User's favorite thread

user's favorite thread

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what happen whit this tipe of thread?
i miss them

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>hobby: sucking dick

What dude?

You seem like a cool guy I feel like we would be friends if we lived in the same place

im a broke mexican so I have to go to a cyber to play csgo user. how much did you pc cost?

thanks fren UwU

Oh goody I'm early. I can't wait to see how much I get ignored for shit quality.

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my pc is bullshit but i love it

Mine as well. I can do my regular work from it but most of the time I have to use remmina and log into my work computer because some software wont work on it due to low ram. I guess its good that cdmx has plenty of cafes to play vidya.

I can barely see this but I can tell you like crossdressing and have very strong opinions on things

well with 4gb of ram i don't complain

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*crack* siiip ahh now that was a game
Seriously aoe2 was the only good thing in my life for so long

porque no descargas el win10?
no tiene mucho que me cambie a 10 y me encanta.

tienes Broodwar?

when i play aoe2 i always cheat

nel no tengo broodwar, y estoy como con el 7 poque es el que he usado toda mi vida

where is the template dude

nvm found it. you template posters are absurd. Asking for others but not cultivating new posts lol

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microsoft dijo que 2019 va a ser el ultimo ano
que 7 va a ser soportado. ponte listo para el 10 o 8. llo tambien no me gusto la idea de cambiar pero lo hise porque las actualizaciones lla no van a estar por 7 en 2020.
si no lo sabes, el 10 es gratis si tienes 7 instalado.

I'm agnostic despite my strong 'opinions and have never crossdressed. Are you calling me a biased faggot?

pinche microsoft me quita primero el xbox 360 y ahora el win 7

template pleasee

anons favorite reply

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see here. next time ctrl + f

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Mate you're autistic

holy fuck im autistic thanks

thats why im here m90 whats your excuse

I dont have any friends to do original stuff with

sad, what exactly is autism in my template though, asking for a friend

This is my list.
hard to pick a album and celeb.

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is chew tobacco as popular in america as I hear it is? or do more people just smoke tobacco?

It depends where you are. The closer to a city the less likely you are to see people dipping tobacco.

lo se. pero por lo bueno el 10 es gratis.

im 27 and I've only met 2 mexicans who chew tobacco. its not so popular here. doesn't it hurt your stomach if you do it too much?

I would imagine that too much nicotine in any form of delivery would be unpleasant.

i hear vaping is also pretty big in america now. wasn't so much when I was going to school there. guess its a good thing. cleaner air and i guess its somewhat healthier.

i love these threads, they show how much r9k sucks nowadays

for example:

back to with you

>i hate anime but i love this western cartoon that has 100K subscribers on reddit
ok go back there

why is the picture quality so shit

xd i love nukes

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>xd i love nukes
I think you replied to the wrong person.
Vaping is huge in America. I would say I see more people vaping than smoking.

>i hate anime but i love this western cartoon that has 100K subscribers on reddi

I dont hate anime user. ask any mexican who ever existed even the grown ones and they'll all tell you we grew up watching dragon ball z and fist of the north star. but I dont watch it anymore since its not so popular here and torrenting here is a pain in the ass to watch. I also dont feel too comfortable posting about anime since all I know about it is from watching DBZ and Fist of the North Star and Cowboy Bepop. but those are somewhat normie animes from what I've gathered reading this website.

again, not that I dont like it, but since I work alot and then dont have time after work to watch it, It becomes hard to take time to watch something that is worth while. last one I watched was Welcome to the NHK and that was really short but good. So I guess I should have put that since its the most recent?

Mainly the Chrysler and the accordian

i knew i was missing something when i was picking the cartoon section, fucking love futurama

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>Vaping is huge in America. I would say I see more people vaping than smoking.

how are the tobacco companies taking to that? this must be hurting them alot.

its a great cartoon. its one of the shows that pushed me to become better at learning english before going to university in the us.

Did they chew or dip? Theres a difference

Not to sound gay but I'm kind of an expert on american tobacco and nicotine products

I have tried everything

I know everything

cringe and shit crop but w/e

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>Did they chew or dip? Theres a difference

dont know what it was called but one was a friend from my apartment block and he would carry around a empty coke bottle and spit it in that. he said it was cheaper then smoking so he did that instead.

I am suspecting this, but there is no evidence. I think that the tobacco companies are in bed with the FDA which is why they are coming down hard on the vape companies, most notably Juul.

wouldn't it make more sense for them to try and buy out juul and just sell vapes since its what the consumer wants?

I mean why destroy something people are willing to pay for? why not just swallow up that company and hike the price to drive people back to regular tobacco?

Good point. I should reconsider my theory. I know that the FDAs main argument against Juul is the flavoring of the pods or something getting children to take up nicotine consumption.

that is a good point. still the FDA must be getting loads of money to spew a bullshit argument like that.

I guess they never seen these huh?

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Here's my bullshit, enjoy

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Dip will come in a round can and chew will come in a bag. Chew is better tasting imo but it's a lot more expensive and harder to get a good buzz. Most likely it was dip.

If I ever got a tattoo it would probably be of this image

>golden sun
Hello fren

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>Dip will come in a round can and chew will come in a bag. Chew is better tasting imo but it's a lot more expensive and harder to get a good buzz. Most likely it was dip.

yeah from what I remember when me and him used to hang out it was in a small plastic box that was circle shaped. we played pc games and they dont let you smoke in pc cafes anymore so he used to do that instead of going outside to smoke.

The picture quality is shit due to my computer being broken and I made it using a cheap android device of which android's have shit image editing software. Unless I was to install a debian emulator on it then run gimp, what else was I to do? Android's I've owned can hardly handle such a method and I'm not savvy enough to do anything beyond that. Anyway, the image editor most like paint I found lowers resolution greatly when editing pictures and inserting them into itself for some gay reason. I blame feature creeping.

t. NEET with no bux of whom has faggots for relatives that think a used laptop is worse tan new cheap android device


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god I miss turned style rpg games...

Did they stop making them? Even if they did, just play the many that were made before.

t. the bad quality user

>doesn't it hurt your stomach if you do it too much?
Never had an upset stomach from chewing or dipping, that typically comes from swallowing your load

>Did they stop making them? Even if they did, just play the many that were made before.

i was a huge FF fan. from 1 to 6 those are the ones I really like to play. Those are the style of games I miss.

after they went 3d I lost interest and began playing broodwar more and more.

>that typically comes from swallowing your load

Vaping outdoors at my bus terminal is banned right next to actual smoking. They ban it along with smoking. I never see people vape anymore than I've seen them smoke, and smoke more in the past of course. It was found to be 98 percent safer, yet they banned it due to magical thinking.

>magical thinking.
at least this shit doesn't work anymore as much as it did back in the 80s. People have the internet and can view non corporate information from around the world.

they can try killing vaping using the usual scare tactics and legal bindings but I dont think it will work.

I'm too boring to fill this out, I only have a favorite thing in handful of those categories.

>tfw choose to have a very boring taste even if i am knowledgeable in lots of irrelevant shit

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Of course it works. Boomers are in charge of politics and they don't do research. Some do but the majority are idiot sheep. So it stays banned even outdoors at my bus terminal. Five years ago you could smoke tobacco on the terminal's property, now they make you go walk off and stand in direct sun and unsheltered by a roof to smoke at all. People are on opposite day. You make e-cigs, they ironically take rights away. A backlash.

I'm not good at paint, or any kind of graphic design software.

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>Of course it works. Boomers are in charge of politics and they don't do research. Some do but the majority are idiot sheep. So it stays banned even outdoors at my bus terminal. Five years ago you could smoke tobacco on the terminal's property, now they make you go walk off and stand in direct sun and unsheltered by a roof to smoke at all. People are on opposite day. You make e-cigs, they ironically take rights away. A backlash.

vaping is not yet very popular in mexico outside of the private school kids that can afford it. most people here dont even know it exists. but I assume that when it does make its way here in masses, it will also be banned the same way it is in states. fucking sucks.

>Don Porfirio Diaz
makes me sad how much of a mistake we made not listing to him. He was only trying to lift us up.
que descanse en paz.

It's no literally banned, but with the rigged systems that the USA likes to make, how can one do it? Like today's zero tolerance over booze. Just having an open container makes you guilty of drunk driving, or having mouth washed even. So you cannot drink, because you need to drive. With e-cigs you do that sort of thing constantly, chain smoke for stress, but you'll lose your job for taking off to smoke break. Another US one is waiting until twenty-one to get drunk, that's just to phase things out.

So yeah, controlled as they say. Never banned. The powers are just something that try their very best to control you. They hate drugs so very much do to the fact that drugs give you more control over yourself.


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I hope you stopped watching by approx season four. Because yikes fuel.

nope still watching, the first seasons hooked me. there have been some good episodes but overall i agree the show turned shit

Hi all, what you think?
I loved Steins Gate, def one of my top. But do you not like music or is it hard for you to place a favorite? For me it's hard to pick a favorite but i just went with what came to my head lol.

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>FINE I'll blow first

>drugs are bad
No wonder so gay. At least you watch it drunk. The show was fine just too long. Some shows end after four seasons. That should have been one of those shows that ended after four seasons. They milked it.

they sure did. the whole two brothers going out on the road eating at comfy diners and sleeping in shit hotels atmosphere is really what got me. which they stopped doing for a couple seasons now but i still end up watching every single new episode when i'm bored and have nothing to do

Supernatural is one of the shows I go back to but stop watching at around four. You should get a list of fav shows to cycle through. There's nothing that great about Supernatural. It's a mood.

>being human
>battlestar gallactica (the good one)
>stargate atlantis (I'm gay)
>insert list of mature touching and funny anime here that are too long to list
Cycle through. It works best if you do booze. You cannot get tired of tv shows you like if you have a list of twenty and drink during. Never gets old. But I'm not going to bother to list twenty. I have many I like. I'd list anime I like but I'm getting sick of solving captchas.

>favorite pokemon: lucario
oh no

>But do you not like music or is it hard for you to place a favorite? For me it's hard to pick a favorite but i just went with what came to my head lol.
Both - I don't like mainstream music, nor do I have any favourites.... I mostly listen to VGM.

some of you guys seem pretty cool.

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For some reason I'm in the mood to share so AMA.

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>mister robot
>neo being a super hero
>octopus as animal
>meme food
>faps to anime

Ree trade me states.

I'm going to bed and won't ask you about that weird taste in shows. I list kratom too.I wonder the politician. I hate history.

it made me write something

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if you say so. love you

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Politician is Thomas Jefferson. I love history.
The show is basically a documentary series on a guy traveling the world researching lesser known drugs. It's pretty good and I didn't know what else to pick.

What godforsaken state are you stuck in?

One of the most awful ones. It's the bog named FL.

However I am aware that due to edgy contrarian right winger teens invading you'll tell me how one of the only good states, Oregon, is bad and one of the worst due to it being blue?

Wagga-Wagga is a gross place for gross people

Nah dude, Oregon's blue but not disgustingly so. We've got decent gun laws, legal pot, no sales tax, nice people, and a beautiful environment. It ain't a Utopia but I can't really ask for much more.

Never been to Florida but boy have I heard a lot. Feelsbadman.

Oregon, from my studies, is one of the only US states worth being in. It is the only, for example, legal weed recreational state that has no laws that allow for dry counties to be made of which is also blue. No other state has those three things. That's how shit the USA is. Only oregon is the three simultaneously. Then there's things like jaywalking not being illegal, salvia is made in oregon where as to in places like FL, we get five years for it. You could write a book about why FL is ass in comparison to Oregon. Three strikes law. So much shit wrong with it.

i couldnt think of a politician i actually liked

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What do you use for this? On a mac, unfortunately.

I'm too boring and indecisive to fill out most of these but I'll try to contribute to the thread at least

>(borderline trap)

I can't tell if your favorite hobby is getting your dick sucked or sucking dick

good drug choice lol

favorite politician is... anarchy??

rip shipman

based cartoon choice, DO NOT make fun of pokemon

can't say much but I do like a lot of these choices

is the girl in your "porn" section a mascot or from an anime or something?

absolute shit effort put into this image but you are a fellow empoleonbro so I'll give you that

quintessentially american and highly based

do you just like dogs in general or specifically goldens?

omastar best fossilmon

what kind of car is that?

fucking love XRA

lol @ the cut up hands holding the butterfly knife. also the cyberpunk car is badass

what car?

interesting instrument choice

fitting superhero to your anime choice

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