>he's a robot and he doesn't vote Democrat.
Explain yourself.
He's a robot and he doesn't vote Democrat
Not american. Not bound to any single party or ideology.
>hes a robot and votes at all
oh im laffin
> He's a robot
> He should vote for degeneracy enablers
> the very thing robots hate
Good job user outing yourself as a retard
>Not american. Not bound to any single party or ideology
>not hating neolibs and neocons equally because neither of them will ever name the jew
I'm not arguing in favor of degeneracy, but why would you want being economically fucked by the Republicans further and further?
>he's a robot
>he votes
stick your finger in your ass and then lick it
Secrecy of the ballot. It's all a scam.
>"The doctors hate me."
Not so funny when it's true.
I don't vote.
I like to be not original.
I show up every year and draw dicks on the ballots
>voting by the party
>voting at all
>caring about politics as a robot
>namefagging on an anonymous board
What a fag.
>getting cucked by non-whites/degenerates/libtards/etc. bad
>getting cucked by white conservatives good
>not getting cucked: Helicopter rides are too merciful for detractors.
In a nutshell.
I can't be arsed to vote. If anything At best Im an anarchist and at worst I'm a nihilist.
Maybe if Rob Ford rises from the grave I'll pull a Bleeding Kansas and move to Canaderp just to get him elected.
Democrats economically fuck you too, they just use a different part of the ledger.
I'm not American. But I'd rather have to wage slave and have a functioning society around me than a Jungle.
Voting is just deciding which asshole you want to shit all over the country for the next four years.
Because I like my country and don't want to see it changed into something else
>Voting is just deciding which asshole you want to shit all over the country for the next four years.
You're right. Both options suck. But for the average robot, Democrats suck less. Ironic that were so fucking stupid that we keep shilling Trump and look at what Americans got.
Vote third party, then. Individual votes are more important there, and you get to pick between less mainstream options.
"The economy is doing better under democrats"
Current republican president - beloved by republicans unlike anyone else (see Approval ratings)
>tfw white nationalist but pro-Jewish
Jews hate me because I'm a racist, and racists hate me because I'm a Jew lover.
I'm not american.
Myself and like the rest of my family, we vote Labor.
Yeah. Look at how America has better numbers than ever, more jobs and shit. Truly a failure this Trump.
sorry sweetie but trump won! look forward to the next 6 years btw lol!
>Vote third party,
Might as well just chuck your vote in the bin.
...do you not understand your own system? This is really embarrassing, user. By voting for one of the two candidates you're minimizing the impact of your voice.
>hes a robot and shows any interest in worldly drama and bickering
You gotta vote for Katter's Australia Party, mate.
I always found it weird that NEETs with MAGA hats are a thing
this, a true robot is not intrested in politics like some normalfag and he nows that voting would change nothing, because the world is full of shit
I don't really care for Katter's all that much honestly.
You have a small brain then.
Some neets are neet because why contribute to a society they don't like?
Imagine unironically shilling your ideology on the shitposting section of a Mongolian basket weaving forum. For all this talk of "muh Jow Forumstards ruining Jow Forums" most of the time they seem to just be responding to left wing posts to begin with. *thinking*
>having a political opinion
good one, op
My point is that a NEET should be in favor of social welfare programs, which Trump naturally would want to wheel back
>mfw americans have to bin their vote
>My point is that a NEET should be in favor of social welfare programs
why? Not all NEETS are leeches and the ones that are just leech off their parents. I feel like you're just desperate for your gibs so you are trying to recruit depressed people to go out and vote for you, kind of sad desu.
>be a centrist
>vote third party in the 2016 election
>democrats push even further left
>vote Republican/independant in 2018
Keep doubling down on retardation and I'll keep voting more right just to spite you.
If you've never been employed, educated, nor trained, how do you support yourself, I ask you?
And my point was that some neets would gladly work for a society they supported.
Yes, welfare would be a concern for most neets but sometimes there are more important issues to deal with.
innawoods stealing starbucks wifi. Government can't tax you if you live so humbly no one notices. Also i have been educated before obviously. I could go live with my parents if i wanted but i like independence. If you have any questions about any individual aspect of my life ask away.
Yes, I want to know what you're trying to avoid.
Some neets while needing welfare acknowledge the fact that their life isn't a good life and isn't sustainable as it is. You should vote by thinking of society not only yourself
Not trying to avoid anything really, i guess i don't want to pay taxes or contribute to a society that shunned me from birth. Why should i work 10 hour shifts cleaning shit and vomit just so the majority of my pay can go to the bitches who tormented me throughout my childhood. Fuck them i wish taxes didn't exist so everyone had to survive on their own merit. I would feel bad for the disabled but certainly not these dumb fuck roasties.
That just seems a bit convoluted. I'd think most people are loyal first and foremost to themselves and their own prosperity, so a NEET would be in favor of welfare programs because of how it provides for them. I could easily see a NEET who claims to abstain from a flawed system also rationalize that welfare is necessary for their decision to abstain, and that they are grateful that they live in a country at least good enough to provide for them in their form of economic protest.
But of course, I don't believe any NEET is really "protesting." When it comes down to it, it's just indolence. I'm not labelling that positively or negatively, just calling a spade a spade. Laziness doesn't anger me, which is why I myself am not opposed to welfare even for those who don't feel "ready" for life.
They probably pay more than you in taxes
You say "contribute to a society that shunned me from birth." So you're misanthropic. You're running from humanity. Now I see.
of course they do because i pay zero dollars in taxes fuck those whores. They can pay for the road i walk on for once.
>So you're misanthropic
Not strictly i believe there are a handful of amazing humans out there. I would label myself as more a misogynistic pessimist
>I'd think most people are loyal first and foremost to themselves and their own prosperity
You may be statistically correct but not by too much.
>misogynistic pessimist
So hate really does fuel you, then. The only reason I'd imagine why a NEET who contributes zero to the system and basically taking zero from it would give a damn about the poor, mentally ill, or even just lazy taking advantage of said system is because he or she hated society. Not a misanthrope, then, just a typical Trump supporter.
Morally I know that the right wing is the right side, but I vote for her who ever promises more neetbux
I do hate society just not so much the system as the people who corrupt it. Also i am not really "fueled" by hatred although it is the reason i am a NEET. Really my fuel comes from a mixture of hope, faith, and duty to those who deserve it. Otherwise i would see little reason to wake up in the morning. I do care about SOME poor and mentally ill people but i only care about those who deserve it. Also lazy people exploiting the system are a bit cowardly imo. They are gaining a dependence on government when they should be building an independence. One day they will stop receiving aid (probably because of a depression) and they will realize they built nothing because they thought the government was an eternal infallible construct.
>that picture
That's exactly the argument antifa makes about punching nazis
Yeah except libertarians actually do respect rights and are therefore not hypocritical when using the argument. Antifa does not respect basic human rights and are therefore not moral agents entitled to human rights themselves.
Yeah but Commies have been scientifically proven to be lesser humans.
It is hypocritical though, since a Commie is still a human (even though lesser), and berts claim to respect rights.
NatSoc never made such a claim so we can kill Commies all we want.
>nazis were libertarians
It's true, you know. The Austrians love Hitler.
I can finally see where the anti-china sentiment is coming from.
>commie is still a human
Guess we will just have to agree to disagree because we clearly have different criteria for what makes a man
I wouldn't say nazis were libertarians although i would say i appreciate how they don't even pretend to be. I hate how every political ideology claims to be fighting for freedom while at the same time fighting against it. Fascists have the honor to at least be honest.
If I do even vote, I won't vote fot autistic democrats. Fuck those idiots.
>being a robot
explain yourself.
common sense
your own mistakes should not dictate what is better for most people. everyone who is not a republican lack brain cells
I know OP is some fag who's been posting politics threads to shill for democrats, but I want to ask something to other anons in this thread. Is it true that hikikomoris in Japan are super conservative?
You must be one of those idiots that think uncontrolled immigration is also good for the economy.
Don't be a useful idiot, Kierkegaard, think for yourself.
oh shit i didn't even realize it was kierke, lmao kinda ironic to see him advocate for the party of abortion.
>You must be one of those idiots that think uncontrolled immigration is also good for the economy.
I hate immigrants.
I do think for myself.
I never said I was in favor of abortion.
>>he's a robot and he doesn't vote Democrat.
Implying id vote for the DUMBO-KKK-RATS
>Not being an anarcho-traditionalist tribalist
Wow you people are a little slow huh? When are you going to work towards something that will actually improve our aswell as everyone's lives?
Democrats argue that immigration helps the economy and that argument itself shows that they have a from above complex because they are arguing from a CEOs perspective. Normal people care about maintaining culture and traditions while living in a peaceful society
because 70 years of democrats in detroit sure paved the streets with gold.
cancerous pedo cartoon posting namefags like you are pretty stupid
unless born into massive wealth, neets are and always will be leeches otherwise they will not afford to exist in this society. kys
Do you ever feel guilty about the fact that you are threatening the country and all your friends/family with Venezuela-style collapse just because you personally can't hold a real job?
>the only reason you would care about parasites taking advantage of society is because you hate society
Pretty sure its the opposite, only selfish filth are willing to support your 3rd world commie crap because it is obviously bad for society. Like that's the commie bargain: let's ruin this society so i can pretend im not poor for 10 or 20 years
>>he's a robot and he doesn't vote Democrat.
A real robot would be too anxious to go to the polls.
>caring about muh deejenuhrucy
>caring about muh whiteness
>caring about making the lifes of people who hate you better
what excuse do alt liters have?
>he's a robot and he votes at all, when in 90% of cases its the member with most money(advertisements) wins
I just vote whatever upsets people the most. I want then to be miserable like me.
>getting rid of winner takes all for states in presidential elections
>put 8 year ban on congressmen becoming lobbyists
>take election administration out of party hands
>develop secure online voting platform
>add mandatory no confidence vote, and instate a minimum elector count to become president, then new candidates are chosen with a new election if the minimum is not met.
>institute campaign finance reform which limits amount of money able to be collected from each quintile of the economic scale, so the super wealthy don't have such an inordinate influence on the process
maybe do all of these things, and voting won't seem like such a fucking bad joke.
>implying anyone ever did anything nice for me
Robots don't vote. If you vote you are not a robot.
Robots don't vote. That's the end of discussion.
I'm a FUCKING LEAF (originally)
Democrats are enablers