait

the absolute state of r9k

Uh, can you tell me if a 3am text from a girl saying I looked good last night may just in fact be merely a compliment with no other motive?

if there's any reason you should do it it's *because* you want to be a woman

you can choose to want to be anything and you chose that.

Sounds like a drunk text.

Can I ask, do you have a penis?

Is that bad? Or relatively good?

It's not really anything. She thought you looked good while she was drunk. The jury's still out on whether or not she meant it and to what degree, especially if she hasn't said anything else, but I guess it's better than nothing.

Cool, thankee-sai

I'd like to shrunken down, live in between your ass cheeks, and lick upon the dirty ring of your asshole for nourishment everyday.

What advice would you give me based upon this information? How does it make you feel? Would prefer me to fix myself so I don't have fantasies like this?

How would you feel if you always cum from the clitoris and not the hole?

>hot coworker
>too shy to get to know her
How to without being creep?

Why do women give shit advice limited to stories about their own experiences fueled by a hunger for attention?

>he thinks its actually a femanon

check my digits and you will see... what i imply is true

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