Previous thread>How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions in the next post down, thanks to you all. People who enter the thread may post their liist at will, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me then?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
No, all of your information will be protected. The recipient will not see any info.
>How can I post my Wishlist without being blocked by the filter then?
Press the Share Envelope and copy the permalink. If that doesn't work, remove the dot from your link.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return for it!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have Amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
Remember to have a good time, a lot of us don't have much else going for us in the year, so this event can be fun if you follow the guidelines and tips. Remember to post images of whatever you get so we can make new compilations, thanks to all participants this year, have a great christmastiime.
Jow Forums Secret Santa 2018 #45
Other urls found in this thread:
DO NOT "INVITE" PEOPLE TO YOUR LIST, use "send list to others" instead
>heh, you fuckin idiots...last year i got an epic haul by making fake addresses and got tons of gifts for doin it this time again too :))))
>look at all these things you guys bought my baby, that i totally didn't buy off my own wishlist and post pics with to fuck the thread up!
>god damnit this shit again??? clogging up the top threads of r9k, how else am i gonna see 10 trap threads?????
>Grinchers want attention, do not give them attention thanks
>content contribution is encouraged
>keep the thread comfy
>If you claim to have bought something, post prooof in the thread
>Trip codes are welcome and even encouraged in this thread
>Do not respond fall for, "Hi, just off to work, I'll look when I get back but here is my list NOW" or "I don't have money rn, but I get paid this Friday, this is my link NOW btw" thanks you guys oregano
>Don't reply to bait in general thank you everyone
Thanks, guys, have a very good christmas everybody.
We're up to 122 received gifts this year, and USPS is probably gonna slow down a lot as of now.
I can't wait till these threads die, honestly.
we're waiting for you to go first
Imagine being this upset that someone shows discontent with your e-begging threads.
they're gonna bury what's left of the kool-aid man in a soup can
Im looking for the ark extinction dlc, if anybody wants to buy me it, add me at
Thanks r9k
Why are they gonna put him there user, he did nothing to deserve the soup can.
he broke the 4th wall
that shit looks like its about some mad dinosaurs what the hell
We're closing in to the big day, I can finally see it, cold cold weather. I hope others do get what they want before the day comes.
I cannot wait until it starts snowing a ton, so I can go throw on some shorts and go make a snow angel.
These threads are a bit slow as of late, so I figure I'll post now before I sleep instead of staring at my screen for hours waiting for (You)s. Thanks again Sandler for the measuring spoons and cups - hopefully my financial situation will improve and I can make more desserts and savory dishes.
Are there any other anons in this thread who like too cook? I'm personally a bit of a beginner in my opinion and a part of it is due to lack of proper kitchenware and obviously money for ingredients. Once I get my own place, I'd love to have a comfy and effective kitchen set up. What do you guys use that works for you? I put a few things on my list (
Merry Christmas - and while I have you, what's your favorite Christmas drink?
Final exams are over for me, I did pretty good. Now I just have to finish this stats final project and it's a month free of school for me. How are the rest of you schoolbots holding out?
I'd add a gf to my wish list but turns out they're not available on Amazon
not a roastie, i just have no money at all. i love yall
In for a hot christmas here down under
>Sam, a gender-ambigious name
>"I'm not a roastie!"
That WD Black seems expensive. You can buy one of these WD 8TB My Books for $160 and take out the drive inside www amazon com/dp/B01LQQHLGC/
Someone also seems to have purchased the onahole off my wish list. Thank you user! Maybe I won't need a gf after all.
New thread so ill put it here again
brokefag, anything is great
Onepiece-user, don't know why your order was split into different shipments but at least some of it arrives soon for you.
hope you lads are having a good christmas.
I think someone bought something off my list so there's really no need to post it anymore but whatever, I have nothing better to do. Thank you to the user that bought something, I really appreciate it. The only reason I'm still gonna post my list is because I'm not 100% certain that something was actually bought and it's kinda fun posting in these threads.
I cook every once in a while, mostly candies and shit that are easy to make but I kinda want to make some more complex holiday treats. Know any fun holiday candies I could try out?
I'm confused as to how this works, I keep clicking buy item X for somebody but on the delivery screen it says it delivers to my place?
They might not have connected a shipping address.
Is it worth it to respond to the person? Makes it not so Santa-y then!
You might as well let them know that they don't have a shipping address so that later on down the line they can get a gift, even if you no longer plan on gifting them.
Ok thanks
put on a shipping address UK-user
Can someone buy me a friend?
Thank you.
i'll just post my steam wishlist instead
There are free friends online user.
premium friends are better, idiot
Seasons greetings, merry krampus
I don't have amazon, but I kind of still hope someone can gift me AOE2 on steam for Christmas
I hope anons scrolling see my cat gif and find it cute
What's everyone up to this morning?
I built most of a MG Sazabi I got for an insanely good price and did Christmas shopping for the dogs. Just some new leads and a box of treats but they always get a gift.
I watched Krampus again. It's better than I remember but still underwhelming.
Heres my steam wishlist :)
Not asking for much. I appreciate all of you.
Hollllyyyy shit. Look at all of these beggars. How disgusting.
My Gundam list fellow Gundam user. Favorite Gundam of all time? Think mines tallgeese
Thanks for the (you), lad. Got any big Christmas plans?
Tallgeese isn't a Gundam, just a mobile suit.
Duel Gundam Assault shroud is pretty cool.
Fine then the wing zero, not endless waltz or bael from IBO. Technically tallgeese heaven was
I'm not familiar with Tallgeese Heaven.
Bael was cool. Bad series but a nice design. It should of used it's wing binders as cool cannons instead of just binders.
Again, I got grinched a while back so some items appear as purchased. Thanks for looking.
user did you cancelled the ssd ? :(
You're probably not around anymore, but my grandmother makes buttermilk fudge around the holidays, it's absolutely amazing and I look forward to getting some every year. Maybe you can make some fudge. :)
Have any pictures of candies you've made before? I'd love to see.
Afternoon folks, hope your days are going well.
shotgun 25 beers and come back to tell the thread how you did for christmas
didn't chris auction that totem off, I wonder who has such a cursed object now
Thank you so much to the user who gave me these two plushies.
there is one isnt there? what does it display
did those two come as a bundle or something?
Thanks, i really need the upgrade
I didn't , but you could buy them at the same time
why banan fuck donut
tallgeese is cool but I'm a heavyarms man
I'm happy to see they arrived quickly. Merry Christmas, user.
You have to go on your list settings -> Mange List -> Delivery Address and set it to whatever your main one is
I have the old 1:144 Heavy arms kit in my backlog ready to upgrade to a modern standard. I started with Sandrock but got sidelined. Going to extend the limbs, replace the joints.
I always had a soft spot for Sandrock but SEED has my favourite designs. If Gunpla battles were real I would be rocking ZAFT all the way. Ginns, GuAIZ, Savior, Impulse, Zaku phantoms. They cover pretty much every play style you would and all in 1 kit. When SD Capsule fighter was still alive I always liked the CGUE Deep arms. Painted mine yellow and used to go brawl with people.
I made a Gunpla and model wish list but didn't post it. Gunplas a little expensive for the average gifter here and I didn't want to post 2 lists and look greedy.
Merry Christmas to a few random anons.
What a nice fella. Not one of the guys you gifted but Merry Christmas lad.
Good on you, serkku. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Can a drawfag turn Kaworu into a qt Christmas boy please?
>Didn't gift me anything
Yeah, go fuck yourself.
Hey, user who got me Monster, do you know when approximately it's gonna show up?
Merry Christmas anonfwens, we are so close. Be sure to stay warm n cozy in the coldlad weather.
Ha, okay bud. Merry Christmas to you too.
Should be there today. See pic.
I hope everyone is doing well during this winter time uwu
The air is getting comfier fellas. Post comfy images.
Got grinched, but I fixed it. I hope you all have a good holiday and new years. Sip some coffee or tea and stay warm all.
Oh shid, I guess I'll have to check the mail soon.
friendly reminder to kill class D personnel in SCP: Containment Breach at all times
Merry Christmas, Marvel user.
>buying marvel funko shit for an apu poster who acts like a retard and posts multiple lists
not too late to cancel.
>buying shit for normalfags
Merry Christmas to you Anons, too!
Why must you lie, I got all fucking exited
Why would you think it is a lie? Which user are you?
He didnt send anything,and im this guy
>tfw only Americans are posting
Whats currency conversion like? Not sure if its brutal enough to stop me buying people stuff or potentially why people aren't buying me anything..
Didn't buy anything in USD or CAD last year.
the different country amazons kind of really suck when it comes to converting without being hit with the retard tier shipping and taxes depending on where you are, I think buying stuff for the UK is an automatic 6 dollar tax or something
conversion isn't bad if you're converting down
harsh if you're converting up to euro or usd
BAPH DRAW user Hope your commissions are going well we love you
see pic related oregano post
Theres many reasons I'd like to live in America, and I guess I can add this to my list of reasons. Guess this thread might've fallen out of fashion in the UK! Guess I'll look at the price of conversion for buying in USD just now. Merry Christmas lads.
Mine doesn't say anything was placed and none of the stuff in his email was something on my wl. Maybe he just mentioned the wrong post
Trying to educate self still
Are you Sam? Did you not have a 64GB USB drive on your list? I'm confused.
Po-Boi user here. First off, Merry christmas to all and hope everyone's doing well. Second: I think someone actually got me something from my list (
To my Secret Santa who gifted me whatever it was (was it the microwave?): I sincerely apologize for missing the door. Will Amazon try again?
I'm not sam, and I dint have the usb on my list. Its all cool tho, must have just been a mistake down the line.
Sorry, user. I'm trying to figure this out. You said you are this user , which as a link to this list
Christ, SCP. I know a guy who stopped talking to all of his friends to stream nothing but SCP. He dropped outta college and he gets like 10-15 viewers watching him play it. Full of kids and its turned him into an absolute wanker.
I enjoy the same, but I've got like 50-60 hours. This man has 700.
Damn he annoys me.
Sorry for ventin lad. But 700 hours.
At least if you lads think you're degenerate, you're not as far down the rabbit hole as this wanker eh
I messed up, my bad. I had copied some elses link to look at their wl and forgot to copy my own when I posted it.
This is my actual wl
Not the guy you're talking to but that is some 4d chess fuckup right there mate. Guy who you had on your clipboard is a lucky guy.
Alright, user. I got you. Merry Christmas.
haha, yea. Damn, I need to pay more attention to what I do
Shit you went out of your way to buy him something despite posting the wrong list originally?
Someones feeling festive!