Girl tries to flirt with you

>Girl tries to flirt with you

>Distance yourself because you dont want to reveal your power Level and know nothing between us would go anywhere

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she was probably just being nice you autist

based, need more posters of your caliber on this forum

I kinda know the difference. I'm slow at it, but I could figure out if a girl likes you. This girl for example kept asking if I had a girlfriend and always tried to make a joke to talk to me. Shed act timid sometimes too.

wow it must be so difficult having women throw themselves at you

It's not when you're still a social autist that dont know how to court a woman and cant form real connection with other people. Looks really aren't everything

Can you list some more? Too many times I've run into



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yeah well you have to try anyways and probably fail, faggot. all this sitting around thinking shit's gonna be perfect doesn't work. Fail a few times, be a normal human being in the process, and figure out what about YOU works and doesn't vs trying to level up with advice from the internet. If some girl is actually trying to flirt with you and you aren't completely delusional you're off to a better start than 99% of the other fuckheads lurking around here. It's a start. Work with it.

Maybe she's super into hanging out like a freak on Jow Forums or, *gasp* even reddit, like yourself. You never know because people don't go broadcasting that around immediately in the real world because its, well, fucked up.

how big of a problem do you rate yourself in relation to your success (or obvious lack thereof) at the game of life?

>when she acts timid
>ask questions about you
>laughs at your jokes
>Ask about Dating

I don't like failing with women.

I get 1, 2 and 4, but not those other ones. More here.

You think paul anka didn't make a couple compromises? No one *likes* failing. Stop being a pussy, vault up all the fucked up shit you're into for a couple minutes, and go for it.

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>paul anka

There also a lot of energy and body language to it as well. Women pick it up faster than males. If a girl likes you, she'll want to to keep engaging with her, even if she's shy. That's where your confidence and charm comes to play. Too bad I'm an autist to do those things

>keep looking desperate to women and embarrass yourself till you look like a loser/creep


I dunno, like I said there are times when she's actually engaging and kind of cutesy, but then everything else just makes me not sure. Did you read the post?

dumbass SHE's initiated it.

Ok NOW I read it.

I'd say no, she ain't into you like that. She would at least try and talk to you or put herself in situation for you to talk to her

Yeah I figured, meh whatever. I mean it kinda happens, but not really. When she feels like being engaging she's often the one keeping the convo going, but you're probably right. Oh well.

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then why distance yourself? if she's not into you and just being friendly and you distance yourself that's not only sends crazy signals of you're a creep but actually IS creepy.

I'd rather not try than have a girl lose all of what she thinks about me when I reveal what an autist I am

Nice dubs punk


>not only sends crazy signals of you're a creep but actually IS creepy.

How distancing yourself "creepy"? Isn't it creepy to keep talking to a woman you know you have no chance with?

no because people talk to people they don't have chances with all the time. that's how the normal world works. it's not like you've locked it down. if you don't think you have a chance don't get your hopes up and just keep doing what you're doing. is it that awful to have a chick engage you, laugh at your jokes, etc?

its creepy because relationships, even friendzone ones, start at nothing and move on to something more than nothing, and if you "distance" yourself aka shut down someone who may or may not be into you over what seems like casual small talk esque stuff that makes one seem like a psycho. they think "weird, we were talking and shit and now he's just not talking to me anymore, wtf?" it's weird. It's not like you're on nth date or discussing moving in with each other or how she wants to have your kid after you just met a week ago

Women are more forgiving about social ineptitude when they're the ones initiating contact.
You have the power in this situation.

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not the guy you responded to but why would you want to go through the trouble of developing feelings for someone who doesn't reciprocate? it seems like the rational thing to do, is to shut it down before it gets to that point, in order to save yourself.

>girl flirting with me
>can tell she's a slut
>feel disgusted

Is this how women feel when a non-chad flirts with them?

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Girls flake and ghost men all the time and its totally acceptable by society. How is this any different. We just don't feel the need to keep engaging.

if you can get that wrapped up in something WITHOUT any reciprocation that's the first issue that needs addressing.

>Women are more forgiving about social ineptitude when they're the ones initiating contact.

Wouldn't it be a sign of weakness which women hate?

i'm not saying it's a civic duty that needs to be fulfilled.

>be me a few years ago
>just transferred to new school because hated that school system and wasn't doing well
>qt 5.5/10 brit girl started chatting with me during camp
>we hit it off and were just everywhere together
>almost at the end of the camp, suddenly remember why i had to transfer
>decided to focus on academic
>started to chat with her less and less
>she gave up
i ruined myself, lads

This has always been the case.

Today a chick was so aggressive that I broke down and asked for her number just to have time to retreat and figure out what was going on.

I hope I've found my future femdom gf lads

I wish she hadn't asked if I was gay but I get that she wanted to be sure my aloofness wasn't disinterest


Yeah, the return of getting into a university was far less than anticipated considering the work I put into it. I probably would have done equally well even if I didn't ditch her so I do feel some regret.

so how do you know when someone is going to reciprocate? what??

You need to reciprocate if you're interested, even if without a shadow of a doubt she is factually uninterested in you long-term. The reason you're stuck where you are socially is because you never got to figure out what works and doesn't work. A child doesn't understand that heat is dangerous until they touch the stove, not just by following their conscience's advice and not getting involved.

tl;dr: OP, you're so focused on the forest you can't see the tree right in front of you which points the way out.

>16 yrs old user
Maybe you'd be better at it if you start reading the rules here

Not exactly. A fuccboi is still considerable from even a virtuous woman's perspective, there might come a time when she needs a revenge rebound and he might be of use. What you're describing is a kind of moral disgust that gives you a feeling of superiority, but when you flirt with girls what they feel is a physical disgust which makes them want to throw up, like being approached by a begging raccoon.

You're only 16, not only does that mean you should fuck off but it also means you shouldn't take yourself so seriously. Also, be more vague itf about your age so people will give you more genuine responses, like this one.

Very, very wise.

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You don't mean it

oh but i do. it's exactly what i was trying to say but more eloquent

>focused on the forest you can't see the tree right in front of you which points the way out.

With your same argument, I'm going to wonder around the huge forest because I'm too focused on each tree with no chance of escape.

Girls dont like socially inept men. That is what I know about women and dating

>Girls dont like socially inept men. That is what I know about women and dating

Ha, but they do. Especially the socially inept ones. Stop focusing on each tree, and start focusing on the ones who point the way. Start cutting your teeth. Start talking to Sandra when Stacy tells you to fuck off, start marking trees off as trees that don't point you anywhere and marking those trees which do guide the way. And fuck around a bit! Flirting is meant to be ludic as well as provocative, meaning a lot of people do it just to pass the time, not even necessarily because they're interested in you. It gives you a self-esteem boost to say something clever and suggestive to a woman because it shows you have the balls to put it out there. Don't be creepy about it, just make a joke and smile and own it.

Goddamn you, adorable Ron Burgundy, you have the charm of some kind of a trickster-god

>Don't be creepy about it, just make a joke and smile and own it.

How about not talking to them ar all to not be creepy

Because that doesn't serve you at all. You'll be looked more down upon for not speaking a word to them then you will for even saying something cringy. And as long as you aren't second-guessing yourself then girls will be forced to make a judgment call on you, but I say it's better to speak in defense of yourself then to not speak at all. I don't know, it's not for everyone to be assertive, but for some people it's an important thing to master. The trick to getting over anxiety is literally just not worrying about outcomes. Not to become some monster who tramples through life but to act decisively and to not care about the outcome except for what it teaches you.

>socially ostracize yourself
Gross. You don't belong here.

All these anons sound like Chad's trying to give normie tier "just talk to her bro" advice.

What advice is better than "Just Do It" I ask you, truly.

Yeah I'll still say hi an shit, but I know nothing will ever happen.

yeah and you guys wonder why you're virgins lmao.

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Im a virgin because I don't want to be laughed at or be called a "creep" because Im trying to "woo" a girl. How is that a hard concept to understand?

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That isn't a hard concept to understand.

I don't mean to be an asshole and I'm sure you'll take it that way, but let me just illustrate with an extremely topical example:

>Be me 2 months ago, in a terrible situation in my life, working a minimum wage job at 26 and suffering massive anxiety about whether I even have a future or not with the degree I just had printed for me, was inbetween apartments and crashing at my friend's place with no car
>Absolutely transparent at work about my situation
>This is just to give you context for why I should by all means be considered a 'creep' in the story I'm about to tell you
>Start talking to this really cute younger girl at work, like freshman in college young
>I get good vibes when we're around each other so I find stuff to connect with and we end up making plans to go on a group trip to the movies
>We go and at the end of the night it's just me and her and we watch a bit of a Netflix movie together
>I make a move
>She turns me down, gives me textbook explanations, I feel pretty dumb but I just laugh it off, it wasn't anything too forward so whatever
>After that I later find out she told other people about what happened much to my chagrin
>I still promised to remain friends with her though, so I let it pass into memory and moved on
>Tonight I got back from a party she was at and she just gave me a 3 A.M. text saying I looked good, I told her the same, she sent a bunch of emojis and passed the fuck out

The reason the story is so long is because it's important you realize that it took me a month of sticking to my decisions and not acting embarrassed and putting myself out there to get to this point. It sucked and I can assure you I felt like a creep for weeks, but I sucked it up and acted unashamed. It's hard not to hate the players when you hate the game so much, dude, but I'm just getting that small dick energy from you that you only hate the game because you never play it.

Well I AM creepy, but I happen to be good looking enough where people want to talk to me when I know I have nothing to offer them. I try to entertain them and try to talk with any girl when it seems like they want to talk, but I never initiate unless I sense a strange energy to the very fact I'm not initiating anything, which usually ends up in a shit convo that make them actually want silence. Normals are fucking annoying, why hasn't a meteor destroyed our planet yet?

>sense a strange energy to the very fact I'm not initiating anything

This is fucking relateable, I know exactly what you mean. I think it's the fact that people expect social interaction when they're together, so much so that if you're not enemies you need to chit-chat or else you're giving off weird or intimidating vibes. The reason your conversations with people like that end up being shit is because you start the conversation out of the pure necessity to end the awkward silence that it's contrived and your heart's not in it. If you're around a girl who you can't make easy conversation with, reconsider the girl. One of the sweetest and aptest displays of compatibility is feeling comfortable around someone, like you can tell them anything or just say nothing at all and it doesn't matter either way. I have male and female friends I feel this way about, too, it's not just rooted in some sexual motive, it's purely spiritual.

I don't "consider" any girl, I'm a creep on self-improvement binge and don't want any more than that currently. If girl wanted to be my friend I'd try, but I'm so awkward and from so much self-loathing that it'd be hard to repress vibes that would send off signals of me being a perverted freak. Women expect men to be forward about anything, even friendship. Awkwardness itself is disgusting to them, at least after middle school.
>One of the sweetest and aptest displays of compatibility is feeling comfortable around someone
I agree with this and am trying to be more comfortable with "being comfortable" with any and everyone, and being comfortable with the impending backlash of doing so, as most people are selfish narcissists who don't give two shits about anything about you.

If you're awkward around someone, you should probably attempt to distance yourself from them. It's unfortunate but true. My only point was that you should move on from being who aren't giving you the time of day.

Well I'm awkward around everyone, but narcissists will think it's because I want to rape them or something. There are people at my work who ignore most everything I say and are mild assholes, but I still treat them neutrally to keep things smooth, and they tend to start being more open to me or loosely invite me to something (which I never pursue).

>treat them neutrally

That's smart. That's really all I meant. You have to be civil, of course.

iktf user. I have been lifting for the past 6 months and now it's starting to pay off. A girl told me to my face she thought I was good looking at a bar the other night. Literally just said >t-thanks and didn't respond. She left me alone and felt relief and disappointment all at once.

>>t-thanks and didn't respond


I'm glad you're lifting though, bro, and I'm glad it's paying off. Next time say >y-you too, though okay?