why not just get a traditional Japanese girlfriend?
Why not just get a traditional Japanese girlfriend?
I have one. She lives in my head.
i cannot just live in japan
also can you provide salsa fren ?
Noa Nishino
great legs
A traditional Japanese woman wouldn't date a gaijin or star in porn.
Im almost certain thats a penis there
came here to say this
she would rather seppuku than date the likes of me
thank you very much my friendo
Believe me, you don't want this. I fell for this meme.
Traditional Japanese women are actually nightmares to be with. She'll be cute to date because she desperately wants a stable husband and children, so she'll be cute and funny and carefree while she's with you, but as soon as it gets serious and you get married, she'll take control of your money, only have sex to have children (so once she's done having kids, she'll stop having sex and focus on being a mother), and rarely talk to you because traditional Japanese women don't look at marriage as a partnership but a transactional relationship. You give her kids and she gives you sex. Once you meet that goal? You pay the bills and raise your children.
Source: live in japan, dated a dozen girls, married a traditional one. Now she forced us to move out to buttfuck inaka country and I take a 1.45h crowded train into Tokyo for work every day because she wanted a bigger home. I pay all the bills, she cooks (which is nice) but wants my help cutting the vegetables and cleaning the house when I get home. We had our daughter a year ago and haven't had sex since then. She's never in the mood when I try and calls me an American dog for "just" wanting sex. I'm not allowed to play vidya anymore because it's for children and I need to set an example as the father.
She makes my lunches though and that's nice.
Considering running back to America to escape this miserable fucking life I've gotten trapped into but I think she can still follow me and sue for child support.
is that a man
I'm glad you're suffering you race mixing normalfaggot
I've always had a fantasy of moving to Japan. I'm not even a weeb, nor do I like anime. Japanese culture just fascinates me. What's your job there, user? Do you speak Jap?
how did you get permission to live there
I'm the same way, not an anime fan or a weeb. I came here not speaking Japanese, now I've been here four years and speak decently.
I'm a consultant. Came here on a job contract, then when it ran up, spent the next year or so shopping around with temporary consultant jobs, and have been with the company that stuck ever since. It's been a decent deal, they're a European company so it's not like working in a Japanese office.
I like japan a lot, it's a comfortable, affordable country, and the girls make nice eye candy, but I do miss home. I'll answer any questions you have while I'm around (at work right now but I have some time today, the year is winding down)
No you don't
They're even more shallow than american women in the worst way. Like the other user said, they judge your hobbies and interests, and they only see you as money and an ends to a mean. You don't make good money? You're dirt to her. Lose your job? She'll hate you and won't give you any love or support.
You are not even a person to a traditional Japanese wife, especially if you aren't Japanese yourself.
Is your wife hot at least? Got pics? Also, maybe stop being so beta and act the part to get sex. Im sure she got needs too
Interesting. Sounds like consultancy jobs are the way to go if you want to work internationally. How is the salary there? Comparable to Anglo countries? I'm Australian (Sydney) and the cost of living here is ridiculous, even compared to Tokyo.
She's really pretty, most Japanese women are, but that's largely because she wears tons of makeup, spends 45 minutes on her hair every day, and spends half my disposable income on new fashion so she stays "in style". Not comfortable sharing pics on here though, sorry. I could try to find a pic and blur her face, but then she'll just look like your standard slim Japanese girl's body.
There are some weird caveats that come with her looks though. I rarely see her without makeup (at night she takes off her makeup and immediately puts on a facial sheetmask which she wears to bed, and puts on makeup before I wake up), and I'm not allowed to kiss her or touch her face while she has makeup on because I'll ruin it.
I've tried being "dominant", I'm no beta (not a chad either but I like being the dom). She enjoyed it while we were dating, but after we had our daughter, the sex dried up. Japanese women just aren't taught to have the same needs. It's not that they wouldn't enjoy sex, but they think the sex is animalistic and crude and she seems to think she's actually stronger for not needing sex and being able to focus on just being a mother and a housewife. That's why she calls me a dog for wanting sex. She sees it as gratuitous and weak. It's just a very different culture here.
This fucking board has warped my mind into thinking women are sex-craved maniacs. Thanks for your insight user
I took about a 20% pay cut when I first moved here, cost of living (and taxes!) in NYC was insane though so I ended up having 70% MORE disposable income. It was great. But many salaries are pretty low here. I've known a bunch of expats here working for rakuten, recruit, sony, other tech companies and the pay was half mine. English teachers (90% of expats) make even worse pay. Consultancy is the way to go imo because Japanese don't really learn consultancy skills in school (it's too abstract of a subject to put on a multiple choice test like they're taught to think in terms of), so there's a huge gap in the supply and demand here.
imagine wanting a traditional wife
what even is the point of getting married to some personalityless boring husk whose life consists of cleaning, sex, and cooking?
I don't want a traditional japanese gf
I want a degenerate japanese gf
This is actually sounds good.
>not being a sex addict whore
>this is a bad a thing
>they think the sex is animalistic and crude and she seems to think she's actually stronger for not needing sex and being able to focus on just being a mother and a housewife
why did you go there in the first place. you would have been right at home here in babylon
lucky bastard. that's the dream life.
enjoy your divorce rape with your "unique and interesting" western wife.
Trad Japs don't fuck westerners dummy
>Shoes on the carpet and the couch
Am living in Japan dating a Japanese girl rn, doesn't speak English anymore than your average high school graduate does, so we only speak Japanese.
She non-stop says she loves me, we live together, she pays for half if not more than everything we buy together, always buys me food/things, wants to go with me wherever i move to, wants to always be together.
it's been 2 months though. i'm happy but wonder what my future will be like with her sometimes
imagine getting married
How "traditional" excatly are we talking here?
very traditionaI
give me the sauce please brother
Lol'd irl at this post. You really deserved all of that.
Get fucked. Oh wait, you can't.
not traditional enough for my tastes
A traditional japanese girl will not want a gaijn bf.
sounds way over the top. shes prob just trying to hook you in. dont fall for it user
they all look the same unironically and i dont like the eyes
So the salaryman meme is real?
Met any christmas cakes user?
You are married and you have not had sex in over a year. Somehow I don't quite believe that. What's stopping you from just going to a brothel?
I did. I used to be a robot and then I figured out how to get out of the robot trap and I met a traditional Japanese girl who fawns over me and waits on me hand and foot. I might get married to her and have about five little hapas and might even move to Japan to raise them so they can have an anime high school life instead of the hellish American ape houses that pass for public schools.
Now look what you've made me save. Satisfied, you lewd chink?
Spousal rape is legal in Japan. Just saying.
This is only your Japanese girl. Most of them like to fuck.
marry her faggot
Do gyarus exist jap anons?
1. All women are whores, there are no exceptions
2. I'm not in the business of making mutts
3. I don't think Asians are attractive at all
You're living my dream user. Do your best not to fuck it up.
her heels are sparklie
Someone fucking cap this, before the yellow fever fags get in here and shit it up
Japanese women are worse than white women in their hunger for money and status. They'd only consider marrying a howaito piggu gaijin if it meant they had assets to flaunt and would leave him as soon as it dried up. They're not going to marry some obese weeb robot just because he can speak pidgin Japanese and watched a lot of anime. In fact, most Japanese find Western obsession with their media creepy and disgusting.
All of that will stop as soon as you get married. Then it will be about having a kid and once you have a kid that's all she'll focus on. You'll just be money maker from then on.
What the fuck is consultancy?
>traditional japanese woman
>wearing whore heels and stockings
>doing clown faces and showing off her body in porn
She's a rootless westernised jewified whore with no ideals, no culture and no soul.
>normalshit with a yellow fever finds out real life isn't anime, gets completely and irreversibly btfo by a woman probably half his size
Good riddance.
What about her pussy? Is it hairy?
only tradthots want to get married, and you can only blame yourself if you marry a tradthot
Imagine actually believing that a woman who wants to get married and have a legal monogamous relationship is a thot
My best friend brought a girl back home from japan to marry and she brought her mother too lol. Theyre kinda weird like noone in their house says I love you, not to each other not even to the kids, and he admitted to me recently he's new had a blowjob. He was legit surprised that people actually do that, like he thought bjs were some fringe kinky shit for degenerates. They're super religious and were in couples therapy with their pastor cuz he jerked off a few times. She doesnt let him play pc games or watch most abime anymore but we do pathfinder once a month for a few hours and he even had to fight for that bc she thought it was satanic or some crap. Kinda shit but they really do love each other even if they don't say it.
>i cannot just live in japan
literally just teach english lmao
if she wants to marry only to have a kid and then divorce you for your money then she is a thot, yes.
>wife wants whats best for your genetic offspring
>prevents you from being a NEET slob beating off to anime and being a lump playing videogames
>hurr i hate it so much
fuck you
she tells u she loves u? I spent a couple weeks in japan and south korea last yr and the japanese senpai that hosted us were oddly formal with each other and never talked like that or touched or anything and my teacher buddy said it was completely normal of married couples. the woman doted on her son like crazy though, dad didn't seem to notice his existence
What we really want is a 1950's American housewife that looks like a qt anime girl
The majority of women don't go into marriage hoping for divorce, you cum guzzling retard
Why are you such a pathetic doormat?
pretty sure she is a traditional japanese woman
Fuck that. I want to be the stay at home 1950s housewife, but a dude. Fuck getting a real job, my wife can do that.
Alright I take it back, that's fuckin nice. Sorry for being rude earlier
It's not legal in Japan, actually. It's criminalized there just like all other forms of rape.
user, by traditional I don't think OP means a neoliberal lost generation shitstain.
>western women are evil because they will cuck you, divorce you and take your money >:(
>but western women are also pure queens who want to marry you and have your babies :3
which one is it
what makes you think japanese women are any better?
shes a frog person
i dont wanna wake up and have frogspawn falling out my asshole thankyou
>American dog
She's right, it's exactly what you are. Just fap every once in a while and try to be a good husband and a father you lucky american dog.
>live in japan
>cant stand the girls here
>get korean gf
i want a korean gf
its posting
yeah korean girls are so based
i almost fell for the j girl meme but
>no english ability
>no amibitions or dreams
>literally reverse yellow fever, they wont like you for you
>somewhat weak and super sensitive
I love Korean so much.
It's honestly my favorite language phonetically, but I can't be bothered to learn it, because it's completely worthless.
i wanted to learn chinese and i took up a class but i noped the fuck out of that one right away. fuck learning chinese or any east asian language really as a native english speaker