How can one show be so Jow Forums

How can one show be so Jow Forums

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>le failed normie horse
Fuck off.

Because its actually reddit

>im depressed xddddddddd
>oh no im more depressed
>now im happy
>now im sad

Binged the whole series recently, really liked it I have to say. Not sure if I'd call it Jow Forums material but it was very enjoyable.

Accusing others of bring Reddit is something redditors do to try to fit in.

>he knows exactly what redditors would do
hmmmmm, where did you say you were from again?

where did i mention reddit, brainlet? i watched 2 seasons of bojack and those 4 things are basically the entire show.
it starts with the horse being depressed, even more depressed after 5-8 minutes, and when the episode is almost ending he gets happy and sad again.

Are you legit retarded? Really he never mentioned Reddit. You in the other hand...

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>rich and gets into relationships frequently

so relatable lmao

>rich hollywood celebrity lives a luxurious hedonistic orgy of a life, but gets sad because he's not as famous as he used to be and is a bad person
Not seeing the connection to Jow Forums. F is For Family is better.

Not once in his post did he mention reddit.

Stop strawmanning me. He implied Reddit.
The post was meant for

>Stop strawmanning me.
You clearly have no idea what that word means.

I liked the first season but then it did get very Reddity in an obnoxious way. Like there is an asexual character and they call him an "acer", there is a passing joke where some cat says that some other chick was so basic(insert egotistical chemistry joke). I had to stop watching. Its also not a very productive show from where I got. They are all terrible characters morally. Many think that their intellect makes up for their shitty character, mr peanut butter is only good because he doesnt understand evil, Todd has no independence and is basically just a dumb bojack without depression. I watched it when I was very depressed and it made it worse.

Go easy on him. It's his first time leaving the front page of the internet and he's very nervous coming somewhere that isn't his personal hugbox

>A cartoon horse can exacerbate your emotional problems
No wonder you wanted to kill yourself

None of them attacked my argument
Also samefag

That isnt what a strawman is you fuckkng retard

>how can only show be so plebbit

How can you pretend to have a formal debate when your first post in this thread was a inflammatory, baseless accusation?

It was meant for someone else

Bojangles is a has-been
Robots are a never-been.

''omg look at us, user from r9k we are the ones really depressed xd true suffering xd waaaah nobody else has the right to be depressed''
swear to got this site is ruined by normalfaggots and kids that likes to think they are special and part of a super duper secret edgy community.

The replies ITT make me happy, this is real Jow Forums. It shows how quality increases by orders of magnitude at non burger hours. At noon this thread would be met with nothing but omg le epik sad horse xDDD so relatable amirite robros xDDDDD

So true, I've seen it before and I'm not usually on here at this time

As an American living in Europe I agree

Is it really that unusual to never talk to anyone but cashiers and waiters? Because I dont understand how a show about social interaction could possibly be Jow Forums.

by being sad and shit

>filthy rich
>Fucked tons if women
>Holds himself right in social situations
>Unironic scumbug fot the most part

I like the show but he is really not r9k

I don't get it. It's just another one of those cheap stoner cartoons. I guess it isn't as obnoxious and in-your-face as MacFarlane shit but that's not an accomplishment.