>tfw Andrew Yang will never win and americans will never have a Universal Basic Income in order to have a decent life and equal society
Why are you americans so stupid?
Tfw Andrew Yang will never win and americans will never have a Universal Basic Income in order to have a decent life...
Blame white people and conservative retards. White Amerimutts absolutely hate things that might possibly benefit them.
True, but that stupidity isn't exclusive to white people.
he supports fag marriage and roasties getting abortions
For 1k a month I dont give a shit.
>he supports fag marriage and roasties getting abortions
That's the fucking problem. Fucking republicans and conservatives will bash Democrats for their liberal views on shit and because of that will vote Republican and let themselves be cucked by the economy and the guys at the top. By voting conservative you keep fucking letting the guys at the top take advantage of you and cuck you, because you don't like fags (I don't like them either, fags are awful).
I mean, fuck faggots I hate them, but the other option is to be cucked by the Republicans and it's much better to just let fags be fags and forget about it.
>pic unrelated
ching chongs haven't had a good run of success on governing their own countries. Why should we trust them to run a country that's suppose to be run by the whites?
The reason is because he needs massive support for his policy. Republican voters would never in a million years be in support of universal basic income. So he is basically left with no other option but to cater towards the party of fags and women.
You guys let a nigger run for president for 8 years
Sorry, Based Yang is like venom to baby boomers, conservacucks, libertarians, Republicans, and together those groups have massive power in the US. I'm still rooting for him though
>White Amerimutts
isn't this an oxymoron?
>Republican and let themselves be cucked by the economy and the guys at the top.
Are you suggesting that by voting dem this wont happen? Sure, kid. We had Obama for eight years and were still the same. Look at California, its blue as fuck but we have second highest homeless rate, lowest standard of living, and largest wealth gap between rich and poor. Im not a Republican btw and im not saying we should vote dem.
>Republican voters would never in a million years be in support of universal basic income
Hed still have a hard time getting centrist democrats on board. DNC would probably just toss him aside and nominate one of their own like they did in 2016. If he were to get elected hed have zero chance of getting corporate neolib democrats in congress to pass his. UBI
btw and im not saying we should vote red.*
Obama instated a cheaper alternative for insurance. Cons hated it.
If he completely disavows his past statements about implementing social credit then I might support him
Until then though, fuck no. I don't want that bullshit in America, even if it comes with UBI.
>and equal society
Impossible, and I vehemently oppose any attempt to make one. An equal society is completely different from one where everyone can have a decent life.
Yep there's no way I'd go for that, even with the $1,000 tax free NEETbux a month. I'll die before I see America become the dystopian hellhole China is, fucking creepy
Excuse me for being a dumbass but what exactly is social credit?
>not supporting it just to see how fast you can rack up a negative score
>ughhh why can't we just leech off of the white taxbase triplefold
>getting all this worked up over an idea that probably would not even be implemented
Did you even read the full article? It's not about blacklisting and fucking people over like in China, it's just "bonus" that the government would give you for helping out the community. It's not a secret plan to turn America into China, dumbass.
That one black mirror episode where social media gave you a score and if you had a high score you got better jobs and shit. But if your score is too low you are litterally a second class citizen. But real.
Some horrific Chinese population control bullshit where the government monitors all of your behavior (social media posts, things you say to co-workers, people you associate with etc) and assigns you good boy points based on how well you conform to social norms. If you have a good score you get fast tracked for employment, free perks when you travel, discounts on consumer goods, reduced rent etc. If you have a bad score you get shut out of society, to the point where you can't even do basic things like traveling via plane. Here are left wing and right wing sources explaining what a nightmare it is.
Yeah great, I'll give it maybe a year before it starts getting abused horribly for political gain.
The bonus alone will stratiffy society. Who is good enough? The morals alone are dubeious and may only reinforce inequality. Money will also buy you a better standing so absolute billionares will also get even more subsidies from government.
It's a B A D idea.
Assuming it's like in China, essentially every action you take is quantified and given a score.
You spend your free time volunteering at a retirement home? Your score goes up for your good deeds.
You donated to charity?
Your score goes up for your good deeds.
Etc. On paper, and as it's sold, it incentivizes being a good person. In practice, however, it give MASSIVE power to the government to control public opinion and behavior on shit.
You don't read the State News media?
Bad deed, your score decreases.
"liked" a post that complained about The Party?
Bad deed, you're being rebellious, your score goes down.
This score is then used for things like getting loans, applying for jobs, getting government services, etc. And if you associate with people of low score, it also affects your own score. Suppose your brother expresses dislike for open borders, or perhaps he thinks censorship in media is wrong, while the State is currently pushing for those things. Obviously, your brother is going to get his score lowered for being a "fringe" person or some shit, but now you have to disown your own brother, convert him to what the state wants, or take the hit to your own score.
It's probably gonna get pretty fucky over the next century or so. There was a point we could implement these policies to help a smooth transistion into automation but we had to be ruled by obscenely rich old men who are disconnected from reality. Get ready for industrial revolution 2: Electric boogaloo friend.
That's why it's SUPPOSE to be white people, also he was only half nigger.
i've literally never heard of this guy and i've been keeping an eye on the democratic primary news.
Mark. My. Words. That social goodboy point system will cause a gigantic and bloody rebellion. More than likley US backed.
One can only hope that will happen, Personally I have doubts that the sheep in this country will take action. Look at China for example they have the one of the largest populations in the world but yet they did not try to rebel against their government when they started implementing this system.
based asian sensation will bring us into the future kicking and screaming
>I'll die before I see America become the dystopian hellhole China is
Dude you already have the exact same shit including facial recognition cameras everywhere and trackers that point out a person's whereabouts from birth onward, what exactly do you think is/will be different in the US?
>In a New York Times article featuring his 2020 Presidential campaign, he is noted as proposing various new policies such as a department focused on regulating the addictive nature of media
He's going to pull the plug on Jow Forums, guys.
My concern is the kike businesses and landlords jacking up prices/rent if UBI does happen
People can abuse it and there is incredible potential for it to go wrong once it's been implemented. Also kill yourself namefag
Seems like your ok with being the governments bitch. Have fun getting denied your $1000 because you jaywalked or you refused to help an old lady. They are already punishing people in China because of petty shit like that. This country is fucked if people like you are allowed to vote.
sounds perfect to me
what's the problem? seriously go fuck yourself you dumb christcuck
The U.S. isn't fucking people over like China is for having low social scores. Imagine not even being able to get on a plane just because your social score is low. Yes we have the technological capability for monitoring individuals extensively but only FBI, NSA, etc are allowed to use that technology in certain cases. Don't even try to compare us to China
i'm muslim you vile bigot
Have any plans user for when the government inevitably implements this shit?
what the fuck
there's no way i'd support him after this even if he disavows it, the fact that he ever thought this was a good idea means he should never even get close to the presidency.
The second amendment
>Why are you americans so stupid?
because there are a lot of greedy people and some of them are dumb
I honestly have little faith in the second at this point, because not enough people seem to give a damn about it, or what it stands for, or how there a shit ton of things that should have been stopped long ago but were allowed to happen anyway. The tree of liberty is very thirsty, and while there are certainly enough tyrants, it seems there aren't enough patriots to water it.
you can get on a plane in the US?
Somehow the Republicans and Democrats have convinced everybody that TOO MUCH EQUALITY is a bad thing.
Everyone's getting all worked up over this guy possibly getting in office and thinking he'll actually be able to implement his ideas. Meanwhile, Trump's been in office for almost 2 years and there's still no sign of a wall being built.
Trump is also incompetent
Yeah, but he's also fucked at every turn by congress. What has Trump actually done while in office?
Moved the embassy to Jerusalem and lowered taxes for big corporations.
Basically everything Jews want
>What is a no-flight list
You have more people per capita on the no-flight list then China.
So yes, I won't compare it, because it would be unfair to China.
>daily caller
you have all being rused
You complete moron, do you think I support this? My question is what are you going to do? What did you do when Echelon became public knowledge in the 80s? What did you do when Snowden told you everything? What did you do when Stingrays became so common even your 50-person village sheriff has one?
And you'll do what exactly again? You've had a "credit score" for far longer than China but it's ok because "private companies" did it under the guise of "muh capitalism" - now that payment processors and hosting companies are disallowing websites based on perceived political leanings of the owner and banning them from the entire internet it's still "muh capitalism" right moron? When Walmart sells your facial recognition data to company X, and then company X combines it with your purchase data and sells it to company Y which combines it with your vehicle data, and shares it with literally everyone, what is the practical difference between this and China please tell me.
I can't imagine an Asian American president.
I imagine after Trump's 8 years in office some other socialist will run using UBI as a campaign promise.
I do imagine there will be a socialist president more so then Obama.
I can't imagine a good future for the world.
It wasn't cheaper, my aunt was almost driven into homelessness from trying to pay for it
Can we get an "Incels for Democrats" campaign going? It's about time people realize cuckservatives have done jack shit for us.
b-but who pays for this shit?
Dunno man Yang sounds pretty based.
I'll be able to sell my property and move most of my money offshore to a currency worth a damn. And his use of social credit to force people to work and contribute to society sounds neat. More than likely Ubi would be for people who can get and keep social credit ie normies.